general update for library compatibility, [VOL-3202], some TechProf processing restructuring

Signed-off-by: mpagenko <>
Change-Id: I451c663fea4dc3ea5acd141069e64a1ad2a68d58
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..715f0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+package opentracing
+import "time"
+// Tracer is a simple, thin interface for Span creation and SpanContext
+// propagation.
+type Tracer interface {
+	// Create, start, and return a new Span with the given `operationName` and
+	// incorporate the given StartSpanOption `opts`. (Note that `opts` borrows
+	// from the "functional options" pattern, per
+	//
+	//
+	// A Span with no SpanReference options (e.g., opentracing.ChildOf() or
+	// opentracing.FollowsFrom()) becomes the root of its own trace.
+	//
+	// Examples:
+	//
+	//     var tracer opentracing.Tracer = ...
+	//
+	//     // The root-span case:
+	//     sp := tracer.StartSpan("GetFeed")
+	//
+	//     // The vanilla child span case:
+	//     sp := tracer.StartSpan(
+	//         "GetFeed",
+	//         opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan.Context()))
+	//
+	//     // All the bells and whistles:
+	//     sp := tracer.StartSpan(
+	//         "GetFeed",
+	//         opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan.Context()),
+	//         opentracing.Tag{"user_agent", loggedReq.UserAgent},
+	//         opentracing.StartTime(loggedReq.Timestamp),
+	//     )
+	//
+	StartSpan(operationName string, opts ...StartSpanOption) Span
+	// Inject() takes the `sm` SpanContext instance and injects it for
+	// propagation within `carrier`. The actual type of `carrier` depends on
+	// the value of `format`.
+	//
+	// OpenTracing defines a common set of `format` values (see BuiltinFormat),
+	// and each has an expected carrier type.
+	//
+	// Other packages may declare their own `format` values, much like the keys
+	// used by `context.Context` (see
+	//
+	// Example usage (sans error handling):
+	//
+	//     carrier := opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(httpReq.Header)
+	//     err := tracer.Inject(
+	//         span.Context(),
+	//         opentracing.HTTPHeaders,
+	//         carrier)
+	//
+	// NOTE: All opentracing.Tracer implementations MUST support all
+	// BuiltinFormats.
+	//
+	// Implementations may return opentracing.ErrUnsupportedFormat if `format`
+	// is not supported by (or not known by) the implementation.
+	//
+	// Implementations may return opentracing.ErrInvalidCarrier or any other
+	// implementation-specific error if the format is supported but injection
+	// fails anyway.
+	//
+	// See Tracer.Extract().
+	Inject(sm SpanContext, format interface{}, carrier interface{}) error
+	// Extract() returns a SpanContext instance given `format` and `carrier`.
+	//
+	// OpenTracing defines a common set of `format` values (see BuiltinFormat),
+	// and each has an expected carrier type.
+	//
+	// Other packages may declare their own `format` values, much like the keys
+	// used by `context.Context` (see
+	//
+	//
+	// Example usage (with StartSpan):
+	//
+	//
+	//     carrier := opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(httpReq.Header)
+	//     clientContext, err := tracer.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
+	//
+	//     // ... assuming the ultimate goal here is to resume the trace with a
+	//     // server-side Span:
+	//     var serverSpan opentracing.Span
+	//     if err == nil {
+	//         span = tracer.StartSpan(
+	//             rpcMethodName, ext.RPCServerOption(clientContext))
+	//     } else {
+	//         span = tracer.StartSpan(rpcMethodName)
+	//     }
+	//
+	//
+	// NOTE: All opentracing.Tracer implementations MUST support all
+	// BuiltinFormats.
+	//
+	// Return values:
+	//  - A successful Extract returns a SpanContext instance and a nil error
+	//  - If there was simply no SpanContext to extract in `carrier`, Extract()
+	//    returns (nil, opentracing.ErrSpanContextNotFound)
+	//  - If `format` is unsupported or unrecognized, Extract() returns (nil,
+	//    opentracing.ErrUnsupportedFormat)
+	//  - If there are more fundamental problems with the `carrier` object,
+	//    Extract() may return opentracing.ErrInvalidCarrier,
+	//    opentracing.ErrSpanContextCorrupted, or implementation-specific
+	//    errors.
+	//
+	// See Tracer.Inject().
+	Extract(format interface{}, carrier interface{}) (SpanContext, error)
+// StartSpanOptions allows Tracer.StartSpan() callers and implementors a
+// mechanism to override the start timestamp, specify Span References, and make
+// a single Tag or multiple Tags available at Span start time.
+// StartSpan() callers should look at the StartSpanOption interface and
+// implementations available in this package.
+// Tracer implementations can convert a slice of `StartSpanOption` instances
+// into a `StartSpanOptions` struct like so:
+//     func StartSpan(opName string, opts ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) {
+//         sso := opentracing.StartSpanOptions{}
+//         for _, o := range opts {
+//             o.Apply(&sso)
+//         }
+//         ...
+//     }
+type StartSpanOptions struct {
+	// Zero or more causal references to other Spans (via their SpanContext).
+	// If empty, start a "root" Span (i.e., start a new trace).
+	References []SpanReference
+	// StartTime overrides the Span's start time, or implicitly becomes
+	// time.Now() if StartTime.IsZero().
+	StartTime time.Time
+	// Tags may have zero or more entries; the restrictions on map values are
+	// identical to those for Span.SetTag(). May be nil.
