VOL-3616: Support for API to retrieve information about UNI of an ONU

Change-Id: Iaf6f8147278cc0cbb084b66d7400ce84a0b18ae4
diff --git a/python/adapters/brcm_openomci_onu/omci/brcm_uni_status.py b/python/adapters/brcm_openomci_onu/omci/brcm_uni_status.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd61b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/adapters/brcm_openomci_onu/omci/brcm_uni_status.py
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import structlog
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.tasks.task import Task
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, failure, returnValue, DeferredQueue
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_defs import ReasonCodes, EntityOperations
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_me import OntGFrame
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_me import PptpEthernetUniFrame, VeipUniFrame
+from voltha_protos.extensions_pb2 import SingleGetValueResponse, GetValueResponse, GetOnuUniInfoResponse
+RC = ReasonCodes
+OP = EntityOperations
+class BrcmUniStatusTask(Task):
+    """
+    Get the status of the UNI Port
+    """
+    task_priority = Task.DEFAULT_PRIORITY + 20
+    name = "Broadcom UNI Status Task"
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, device_id, get_val_req, entity_id, msg_queue, priority=task_priority):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OmciAdapterAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        :param get_val_req: (voltha_pb2.SingleGetValueResponse)
+        :param priority: (int) OpenOMCI Task priority (0..255) 255 is the highest
+        """
+        super(BrcmUniStatusTask, self).__init__(BrcmUniStatusTask.name,
+                                              omci_agent,
+                                              device_id,
+                                              priority=priority,
+                                              exclusive=True)
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id,
+                                        name=BrcmUniStatusTask.name,
+                                        task_id=self._task_id)
+        self._device = omci_agent.get_device(device_id)
+        self._req = get_val_req
+        self._results = SingleGetValueResponse()
+        self._local_deferred = None
+        self._config = self._device.configuration
+        self._entity_id = entity_id
+        self.uni_status_response_queue = msg_queue
+        self.log.info("get-uni-staus-deviceid",deviceid=device_id)
+    def cancel_deferred(self):
+        super(BrcmUniStatusTask, self).cancel_deferred()
+        d, self._local_deferred = self._local_deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start UNI/PPTP Get Status Task
+        """
+        super(BrcmUniStatusTask, self).start()
+        self._local_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.perform_get_uni_status)
+    def stop(self):
+         self.cancel_deferred()
+         super(BrcmUniStatusTask, self).stop()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_get_uni_status(self):
+        """
+        Perform the Get UNI Status
+        """
+        self.log.info('get-uni-status-uni-index-is  ',uni_index=self._req.uniInfo.uniIndex)
+        try:
+            pptp_list = sorted(self._config.pptp_entities) if self._config.pptp_entities else []
+            pptp_items = ['administrative_state', 'operational_state', 'config_ind', 'max_frame_size', 'sensed_type', 'bridged_ip_ind']
+            for entity_id in pptp_list:
+                self.log.info('entity-id',entity_id)
+            msg = PptpEthernetUniFrame(self._entity_id, attributes=pptp_items)
+            yield self._send_omci_msg(msg)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._results.response.status = GetValueResponse.ERROR
+            self._results.response.errReason = GetValueResponse.REASON_UNDEFINED
+            self.log.exception('get-uni-status', e=e)
+        finally:
+            self.log.info('uni-status-response',self._results)
+            yield self.uni_status_response_queue.put(self._results)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _send_omci_msg(self, me_message):
+        frame = me_message.get()
+        results = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+        if self._check_status_and_state(results, 'get-uni-status'):
+           omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+           self._results.response.status = GetValueResponse.OK
+           self._collect_uni_admin_state(results)
+           self._collect_uni_operational_state(results)
+           self._collect_uni_config_ind(results)
+        else:
+           self._results.response.status = GetValueResponse.ERROR
+           self._results.response.errReason = GetValueResponse.UNSUPPORTED
+    def _collect_uni_admin_state(self, results):
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        admin_state = omci_msg.get("data").get("administrative_state")
+        if admin_state == 0 :
+           self._results.response.uniInfo.admState  = GetOnuUniInfoResponse.UNLOCKED
+        elif admin_state == 1 :
+           self._results.response.uniInfo.admState  = GetOnuUniInfoResponse.LOCKED
+        else:
+           self._results.response.uniInfo.admState  = GetOnuUniInfoResponse.ADMSTATE_UNDEFINED
+    def _collect_uni_operational_state(self, results):
+        self.log.info('collect-uni-oper-state')
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        oper_state=omci_msg.get("data").get("operational_state")
+        if oper_state == 0 :
+           self._results.response.uniInfo.operState = GetOnuUniInfoResponse.ENABLED
+        elif oper_state == 1 :
+           self._results.response.uniInfo.operState = GetOnuUniInfoResponse.DISABLED
+        else:
+           self._results.response.uniInfo.operState = GetOnuUniInfoResponse.OPERSTATE_UNDEFINED
+    def _collect_uni_config_ind(self, results):
+        config_ind_map = {0:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.UNKOWN,
+                          1:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.TEN_BASE_T_FDX,
+                          2:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.HUNDRED_BASE_T_FDX,
+                          3:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.GIGABIT_ETHERNET_FDX,
+                          4:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.TEN_G_ETHERNET_FDX,
+                          17:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.TEN_BASE_T_HDX,
+                          18:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.HUNDRED_BASE_T_HDX,
+                          19:GetOnuUniInfoResponse.GIGABIT_ETHERNET_HDX,
+                          }
+        self.log.info('collect-config-ind')
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        config_ind =omci_msg.get("data").get("config_ind", GetOnuUniInfoResponse.UNKOWN)
+        self._results.response.uniInfo.configInd  = config_ind_map.get(config_ind, GetOnuUniInfoResponse.UNKOWN)
+    def _check_status_and_state(self, results, operation=''):
+        """
+        Check the results of an OMCI response.  An exception is thrown
+        if the task was cancelled or an error was detected.
+        :param results: (OmciFrame) OMCI Response frame
+        :param operation: (str) what operation was being performed
+        :return: True if successful, False if the entity existed (already created)
+        """
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        status = omci_msg['success_code']
+        error_mask = omci_msg.get('parameter_error_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        failed_mask = omci_msg.get('failed_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        unsupported_mask = omci_msg.get('unsupported_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        self.log.debug("omci-response", operation=operation,
+                       omci_msg=omci_msg, status=status,
+                       error_mask=error_mask, failed_mask=failed_mask,
+                       unsupported_mask=unsupported_mask)
+        self.strobe_watchdog()
+        if status == RC.Success:
+            return True
+        else:
+           self.log.info("omci-reponse-failed",  status, "error-mask-is",
+           error_mask, "failed-mask-is ", failed_mask, "unsupported-mask-is ", unsupported_mask)
+           return False