VOL-1451 Initial checkin of openonu build
Produced docker container capable of building and running
openonu/brcm_openonci_onu. Copied over current onu code
and resolved all imports by copying into the local source tree.
Change-Id: Ib9785d37afc65b7d32ecf74aee2456352626e2b6
diff --git a/python/extensions/omci/omci_entities.py b/python/extensions/omci/omci_entities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3968224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/extensions/omci/omci_entities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1564 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import inspect
+import sys
+from binascii import hexlify
+from bitstring import BitArray
+import json
+from scapy.fields import ByteField, ShortField, MACField, BitField, IPField
+from scapy.fields import IntField, StrFixedLenField, LongField, FieldListField, PacketLenField
+from scapy.packet import Packet
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import OmciUninitializedFieldError, \
+ AttributeAccess, OmciNullPointer, EntityOperations, OmciInvalidTypeError
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_fields import OmciSerialNumberField, OmciTableField
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import bitpos_from_mask
+class EntityClassAttribute(object):
+ def __init__(self, fld, access=set(), optional=False, range_check=None,
+ avc=False, tca=False, counter=False, deprecated=False):
+ """
+ Initialize an Attribute for a Managed Entity Class
+ :param fld: (Field) Scapy field type
+ :param access: (AttributeAccess) Allowed access
+ :param optional: (boolean) If true, attribute is option, else mandatory
+ :param range_check: (callable) None, Lambda, or Function to validate value
+ :param avc: (boolean) If true, an AVC notification can occur for the attribute
+ :param tca: (boolean) If true, a threshold crossing alert alarm notification can occur
+ for the attribute
+ :param counter: (boolean) If true, this attribute is a PM counter
+ :param deprecated: (boolean) If true, this attribute is deprecated and
+ only 'read' operations (if-any) performed.
+ """
+ self._fld = fld
+ self._access = access
+ self._optional = optional
+ self._range_check = range_check
+ self._avc = avc
+ self._tca = tca
+ self._counter = counter
+ self._deprecated = deprecated
+ @property
+ def field(self):
+ return self._fld
+ @property
+ def access(self):
+ return self._access
+ @property
+ def optional(self):
+ return self._optional
+ @property
+ def is_counter(self):
+ return self._counter
+ @property
+ def range_check(self):
+ return self._range_check
+ @property
+ def avc_allowed(self):
+ return self._avc
+ @property
+ def deprecated(self):
+ return self._deprecated
+ _type_checker_map = {
+ 'ByteField': lambda val: isinstance(val, (int, long)) and 0 <= val <= 0xFF,
+ 'ShortField': lambda val: isinstance(val, (int, long)) and 0 <= val <= 0xFFFF,
+ 'IntField': lambda val: isinstance(val, (int, long)) and 0 <= val <= 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ 'LongField': lambda val: isinstance(val, (int, long)) and 0 <= val <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,
+ 'StrFixedLenField': lambda val: isinstance(val, basestring),
+ 'MACField': lambda val: True, # TODO: Add a constraint for this field type
+ 'BitField': lambda val: True, # TODO: Add a constraint for this field type
+ 'IPField': lambda val: True, # TODO: Add a constraint for this field type
+ 'OmciTableField': lambda val: True,
+ # TODO: As additional Scapy field types are used, add constraints
+ }
+ def valid(self, value):
+ def _isa_lambda_function(v):
+ import inspect
+ return callable(v) and len(inspect.getargspec(v).args) == 1
+ field_type = self.field.__class__.__name__
+ type_check = EntityClassAttribute._type_checker_map.get(field_type,
+ lambda val: True)
+ # TODO: Currently StrFixedLenField is used heavily for both bit fields as
+ # and other 'byte/octet' related strings that are NOT textual. Until
+ # all of these are corrected, 'StrFixedLenField' cannot test the type
+ # of the value provided
+ if field_type != 'StrFixedLenField' and not type_check(value):
+ return False
+ if _isa_lambda_function(self.range_check):
+ return self.range_check(value)
+ return True
+class EntityClassMeta(type):
+ """
+ Metaclass for EntityClass to generate secondary class attributes
+ for class attributes of the derived classes.
