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OLT PM Metrics

THESE ARE PRELIMINARY METRIC GROUPS, Work is needed by the VOLTHA community to reach a consensus on the actual metrics that will be provided. Also, please read the Remaining Work Item sections of each README file.

This document outlines the metrics reported by VOLTHA OLTs. These are currently collected from OLT Device Adapter which is responsible for polling the hardware for information. A future version of the Performance Monitoring Library will allow for collection on-demand.

Format on the Kafka bus

The format of the OLT KPI Events is detailed in the Basic KPI Format (KpiEvent2) section of this documents parent directory for wire format on the bus. This document primarily provides the group metric information for OLT PKIs and associated metadata context information.

All metric values reported by the library are reported as floats. The context and metric tables listed in the sections below report the type as initially collected by the OLT Device Adapters.

#OLT PM Metric Groups

The following sections outline the KPI metrics gathered by most OLT Device adapters. If an OLT does not support a specific metric in a group, it will not report that metric. This is preferred to reporting a metric and it always having a value of 0.0 (which could be misleading).

Admin and Oper State/status

Various interfaces will provide a numeric (integer) value for the current Admin State and Operation Status of the interface. These map to the following states:

Admin State

UNKNOWN0The administrative state of the device is unknown
DISABLED2The device is disabled and shall not perform its intended forwarding functions other than being available for re-activation.
PREPROVISIONED1The device is pre-provisioned into Voltha, but not contacted by it
ENABLED3The device is enabled for activation and operation
DOWNLOADING_IMAGE4The device is in the state of image download

Operational Status

UNKNOWN0The status of the device is unknown at this point
DISCOVERED1The device has been discovered, but not yet activated
ACTIVATING2The device is being activated (booted, rebooted, upgraded, etc.)
TESTING3Service impacting tests are being conducted
ACTIVE4The device is up and active
FAILED5The device has failed and cannot fulfill its intended role

NNI KPI Metrics

This metric provides metrics for a specific NNI Port of an OLT

Metadata Context items

intf_idintegerPhysical device interface port number for this NNI port


keytype / sizeNotes
admin_statestateSee Admin State section above
oper_statusstateSee Operational Status section above
rx_bytesint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
rx_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
rx_ucast_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
rx_mcast_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
rx_bcast_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
rx_error_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
tx_bytesint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
tx_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
tx_ucast_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
tx_mcast_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
tx_bcast_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
tx_error_packetsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
rx_crc_errorsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...
bip_errorsint, 64-bitsTODO: add definition here...

PON KPI Metrics

The OLT PON Port metrics

Metadata Context items

intf_idintegerPhysical device interface port number for this NNI port
pon_idintegerPON ID (0..n)


keytype / sizeNotes
admin_statestateSee Admin State section above
oper_statusstateSee Operational Status section above
rx_packetsint, 64-bitsSum of all the RX Packets of GEM ports that are not base TCONT's
rx_bytesint, 64-bitsSum of all the RX Octets of GEM ports that are not base TCONT's
tx_packetsint, 64-bitsSum of all the TX Packets of GEM ports that are not base TCONT's
tx_bytesint, 64-bitsSum of all the TX Octets of GEM ports that are not base TCONT's
tx_bip_errorsint, 32-bitsSum of all the TX ONU bip errors to get TX BIP's per PON
in_service_onusintThe number of activated ONUs on this pon
closest_onu_distancefloatDistance to the closest ONU, units=kM w/granularity in the thousandths

ONU KPI Metrics

The OLT metrics for each activated ONUs

Metadata Context items

intf_idintegerPhysical device interface port number for this NNI port
pon_idintegerPON ID (0..n)
onu_idintegerONU ID


keytype / sizeNotes
fiber_lengthfloatDistance to ONU, units=kM w/granularity in the thousandths
equalization_delayint, 32-bitsEqualization delay
rssiint, 32-bitsThe received signal strength indication of the ONU.

TODO: How about the following as well?

  • rx_packets - int, 32-bits - Rx packets received on all GEM ports
  • rx_bytes - int, 64-bits - Rx octets received on all GEM ports
  • tx_packets - int, 32-bits - Tx packets transmitted on all GEM ports
  • tx_bytes - int, 64-bits - Rx packets transmitted on all GEM ports
  • tx_bip_errors - int, 32-bits - Sum of all the TX ONU bip errors to get TX BIP's on all GEM ports

GEM Port KPI Metrics

The GEM Port metrics for each activated ONUs

Metadata Context items

intf_idintegerPhysical device interface port number for this NNI port
pon_idintegerPON ID (0..n)
onu_idintegerONU ID
gem_idintegerGEM Port ID


keytype / sizeNotes
alloc_idint, 16-bitsTODO: add definition here...
rx_packetsint, 32-bitsRx packets received
rx_bytesint, 64-bitsRx octets received
tx_packetsint, 32-bitsTx packets transmitted
tx_bytesint, 64-bitsRx packets transmitted

Remaining Work Items

This initial code is only a preliminary work. See the Remaining Work Items section of this document's parent directory for a list of remaining tasks.

  • VOL-932 PM Interval collection on the OLT. Need to consult OLT device adapter vendors and operators for which KPIs would best fit in the interval groups. Intervals differ from other metric groups as they are defined to collect on a specific interval (15-minutes most common) and at the start of the interval, the counters should be set to zero so that the accumulation during the interval is what is reported. See also VOL-933, VOL-934, VOL-935, VOL-938, VOL-939, VOL-940. NOTE: A couple of the ones above are for the ONU

TODO: For each group, list if the default is enabled/disabled