[VOL-3380] Functional area specific logging

Change-Id: I67414da013d8fc82827fcdb69d4f8a34040625d3
diff --git a/internal/pkg/mib/mib_download.go b/internal/pkg/mib/mib_download.go
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c49f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/pkg/mib/mib_download.go
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+//Package mib provides the utilities for managing the onu mib
+package mib
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/looplab/fsm"
+	"github.com/opencord/omci-lib-go"
+	me "github.com/opencord/omci-lib-go/generated"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v7/pkg/log"
+	//ic "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go/inter_container"
+	//"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go/openflow_13"
+	//"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v5/go/voltha"
+	cmn "github.com/opencord/voltha-openonu-adapter-go/internal/pkg/common"
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) enterDLStartingState(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload FSM", log.Fields{"Start downloading OMCI MIB in state": e.FSM.Current(), "device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	// in case the used channel is not yet defined (can be re-used after restarts)
+	if onuDeviceEntry.omciMessageReceived == nil {
+		onuDeviceEntry.omciMessageReceived = make(chan bool)
+		logger.Debug(ctx, "MibDownload FSM - defining the BridgeInit RxChannel")
+	}
+	// start go routine for processing of MibDownload messages
+	go onuDeviceEntry.processMibDownloadMessages(ctx)
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) enterCreatingGalState(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload FSM", log.Fields{"Tx create::GAL Ethernet Profile in state": e.FSM.Current(), "device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Lock()
+	meInstance, err := onuDeviceEntry.PDevOmciCC.SendCreateGalEthernetProfile(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx),
+		onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.GetOmciTimeout(), true)
+	//accept also nil as (error) return value for writing to LastTx
+	//  - this avoids misinterpretation of new received OMCI messages
+	if err != nil {
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "GalEthernetProfile create failed, aborting MibDownload FSM!",
+			log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		pMibDlFsm := onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm
+		if pMibDlFsm != nil {
+			go func(a_pAFsm *cmn.AdapterFsm) {
+				_ = a_pAFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			}(pMibDlFsm)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance = meInstance
+	onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) enterSettingOnu2gState(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload FSM", log.Fields{"Tx Set::ONU2-G in state": e.FSM.Current(), "device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Lock()
+	meInstance, err := onuDeviceEntry.PDevOmciCC.SendSetOnu2g(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx),
+		onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.GetOmciTimeout(), true)
+	//accept also nil as (error) return value for writing to LastTx
+	//  - this avoids misinterpretation of new received OMCI messages
+	if err != nil {
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "ONU2-G set failed, aborting MibDownload FSM!",
+			log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		pMibDlFsm := onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm
+		if pMibDlFsm != nil {
+			go func(a_pAFsm *cmn.AdapterFsm) {
+				_ = a_pAFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			}(pMibDlFsm)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance = meInstance
+	onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) enterBridgeInitState(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload FSM - starting bridge config port loop", log.Fields{
+		"in state": e.FSM.Current(), "device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	go onuDeviceEntry.performInitialBridgeSetup(ctx)
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) enterDownloadedState(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload FSM", log.Fields{"send notification to core in State": e.FSM.Current(), "device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	onuDeviceEntry.transferSystemEvent(ctx, cmn.MibDownloadDone)
+	//let's reset the state machine in order to release all resources now
+	pMibDlFsm := onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm
+	if pMibDlFsm != nil {
+		// obviously calling some FSM event here directly does not work - so trying to decouple it ...
