WIP [VOL-2811] - Incorporate preliminary onu-adapter-go code into opencord repo

- reason "discovery-mibsync-complete" reached (via full MibUpload only, received data won't be stored yet)
- first review comments of patchset #4 considered
 (please have a look into our inline-comments in Gerrit to know more about the current state)
- no refactoring done yet

Change-Id: Iac47817f8ce4bd28dd8132f530b0570d57ae99b8
Signed-off-by: Holger Hildebrandt <holger.hildebrandt@adtran.com>
diff --git a/adaptercoreont/device_handler.go b/adaptercoreont/device_handler.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6e81ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adaptercoreont/device_handler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+//Package adaptercoreont provides the utility for onu devices, flows and statistics
+package adaptercoreont
+import (
+	"context"
+	"encoding/hex"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
+	"github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/adapters/adapterif"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/v3/pkg/log"
+	ic "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v3/go/inter_container"
+	oop "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v3/go/openolt"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/v3/go/voltha"
+// Constants for number of retries and for timeout
+const (
+	MaxRetry       = 10
+	MaxTimeOutInMs = 500
+//DeviceHandler will interact with the ONU ? device.
+type DeviceHandler struct {
+	deviceID         string
+	DeviceType       string
+	adminState       string
+	device           *voltha.Device
+	logicalDeviceID  string
+	ProxyAddressID   string
+	ProxyAddressType string
+	coreProxy     adapterif.CoreProxy
+	AdapterProxy  adapterif.AdapterProxy
+	EventProxy    adapterif.EventProxy
+	openOnuAc     *OpenONUAC
+	transitionMap *TransitionMap
+	omciAgent     *OpenOMCIAgent
+	ponPort       *voltha.Port
+	onuOmciDevice *OnuDeviceEntry
+	exitChannel   chan int
+	lockDevice    sync.RWMutex
+	//Client        oop.OpenoltClient
+	//clientCon     *grpc.ClientConn
+	//flowMgr       *OpenOltFlowMgr
+	//eventMgr      *OpenOltEventMgr
+	//resourceMgr   *rsrcMgr.OpenOltResourceMgr
+	//discOnus sync.Map
+	//onus     sync.Map
+	//portStats          *OpenOltStatisticsMgr
+	//metrics            *pmmetrics.PmMetrics
+	stopCollector      chan bool
+	stopHeartbeatCheck chan bool
+	activePorts        sync.Map
+//OnuDevice represents ONU related info
+type OnuDevice struct {
+	deviceID      string
+	deviceType    string
+	serialNumber  string
+	onuID         uint32
+	intfID        uint32
+	proxyDeviceID string
+	uniPorts      map[uint32]struct{}
+//NewOnuDevice creates a new Onu Device
+func NewOnuDevice(devID, deviceTp, serialNum string, onuID, intfID uint32, proxyDevID string) *OnuDevice {
+	var device OnuDevice
+	device.deviceID = devID
+	device.deviceType = deviceTp
+	device.serialNumber = serialNum
+	device.onuID = onuID
+	device.intfID = intfID
+	device.proxyDeviceID = proxyDevID
+	device.uniPorts = make(map[uint32]struct{})
+	return &device
+//NewDeviceHandler creates a new device handler
+func NewDeviceHandler(cp adapterif.CoreProxy, ap adapterif.AdapterProxy, ep adapterif.EventProxy, device *voltha.Device, adapter *OpenONUAC) *DeviceHandler {
+	var dh DeviceHandler
+	dh.coreProxy = cp
+	dh.AdapterProxy = ap
+	dh.EventProxy = ep
+	cloned := (proto.Clone(device)).(*voltha.Device)
+	dh.deviceID = cloned.Id
+	dh.DeviceType = cloned.Type
+	dh.adminState = "up"
+	dh.device = cloned
+	dh.openOnuAc = adapter
+	dh.transitionMap = nil
+	dh.exitChannel = make(chan int, 1)
+	dh.lockDevice = sync.RWMutex{}
+	dh.stopCollector = make(chan bool, 2)
+	dh.stopHeartbeatCheck = make(chan bool, 2)
+	//dh.metrics = pmmetrics.NewPmMetrics(cloned.Id, pmmetrics.Frequency(150), pmmetrics.FrequencyOverride(false), pmmetrics.Grouped(false), pmmetrics.Metrics(pmNames))
+	dh.activePorts = sync.Map{}
+	//TODO initialize the support classes.
