[VOL-4469] Onu adapter reconcilement may stuck on VLAN processing, especially in TT traffic scenarios

Signed-off-by: mpagenko <michael.pagenkopf@adtran.com>
Change-Id: If321388c67e2e52eb04b8a55167eb3c1c7575e5d
diff --git a/internal/pkg/core/device_handler.go b/internal/pkg/core/device_handler.go
index f1005e6..0203575 100755
--- a/internal/pkg/core/device_handler.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/core/device_handler.go
@@ -55,8 +55,15 @@
-// Constants for timeouts
 const (
+	//constants for reconcile flow check channel
+	cWaitReconcileFlowAbortOnSuccess = 0xFFFD
+	cWaitReconcileFlowAbortOnError   = 0xFFFE
+	cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity     = 0xFFFF
+const (
+	// constants for timeouts
 	cTimeOutRemoveUpgrade = 1 //for usage in seconds
@@ -180,30 +187,33 @@
 	//discOnus sync.Map
 	//onus     sync.Map
 	//portStats          *OpenOltStatisticsMgr
-	collectorIsRunning          bool
-	mutexCollectorFlag          sync.RWMutex
-	stopCollector               chan bool
-	alarmManagerIsRunning       bool
-	mutextAlarmManagerFlag      sync.RWMutex
-	stopAlarmManager            chan bool
-	stopHeartbeatCheck          chan bool
-	uniEntityMap                cmn.OnuUniPortMap
-	mutexKvStoreContext         sync.Mutex
-	lockVlanConfig              sync.RWMutex
-	lockVlanAdd                 sync.RWMutex
-	UniVlanConfigFsmMap         map[uint8]*avcfg.UniVlanConfigFsm
-	lockUpgradeFsm              sync.RWMutex
-	pOnuUpradeFsm               *swupg.OnuUpgradeFsm
-	upgradeCanceled             bool
-	reconciling                 uint8
-	mutexReconcilingFlag        sync.RWMutex
-	chReconcilingFinished       chan bool //channel to indicate that reconciling has been finished
-	mutexReadyForOmciConfig     sync.RWMutex
-	readyForOmciConfig          bool
-	deletionInProgress          bool
-	mutexDeletionInProgressFlag sync.RWMutex
-	pLastUpgradeImageState      *voltha.ImageState
-	upgradeFsmChan              chan struct{}
+	collectorIsRunning             bool
+	mutexCollectorFlag             sync.RWMutex
+	stopCollector                  chan bool
+	alarmManagerIsRunning          bool
+	mutextAlarmManagerFlag         sync.RWMutex
+	stopAlarmManager               chan bool
+	stopHeartbeatCheck             chan bool
+	uniEntityMap                   cmn.OnuUniPortMap
+	mutexKvStoreContext            sync.Mutex
+	lockVlanConfig                 sync.RWMutex
+	lockVlanAdd                    sync.RWMutex
+	UniVlanConfigFsmMap            map[uint8]*avcfg.UniVlanConfigFsm
+	lockUpgradeFsm                 sync.RWMutex
+	pOnuUpradeFsm                  *swupg.OnuUpgradeFsm
+	upgradeCanceled                bool
+	reconciling                    uint8
+	mutexReconcilingFlag           sync.RWMutex
+	chUniVlanConfigReconcilingDone chan uint16 //channel to indicate that VlanConfig reconciling for a specific UNI has been finished
+	chReconcilingFinished          chan bool   //channel to indicate that reconciling has been finished
+	reconcileExpiryComplete        time.Duration
+	reconcileExpiryVlanConfig      time.Duration
+	mutexReadyForOmciConfig        sync.RWMutex
+	readyForOmciConfig             bool
+	deletionInProgress             bool
+	mutexDeletionInProgressFlag    sync.RWMutex
+	pLastUpgradeImageState         *voltha.ImageState
+	upgradeFsmChan                 chan struct{}
 	flowCbChan                     []chan FlowCb
 	mutexFlowMonitoringRoutineFlag sync.RWMutex
@@ -239,7 +249,16 @@
 	dh.lockUpgradeFsm = sync.RWMutex{}
 	dh.UniVlanConfigFsmMap = make(map[uint8]*avcfg.UniVlanConfigFsm)
 	dh.reconciling = cNoReconciling
+	dh.chUniVlanConfigReconcilingDone = make(chan uint16)
 	dh.chReconcilingFinished = make(chan bool)
+	dh.reconcileExpiryComplete = adapter.maxTimeoutReconciling //assumption is to have it as duration in s!
