VOL-1451 Initial checkin of openonu build

Produced docker container capable of building and running
openonu/brcm_openonci_onu.  Copied over current onu code
and resolved all imports by copying into the local source tree.

Change-Id: Ib9785d37afc65b7d32ecf74aee2456352626e2b6
diff --git a/python/core/config/merge_3way.py b/python/core/config/merge_3way.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5444a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/config/merge_3way.py
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+3-way merge function for config rev objects.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from copy import copy
+from voltha.core.config.config_proxy import CallbackType, OperationContext
+from voltha.core.config.config_rev import children_fields
+class MergeConflictException(Exception):
+    pass
+def merge_3way(fork_rev, src_rev, dst_rev, merge_child_func, dry_run=False):
+    """
+    Attempt to merge src_rev into dst_rev but taking into account what have
+    changed in both revs since the last known common point, the fork_rev.
+    In case of conflict, raise a MergeConflictException(). If dry run is True,
+    don't actually perform the merge, but detect potential conflicts.
+    This function recurses into all children nodes stored under the rev and
+    performs the merge if the children is also part of a transaction branch.
+    :param fork_rev: Point of forking (last known common state between branches
+    :param src_rev: Latest rev from which we merge to dst_rev
+    :param dst_rev: Target (destination) rev
+    :param merge_child_fun: To run a potential merge in all children that
+    may need merge (determined from the local changes)
+    :param dry_run: If True, do not perform the merge, but detect merge
+    conflicts.
+    :return: The new dst_rev (a new rev instance) the list of changes that
+    occurred in this node or any of its children as part of this merge.
+    """
+    # to collect change tuples of (<callback-type>, <op-context>)
+    changes = []
+    class AnalyzeChanges(object):
+        def __init__(self, lst1, lst2, keyname):
+            self.keymap1 = OrderedDict((getattr(rev._config._data, keyname), i)
+                                       for i, rev in enumerate(lst1))
+            self.keymap2 = OrderedDict((getattr(rev._config._data, keyname), i)
+                                       for i, rev in enumerate(lst2))
+            self.added_keys = [
+                k for k in self.keymap2.iterkeys() if k not in self.keymap1]
+            self.removed_keys = [
+                k for k in self.keymap1.iterkeys() if k not in self.keymap2]
+            self.changed_keys = [
+                k for k in self.keymap1.iterkeys()
+                if k in self.keymap2 and
+                    lst1[self.keymap1[k]]._hash != lst2[self.keymap2[k]]._hash
+            ]
+    # Note: there are a couple of special cases that can be optimized
+    # for larer on. But since premature optimization is a bad idea, we
+    # defer them.
+    # deal with config data first
+    if dst_rev._config is fork_rev._config:
+        # no change in master, accept src if different
+        config_changed = dst_rev._config != src_rev._config
+    else:
+        if dst_rev._config.hash != src_rev._config.hash:
+            raise MergeConflictException('Config collision')
+        config_changed = True
+    # now to the external children fields
+    new_children = dst_rev._children.copy()
+    _children_fields = children_fields(fork_rev.data.__class__)
+    for field_name, field in _children_fields.iteritems():
+        fork_list = fork_rev._children[field_name]
+        src_list = src_rev._children[field_name]
+        dst_list = dst_rev._children[field_name]
+        if dst_list == src_list:
+            # we do not need to change the dst, however we still need
+            # to complete the branch purging in child nodes so not
+            # to leave dangling branches around
+            [merge_child_func(rev) for rev in src_list]
+            continue
+        if not field.key:
+            # If the list is not keyed, we really should not merge. We merely
+            # check for collision, i.e., if both changed (and not same)
+            if dst_list == fork_list:
+                # dst branch did not change since fork
+                assert src_list != fork_list, 'We should not be here otherwise'
+                # the incoming (src) rev changed, and we have to apply it
+                new_children[field_name] = [
+                    merge_child_func(rev) for rev in src_list]
+                if field.is_container:
+                    changes.append((CallbackType.POST_LISTCHANGE,
+                                    OperationContext(field_name=field_name)))
+            else:
+                if src_list != fork_list:
+                    raise MergeConflictException(
+                        'Cannot merge because single child node or un-keyed'
+                        'children list has changed')
+        else:
+            if dst_list == fork_list:
+                # Destination did not change
+                # We need to analyze only the changes on the incoming rev
+                # since fork
+                src = AnalyzeChanges(fork_list, src_list, field.key)
+                new_list = copy(src_list)  # we start from the source list
+                for key in src.added_keys:
+                    idx = src.keymap2[key]
+                    new_rev = merge_child_func(new_list[idx])
+                    new_list[idx] = new_rev
+                    changes.append(
+                        (CallbackType.POST_ADD,
+                         new_rev.data))
+                         # OperationContext(
+                         #     field_name=field_name,
+                         #     child_key=key,
+                         #     data=new_rev.data)))
