blob: 4554bdbe37bc041029d430b23b6893b2878eb374 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 by Tibit Communications, Inc. #
# All rights reserved. #
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import sys
import inspect
# SCAPY-specific imports
from scapy.packet import Packet, bind_layers
from scapy.fields import StrField, PacketField, X3BytesField
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from EOAM_TLV import *
# Layer 2 definitions
EOAM_MULTICAST_ADDRESS = '01:80:c2:00:00:02' # Well-known OAM Multicast address
UNUSED_SOURCE_ADDRESS = '12:34:56:78:9a:bc' # for OAM frames sent over the CLI
IGMP_MULTICAST_ADDRESS = '01:00:5e:00:00:01' # IGMP Multicast address
OAM_ETHERTYPE = 0xA8C8 # Ethertype value used to identify a 1904.2 message
CABLELABS_OUI = 0x001000 # CableLabs OUI (used for DPoE OAM messages)
TIBIT_OUI = 0x2AEA15 # Tibit OUI
ITU_OUI = 0x0019A7 # ITU OUI - used to encapsulate OMCI messages
# Message Types which can be received from the Tibit OLT, Tibit ONU, DPoE ONU, or GPON ONT
# ove the 1904.2 transport
RxedOamMsgTypeEnum = {
"Unknown" : 0x00,
"Info" : 0x01, # Info PDU
"Event Notification" : 0x02, # Event Notification - Tibit or DPoE Event
"DPoE Get Response" : 0x03, # DPoE Get Response
"DPoE Set Response" : 0x04, # DPoE Set Rewponse
"DPoE File Transfer" : 0x05, # Specifically - a File Transfer ACK
"OMCI Message" : 0x06, # Contains an embedded OMCI message
RxedOamMsgTypes = {v: k for k, v in RxedOamMsgTypeEnum.iteritems()}
# SCAPY Layer definitions used to parse 1904.2 messages
# OAM fields after the L2 addressing/VLAN tags
# when the Ethertype is set to 0xA8C8
class EOAMPayload(Packet):
name = 'EOAM Payload'
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("subtype", 0x03, SlowProtocolsSubtypeEnum),
XShortField("flags", 0x0050),
bind_layers(Ether, EOAMPayload, type=OAM_ETHERTYPE)
# 1904.1 OAM Event
class EOAM_EventMsg(Packet):
name = 'EOAM Event'
fields_desc = [
XShortField("sequence", 0x0001),
XByteField("tlv_type", VENDOR_SPECIFIC_OPCODE),
XByteField("length", 0x01),
X3BytesField("oui", CABLELABS_OUI),
PacketField("body", None, Packet),
bind_layers(EOAMPayload, EOAM_EventMsg, opcode=0x01)
# Vendor-specific OAM message
# indicated by an Opcode field set to 0xFE
class EOAM_VendSpecificMsg(Packet):
name = "Vendor-Specific OAM"
fields_desc = [
X3BytesField("oui", CABLELABS_OUI),
bind_layers(EOAMPayload, EOAM_VendSpecificMsg, opcode=VENDOR_SPECIFIC_OPCODE)
# Tibit-specific OAM message
# indicated by an OUI set to 0x2AEA15
class EOAM_TibitMsg(Packet):
name = "Tibit OAM Message"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("dpoe_opcode", 0x01, DPoEOpcodeEnum),
PacketField("body", None, Packet),
bind_layers(EOAM_VendSpecificMsg, EOAM_TibitMsg, oui=TIBIT_OUI)
# DPoE-specific OAM message
# indicated by an OUI set to 0x001000
class EOAM_DpoeMsg(Packet):
name = "DPoE OAM Message"
fields_desc = [
ByteEnumField("dpoe_opcode", 0x01, DPoEOpcodeEnum),
PacketField("body", None, Packet),
bind_layers(EOAM_VendSpecificMsg, EOAM_DpoeMsg, oui=CABLELABS_OUI)
# Embedded OMCI message
# indicated by an OUI set to ITU OUI (0x0019A7)
#class EOAM_OmciMsg(Packet):
# name = "OAM-encapsulated OMCI Message"
# fields_desc = [
# XShortField("trans_id", 1),
# XByteField("msg_type", 0x49),
# XByteField("dev_id", 0x0A),
# XShortField("me_class", 0x0000),
# XShortField("me_inst", 0x0000),
# PacketField("body", None, Packet),
# ]
class EOAM_OmciMsg(Packet):
name = "OAM-encapsulated OMCI Message"
fields_desc = [
PacketField("body", None, Packet),
bind_layers(EOAM_VendSpecificMsg, EOAM_OmciMsg, oui=ITU_OUI)
# End of SCAPY Layers