+	rECSeconds := int(dh.reconcileExpiryComplete / time.Second)
+	if rECSeconds < 2 {
+		dh.reconcileExpiryComplete = time.Duration(2) * time.Second //ensure a minimum expiry time of 2s for complete reconciling
+		rECSeconds = 2
+	}
+	rEVCSeconds := rECSeconds / 2
+	dh.reconcileExpiryVlanConfig = time.Duration(rEVCSeconds) * time.Second //set this duration to some according lower value
 	dh.readyForOmciConfig = false
 	dh.deletionInProgress = false
 	dh.pLastUpgradeImageState = &voltha.ImageState{
@@ -812,7 +831,7 @@
 		} else {
 			logger.Errorw(ctx, "reconciling - restoring OnuTp-data failed - abort", log.Fields{"err": err, "device-id": dh.DeviceID})
-		dh.StopReconciling(ctx, false)
+		dh.stopReconciling(ctx, false, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
 	var onuIndication oop.OnuIndication
@@ -832,7 +851,7 @@
 	if pDevEntry == nil {
 		logger.Errorw(ctx, "No valid OnuDevice - aborting", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 		if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, false)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, false, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
@@ -846,7 +865,7 @@
 		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - no uni-configs have been stored before adapter restart - terminate reconcilement",
 			log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 		if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, true)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
@@ -934,13 +953,13 @@
 		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - no TPs have been stored before adapter restart - terminate reconcilement",
 			log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 		if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, true)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
 	if abTechProfInstLoadFailed {
-		dh.StopReconciling(ctx, false)
+		dh.stopReconciling(ctx, false, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
 	} else if dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
@@ -949,7 +968,7 @@
 		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - no flows have been stored before adapter restart - terminate reconcilement",
 			log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 		if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, true)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
@@ -961,8 +980,13 @@
 	if pDevEntry == nil {
 		logger.Errorw(ctx, "No valid OnuDevice - aborting", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 		if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, false)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, false, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
+		//else we don't stop the device handler reconciling in constellation with omci configuration
+		//  to avoid unintented state update to rwCore due to still running background processes
+		//  such is e.g. possible in TT scenarios with multiple techProfiles as currently the end of processing
+		//  of all techProfiles is not awaited (ready on first TP done event)
+		//  (applicable to all according code points below)
@@ -972,11 +996,14 @@
 		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - no uni-configs have been stored before adapter restart - terminate reconcilement",
 			log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 		if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, true)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
 	flowsFound := false
+	var uniVlanConfigEntries []uint8
+	var loWaitGroupWTO cmn.WaitGroupWithTimeOut
 	for _, uniData := range pDevEntry.SOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig {
 		//TODO: check for uni-port specific reconcilement in case of multi-uni-port-per-onu-support
 		if len(uniData.PersFlowParams) == 0 {
@@ -985,7 +1012,7 @@
 		if len(uniData.PersTpPathMap) == 0 {
-			logger.Warnw(ctx, "reconciling - flows but no TPs stored for uniID",
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "reconciling flows - but no TPs stored for uniID, abort",
 				log.Fields{"uni-id": uniData.PersUniID, "device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 			// It doesn't make sense to configure any flows if no TPs are available
@@ -1002,46 +1029,20 @@
 			logger.Errorw(ctx, "reconciling - OnuUniPort data not found  - terminate reconcilement",
 				log.Fields{"uniNo": uniNo, "device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 			if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-				dh.StopReconciling(ctx, false)
+				dh.stopReconciling(ctx, false, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
-		flowsFound = true