+	return &dh
+// start save the device to the data model
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) Start(ctx context.Context) {
+	dh.lockDevice.Lock()
+	defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
+	log.Debugw("starting-device-handler", log.Fields{"device": dh.device, "deviceId": dh.deviceID})
+	// Add the initial device to the local model
+	log.Debug("device-handler-started")
+// stop stops the device dh.  Not much to do for now
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) stop(ctx context.Context) {
+	dh.lockDevice.Lock()
+	defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
+	log.Debug("stopping-device-agent")
+	dh.exitChannel <- 1
+	log.Debug("device-agent-stopped")
+// ##########################################################################################
+// DeviceHandler methods that implement the adapters interface requests ##### begin #########
+//AdoptDevice adopts the OLT device
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) AdoptDevice(ctx context.Context, device *voltha.Device) {
+	log.Debugw("Adopt_device", log.Fields{"deviceID": device.Id, "Address": device.GetHostAndPort()})
+	if dh.transitionMap == nil {
+		dh.transitionMap = NewTransitionMap(dh)
+		dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, DeviceInit)
+	} else {
+		log.Debug("AdoptDevice: Agent/device init already done")
+	}
+	/*
+		// Now, set the initial PM configuration for that device
+		if err := dh.coreProxy.DevicePMConfigUpdate(nil, dh.metrics.ToPmConfigs()); err != nil {
+			log.Errorw("error-updating-PMs", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+		}
+		go startCollector(dh)
+		go startHeartbeatCheck(dh)
+	*/
+//ProcessInterAdapterMessage sends the proxied messages to the target device
+// If the proxy address is not found in the unmarshalled message, it first fetches the onu device for which the message
+// is meant, and then send the unmarshalled omci message to this onu
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) ProcessInterAdapterMessage(msg *ic.InterAdapterMessage) error {
+	msgID := msg.Header.Id
+	msgType := msg.Header.Type
+	fromTopic := msg.Header.FromTopic
+	toTopic := msg.Header.ToTopic
+	toDeviceID := msg.Header.ToDeviceId
+	proxyDeviceID := msg.Header.ProxyDeviceId
+	log.Debugw("InterAdapter message header", log.Fields{"msgID": msgID, "msgType": msgType,
+		"fromTopic": fromTopic, "toTopic": toTopic, "toDeviceID": toDeviceID, "proxyDeviceID": proxyDeviceID})
+	switch msgType {
+	case ic.InterAdapterMessageType_OMCI_REQUEST:
+		{
+			/* TOBECHECKED: I assume, ONU Adapter receives the message hier already 'unmarshalled'? else: (howTo?)*/
+			msgBody := msg.GetBody()
+			omciMsg := &ic.InterAdapterOmciMessage{}
+			if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(msgBody, omciMsg); err != nil {
+				log.Warnw("cannot-unmarshal-omci-msg-body", log.Fields{"error": err})
+				return err
+			}
+			//assuming omci message content is hex coded!
+			// with restricted output of 16(?) bytes would be ...omciMsg.Message[:16]
+			log.Debugw("inter-adapter-recv-omci",
+				log.Fields{"RxOmciMessage": hex.EncodeToString(omciMsg.Message)})
+			//receive_message(omci_msg.message)
+			return dh.onuOmciDevice.PDevOmciCC.ReceiveMessage(context.TODO(), omciMsg.Message)
+		}
+	case ic.InterAdapterMessageType_ONU_IND_REQUEST:
+		{
+			/* TOBECHECKED: I assume, ONU Adapter receives the message hier already 'unmarshalled'? else: see above omci block */
+			msgBody := msg.GetBody()
+			onu_indication := &oop.OnuIndication{}
+			if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(msgBody, onu_indication); err != nil {
+				log.Warnw("cannot-unmarshal-onu-indication-msg-body", log.Fields{"error": err})
+				return err
+			}
+			onu_operstate := onu_indication.GetOperState()
+			log.Debugw("inter-adapter-recv-onu-ind", log.Fields{"OnuId": onu_indication.GetOnuId(),
+				"AdminState": onu_indication.GetAdminState(), "OperState": onu_operstate,
+				"SNR": onu_indication.GetSerialNumber()})
+			//interface related functioons might be error checked ....