+ """
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
+ super(EntityClassMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
+ # initialize attribute_name_to_index_map
+ cls.attribute_name_to_index_map = dict(
+ (a._fld.name, idx) for idx, a in enumerate(cls.attributes))
+class EntityClass(object):
+ class_id = 'to be filled by subclass'
+ attributes = []
+ mandatory_operations = set()
+ optional_operations = set()
+ notifications = set()
+ alarms = dict() # Alarm Number -> Alarm Name
+ hidden = False # If true, this attribute is not reported by a MIB upload.
+ # This attribute is needed to be able to properly perform
+ # MIB Audits.
+ # will be map of attr_name -> index in attributes, initialized by metaclass
+ attribute_name_to_index_map = None
+ __metaclass__ = EntityClassMeta
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ assert(isinstance(kw, dict))
+ for k, v in kw.iteritems():
+ assert(k in self.attribute_name_to_index_map)
+ self._data = kw
+ def serialize(self, mask=None, operation=None):
+ octets = ''
+ # generate ordered list of attribute indices needed to be processed
+ # if mask is provided, we use that explicitly
+ # if mask is not provided, we determine attributes from the self._data
+ # content also taking into account the type of operation in hand
+ if mask is not None:
+ attribute_indices = EntityClass.attribute_indices_from_mask(mask)
+ else:
+ attribute_indices = self.attribute_indices_from_data()
+ # Serialize each indexed field (ignoring entity id)
+ for index in attribute_indices:
+ eca = self.attributes[index]
+ field = eca.field
+ try:
+ value = self._data[field.name]
+ if not eca.valid(value):
+ raise OmciInvalidTypeError(
+ 'Value "{}" for Entity field "{}" is not valid'.format(value,
+ field.name))
+ except KeyError:
+ raise OmciUninitializedFieldError(
+ 'Entity field "{}" not set'.format(field.name))
+ octets = field.addfield(None, octets, value)
+ return octets
+ def attribute_indices_from_data(self):
+ return sorted(
+ self.attribute_name_to_index_map[attr_name]
+ for attr_name in self._data.iterkeys())
+ byte1_mask_to_attr_indices = dict(
+ (m, bitpos_from_mask(m, 8, -1)) for m in range(256))
+ byte2_mask_to_attr_indices = dict(
+ (m, bitpos_from_mask(m, 16, -1)) for m in range(256))
+ @classmethod
+ def attribute_indices_from_mask(cls, mask):
+ # each bit in the 2-byte field denote an attribute index; we use a
+ # lookup table to make lookup a bit faster
+ return \
+ cls.byte1_mask_to_attr_indices[(mask >> 8) & 0xff] + \
+ cls.byte2_mask_to_attr_indices[(mask & 0xff)]
+ @classmethod
+ def mask_for(cls, *attr_names):
+ """
+ Return mask value corresponding to given attributes names
+ :param attr_names: Attribute names
+ :return: integer mask value
+ """
+ mask = 0
+ for attr_name in attr_names:
+ index = cls.attribute_name_to_index_map[attr_name]
+ mask |= (1 << (16 - index))
+ return mask
+# abbreviations
+ECA = EntityClassAttribute
+AA = AttributeAccess
+OP = EntityOperations
+class OntData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 2
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x == 0),
+ # Only 1 octet used if GET/SET operation
+ ECA(ShortField("mib_data_sync", 0), {AA.R, AA.W})
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set,
+ OP.GetAllAlarms, OP.GetAllAlarmsNext,
+ OP.MibReset, OP.MibUpload, OP.MibUploadNext}
+class Cardholder(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 5
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x < 255 or 256 <= x < 511,
+ avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("actual_plugin_unit_type", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("expected_plugin_unit_type", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("expected_port_count", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("expected_equipment_id", None, 20), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("actual_equipment_id", None, 20), {AA.R},
+ optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("protection_profile_pointer", None), {AA.R},
+ optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("invoke_protection_switch", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 3),
+ ECA(ByteField("arc", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1, optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("arc_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Plug-in circuit pack missing',
+ 1: 'Plug-in type mismatch alarm',
+ 2: 'Improper card removal',
+ 3: 'Plug-in equipment ID mismatch alarm',
+ 4: 'Protection switch',
+ }
+class CircuitPack(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 6
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("managed_entity_id", None, 22), {AA.R, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x < 255 or 256 <= x < 511),
+ ECA(ByteField("type", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("number_of_ports", None), {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(OmciSerialNumberField("serial_number"), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("version", None, 14), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("vendor_id", None, 4), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("administrative_state", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("operational_state", None), {AA.R}, optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("bridged_or_ip_ind", None), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("equipment_id", None, 20), {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("card_configuration", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ optional=True), # not really mandatory, see spec ITU-T G.988, 9.1.6
+ ECA(ByteField("total_tcont_buffer_number", None), {AA.R},
+ optional=True), # not really mandatory, see spec ITU-T G.988, 9.1.6
+ ECA(ByteField("total_priority_queue_number", None), {AA.R},
+ optional=True), # not really mandatory, see spec ITU-T G.988, 9.1.6
+ ECA(ByteField("total_traffic_scheduler_number", None), {AA.R},
+ optional=True), # not really mandatory, see spec ITU-T G.988, 9.1.6
+ ECA(IntField("power_sched_override", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.Reboot}
+ optional_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Test}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Equipment alarm',
+ 1: 'Powering alarm',
+ 2: 'Self-test failure',
+ 3: 'Laser end of life',
+ 4: 'Temperature yellow',
+ 5: 'Temperature red',
+ }
+class SoftwareImage(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 7