+		go func(a_pAFsm *cmn.AdapterFsm) {
+			if a_pAFsm != nil && a_pAFsm.PFsm != nil {
+				_ = a_pAFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			}
+		}(pMibDlFsm)
+	}
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) enterResettingState(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload FSM resetting", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	pMibDlFsm := onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm
+	if pMibDlFsm != nil {
+		// abort running message processing
+		fsmAbortMsg := cmn.Message{
+			Type: cmn.TestMsg,
+			Data: cmn.TestMessage{
+				TestMessageVal: cmn.AbortMessageProcessing,
+			},
+		}
+		pMibDlFsm.CommChan <- fsmAbortMsg
+		//try to restart the FSM to 'disabled'
+		// see DownloadedState: decouple event transfer
+		go func(a_pAFsm *cmn.AdapterFsm) {
+			if a_pAFsm != nil && a_pAFsm.PFsm != nil {
+				_ = a_pAFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvRestart)
+			}
+		}(pMibDlFsm)
+	}
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) processMibDownloadMessages(ctx context.Context) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Start MibDownload Msg processing", log.Fields{"for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	for {
+		// case <-ctx.Done():
+		// 	logger.Info("MibSync Msg", log.Fields{"Message handling canceled via context for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		// 	break loop
+		// unless multiple channels are not involved, we should not use select
+		message, ok := <-onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.CommChan
+		if !ok {
+			logger.Info(ctx, "MibDownload Rx Msg", log.Fields{"Message couldn't be read from channel for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+			// but then we have to ensure a restart of the FSM as well - as exceptional procedure
+			_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvRestart)
+			break loop
+		}
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload Rx Msg", log.Fields{"Received message for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		switch message.Type {
+		case cmn.TestMsg:
+			msg, _ := message.Data.(cmn.TestMessage)
+			if msg.TestMessageVal == cmn.AbortMessageProcessing {
+				logger.Debugw(ctx, "MibDownload abort ProcessMsg", log.Fields{"for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+				break loop
+			}
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "MibDownload unknown TestMessage", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID, "MessageVal": msg.TestMessageVal})
+		case cmn.OMCI:
+			msg, _ := message.Data.(cmn.OmciMessage)
+			onuDeviceEntry.handleOmciMibDownloadMessage(ctx, msg)
+		default:
+			logger.Warn(ctx, "MibDownload Rx Msg", log.Fields{"Unknown message type received for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID,
+				"message.Type": message.Type})
+		}
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "End MibDownload Msg processing", log.Fields{"for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) handleOmciMibDownloadCreateResponseMessage(ctx context.Context, msg cmn.OmciMessage) {
+	msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeCreateResponse)
+	if msgLayer == nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for CreateResponse", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		return
+	}
+	msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.CreateResponse)
+	if !msgOk {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for CreateResponse", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		return
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "CreateResponse Data", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
+	if msgObj.Result != me.Success && msgObj.Result != me.InstanceExists {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci CreateResponse Error - later: drive FSM to abort state ?", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
+		// possibly force FSM into abort or ignore some errors for some messages? store error for mgmt display?
+		return
+	}
+	// maybe there is a way of pushing the specific create response type generally to the FSM
+	//   and let the FSM verify, if the response was according to current state
+	//   and possibly store the element to DB and progress - maybe some future option ...
+	// but as that is not straightforward to me I insert the type checkes manually here
+	//   and feed the FSM with only 'pre-defined' events ...
+	onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RLock()
+	if onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance != nil {
+		if msgObj.EntityClass == onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetClassID() &&
+			msgObj.EntityInstance == onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetEntityID() {
+			//store the created ME into DB //TODO??? obviously the Python code does not store the config ...
+			// if, then something like:
+			//onuDeviceEntry.pOnuDB.StoreMe(msgObj)
+			// maybe we can use just the same eventName for different state transitions like "forward"
+			//   - might be checked, but so far I go for sure and have to inspect the concrete state events ...
+			switch onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetName() {
+			case "GalEthernetProfile":
+				{ // let the FSM proceed ...
+					onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+					_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvRxGalResp)
+				}
+			case "MacBridgeServiceProfile",
+				"MacBridgePortConfigurationData",
+				"ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationData":
+				{ // let bridge init proceed by stopping the wait function
+					onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+					onuDeviceEntry.omciMessageReceived <- true
+				}
+			default:
+				{
+					logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unsupported ME name received!",
+						log.Fields{"ME name": onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetName(), "device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+					onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+		}
+	} else {
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Pointer to last Tx MeInstance is nil!", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	}
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) handleOmciMibDownloadSetResponseMessage(ctx context.Context, msg cmn.OmciMessage) {
+	msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeSetResponse)
+	if msgLayer == nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for SetResponse", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		return
+	}
+	msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.SetResponse)
+	if !msgOk {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for SetResponse", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		return
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "SetResponse Data", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
+	if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci SetResponse Error - later: drive FSM to abort state ?", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID,
+			"Error": msgObj.Result})
+		// possibly force FSM into abort or ignore some errors for some messages? store error for mgmt display?
+		return
+	}
+	// compare comments above for CreateResponse (apply also here ...)
+	onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RLock()
+	if onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance != nil {
+		if msgObj.EntityClass == onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetClassID() &&
+			msgObj.EntityInstance == onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetEntityID() {
+			//store the created ME into DB //TODO??? obviously the Python code does not store the config ...
+			// if, then something like:
+			//onuDeviceEntry.pOnuDB.StoreMe(msgObj)
+			switch onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetName() {
+			case "Onu2G":
+				{ // let the FSM proceed ...
+					onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+					_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvRxOnu2gResp)
+				}
+				//so far that was the only MibDownlad Set Element ...