+			if onu_operstate == "up" {
+				dh.create_interface(onu_indication)
+			} else if (onu_operstate == "down") || (onu_operstate == "unreachable") {
+				dh.update_interface(onu_indication)
+			} else {
+				log.Errorw("unknown-onu-indication operState", log.Fields{"OnuId": onu_indication.GetOnuId()})
+				return errors.New("InvalidOperState")
+			}
+		}
+	default:
+		{
+			log.Errorw("inter-adapter-unhandled-type", log.Fields{"msgType": msg.Header.Type})
+			return errors.New("unimplemented")
+		}
+	}
+	/* form py code:
+	   elif request.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.TECH_PROFILE_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST:
+	       tech_msg = InterAdapterTechProfileDownloadMessage()
+	       request.body.Unpack(tech_msg)
+	       self.log.debug('inter-adapter-recv-tech-profile', tech_msg=tech_msg)
+	       self.load_and_configure_tech_profile(tech_msg.uni_id, tech_msg.path)
+	   elif request.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.DELETE_GEM_PORT_REQUEST:
+	       del_gem_msg = InterAdapterDeleteGemPortMessage()
+	       request.body.Unpack(del_gem_msg)
+	       self.log.debug('inter-adapter-recv-del-gem', gem_del_msg=del_gem_msg)
+	       self.delete_tech_profile(uni_id=del_gem_msg.uni_id,
+	                                gem_port_id=del_gem_msg.gem_port_id,
+	                                tp_path=del_gem_msg.tp_path)
+	   elif request.header.type == InterAdapterMessageType.DELETE_TCONT_REQUEST:
+	       del_tcont_msg = InterAdapterDeleteTcontMessage()
+	       request.body.Unpack(del_tcont_msg)
+	       self.log.debug('inter-adapter-recv-del-tcont', del_tcont_msg=del_tcont_msg)
+	       self.delete_tech_profile(uni_id=del_tcont_msg.uni_id,
+	                                alloc_id=del_tcont_msg.alloc_id,
+	                                tp_path=del_tcont_msg.tp_path)
+	   else:
+	       self.log.error("inter-adapter-unhandled-type", request=request)
+	*/
+	return nil
+//  DeviceHandler methods that implement the adapters interface requests## end #########
+// #####################################################################################
+// ################  to be updated acc. needs of ONU Device ########################
+// DeviceHandler StateMachine related state transition methods ##### begin #########
+// doStateInit provides the device update to the core
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateInit(ctx context.Context) error {
+	log.Debug("doStateInit-started")
+	/*
+		var err error
+		dh.clientCon, err = grpc.Dial(dh.device.GetHostAndPort(), grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithBlock())
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Errorw("Failed to dial device", log.Fields{"DeviceId": dh.deviceID, "HostAndPort": dh.device.GetHostAndPort(), "err": err})
+			return err
+		}
+		return nil
+	*/
+	// populate what we know.  rest comes later after mib sync
+	dh.device.Root = false
+	dh.device.Vendor = "OpenONU"
+	dh.device.Model = "go"
+	dh.device.Reason = "activating-onu"
+	dh.logicalDeviceID = dh.deviceID
+	dh.coreProxy.DeviceUpdate(ctx, dh.device)
+	// store proxy parameters for later communication - assumption: invariant, else they have to be requested dynamically!!
+	dh.ProxyAddressID = dh.device.ProxyAddress.GetDeviceId()
+	dh.ProxyAddressType = dh.device.ProxyAddress.GetDeviceType()
+	log.Debugw("device-updated", log.Fields{"deviceID": dh.deviceID, "proxyAddressID": dh.ProxyAddressID,
+		"proxyAddressType": dh.ProxyAddressType, "SNR": dh.device.SerialNumber,
+		"ParentId": dh.device.ParentId, "ParentPortNo": dh.device.ParentPortNo})
+	/*
+		self._pon = PonPort.create(self, self._pon_port_number)
+		self._pon.add_peer(self.parent_id, self._pon_port_number)
+		self.log.debug('adding-pon-port-to-agent',
+				   type=self._pon.get_port().type,
+				   admin_state=self._pon.get_port().admin_state,
+				   oper_status=self._pon.get_port().oper_status,
+				   )
+	*/
+	log.Debug("adding-pon-port")
+	ponPortNo := uint32(1)
+	if dh.device.ParentPortNo != 0 {
+		ponPortNo = dh.device.ParentPortNo
+	}
+	ponPort := &voltha.Port{
+		PortNo:     ponPortNo,
+		Label:      fmt.Sprintf("pon-%d", ponPortNo),
+		Type:       voltha.Port_PON_ONU,
+		OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE,
+		Peers: []*voltha.Port_PeerPort{{DeviceId: dh.device.ParentId, // Peer device  is OLT
+			PortNo: dh.device.ParentPortNo}}, // Peer port is parent's port number
+	}
+	var err error
+	if err = dh.coreProxy.PortCreated(context.TODO(), dh.deviceID, ponPort); err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("PortCreated-failed-%s", err)
+	}
+	log.Debug("doStateInit-done")
+	return nil
+// postInit setups the DeviceEntry for the conerned device
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) postInit(ctx context.Context) error {
+	/*
+		dh.Client = oop.NewOpenoltClient(dh.clientCon)
+		dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, GrpcConnected)
+		return nil
+	*/
+	//start the Agent object with no specific FSM setting
+	dh.omciAgent = NewOpenOMCIAgent(ctx, dh.coreProxy, dh.AdapterProxy)
+	dh.omciAgent.Start(ctx)
+	// might be updated with some error handling !!!