-		lastFlowToReconcile := false
-		flowsProcessed := 0
-		pDevEntry.SetReconcilingFlows(true)
-		for _, flowData := range uniData.PersFlowParams {
-			logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - add flow with cookie slice", log.Fields{
-				"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "uni-id": uniData.PersUniID, "cookies": flowData.CookieSlice})
-			if flowsProcessed == len(uniData.PersFlowParams)-1 {
-				lastFlowToReconcile = true
-			}
-			//the slice can be passed 'by value' here, - which internally passes its reference copy
-			dh.lockVlanConfig.Lock()
-			if _, exist = dh.UniVlanConfigFsmMap[uniData.PersUniID]; exist {
-				if err := dh.UniVlanConfigFsmMap[uniData.PersUniID].SetUniFlowParams(ctx, flowData.VlanRuleParams.TpID,
-					flowData.CookieSlice, uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.MatchVid), uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetVid),
-					uint8(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetPcp), lastFlowToReconcile, flowData.Meter, nil); err != nil {
-					logger.Errorw(ctx, err.Error(), log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
-				}
-			} else {
-				if err := dh.createVlanFilterFsm(ctx, uniPort, flowData.VlanRuleParams.TpID, flowData.CookieSlice,
-					uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.MatchVid), uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetVid),
-					uint8(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetPcp), cmn.OmciVlanFilterAddDone, lastFlowToReconcile, flowData.Meter, nil); err != nil {
-					logger.Errorw(ctx, err.Error(), log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
-				}
-			}
-			dh.lockVlanConfig.Unlock()
-			flowsProcessed++
-		} //for all flows of this UNI
+		//needed to split up function due to sca complexity
+		dh.updateReconcileFlowConfig(ctx, uniPort, uniData.PersFlowParams, uniVlanConfigEntries, &loWaitGroupWTO, &flowsFound)
 		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - flows processed", log.Fields{
-			"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "uni-id": uniData.PersUniID, "flowsProcessed": flowsProcessed,
+			"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "uni-id": uniData.PersUniID,
 			"NumUniFlows":       dh.UniVlanConfigFsmMap[uniData.PersUniID].NumUniFlows,
 			"ConfiguredUniFlow": dh.UniVlanConfigFsmMap[uniData.PersUniID].ConfiguredUniFlow})
 		// this can't be used as global finished reconciling flag because
 		// assumes is getting called before the state machines for the last flow is completed,
 		// while this is not guaranteed.
-		//dh.SetReconcilingFlows(false)
 		pDevEntry.MutexPersOnuConfig.RLock() //set protection again for loop test on SOnuPersistentData
 	} // for all UNI entries from SOnuPersistentData
@@ -1050,18 +1051,176 @@
 		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - no flows have been stored before adapter restart - terminate reconcilement",
 			log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 		if !dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, true)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
 	if dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
+		//only with 'SkipOnuConfig' we need to wait for all finished-signals
+		//  from vlanConfig processing of all UNI's.
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling flows - waiting on ready indication of requested UNIs", log.Fields{
+			"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "expiry": dh.reconcileExpiryVlanConfig})
+		if executed := loWaitGroupWTO.WaitTimeout(dh.reconcileExpiryVlanConfig); executed {
+			logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling flows for all UNI's has been finished in time",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowAbortOnSuccess)
+			if pDevEntry != nil {
+				pDevEntry.SendChReconcilingFlowsFinished(true)
+			}
+		} else {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "timeout waiting for reconciling flows for all UNI's to be finished!",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, false, cWaitReconcileFlowAbortOnError)
+			if pDevEntry != nil {
+				pDevEntry.SendChReconcilingFlowsFinished(false)
+			}
+			return
+		}
+func (dh *deviceHandler) updateReconcileFlowConfig(ctx context.Context, apUniPort *cmn.OnuUniPort,
+	aPersFlowParam []cmn.UniVlanFlowParams, aUniVlanConfigEntries []uint8,
+	apWaitGroup *cmn.WaitGroupWithTimeOut, apFlowsFound *bool) {
+	flowsProcessed := 0
+	lastFlowToReconcile := false
+	loUniID := apUniPort.UniID
+	for _, flowData := range aPersFlowParam {
+		if dh.IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling() {
+			if !(*apFlowsFound) {
+				*apFlowsFound = true