+			default:
+				{
+					logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unsupported ME name received!",
+						log.Fields{"ME name": onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance.GetName(), "device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+					onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+		}
+	} else {
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.RUnlock()
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "Pointer to last Tx MeInstance is nil!", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	}
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) handleOmciMibDownloadMessage(ctx context.Context, msg cmn.OmciMessage) {
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "Rx OMCI MibDownload Msg", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID,
+		"msgType": msg.OmciMsg.MessageType})
+	switch msg.OmciMsg.MessageType {
+	case omci.CreateResponseType:
+		onuDeviceEntry.handleOmciMibDownloadCreateResponseMessage(ctx, msg)
+	//TODO
+	//	onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event("rx_evtocd_resp")
+	case omci.SetResponseType:
+		onuDeviceEntry.handleOmciMibDownloadSetResponseMessage(ctx, msg)
+	default:
+		{
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "Rx OMCI MibDownload unhandled MsgType", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID,
+				"omciMsgType": msg.OmciMsg.MessageType})
+			return
+		}
+	} // switch msg.OmciMsg.MessageType
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) performInitialBridgeSetup(ctx context.Context) {
+	for uniNo, uniPort := range *onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.GetUniEntityMap() {
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "Starting IntialBridgeSetup", log.Fields{
+			"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID, "for PortNo": uniNo})
+		//create MBSP
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Lock()
+		meInstance, err := onuDeviceEntry.PDevOmciCC.SendCreateMBServiceProfile(
+			log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), uniPort, onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.GetOmciTimeout(), true)
+		if err != nil {
+			onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "MBServiceProfile create failed, aborting MibDownload FSM!", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+			_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			return
+		}
+		onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance = meInstance
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+		//verify response
+		err = onuDeviceEntry.waitforOmciResponse(ctx, meInstance)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "InitialBridgeSetup failed at MBSP, aborting MIB Download!",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+			_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			return
+		}
+		//create MBPCD
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Lock()
+		meInstance, err = onuDeviceEntry.PDevOmciCC.SendCreateMBPConfigDataUniSide(
+			log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), uniPort, onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.GetOmciTimeout(), true)
+		if err != nil {
+			onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "MBPConfigData create failed, aborting MibDownload FSM!",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+			_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			return
+		}
+		onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance = meInstance
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+		//verify response
+		err = onuDeviceEntry.waitforOmciResponse(ctx, meInstance)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "InitialBridgeSetup failed at MBPCD, aborting MIB Download!",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+			_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			return
+		}
+		//create EVTOCD
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Lock()
+		meInstance, err = onuDeviceEntry.PDevOmciCC.SendCreateEVTOConfigData(
+			log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), uniPort, onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.GetOmciTimeout(), true)
+		if err != nil {
+			onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "EVTOConfigData create failed, aborting MibDownload FSM!",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+			_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			return
+		}
+		onuDeviceEntry.pLastTxMeInstance = meInstance
+		onuDeviceEntry.mutexPLastTxMeInstance.Unlock()
+		//verify response
+		err = onuDeviceEntry.waitforOmciResponse(ctx, meInstance)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "InitialBridgeSetup failed at EVTOCD, aborting MIB Download!",
+				log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+			_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvReset)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	// if Config has been done for all UNI related instances let the FSM proceed
+	// while we did not check here, if there is some port at all - !?
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "IntialBridgeSetup finished", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	_ = onuDeviceEntry.PMibDownloadFsm.PFsm.Event(DlEvRxBridgeResp)
+func (onuDeviceEntry *OnuDeviceEntry) waitforOmciResponse(ctx context.Context, apMeInstance *me.ManagedEntity) error {
+	select {
+	// maybe be also some outside cancel (but no context modeled for the moment ...)
+	// case <-ctx.Done():
+	// 		logger.Info("MibDownload-bridge-init message reception canceled", log.Fields{"for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+	case <-time.After(onuDeviceEntry.PDevOmciCC.GetMaxOmciTimeoutWithRetries() * time.Second): //3s was detected to be to less in 8*8 bbsim test with debug Info/Debug
+		logger.Warnw(ctx, "MibDownload-bridge-init timeout", log.Fields{"for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		return fmt.Errorf("mibDownloadBridgeInit timeout %s", onuDeviceEntry.deviceID)
+	case success := <-onuDeviceEntry.omciMessageReceived:
+		if success {
+			logger.Debug(ctx, "MibDownload-bridge-init response received")
+			return nil
+		}
+		// should not happen so far
+		logger.Warnw(ctx, "MibDownload-bridge-init response error", log.Fields{"for device-id": onuDeviceEntry.deviceID})
+		return fmt.Errorf("mibDownloadBridgeInit responseError %s", onuDeviceEntry.deviceID)
+	}