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x/256 <= 254 or 0 <= x % 256 <= 1),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("version", None, 14), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("is_committed", None), {AA.R}, avc=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("is_active", None), {AA.R}, avc=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("is_valid", None), {AA.R}, avc=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("product_code", None, 25), {AA.R}, optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("image_hash", None, 16), {AA.R}, optional=True, avc=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.StartSoftwareDownload, OP.DownloadSection,
+ OP.EndSoftwareDownload, OP.ActivateSoftware,
+ OP.CommitSoftware}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange}
+class PptpEthernetUni(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 11
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("expected_type", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 254),
+ ECA(ByteField("sensed_type", 0), {AA.R}, optional=True, avc=True),
+ # TODO: For sensed_type AVC, see note in AT&T OMCI Specification, V3.0, page 123
+ ECA(ByteField("autodetection_config", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14,
+ 0x20, 0x30], optional=True), # See ITU-T G.988
+ ECA(ByteField("ethernet_loopback_config", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: x in [0, 3]),
+ ECA(ByteField("administrative_state", 1), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("operational_state", 1), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1, optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("config_ind", 0), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13]),
+ ECA(ShortField("max_frame_size", 1518), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("dte_dce_ind", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ECA(ShortField("pause_time", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("bridged_ip_ind", 2), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ECA(ByteField("arc", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("arc_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("pppoe_filter", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("power_control", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'LAN Loss Of Signal',
+ }
+class MacBridgeServiceProfile(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 45
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("spanning_tree_ind", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("learning_ind", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("port_bridging_ind", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("priority", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("max_age", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0x0600 <= x <= 0x2800),
+ ECA(ShortField("hello_time", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0x0100 <= x <= 0x0A00),
+ ECA(ShortField("forward_delay", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0x0400 <= x <= 0x1E00),
+ ECA(ByteField("unknown_mac_address_discard", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("mac_learning_depth", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("dynamic_filtering_ageing_time", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class MacBridgePortConfigurationData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 47
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("bridge_id_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("port_num", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("tp_type", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 1 <= x <= 12),
+ ECA(ShortField("tp_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("port_priority", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("port_path_cost", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("port_spanning_tree_in", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("encapsulation_methods", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ optional=True, deprecated=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("lan_fcs_ind", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ optional=True, deprecated=True),
+ ECA(MACField("port_mac_address", None), {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("outbound_td_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("inbound_td_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ # TODO:
+ ECA(ByteField("mac_learning_depth", 0), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Port blocking',
+ }
+class MacBridgePortFilterPreAssignTable(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 79
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("ipv4_multicast", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("ipv6_multicast", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("ipv4_broadcast", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("rarp", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("ipx", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("netbeui", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("appletalk", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("bridge_management_information", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("arp", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("pppoe_broadcast", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class VlanTaggingFilterData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 84
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(FieldListField("vlan_filter_list", None,
+ ShortField('', 0), count_from=lambda _: 12),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("forward_operation", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0x00 <= x <= 0x21),
+ ECA(ByteField("number_of_entries", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC})
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 130
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("tp_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_0",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_1",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_2",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_3",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_4",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_5",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_6",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interwork_tp_pointer_for_p_bit_priority_7",
+ OmciNullPointer), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("unmarked_frame_option", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("dscp_to_p_bit_mapping", None, length=24),
+ {AA.R, AA.W}), # TODO: Would a custom 3-bit group bitfield work better?