+	dh.onuOmciDevice, _ = dh.omciAgent.Add_device(ctx, dh.deviceID, dh)
+	//dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, GrpcConnected)
+	/*
+			############################################################################
+			# Setup Alarm handler
+			self.events = AdapterEvents(self.core_proxy, device.id, self.logical_device_id,
+										device.serial_number)
+			############################################################################
+			# Setup PM configuration for this device
+			# Pass in ONU specific options
+			kwargs = {
+				'heartbeat': self.heartbeat,
+				OnuOmciPmMetrics.OMCI_DEV_KEY: self._onu_omci_device
+			}
+			self.log.debug('create-pm-metrics', device_id=device.id, serial_number=device.serial_number)
+			self._pm_metrics = OnuPmMetrics(self.events, self.core_proxy, self.device_id,
+										   self.logical_device_id, device.serial_number,
+										   grouped=True, freq_override=False, **kwargs)
+			pm_config = self._pm_metrics.make_proto()
+			self._onu_omci_device.set_pm_config(self._pm_metrics.omci_pm.openomci_interval_pm)
+			self.log.info("initial-pm-config", device_id=device.id, serial_number=device.serial_number)
+			yield self.core_proxy.device_pm_config_update(pm_config, init=True)
+			# Note, ONU ID and UNI intf set in add_uni_port method
+			self._onu_omci_device.alarm_synchronizer.set_alarm_params(mgr=self.events,
+																	  ani_ports=[self._pon])
+			# Code to Run OMCI Test Action
+			kwargs_omci_test_action = {
+			}
+			serial_number = device.serial_number
+			self._test_request = OmciTestRequest(self.core_proxy,
+										   self.omci_agent, self.device_id,
+										   AniG, serial_number,
+										   self.logical_device_id,
+										   exclusive=False,
+										   **kwargs_omci_test_action)
+			self.enabled = True
+		else:
+			self.log.info('onu-already-activated')
+	*/
+	return nil
+// doStateUp handle the onu up indication and update to voltha core
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateUp(ctx context.Context) error {
+	/*
+		// Synchronous call to update device state - this method is run in its own go routine
+		if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, dh.device.Id, voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE,
+			voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE); err != nil {
+			log.Errorw("Failed to update device with OLT UP indication", log.Fields{"deviceID": dh.device.Id, "error": err})
+			return err
+		}
+		return nil
+	*/
+	return errors.New("unimplemented")
+// doStateDown handle the onu down indication
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateDown(ctx context.Context) error {
+	dh.lockDevice.Lock()
+	defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
+	log.Debug("do-state-down-start")
+	device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(ctx, dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
+	if err != nil || device == nil {
+		/*TODO: needs to handle error scenarios */
+		log.Errorw("Failed to fetch device device", log.Fields{"err": err})
+		return errors.New("failed to fetch device device")
+	}
+	cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
+	log.Debugw("do-state-down", log.Fields{"ClonedDeviceID": cloned.Id})
+	/*
+		// Update the all ports state on that device to disable
+		if er := dh.coreProxy.PortsStateUpdate(ctx, cloned.Id, voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN); er != nil {
+			log.Errorw("updating-ports-failed", log.Fields{"deviceID": device.Id, "error": er})
+			return er
+		}
+		//Update the device oper state and connection status
+		cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN
+		cloned.ConnectStatus = common.ConnectStatus_UNREACHABLE
+		dh.device = cloned
+		if er := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); er != nil {
+			log.Errorw("error-updating-device-state", log.Fields{"deviceID": device.Id, "error": er})
+			return er
+		}
+		//get the child device for the parent device
+		onuDevices, err := dh.coreProxy.GetChildDevices(ctx, dh.device.Id)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Errorw("failed to get child devices information", log.Fields{"deviceID": dh.device.Id, "error": err})
