[VOL-4566] Add BBSIM MIB template with only 1 UNI
Change-Id: Ia2ff8bad4b11f35dc1103667b375216731699134
diff --git a/templates/BBSM-12345123451234512345-BBSM_IMG_00001-v1-1UNI.json b/templates/BBSM-12345123451234512345-BBSM_IMG_00001-v1-1UNI.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff76d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/BBSM-12345123451234512345-BBSM_IMG_00001-v1-1UNI.json
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+ "TemplateCreated": "2022-01-26 13:58:56.741535",
+ "TemplateName": "BBSM/12345123451234512345/BBSM_IMG_00001",
+ "Version": 1,
+ "11": {
+ "257": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AdministrativeState": 0,
+ "Arc": 0,
+ "ArcInterval": 0,
+ "AutoDetectionConfiguration": 0,
+ "BridgedOrIpInd": 2,
+ "ConfigurationInd": 3,
+ "DteOrDceInd": 0,
+ "EthernetLoopbackConfiguration": 0,
+ "ExpectedType": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 257,
+ "MaxFrameSize": 1518,
+ "OperationalState": 0,
+ "PauseTime": 0,
+ "PowerControl": 0,
+ "PppoeFilter": 0,
+ "SensedType": 47
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "257"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "11"
+ },
+ "257": {
+ "0": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ConnectivityCapability": 127,
+ "CurrentConnectivityMode": 0,
+ "Deprecated": 1,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 0,
+ "PriorityQueueScaleFactor": 1,
+ "QualityOfServiceQosConfigurationFlexibility": 63,
+ "Sysuptime": 0,
+ "TotalGemPortIdNumber": 8,
+ "TotalPriorityQueueNumber": 64,
+ "TotalTrafficSchedulerNumber": 8
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "0"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "257"
+ },
+ "262": {
+ "32769": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32769
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32769"
+ },
+ "32770": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32770
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32770"
+ },
+ "32771": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32771
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32771"
+ },
+ "32772": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32772
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32772"
+ },
+ "32773": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32773
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32773"
+ },
+ "32774": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32774
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32774"
+ },
+ "32775": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32775
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32775"
+ },
+ "32776": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocId": 65535,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32776
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32776"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "262"
+ },
+ "263": {
+ "32769": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "Arc": 0,
+ "ArcInterval": 0,
+ "Deprecated": 0,
+ "GemBlockLength": 48,
+ "LowerOpticalThreshold": 255,
+ "LowerTransmitPowerThreshold": 129,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32769,
+ "OnuResponseTime": 0,
+ "OpticalSignalLevel": 57428,
+ "PiggybackDbaReporting": 0,
+ "SignalDegradeThreshold": 9,
+ "SignalFailThreshold": 5,
+ "SrIndication": 1,
+ "TotalTcontNumber": 8,
+ "TransmitOpticalLevel": 3171,
+ "UpperOpticalThreshold": 255,
+ "UpperTransmitPowerThreshold": 129
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32769"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "263"
+ },
+ "264": {
+ "257": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AdministrativeState": 0,
+ "Deprecated": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 257,
+ "ManagementCapability": 0,
+ "NonOmciManagementIdentifier": 0,
+ "RelayAgentOptions": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "257"
+ },
+ "258": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AdministrativeState": 0,
+ "Deprecated": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 258,
+ "ManagementCapability": 0,
+ "NonOmciManagementIdentifier": 0,
+ "RelayAgentOptions": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "258"
+ },
+ "259": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AdministrativeState": 0,
+ "Deprecated": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 259,
+ "ManagementCapability": 0,
+ "NonOmciManagementIdentifier": 0,
+ "RelayAgentOptions": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "259"
+ },
+ "260": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AdministrativeState": 0,
+ "Deprecated": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 260,
+ "ManagementCapability": 0,
+ "NonOmciManagementIdentifier": 0,
+ "RelayAgentOptions": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "260"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "264"
+ },
+ "277": {
+ "257": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 257,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039361,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "257"
+ },
+ "258": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 258,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039362,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "258"
+ },
+ "259": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 259,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039363,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "259"
+ },
+ "260": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 260,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039364,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "260"
+ },
+ "261": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 261,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039365,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "261"
+ },
+ "262": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 262,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039366,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "262"
+ },
+ "263": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 263,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039367,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "263"
+ },
+ "264": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 264,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039368,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "264"
+ },
+ "265": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 265,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039369,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "265"
+ },
+ "266": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 266,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039370,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "266"
+ },
+ "267": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 267,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039371,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "267"
+ },
+ "268": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 268,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039372,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "268"
+ },
+ "269": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 269,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039373,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "269"
+ },
+ "270": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 270,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039374,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "270"
+ },
+ "271": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 271,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039375,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "271"
+ },
+ "272": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 272,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 17039376,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "272"
+ },
+ "32769": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32769,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007937,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32769"
+ },
+ "32770": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32770,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007938,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32770"
+ },
+ "32771": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32771,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007939,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32771"
+ },
+ "32772": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32772,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007940,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32772"
+ },
+ "32773": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32773,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007941,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32773"
+ },
+ "32774": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32774,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007942,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32774"
+ },
+ "32775": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32775,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007943,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32775"
+ },
+ "32776": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AllocatedQueueSize": 100,
+ "BackPressureClearQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOccurQueueThreshold": 0,
+ "BackPressureOperation": 1,
+ "BackPressureTime": 0,
+ "DiscardBlockCounterResetInterval": 0,
+ "ManagedEntityId": 32776,
+ "MaximumQueueSize": 100,
+ "QueueConfigurationOption": 0,
+ "RelatedPort": 2148007944,
+ "ThresholdValueForDiscardedBlocksDueToBufferOverflow": 0,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 264,
+ "Weight": 1
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "32776"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "277"
+ },
+ "278": {
+ "257": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 257,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32769,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "257"
+ },
+ "258": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 258,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32770,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "258"
+ },
+ "259": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 259,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32771,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "259"
+ },
+ "260": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 260,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32772,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "260"
+ },
+ "261": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 261,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32773,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "261"
+ },
+ "262": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 262,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32774,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "262"
+ },
+ "263": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 263,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32775,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "263"
+ },
+ "264": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "ManagedEntityId": 264,
+ "Policy": 2,
+ "PriorityWeight": 0,
+ "TContPointer": 32776,
+ "TrafficSchedulerPointer": 0
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "264"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "278"
+ },
+ "6": {
+ "257": {
+ "Attributes": {
+ "AdministrativeState": 0,
+ "BridgedOrIpInd": 0,
+ "CardConfiguration": 0,
+ "EquipmentId": "QkJTTS1DaXJjdWl0LVBhY2sAAAA=",
+ "ManagedEntityId": 257,
+ "NumberOfPorts": 1,
+ "OperationalState": 0,
+ "PowerShedOverride": 0,
+ "SerialNumber": "%SERIAL_NUMBER%",
+ "TotalPriorityQueueNumber": 8,
+ "TotalTContBufferNumber": 8,
+ "TotalTrafficSchedulerNumber": 16,
+ "Type": 47,
+ "VendorId": "AAAAAA==",
+ "Version": "djAuMC4xAAAAAAAAAAA="
+ },
+ "InstanceId": "257"
+ },
+ "ClassId": "6"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file