+ ECA(ByteField("default_p_bit_marking", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("tp_type", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ optional=True, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 8)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class OltG(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 131
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x == 0),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("olt_vendor_id", None, 4), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("equipment_id", None, 20), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("version", None, 14), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("time_of_day", None, 14), {AA.R, AA.W})
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class OntPowerShedding(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 133
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x == 0),
+ ECA(ShortField("restore_power_time_reset_interval", 0),
+ {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("data_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("voice_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("video_overlay_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("video_return_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("dsl_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("atm_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("ces_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("frame_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("sonet_class_shedding_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("shedding_status", None), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True,
+ avc=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange}
+class IpHostConfigData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 134
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(BitField("ip_options", 0, size=8), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(MACField("mac_address", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("onu_identifier", None, 25), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(IPField("ip_address", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(IPField("mask", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(IPField("gateway", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(IPField("primary_dns", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(IPField("secondary_dns", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(IPField("current_address", None), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(IPField("current_mask", None), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(IPField("current_gateway", None), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(IPField("current_primary_dns", None), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(IPField("current_secondary_dns", None), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("domain_name", None, 25), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("host_name", None, 25), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("relay_agent_options", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.Test}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange}
+class VlanTaggingOperation(Packet):
+ name = "VlanTaggingOperation"
+ fields_desc = [
+ BitField("filter_outer_priority", 0, 4),
+ BitField("filter_outer_vid", 0, 13),
+ BitField("filter_outer_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+ BitField("pad1", 0, 12),
+ BitField("filter_inner_priority", 0, 4),
+ BitField("filter_inner_vid", 0, 13),
+ BitField("filter_inner_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+ BitField("pad2", 0, 8),
+ BitField("filter_ether_type", 0, 4),
+ BitField("treatment_tags_to_remove", 0, 2),
+ BitField("pad3", 0, 10),
+ BitField("treatment_outer_priority", 0, 4),
+ BitField("treatment_outer_vid", 0, 13),
+ BitField("treatment_outer_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+ BitField("pad4", 0, 12),
+ BitField("treatment_inner_priority", 0, 4),
+ BitField("treatment_inner_vid", 0, 13),
+ BitField("treatment_inner_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+ @staticmethod
+ def json_from_value(value):
+ bits = BitArray(hex=hexlify(value))
+ temp = VlanTaggingOperation(
+ filter_outer_priority=bits[0:4].uint, # 4 <-size
+ filter_outer_vid=bits[4:17].uint, # 13
+ filter_outer_tpid_de=bits[17:20].uint, # 3
+ # pad 12
+ filter_inner_priority=bits[32:36].uint, # 4
+ filter_inner_vid=bits[36:49].uint, # 13
+ filter_inner_tpid_de=bits[49:52].uint, # 3
+ # pad 8
+ filter_ether_type=bits[60:64].uint, # 4
+ treatment_tags_to_remove=bits[64:66].uint, # 2
+ # pad 10
+ treatment_outer_priority=bits[76:80].uint, # 4
+ treatment_outer_vid=bits[80:93].uint, # 13
+ treatment_outer_tpid_de=bits[93:96].uint, # 3
+ # pad 12
+ treatment_inner_priority=bits[108:112].uint, # 4
+ treatment_inner_vid=bits[112:125].uint, # 13
+ treatment_inner_tpid_de=bits[125:128].uint, # 3
+ )
+ return json.dumps(temp.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+ def index(self):
+ return '{:02}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_outer_priority',0)) + \
+ '{:03}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_outer_vid',0)) + \
+ '{:01}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_outer_tpid_de',0)) + \
+ '{:03}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_inner_priority',0)) + \
+ '{:04}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_inner_vid',0)) + \
+ '{:01}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_inner_tpid_de',0)) + \
+ '{:02}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_ether_type',0))
+ def is_delete(self):
+ return self.fields.get('treatment_tags_to_remove',0) == 0x3 and \
+ self.fields.get('pad3',0) == 0x3ff and \
+ self.fields.get('treatment_outer_priority',0) == 0xf and \
+ self.fields.get('treatment_outer_vid',0) == 0x1fff and \
+ self.fields.get('treatment_outer_tpid_de',0) == 0x7 and \
+ self.fields.get('pad4',0) == 0xfff and \
+ self.fields.get('treatment_inner_priority',0) == 0xf and \
+ self.fields.get('treatment_inner_vid',0) == 0x1fff and \
+ self.fields.get('treatment_inner_tpid_de',0) == 0x7
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fields['treatment_tags_to_remove'] = 0x3
