[VOL-4396] OMCI lib update to be incorporated into ONU adapter, make use of relaxed decoding

Signed-off-by: mpagenko <michael.pagenkopf@adtran.com>
Change-Id: Ic8bc15ae061af8e27d73879f27bb5b80637a8dea
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/opencord/omci-lib-go/v2/generated/cardholder.go b/vendor/github.com/opencord/omci-lib-go/v2/generated/cardholder.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b996c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/opencord/omci-lib-go/v2/generated/cardholder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 - present.  Boling Consulting Solutions (bcsw.net)
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * NOTE: This file was generated, manual edits will be overwritten!
+ *
+ * Generated by 'goCodeGenerator.py':
+ *              https://github.com/cboling/OMCI-parser/README.md
+ */
+package generated
+import "github.com/deckarep/golang-set"
+// CardholderClassID is the 16-bit ID for the OMCI
+// Managed entity Cardholder
+const CardholderClassID = ClassID(5) // 0x0005
+var cardholderBME *ManagedEntityDefinition
+// Cardholder (Class ID: #5 / 0x0005)
+//	The cardholder represents the fixed equipment slot configuration of the ONU. Each cardholder can
+//	contain 0 or 1 circuit packs; the circuit pack models equipment information that can change over
+//	the lifetime of the ONU, e.g., through replacement.
+//	One instance of this ME exists for each physical slot in an ONU that has pluggable circuit
+//	packs. One or more instances of this ME may also exist in an integrated ONU, to represent
+//	virtual slots. Instances of this ME are created automatically by the ONU, and the status
+//	attributes are populated according to data within the ONU itself.
+//	Slot 0 is intended to be used only in an integrated ONU. If an integrated ONU is modelled with a
+//	universal slot 0, it is recommended that it does not contain additional (non-zero) virtual
+//	slots. A cardholder for virtual slot 0 is recommended.
+//	There is potential for conflict in the semantics of the expected plug-in unit type, the expected
+//	port count and the expected equipment ID, both when the slot is not populated and when a new
+//	circuit pack is inserted. The expected plug-in unit type and the plug-in type mismatch alarm are
+//	mandatory, although plug-and-play/unknown (circuit pack type 255) may be used as a way to
+//	minimize their significance. It is recommended that an ONU deny the provisioning of inconsistent
+//	combinations of expected equipment attributes.
+//	When a circuit pack is plugged into a cardholder or when a cardholder is pre-provisioned to
+//	expect a circuit pack of a given type, it may trigger the ONU to instantiate a number of MEs and
+//	update the values of others, depending on the circuit pack type. The ONU may also delete a
+//	variety of other MEs when a circuit pack is reprovisioned to not expect a circuit pack or to
+//	expect a circuit pack of a different type. These actions are described in the definitions of the
+//	various MEs.
+//	Expected equipment ID and expected port count are alternate ways to trigger the same
+//	preprovisioning effects. These tools may be useful if an ONU is prepared to accept more than one
+//	circuit pack of a given type but with different port counts, or if a circuit pack is a hybrid
+//	that matches none of the types in Table 9.1.5-1, but whose identification (e.g., part number) is
+//	known.
+//	Relationships
+//		An ONU may contain zero or more instances of the cardholder, each of which may contain an
+//		instance of the circuit pack ME. The slot ID, real or virtual, is a fundamental identification
+//		mechanism for MEs that bear some relationship to a physical location.
+//	Attributes
+//		Managed Entity Id
+//			NOTE 1 - Some xDSL MEs use the two MSBs of the slot number for other purposes. An ONU that
+//			supports these services may have slot limitations or restrictions.
+//			This attribute uniquely identifies each instance of this ME. The ONU sets the first byte of this
+//			2-byte identifier to:
+//			0	if the ONU contains pluggable equipment modules
+//			1	if the ONU is a single piece of integrated equipment.
+//			The second byte of this identifier is the slot number. In integrated ONUs, this byte may be used
+//			as a virtual slot or set to 0 to indicate a universal pseudoslot.
+//			Slot numbering schemes differ among vendors. It is only required that slot numbers be unique
+//			across the ONU. Up to 254 equipment slots are supported in the range 1..254 (Note 1). The value
+//			0 is reserved for possible use in an integrated ONU to indicate a universal pseudo-slot. The
+//			value 255 is also reserved. (R) (mandatory) (2-bytes)
+//		Actual Plug In Unit Type
+//			Actual plugin unit type: This attribute is equal to the type of the circuit pack in the
+//			cardholder, or 0 if the cardholder is empty. When the cardholder is populated, this attribute is
+//			the same as the type attribute of the corresponding circuit pack ME. Circuit pack types are
+//			defined in Table 9.1.5-1. (R) (mandatory) (1-byte)
+//			The three following attributes permit the OLT to specify its intentions for any future equipped
+//			configuration of a slot. Once some or all of these are set, the ONU can proceed to instantiate
+//			circuit pack and PPTP MEs, along with other predeterminable MEs, and allow the OLT to create
+//			related discretionary MEs, thereby supporting service pre-provisioning.
