[VOL-3437] Implement (incremental) flow config removal with according OMCI VLAN configuration and some further code corrections and smaller functional extensions -> version 0.1.13-dev135, now merged with [VOL-3586] und included correction for missing Techprofile configuration at disable/enable procedure

Signed-off-by: mpagenko <michael.pagenkopf@adtran.com>
Change-Id: I438a72867d5da83c505a30169d7d5aba8f8ee8c2
diff --git a/internal/pkg/onuadaptercore/openonu.go b/internal/pkg/onuadaptercore/openonu.go
index ce33c8e..7056cd7 100644
--- a/internal/pkg/onuadaptercore/openonu.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/onuadaptercore/openonu.go
@@ -321,6 +321,10 @@
 		logger.Warnw("device disabled or offline - skipping flow-update", log.Fields{"ConnectStatus": device.ConnectStatus,
 			"AdminState": device.AdminState, "deviceId": device.Id})
 		return fmt.Errorf("non-matching device state: %s", device.Id)
+		//TODO!!: verify if some flow delete activity as observed in BBSIM tests after ONU-down indication
+		//  has some system impact on general behavior after ONU up again (as no flow is really removed here)
+		//  but it may only be related to following device_delete, which anyway should clear up all stuff
+		//  (testing needed with new device-enable [after device-delete] ...)
 	// For now, there is no support for group changes (as in the actual Py-adapter code)