+ self.fields['pad3'] = 0x3ff
+ self.fields['treatment_outer_priority'] = 0xf
+ self.fields['treatment_outer_vid'] = 0x1fff
+ self.fields['treatment_outer_tpid_de'] = 0x7
+ self.fields['pad4'] = 0xfff
+ self.fields['treatment_inner_priority'] = 0xf
+ self.fields['treatment_inner_vid'] = 0x1fff
+ self.fields['treatment_inner_tpid_de'] = 0x7
+ return self
+class ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 171
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("association_type", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 11),
+ ECA(ShortField("received_vlan_tagging_operation_table_max_size", None),
+ {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("input_tpid", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("output_tpid", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("downstream_mode", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 8),
+ ECA(OmciTableField(
+ PacketLenField("received_frame_vlan_tagging_operation_table", None,
+ VlanTaggingOperation, length_from=lambda pkt: 16)), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("associated_me_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(FieldListField("dscp_to_p_bit_mapping", None,
+ BitField('', 0, size=3), count_from=lambda _: 64),
+ {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Set, OP.Get, OP.GetNext}
+ optional_operations = {OP.SetTable}
+class OntG(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 256
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x == 0),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("vendor_id", None, 4), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("version", None, 14), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(OmciSerialNumberField("serial_number"), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("traffic_management_options", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ECA(ByteField("vp_vc_cross_connection_option", 0), {AA.R},
+ optional=True, deprecated=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("battery_backup", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("administrative_state", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("operational_state", None), {AA.R}, optional=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("ont_survival_time", None), {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("logical_onu_id", None, 24), {AA.R},
+ optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("logical_password", None, 12), {AA.R},
+ optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("credentials_status", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 4),
+ ECA(BitField("extended_tc_layer_options", None, size=16), {AA.R},
+ optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {
+ OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.Reboot, OP.Test, OP.SynchronizeTime}
+ notifications = {OP.TestResult, OP.AttributeValueChange,
+ OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Equipment alarm',
+ 1: 'Powering alarm',
+ 2: 'Battery missing',
+ 3: 'Battery failure',
+ 4: 'Battery low',
+ 5: 'Physical intrusion',
+ 6: 'Self-test failure',
+ 7: 'Dying gasp',
+ 8: 'Temperature yellow',
+ 9: 'Temperature red',
+ 10: 'Voltage yellow',
+ 11: 'Voltage red',
+ 12: 'ONU manual power off',
+ 13: 'Invalid image',
+ 14: 'PSE overload yellow',
+ 15: 'PSE overload red',
+ }
+class Ont2G(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 257
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x == 0),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("equipment_id", None, 20), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("omcc_version", None), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("vendor_product_code", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("security_capability", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("security_mode", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("total_priority_queue_number", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("total_traffic_scheduler_number", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("mode", None), {AA.R}, deprecated=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("total_gem_port_id_number", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(IntField("sys_uptime", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(BitField("connectivity_capability", None, size=16), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("current_connectivity_mode", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 7),
+ ECA(BitField("qos_configuration_flexibility", None, size=16),
+ {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("priority_queue_scale_factor", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange}
+class Tcont(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 262
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("alloc_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("mode_indicator", 1), {AA.R}, deprecated=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("policy", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class AniG(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 263
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("sr_indication", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("total_tcont_number", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("gem_block_length", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("piggyback_dba_reporting", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 4),
+ ECA(ByteField("whole_ont_dba_reporting", None), {AA.R},
+ deprecated=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("sf_threshold", 5), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("sd_threshold", 9), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("arc", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1, avc=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("arc_interval", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("optical_signal_level", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("lower_optical_threshold", 0xFF), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("upper_optical_threshold", 0xFF), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("ont_response_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("transmit_optical_level", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("lower_transmit_power_threshold", 0x81), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("upper_transmit_power_threshold", 0x81), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.Test}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Low received optical power',