+//		Expected Plug_In Unit Type
+//			Expected plug-in unit type: This attribute provisions the type of circuit pack for the slot. For
+//			type coding, see Table 9.1.5-1. The value 0 means that the cardholder is not provisioned to
+//			contain a circuit pack. The value 255 means that the cardholder is configured for plug-and-play.
+//			Upon ME instantiation, the ONU sets this attribute to 0. For integrated interfaces, this
+//			attribute may be used to represent the type of interface. (R,-W) (mandatory) (1-byte)
+//		Expected Port Count
+//			This attribute permits the OLT to specify the number of ports it expects in a circuit pack.
+//			Prior to provisioning by the OLT, the ONU initializes this attribute to 0. (R,-W) (optional)
+//			(1-byte)
+//		Expected Equipment Id
+//			This attribute provisions the specific type of expected circuit pack. This attribute applies
+//			only to ONUs that do not have integrated interfaces. In some environments, this may contain the
+//			expected CLEI code. Upon ME instantiation, the ONU sets this attribute to all spaces. (R,-W)
+//			(optional) (20-bytes)
+//		Actual Equipment Id
+//			This attribute identifies the specific type of circuit pack, once it is installed. This
+//			attribute applies only to ONUs that do not have integrated interfaces. In some environments,
+//			this may include the CLEI code. When the slot is empty or the equipment ID is not known, this
+//			attribute should be set to all spaces. (R) (optional) (20-bytes)
+//		Protection Profile Pointer
+//			This attribute specifies an equipment protection profile that may be associated with the
+//			cardholder. Its value is the least significant byte of the ME ID of the equipment protection
+//			profile with which it is associated, or 0 if equipment protection is not used. (R) (optional)
+//			(1-byte)
+//		Invoke Protection Switch
+//			The OLT may use this attribute to control equipment protection switching. Code points have the
+//			following meaning when set by the OLT:
+//			0	Release protection switch
+//			1	Operate protection switch, protect cardholder unspecified
+//			2	Operate protection switch, use first protect cardholder
+//			3	Operate protection switch, use second protect cardholder
+//			The ONU should deny attempts to switch to an unequipped, defective or already active protection
+//			cardholder.
+//			Upon the get action from the OLT, this attribute should return the current value of the actual
+//			protection configuration. Code points are as defined above; the value 1 is never returned.
+//			When circuit packs that support a PON interface (IF) function are switched, the response should
+//			be returned on the same PON that received the command. However, the OLT should also be prepared
+//			to accept a response on the redundant PON. (R,-W) (optional) (1-byte)
+//		Alarm _ Reporting Control
+//			Alarm-reporting control (ARC): See clause A.1.4.3. (R,-W) (optional) (1-byte)
+//		Arc Interval
+//			See clause A.1.4.3. (R,-W) (optional) (1-byte)
+type Cardholder struct {
+	ManagedEntityDefinition
+	Attributes AttributeValueMap
+func init() {
+	cardholderBME = &ManagedEntityDefinition{
+		Name:    "Cardholder",
+		ClassID: 5,
+		MessageTypes: mapset.NewSetWith(
+			Get,
+			Set,
+		),
+		AllowedAttributeMask: 0xff80,
+		AttributeDefinitions: AttributeDefinitionMap{
+			0: Uint16Field("ManagedEntityId", PointerAttributeType, 0x0000, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read), false, false, false, 0),
+			1: ByteField("ActualPlugInUnitType", EnumerationAttributeType, 0x8000, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read), true, false, false, 1),
+			2: ByteField("ExpectedPlugInUnitType", EnumerationAttributeType, 0x4000, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, false, false, 2),
+			3: ByteField("ExpectedPortCount", UnsignedIntegerAttributeType, 0x2000, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, true, false, 3),
+			4: MultiByteField("ExpectedEquipmentId", StringAttributeType, 0x1000, 20, toOctets("ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICA="), mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, true, false, 4),
+			5: MultiByteField("ActualEquipmentId", StringAttributeType, 0x0800, 20, toOctets("ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICA="), mapset.NewSetWith(Read), true, true, false, 5),
+			6: ByteField("ProtectionProfilePointer", UnsignedIntegerAttributeType, 0x0400, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read), false, true, false, 6),
+			7: ByteField("InvokeProtectionSwitch", EnumerationAttributeType, 0x0200, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, true, false, 7),
+			8: ByteField("AlarmReportingControl", EnumerationAttributeType, 0x0100, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), true, true, false, 8),
+			9: ByteField("ArcInterval", UnsignedIntegerAttributeType, 0x0080, 0, mapset.NewSetWith(Read, Write), false, true, false, 9),
+		},
+		Access:  CreatedByOnu,
+		Support: UnknownSupport,
+		Alarms: AlarmMap{
+			0: "Plug-in circuit pack missing",
+			1: "Plug-in type mismatch alarm",
+			2: "Improper card removal",
+			3: "Plug-in equipment ID mismatch alarm",
+			4: "Protection switch",
+		},
+	}
+// NewCardholder (class ID 5) creates the basic
+// Managed Entity definition that is used to validate an ME of this type that
+// is received from or transmitted to the OMCC.
+func NewCardholder(params ...ParamData) (*ManagedEntity, OmciErrors) {
+	return NewManagedEntity(*cardholderBME, params...)