+			return err
+		}
+		for _, onuDevice := range onuDevices.Items {
+			// Update onu state as down in onu adapter
+			onuInd := oop.OnuIndication{}
+			onuInd.OperState = "down"
+			er := dh.AdapterProxy.SendInterAdapterMessage(ctx, &onuInd, ic.InterAdapterMessageType_ONU_IND_REQUEST,
+				"openolt", onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, "")
+			if er != nil {
+				log.Errorw("Failed to send inter-adapter-message", log.Fields{"OnuInd": onuInd,
+					"From Adapter": "openolt", "DevieType": onuDevice.Type, "DeviceID": onuDevice.Id})
+				//Do not return here and continue to process other ONUs
+			}
+		}
+		// * Discovered ONUs entries need to be cleared , since after OLT
+		//   is up, it starts sending discovery indications again* /
+		dh.discOnus = sync.Map{}
+		log.Debugw("do-state-down-end", log.Fields{"deviceID": device.Id})
+		return nil
+	*/
+	return errors.New("unimplemented")
+// doStateConnected get the device info and update to voltha core
+// for comparison of the original method (not that easy to uncomment): compare here:
+//  voltha-openolt-adapter/adaptercore/device_handler.go
+//  -> this one obviously initiates all communication interfaces of the device ...?
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateConnected(ctx context.Context) error {
+	log.Debug("OLT device has been connected")
+	return errors.New("unimplemented")
+// DeviceHandler StateMachine related state transition methods ##### end #########
+// #################################################################################
+// ###################################################
+// DeviceHandler utility methods ##### begin #########
+// doStateInit provides the device update to the core
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) create_interface(onuind *oop.OnuIndication) error {
+	log.Debug("create_interface-started - not yet fully implemented (only device state update)")
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(context.TODO(), dh.deviceID, voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE, voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVATING); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-updating-device-state", log.Fields{"deviceID": dh.deviceID, "error": err})
+	}
+	device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
+	if err != nil || device == nil {
+		/*TODO: needs to handle error scenarios */
+		log.Errorw("Failed to fetch device device at creating If", log.Fields{"err": err})
+		return errors.New("Voltha Device not found")
+	}
+	dh.onuOmciDevice.Start(context.TODO())
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceReasonUpdate(context.TODO(), dh.deviceID, "starting-openomci"); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-DeviceReasonUpdate to starting-openomci", log.Fields{"deviceID": dh.deviceID, "error": err})
+	}
+	/* this might be a good time for Omci Verify message?  */
+	verifyExec := make(chan bool)
+	omci_verify := NewOmciTestRequest(context.TODO(),
+		dh.device.Id, dh.onuOmciDevice.PDevOmciCC,
+		true, true) //eclusive and allowFailure (anyway not yet checked)
+	omci_verify.PerformOmciTest(context.TODO(), verifyExec)
+	/* 	give the handler some time here to wait for the OMCi verification result
+	after Timeout start and try MibUpload FSM anyway
+	(to prevent stopping on just not supported OMCI verification from ONU) */
+	select {
+	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
+		log.Warn("omci start-verification timed out (continue normal)")
+	case testresult := <-verifyExec:
+		log.Infow("Omci start verification done", log.Fields{"result": testresult})
+	}
+	/* In py code it looks earlier (on activate ..)
+			# Code to Run OMCI Test Action
+			kwargs_omci_test_action = {
+			}
+			serial_number = device.serial_number
+			self._test_request = OmciTestRequest(self.core_proxy,
+											self.omci_agent, self.device_id,
+											AniG, serial_number,
+											self.logical_device_id,
+											exclusive=False,
+											**kwargs_omci_test_action)
+	...