+ 1: 'High received optical power',
+ 2: 'Signal fail',
+ 3: 'Signal degrade',
+ 4: 'Low transmit optical power',
+ 5: 'High transmit optical power',
+ 6: 'Laser bias current',
+ }
+class UniG(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 264
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("configuration_option_status", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ deprecated=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("administrative_state", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("management_capability", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ECA(ShortField("non_omci_management_identifier", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("relay_agent_options", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class GemInterworkingTp(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 266
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("gem_port_network_ctp_pointer", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interworking_option", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 7),
+ ECA(ShortField("service_profile_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interworking_tp_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("pptp_counter", None), {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("operational_state", None), {AA.R}, optional=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1, avc=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("gal_profile_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("gal_loopback_configuration", 0),
+ {AA.R, AA.W}, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 6: 'Operational state change',
+ }
+class GemPortNetworkCtp(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 268
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("port_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("tcont_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("direction", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 1 <= x <= 3),
+ ECA(ShortField("traffic_management_pointer_upstream", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("traffic_descriptor_profile_pointer", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("uni_counter", None), {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("priority_queue_pointer_downstream", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("encryption_state", None), {AA.R}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("traffic_desc_profile_pointer_downstream", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("encryption_key_ring", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 3)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 5: 'End-to-end loss of continuity',
+ }
+class GalEthernetProfile(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 272
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("max_gem_payload_size", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class PriorityQueueG(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 277
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("queue_configuration_option", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("maximum_queue_size", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("allocated_queue_size", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("discard_block_counter_reset_interval", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_value_for_discarded_blocks", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(IntField("related_port", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("traffic_scheduler_pointer", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("weight", 1), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("back_pressure_operation", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(IntField("back_pressure_time", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("back_pressure_occur_queue_threshold", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("back_pressure_clear_queue_threshold", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ # TODO: Custom field of 4 2-byte values would help below
+ ECA(LongField("packet_drop_queue_thresholds", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("packet_drop_max_p", 0xFFFF), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("queue_drop_w_q", 9), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("drop_precedence_colour_marking", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True, range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 7),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Block loss',
+ }
+class TrafficSchedulerG(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 278
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("tcont_pointer", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("traffic_scheduler_pointer", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("policy", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ECA(ByteField("priority_weight", 0), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class MulticastGemInterworkingTp(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 281
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: x != OmciNullPointer),
+ ECA(ShortField("gem_port_network_ctp_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interworking_option", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: x in [0, 1, 3, 5]),
+ ECA(ShortField("service_profile_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("interworking_tp_pointer", 0), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ deprecated=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("pptp_counter", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("operational_state", None), {AA.R}, avc=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("gal_profile_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("gal_loopback_configuration", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ deprecated=True),
+ # TODO add multicast_address_table here (page 85 of spec.)