+				syncChannel := make(chan struct{})
+				// start go routine with select() on reconciling vlan config channel before
+				// starting vlan config reconciling process to prevent loss of any signal
+				// this routine just collects all the received 'flow-reconciled' signals - possibly from different UNI's
+				go dh.waitOnUniVlanConfigReconcilingReady(ctx, syncChannel, apWaitGroup)
+				//block until the wait routine is really blocked on channel input
+				//  in order to prevent to early ready signal from VlanConfig processing
+				<-syncChannel
+			}
+			if flowsProcessed == len(aPersFlowParam)-1 {
+				var uniAdded bool
+				lastFlowToReconcile = true
+				if aUniVlanConfigEntries, uniAdded = dh.appendIfMissing(aUniVlanConfigEntries, loUniID); uniAdded {
+					apWaitGroup.Add(1) //increment the waiting group
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// note for above block: also lastFlowToReconcile (as parameter to flow config below)
+		//   is only relevant in the vlanConfig processing for IsSkipOnuConfigReconciling = true
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - add flow with cookie slice", log.Fields{
+			"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "uni-id": loUniID,
+			"flowsProcessed": flowsProcessed, "cookies": flowData.CookieSlice})
+		dh.lockVlanConfig.Lock()
+		//the CookieSlice can be passed 'by value' here, - which internally passes its reference
+		if _, exist := dh.UniVlanConfigFsmMap[loUniID]; exist {
+			if err := dh.UniVlanConfigFsmMap[loUniID].SetUniFlowParams(ctx, flowData.VlanRuleParams.TpID,
+				flowData.CookieSlice, uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.MatchVid), uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetVid),
+				uint8(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetPcp), lastFlowToReconcile, flowData.Meter, nil); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, err.Error(), log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
+			}
+		} else {
+			if err := dh.createVlanFilterFsm(ctx, apUniPort, flowData.VlanRuleParams.TpID, flowData.CookieSlice,
+				uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.MatchVid), uint16(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetVid),
+				uint8(flowData.VlanRuleParams.SetPcp), cmn.OmciVlanFilterAddDone, lastFlowToReconcile, flowData.Meter, nil); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, err.Error(), log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
+			}
+		}
+		dh.lockVlanConfig.Unlock()
+		flowsProcessed++
+	} //for all flows of this UNI
+//waitOnUniVlanConfigReconcilingReady collects all VlanConfigReady signals from VlanConfig FSM processing in reconciling
+//  and decrements the according handler wait group waiting for these indications
+func (dh *deviceHandler) waitOnUniVlanConfigReconcilingReady(ctx context.Context, aSyncChannel chan<- struct{},
+	waitGroup *cmn.WaitGroupWithTimeOut) {
+	var reconciledUniVlanConfigEntries []uint8
+	var appended bool
+	expiry := dh.GetReconcileExpiryVlanConfigAbort()
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "start waiting on reconcile vlanConfig ready indications", log.Fields{
+		"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "expiry": expiry})
+	// indicate blocking on channel now to the caller
+	aSyncChannel <- struct{}{}
+	for {
+		select {
+		case uniIndication := <-dh.chUniVlanConfigReconcilingDone:
+			switch uniIndication {
+			// no activity requested (should normally not be received) - just continue waiting
+			case cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity:
+			// waiting on channel inputs from VlanConfig for all UNI's to be aborted on error condition
+			case cWaitReconcileFlowAbortOnError:
+				logger.Debugw(ctx, "waitReconcileFlow aborted on error",
+					log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "rxEntries": reconciledUniVlanConfigEntries})
+				return
+			// waiting on channel inputs from VlanConfig for all UNI's to be aborted on success condition
+			case cWaitReconcileFlowAbortOnSuccess:
+				logger.Debugw(ctx, "waitReconcileFlow aborted on success",
+					log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "rxEntries": reconciledUniVlanConfigEntries})
+				return
+			// this should be a valid UNI vlan config done indication
+			default:
+				if uniIndication < platform.MaxUnisPerOnu {
+					logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling flows has been finished in time for this UNI",
+						log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "uni-id": uniIndication})
+					if reconciledUniVlanConfigEntries, appended =
+						dh.appendIfMissing(reconciledUniVlanConfigEntries, uint8(uniIndication)); appended {