+	                    # Start test requests after a brief pause
+	                    if not self._test_request_started:
+	                        self._test_request_started = True
+	                        tststart = _STARTUP_RETRY_WAIT * (random.randint(1, 5))
+	                        reactor.callLater(tststart, self._test_request.start_collector)
+	*/
+	/* which is then: in omci_test_request.py : */
+	/*
+	   def start_collector(self, callback=None):
+	       """
+	               Start the collection loop for an adapter if the frequency > 0
+	               :param callback: (callable) Function to call to collect PM data
+	       """
+	       self.log.info("starting-pm-collection", device_name=self.name, default_freq=self.default_freq)
+	       if callback is None:
+	           callback = self.perform_test_omci
+	       if self.lc is None:
+	           self.lc = LoopingCall(callback)
+	       if self.default_freq > 0:
+	           self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+	   def perform_test_omci(self):
+	       """
+	       Perform the initial test request
+	       """
+	       ani_g_entities = self._device.configuration.ani_g_entities
+	       ani_g_entities_ids = list(ani_g_entities.keys()) if ani_g_entities \
+	                                                     is not None else None
+	       self._entity_id = ani_g_entities_ids[0]
+	       self.log.info('perform-test', entity_class=self._entity_class,
+	                     entity_id=self._entity_id)
+	       try:
+	           frame = MEFrame(self._entity_class, self._entity_id, []).test()
+	           result = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+	           if not result.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']:
+	               self.log.info('Self-Test Submitted Successfully',
+	                             code=result.fields[
+	                                 'omci_message'].fields['success_code'])
+	           else:
+	               raise TestFailure('Test Failure: {}'.format(
+	                   result.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']))
+	       except TimeoutError as e:
+	           self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+	       except Exception as e:
+	           self.log.exception('perform-test-Error', e=e,
+	                              class_id=self._entity_class,
+	                              entity_id=self._entity_id)
+	           self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+	*/
+	// PM related heartbeat??? !!!TODO....
+	//self._heartbeat.enabled = True
+	//example how to call FSM - transition up to state "uploading"
+	if dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Is("disabled") {
+		if err := dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Event("start"); err != nil {
+			log.Errorw("MibSyncFsm: Can't go to state starting", log.Fields{"err": err})
+			return errors.New("Can't go to state starting")
+		} else {
+			log.Debug("MibSyncFsm", log.Fields{"state": string(dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Current())})
+			//Determine ONU status and start/re-start MIB Synchronization tasks
+			//Determine if this ONU has ever synchronized
+			if true { //TODO: insert valid check
+				if err := dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Event("load_mib_template"); err != nil {
+					log.Errorw("MibSyncFsm: Can't go to state loading_mib_template", log.Fields{"err": err})
+					return errors.New("Can't go to state loading_mib_template")
+				} else {
+					log.Debug("MibSyncFsm", log.Fields{"state": string(dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Current())})
+					//Find and load a mib template. If not found proceed with mib_upload
+					// callbacks to be handled:
+					// Event("success")
+					// Event("timeout")
+					//no mib template found
+					if true { //TODO: insert valid check
+						if err := dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Event("upload_mib"); err != nil {
+							log.Errorw("MibSyncFsm: Can't go to state uploading", log.Fields{"err": err})
+							return errors.New("Can't go to state uploading")
+						} else {
+							log.Debug("state of MibSyncFsm", log.Fields{"state": string(dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Current())})
+							//Begin full MIB data upload, starting with a MIB RESET
+							// callbacks to be handled:
+							// success: e.Event("success")
+							// failure: e.Event("timeout")
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Event("examine_mds")
+				log.Debug("state of MibSyncFsm", log.Fields{"state": string(dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Current())})
+				//Examine the MIB Data Sync
+				// callbacks to be handled:
+				// Event("success")
+				// Event("timeout")
+				// Event("mismatch")
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		log.Errorw("wrong state of MibSyncFsm - want: disabled", log.Fields{"have": string(dh.onuOmciDevice.MibSyncFsm.Current())})
+		return errors.New("wrong state of MibSyncFsm")
+	}
+	return nil
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) update_interface(onuind *oop.OnuIndication) error {
+	log.Debug("update_interface-started - not yet implemented")
+	return nil
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) DeviceStateUpdate(dev_Event OnuDeviceEvent) {
+	if dev_Event == MibDatabaseSync {
+		log.Debug("MibInSync Event: update dev state to 'MibSync complete'")
+		//initiate DevStateUpdate
+		if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceReasonUpdate(context.TODO(), dh.deviceID, "discovery-mibsync-complete"); err != nil {
+			log.Errorw("error-DeviceReasonUpdate to mibsync-complete", log.Fields{"deviceID": dh.deviceID, "error": err})
+		}
+	} else {
+		log.Warnw("unhandled-device-event", log.Fields{"event": dev_Event})
+	}