+ # ECA(...("multicast_address_table", None), {AA.R, AA.W})
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.GetNext, OP.Set}
+ optional_operations = {OP.SetTable}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Deprecated',
+ }
+class AccessControlRow0(Packet):
+ name = "AccessControlRow0"
+ fields_desc = [
+ BitField("set_ctrl", 0, 2),
+ BitField("row_part_id", 0, 3),
+ BitField("test", 0, 1),
+ BitField("row_key", 0, 10),
+ ShortField("gem_port_id", None),
+ ShortField("vlan_id", None),
+ IPField("src_ip", None),
+ IPField("dst_ip_start", None),
+ IPField("dst_ip_end", None),
+ IntField("ipm_group_bw", None),
+ ShortField("reserved0", 0)
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+class AccessControlRow1(Packet):
+ name = "AccessControlRow1"
+ fields_desc = [
+ BitField("set_ctrl", 0, 2),
+ BitField("row_part_id", 0, 3),
+ BitField("test", 0, 1),
+ BitField("row_key", 0, 10),
+ StrFixedLenField("ipv6_src_addr_start_bytes", None, 12),
+ ShortField("preview_length", None),
+ ShortField("preview_repeat_time", None),
+ ShortField("preview_repeat_count", None),
+ ShortField("preview_reset_time", None),
+ ShortField("reserved1", 0)
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+class AccessControlRow2(Packet):
+ name = "AccessControlRow2"
+ fields_desc = [
+ BitField("set_ctrl", 0, 2),
+ BitField("row_part_id", 0, 3),
+ BitField("test", 0, 1),
+ BitField("row_key", 0, 10),
+ StrFixedLenField("ipv6_dst_addr_start_bytes", None, 12),
+ StrFixedLenField("reserved2", None, 10)
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+class DownstreamIgmpMulticastTci(Packet):
+ name = "DownstreamIgmpMulticastTci"
+ fields_desc = [
+ ByteField("ctrl_type", None),
+ ShortField("tci", None)
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+class MulticastOperationsProfile(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 309
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: x != 0 and x != OmciNullPointer),
+ ECA(ByteField("igmp_version", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: x in [1, 2, 3, 16, 17]),
+ ECA(ByteField("igmp_function", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 2),
+ ECA(ByteField("immediate_leave", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("us_igmp_tci", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ByteField("us_igmp_tag_ctrl", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 3, optional=True),
+ ECA(IntField("us_igmp_rate", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, optional=True),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "dynamic_access_control_list_table", None, 24), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "static_access_control_list_table", None, 24), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("lost_groups_list_table", None, 10), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("robustness", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("querier_ip", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("query_interval", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("querier_max_response_time", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("last_member_response_time", 10), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("unauthorized_join_behaviour", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("ds_igmp_mcast_tci", None, 3), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}, optional=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Set, OP.Get, OP.GetNext}
+ optional_operations = {OP.SetTable}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Lost multicast group',
+ }
+class MulticastServicePackage(Packet):
+ name = "MulticastServicePackage"
+ fields_desc = [
+ BitField("set_ctrl", 0, 2),
+ BitField("reserved0", 0, 4),
+ BitField("row_key", 0, 10),
+ ShortField("vid_uni", None),
+ ShortField("max_simultaneous_groups", None),
+ IntField("max_multicast_bw", None),
+ ShortField("mcast_operations_profile_pointer", None),
+ StrFixedLenField("reserved1", None, 8)
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+class AllowedPreviewGroupsRow0(Packet):
+ name = "AllowedPreviewGroupsRow0"
+ fields_desc = [
+ BitField("set_ctrl", 0, 2),
+ BitField("row_part_id", 0, 3),
+ BitField("reserved0", 0, 1),
+ BitField("row_key", 0, 10),
+ StrFixedLenField("ipv6_pad", 0, 12),
+ IPField("src_ip", None),
+ ShortField("vlan_id_ani", None),
+ ShortField("vlan_id_uni", None)
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+class AllowedPreviewGroupsRow1(Packet):
+ name = "AllowedPreviewGroupsRow1"
+ fields_desc = [
+ BitField("set_ctrl", 0, 2),
+ BitField("row_part_id", 0, 3),
+ BitField("reserved0", 0, 1),
+ BitField("row_key", 0, 10),
+ StrFixedLenField("ipv6_pad", 0, 12),
+ IPField("dst_ip", None),
+ ShortField("duration", None),
+ ShortField("time_left", None)
+ ]
+ def to_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+class MulticastSubscriberConfigInfo(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 310
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("me_type", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ShortField("mcast_operations_profile_pointer", None),
+ {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ShortField("max_simultaneous_groups", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("max_multicast_bandwidth", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("bandwidth_enforcement", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "multicast_service_package_table", None, 20), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "allowed_preview_groups_table", None, 22), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Set, OP.Get, OP.GetNext,
+ OP.SetTable}
+class VirtualEthernetInterfacePt(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 329
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x != 0 and x != OmciNullPointer),
+ ECA(ByteField("administrative_state", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("operational_state", None), {AA.R}, avc=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "interdomain_name", None, 25), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("tcp_udp_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("iana_assigned_port", None), {AA.R}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Connecting function fail',
+ }
+class Omci(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 287
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R},
+ range_check=lambda x: x == 0),
+ # TODO: Can this be expressed better in SCAPY, probably not?