+						waitGroup.Done()
+					}
+				} else {
+					logger.Errorw(ctx, "received unexpected UNI flowConfig done indication - is ignored",
+						log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "uni-id": uniIndication})
+				}
+			} //switch uniIndication
+		case <-time.After(expiry): //a bit longer than reconcileExpiryVlanConfig
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "timeout waiting for reconciling all UNI flows to be finished!",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (dh *deviceHandler) GetReconcileExpiryVlanConfigAbort() time.Duration {
+	return dh.reconcileExpiryVlanConfig + (500 * time.Millisecond)
+func (dh *deviceHandler) appendIfMissing(slice []uint8, val uint8) ([]uint8, bool) {
+	for _, ele := range slice {
+		if ele == val {
+			return slice, false
+		}
+	}
+	return append(slice, val), true
+// sendChReconcileFinished - sends true or false on reconcileFinish channel
+func (dh *deviceHandler) sendChReconcileFinished(success bool) {
+	if dh != nil { //if the object still exists (might have been already deleted in background)
+		//use asynchronous channel sending to avoid stucking on non-waiting receiver
+		select {
+		case dh.chReconcilingFinished <- success:
+		default:
+		}
+	}
+// SendChUniVlanConfigFinished - sends the Uni number on channel if the flow reconcilement for this UNI is finished
+func (dh *deviceHandler) SendChUniVlanConfigFinished(value uint16) {
+	if dh != nil { //if the object still exists (might have been already deleted in background)
+		//use asynchronous channel sending to avoid stucking on non-waiting receiver
+		select {
+		case dh.chUniVlanConfigReconcilingDone <- value:
+		default:
+		}
+	}
 func (dh *deviceHandler) reconcileEnd(ctx context.Context) {
 	logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - completed!", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
-	dh.StopReconciling(ctx, true)
+	dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
 func (dh *deviceHandler) deleteDevicePersistencyData(ctx context.Context) error {
@@ -1821,7 +1980,7 @@
 			logger.Debugw(ctx, "reconciling - uni-ports were not unlocked before adapter restart - resume with a normal start-up",
 				log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
-			dh.StopReconciling(ctx, true)
+			dh.stopReconciling(ctx, true, cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity)
 		} else {
@@ -2068,6 +2227,8 @@
 	if pMibDlFsm != nil {
 		_ = pMibDlFsm.Event(mib.DlEvReset)
+	//stop any deviceHandler reconcile processing (if running)
+	dh.stopReconciling(ctx, false, cWaitReconcileFlowAbortOnError)
 	//port lock/unlock FSM's may be active
 	if dh.pUnlockStateFsm != nil {
 		_ = dh.pUnlockStateFsm.PAdaptFsm.PFsm.Event(uniprt.UniEvReset)
@@ -3819,7 +3980,7 @@
 	if !dh.IsReconciling() {
 		go func() {
 			logger.Debugw(ctx, "wait for channel signal or timeout",
-				log.Fields{"timeout": dh.pOpenOnuAc.maxTimeoutReconciling, "device-id": dh.DeviceID})
+				log.Fields{"timeout": dh.reconcileExpiryComplete, "device-id": dh.DeviceID})
 			select {
 			case success := <-dh.chReconcilingFinished:
 				if success {
@@ -3867,7 +4028,7 @@
 					dh.deviceReconcileFailedUpdate(ctx, cmn.DrReconcileCanceled, connectStatus)
-			case <-time.After(dh.pOpenOnuAc.maxTimeoutReconciling):
+			case <-time.After(dh.reconcileExpiryComplete):
 				logger.Errorw(ctx, "timeout waiting for reconciling to be finished!",
 					log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
@@ -3895,12 +4056,15 @@
-func (dh *deviceHandler) StopReconciling(ctx context.Context, success bool) {
+func (dh *deviceHandler) stopReconciling(ctx context.Context, success bool, reconcileFlowResult uint16) {
 	logger.Debugw(ctx, "stop reconciling", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID, "success": success})
 	if dh.IsReconciling() {
-		dh.chReconcilingFinished <- success
+		dh.sendChReconcileFinished(success)
+		if reconcileFlowResult != cWaitReconcileFlowNoActivity {
+			dh.SendChUniVlanConfigFinished(reconcileFlowResult)
+		}
 	} else {
-		logger.Infow(ctx, "reconciling is not running", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "nothing to stop - reconciling is not running", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.DeviceID})
diff --git a/internal/pkg/core/openonu.go b/internal/pkg/core/openonu.go
index cdf41b3..9c9fc60 100755
--- a/internal/pkg/core/openonu.go
+++ b/internal/pkg/core/openonu.go
@@ -318,8 +318,6 @@
 	if handler := oo.getDeviceHandler(ctx, device.Id, false); handler != nil {
 		var errorsList []error
-		handler.StopReconciling(ctx, false)
 		handler.deletionInProgress = true