[VOL-3380] Functional area specific logging

Change-Id: I67414da013d8fc82827fcdb69d4f8a34040625d3
diff --git a/internal/pkg/devdb/onu_device_db.go b/internal/pkg/devdb/onu_device_db.go
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1bee2ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/pkg/devdb/onu_device_db.go
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+//Package devdb provides access to internal device ME DB
+package devdb
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"sync"
+	me "github.com/opencord/omci-lib-go/generated"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v7/pkg/log"
+type meDbMap map[me.ClassID]map[uint16]me.AttributeValueMap
+//OnuDeviceDB structure holds information about known ME's
+type OnuDeviceDB struct {
+	ctx      context.Context
+	deviceID string
+	MeDb     meDbMap
+	meDbLock sync.RWMutex
+//NewOnuDeviceDB returns a new instance for a specific ONU_Device_Entry
+func NewOnuDeviceDB(ctx context.Context, aDeviceID string) *OnuDeviceDB {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Init OnuDeviceDB for:", log.Fields{"device-id": aDeviceID})
+	var OnuDeviceDB OnuDeviceDB
+	OnuDeviceDB.ctx = ctx
+	OnuDeviceDB.deviceID = aDeviceID
+	OnuDeviceDB.MeDb = make(meDbMap)
+	return &OnuDeviceDB
+//PutMe puts an ME instance into internal ONU DB
+func (OnuDeviceDB *OnuDeviceDB) PutMe(ctx context.Context, meClassID me.ClassID, meEntityID uint16, meAttributes me.AttributeValueMap) {
+	OnuDeviceDB.meDbLock.Lock()
+	defer OnuDeviceDB.meDbLock.Unlock()
+	//filter out the OnuData
+	if me.OnuDataClassID == meClassID {
+		return
+	}
+	//logger.Debugw(ctx,"Search for key data :", log.Fields{"deviceId": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID, "meClassID": meClassID, "meEntityID": meEntityID})
+	meInstMap, ok := OnuDeviceDB.MeDb[meClassID]
+	if !ok {
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "meClassID not found - add to db :", log.Fields{"device-id": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID})
+		meInstMap = make(map[uint16]me.AttributeValueMap)
+		OnuDeviceDB.MeDb[meClassID] = meInstMap
+		OnuDeviceDB.MeDb[meClassID][meEntityID] = meAttributes
+	} else {
+		meAttribs, ok := meInstMap[meEntityID]
+		if !ok {
+			/* verbose logging, avoid in >= debug level
+			logger.Debugw(ctx,"meEntityId not found - add to db :", log.Fields{"device-id": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID})
+			*/
+			meInstMap[meEntityID] = meAttributes
+		} else {
+			/* verbose logging, avoid in >= debug level
+			logger.Debugw(ctx,"ME-Instance exists already: merge attribute data :", log.Fields{"device-id": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID, "meAttribs": meAttribs})
+			*/
+			for k, v := range meAttributes {
+				meAttribs[k] = v
+			}
+			meInstMap[meEntityID] = meAttribs
+			/* verbose logging, avoid in >= debug level
+			logger.Debugw(ctx,"ME-Instance updated :", log.Fields{"device-id": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID, "meAttribs": meAttribs})
+			*/
+		}
+	}
+//GetMe returns an ME instance from internal ONU DB
+func (OnuDeviceDB *OnuDeviceDB) GetMe(meClassID me.ClassID, meEntityID uint16) me.AttributeValueMap {
+	OnuDeviceDB.meDbLock.RLock()
+	defer OnuDeviceDB.meDbLock.RUnlock()
+	if meAttributes, present := OnuDeviceDB.MeDb[meClassID][meEntityID]; present {
+		/* verbose logging, avoid in >= debug level
+		logger.Debugw(ctx,"ME found:", log.Fields{"meClassID": meClassID, "meEntityID": meEntityID, "meAttributes": meAttributes,
+			"device-id": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID})
+		*/
+		return meAttributes
+	}
+	return nil
+//GetUint32Attrib converts JSON numbers to uint32
+func (OnuDeviceDB *OnuDeviceDB) GetUint32Attrib(meAttribute interface{}) (uint32, error) {
+	switch reflect.TypeOf(meAttribute).Kind() {
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		//JSON numbers by default are unmarshaled into values of float64 type if type information is not present
+		return uint32(meAttribute.(float64)), nil
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		return meAttribute.(uint32), nil
+	default:
+		return uint32(0), fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("wrong-interface-type-%v-received-for-device-%s", reflect.TypeOf(meAttribute).Kind(), OnuDeviceDB.deviceID))
+	}
+//GetUint16Attrib converts JSON numbers to uint16
+func (OnuDeviceDB *OnuDeviceDB) GetUint16Attrib(meAttribute interface{}) (uint16, error) {
+	switch reflect.TypeOf(meAttribute).Kind() {
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		//JSON numbers by default are unmarshaled into values of float64 type if type information is not present
+		return uint16(meAttribute.(float64)), nil
+	case reflect.Uint16:
+		return meAttribute.(uint16), nil
+	default:
+		return uint16(0), fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("wrong-interface-type-%v-received-for-device-%s", reflect.TypeOf(meAttribute).Kind(), OnuDeviceDB.deviceID))
+	}
+//GetSortedInstKeys returns a sorted list of all instances of an ME
+func (OnuDeviceDB *OnuDeviceDB) GetSortedInstKeys(ctx context.Context, meClassID me.ClassID) []uint16 {
+	var meInstKeys []uint16
+	OnuDeviceDB.meDbLock.RLock()
+	defer OnuDeviceDB.meDbLock.RUnlock()
+	meInstMap := OnuDeviceDB.MeDb[meClassID]
+	for k := range meInstMap {
+		meInstKeys = append(meInstKeys, k)
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "meInstKeys - input order :", log.Fields{"meInstKeys": meInstKeys}) //TODO: delete the line after test phase!
+	sort.Slice(meInstKeys, func(i, j int) bool { return meInstKeys[i] < meInstKeys[j] })
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "meInstKeys - output order :", log.Fields{"meInstKeys": meInstKeys}) //TODO: delete the line after test phase!
+	return meInstKeys
+//LogMeDb logs content of internal ONU DB
+func (OnuDeviceDB *OnuDeviceDB) LogMeDb(ctx context.Context) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "ME instances stored for :", log.Fields{"device-id": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID})
+	for meClassID, meInstMap := range OnuDeviceDB.MeDb {
+		for meEntityID, meAttribs := range meInstMap {
+			logger.Debugw(ctx, "ME instance: ", log.Fields{"meClassID": meClassID, "meEntityID": meEntityID, "meAttribs": meAttribs, "device-id": OnuDeviceDB.deviceID})
+		}
+	}