+                for key in src.removed_keys:
+                    old_rev = fork_list[src.keymap1[key]]
+                    changes.append((
+                        CallbackType.POST_REMOVE,
+                        old_rev.data))
+                        # OperationContext(
+                        #     field_name=field_name,
+                        #     child_key=key,
+                        #     data=old_rev.data)))
+                for key in src.changed_keys:
+                    idx = src.keymap2[key]
+                    new_rev = merge_child_func(new_list[idx])
+                    new_list[idx] = new_rev
+                    # updated child gets its own change event
+                new_children[field_name] = new_list
+            else:
+                # For keyed fields we can really investigate what has been
+                # added, removed, or changed in both branches and do a
+                # fine-grained collision detection and merge
+                src = AnalyzeChanges(fork_list, src_list, field.key)
+                dst = AnalyzeChanges(fork_list, dst_list, field.key)
+                new_list = copy(dst_list)  # this time we start with the dst
+                for key in src.added_keys:
+                    # we cannot add if it has been added and is different
+                    if key in dst.added_keys:
+                        # it has been added to both, we need to check if
+                        # they are the same
+                        child_dst_rev = dst_list[dst.keymap2[key]]
+                        child_src_rev = src_list[src.keymap2[key]]
+                        if child_dst_rev.hash == child_src_rev.hash:
+                            # they match, so we do not need to change the
+                            # dst list, but we still need to purge the src
+                            # branch
+                            merge_child_func(child_dst_rev)
+                        else:
+                            raise MergeConflictException(
+                                'Cannot add because it has been added and '
+                                'different'
+                            )
+                    else:
+                        # this is a brand new key, need to add it
+                        new_rev = merge_child_func(src_list[src.keymap2[key]])
+                        new_list.append(new_rev)
+                        changes.append((
+                            CallbackType.POST_ADD,
+                            new_rev.data))
+                            # OperationContext(
+                            #     field_name=field_name,
+                            #     child_key=key,
+                            #     data=new_rev.data)))
+                for key in src.changed_keys:
+                    # we cannot change if it was removed in dst
+                    if key in dst.removed_keys:
+                        raise MergeConflictException(
+                            'Cannot change because it has been removed')
+                    # if it changed in dst as well, we need to check if they
+                    # match (same change
+                    elif key in dst.changed_keys:
+                        child_dst_rev = dst_list[dst.keymap2[key]]
+                        child_src_rev = src_list[src.keymap2[key]]
+                        if child_dst_rev.hash == child_src_rev.hash:
+                            # they match, so we do not need to change the
+                            # dst list, but we still need to purge the src
+                            # branch
+                            merge_child_func(child_src_rev)
+                        elif child_dst_rev._config.hash != child_src_rev._config.hash:
+                            raise MergeConflictException(
+                                'Cannot update because it has been changed and '
+                                'different'
+                            )
+                        else:
+                            new_rev = merge_child_func(
+                                src_list[src.keymap2[key]])
+                            new_list[dst.keymap2[key]] = new_rev
+                            # no announcement for child update
+                    else:
+                        # it only changed in src branch
+                        new_rev = merge_child_func(src_list[src.keymap2[key]])
+                        new_list[dst.keymap2[key]] = new_rev
+                        # no announcement for child update
+                for key in reversed(src.removed_keys):  # we go from highest
+                                                        # index to lowest
+                    # we cannot remove if it has changed in dst
+                    if key in dst.changed_keys:
+                        raise MergeConflictException(
+                            'Cannot remove because it has changed')
+                    # if it has not been removed yet from dst, then remove it
+                    if key not in dst.removed_keys:
+                        dst_idx = dst.keymap2[key]
+                        old_rev = new_list.pop(dst_idx)
+                        changes.append((
+                            CallbackType.POST_REMOVE,
+                            old_rev.data))
+                            # OperationContext(
+                            #     field_name=field_name,
+                            #     child_key=key,
+                            #     data=old_rev.data)))
+                new_children[field_name] = new_list
+    if not dry_run:
+        rev = src_rev if config_changed else dst_rev
+        rev = rev.update_all_children(new_children, dst_rev._branch)
+        if config_changed:
+            changes.append((CallbackType.POST_UPDATE, rev.data))
+        return rev, changes
+    else:
+        return None, None