+	//
+	// If specified, the caller hands off ownership of Tags at
+	// StartSpan() invocation time.
+	Tags map[string]interface{}
+// StartSpanOption instances (zero or more) may be passed to Tracer.StartSpan.
+// StartSpanOption borrows from the "functional options" pattern, per
+type StartSpanOption interface {
+	Apply(*StartSpanOptions)
+// SpanReferenceType is an enum type describing different categories of
+// relationships between two Spans. If Span-2 refers to Span-1, the
+// SpanReferenceType describes Span-1 from Span-2's perspective. For example,
+// ChildOfRef means that Span-1 created Span-2.
+// NOTE: Span-1 and Span-2 do *not* necessarily depend on each other for
+// completion; e.g., Span-2 may be part of a background job enqueued by Span-1,
+// or Span-2 may be sitting in a distributed queue behind Span-1.
+type SpanReferenceType int
+const (
+	// ChildOfRef refers to a parent Span that caused *and* somehow depends
+	// upon the new child Span. Often (but not always), the parent Span cannot
+	// finish until the child Span does.
+	//
+	// An timing diagram for a ChildOfRef that's blocked on the new Span:
+	//
+	//     [-Parent Span---------]
+	//          [-Child Span----]
+	//
+	// See
+	//
+	// See opentracing.ChildOf()
+	ChildOfRef SpanReferenceType = iota
+	// FollowsFromRef refers to a parent Span that does not depend in any way
+	// on the result of the new child Span. For instance, one might use
+	// FollowsFromRefs to describe pipeline stages separated by queues,
+	// or a fire-and-forget cache insert at the tail end of a web request.
+	//
+	// A FollowsFromRef Span is part of the same logical trace as the new Span:
+	// i.e., the new Span is somehow caused by the work of its FollowsFromRef.
+	//
+	// All of the following could be valid timing diagrams for children that
+	// "FollowFrom" a parent.
+	//
+	//     [-Parent Span-]  [-Child Span-]
+	//
+	//
+	//     [-Parent Span--]
+	//      [-Child Span-]
+	//
+	//
+	//     [-Parent Span-]
+	//                 [-Child Span-]
+	//
+	// See
+	//
+	// See opentracing.FollowsFrom()
+	FollowsFromRef
+// SpanReference is a StartSpanOption that pairs a SpanReferenceType and a
+// referenced SpanContext. See the SpanReferenceType documentation for
+// supported relationships.  If SpanReference is created with
+// ReferencedContext==nil, it has no effect. Thus it allows for a more concise
+// syntax for starting spans:
+//     sc, _ := tracer.Extract(someFormat, someCarrier)
+//     span := tracer.StartSpan("operation", opentracing.ChildOf(sc))
+// The `ChildOf(sc)` option above will not panic if sc == nil, it will just
+// not add the parent span reference to the options.
+type SpanReference struct {
+	Type              SpanReferenceType
+	ReferencedContext SpanContext
+// Apply satisfies the StartSpanOption interface.
+func (r SpanReference) Apply(o *StartSpanOptions) {
+	if r.ReferencedContext != nil {
+		o.References = append(o.References, r)
+	}
+// ChildOf returns a StartSpanOption pointing to a dependent parent span.
+// If sc == nil, the option has no effect.
+// See ChildOfRef, SpanReference
+func ChildOf(sc SpanContext) SpanReference {
+	return SpanReference{
+		Type:              ChildOfRef,
+		ReferencedContext: sc,
+	}
+// FollowsFrom returns a StartSpanOption pointing to a parent Span that caused
+// the child Span but does not directly depend on its result in any way.
+// If sc == nil, the option has no effect.
+// See FollowsFromRef, SpanReference
+func FollowsFrom(sc SpanContext) SpanReference {
+	return SpanReference{
+		Type:              FollowsFromRef,
+		ReferencedContext: sc,
+	}
+// StartTime is a StartSpanOption that sets an explicit start timestamp for the
+// new Span.
+type StartTime time.Time
+// Apply satisfies the StartSpanOption interface.
+func (t StartTime) Apply(o *StartSpanOptions) {
+	o.StartTime = time.Time(t)
+// Tags are a generic map from an arbitrary string key to an opaque value type.
+// The underlying tracing system is responsible for interpreting and
+// serializing the values.
+type Tags map[string]interface{}
+// Apply satisfies the StartSpanOption interface.
+func (t Tags) Apply(o *StartSpanOptions) {
+	if o.Tags == nil {
+		o.Tags = make(map[string]interface{})
+	}
+	for k, v := range t {
+		o.Tags[k] = v
+	}
+// Tag may be passed as a StartSpanOption to add a tag to new spans,
+// or its Set method may be used to apply the tag to an existing Span,
+// for example:
+// tracer.StartSpan("opName", Tag{"Key", value})
+//   or
+// Tag{"key", value}.Set(span)
+type Tag struct {
+	Key   string
+	Value interface{}
+// Apply satisfies the StartSpanOption interface.
+func (t Tag) Apply(o *StartSpanOptions) {
+	if o.Tags == nil {
+		o.Tags = make(map[string]interface{})
+	}
+	o.Tags[t.Key] = t.Value
+// Set applies the tag to an existing Span.
+func (t Tag) Set(s Span) {
+	s.SetTag(t.Key, t.Value)