+ # On the initial, Get request for either the me_type or message_type
+ # attributes, you will receive a 4 octet value (big endian) that is
+ # the number of octets to 'get-next' to fully load the desired
+ # attribute. For a basic OMCI formatted message, that will be 29
+ # octets per get-request.
+ #
+ # For the me_type_table, these are 16-bit values (ME Class IDs)
+ #
+ # For the message_type_table, these are 8-bit values (Actions)
+ ECA(FieldListField("me_type_table", None, ByteField('', 0),
+ count_from=lambda _: 29), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(FieldListField("message_type_table", None, ByteField('', 0),
+ count_from=lambda _: 29), {AA.R}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.GetNext}
+class EnhSecurityControl(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 332
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(BitField("olt_crypto_capabilities", None, 16*8), {AA.W}),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "olt_random_challenge_table", None, 17), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("olt_challenge_status", 0), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("onu_selected_crypto_capabilities", None), {AA.R}),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "onu_random_challenge_table", None, 16), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "onu_authentication_result_table", None, 16), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+ # TODO: need to make table and add column data
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "olt_authentication_result_table", None, 17), {AA.W}),
+ ECA(ByteField("olt_result_status", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("onu_authentication_status", None), {AA.R}, avc=True,
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 5),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "master_session_key_name", None, 16), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField(
+ "broadcast_key_table", None, 18), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+ ECA(ShortField("effective_key_length", None), {AA.R}),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Set, OP.Get, OP.GetNext}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange}
+class EthernetPMMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 24
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("fcs_errors", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("excessive_collision_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("late_collision_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("frames_too_long", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("buffer_overflows_on_rx", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("buffer_overflows_on_tx", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("single_collision_frame_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("multiple_collisions_frame_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("sqe_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("deferred_tx_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("internal_mac_tx_error_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("carrier_sense_error_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("alignment_error_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("internal_mac_rx_error_counter", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'FCS errors',
+ 1: 'Excessive collision counter',
+ 2: 'Late collision counter',
+ 3: 'Frames too long',
+ 4: 'Buffer overflows on receive',
+ 5: 'Buffer overflows on transmit',
+ 6: 'Single collision frame counter',
+ 7: 'Multiple collision frame counter',
+ 8: 'SQE counter',
+ 9: 'Deferred transmission counter',
+ 10: 'Internal MAC transmit error counter',
+ 11: 'Carrier sense error counter',
+ 12: 'Alignment error counter',
+ 13: 'Internal MAC receive error counter',
+ }
+class FecPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 312
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("corrected_bytes", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("corrected_code_words", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("uncorrectable_code_words", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("total_code_words", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("fec_seconds", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Corrected bytes',
+ 1: 'Corrected code words',
+ 2: 'Uncorrectable code words',
+ 4: 'FEC seconds',
+ }
+class EthernetFrameDownstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 321
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("drop_events", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("broadcast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("multicast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("crc_errored_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("undersize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("oversize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("64_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("65_to_127_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("128_to_255_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("256_to_511_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("512_to_1023_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("1024_to_1518_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Drop events',
+ 1: 'CRC errored packets',
+ 2: 'Undersize packets',
+ 3: 'Oversize packets',
+ }
+class EthernetFrameUpstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 322
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("drop_events", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("broadcast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("multicast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("crc_errored_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("undersize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("oversize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("64_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("65_to_127_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("128_to_255_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("256_to_511_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("512_to_1023_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("1024_to_1518_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Drop events',
+ 1: 'CRC errored packets',
+ 2: 'Undersize packets',
+ 3: 'Oversize packets',
+ }
+class VeipUni(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 329
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ByteField("administrative_state", 1), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1),
+ ECA(ByteField("operational_state", 1), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 1, optional=True, avc=True),
+ ECA(StrFixedLenField("interdomain_name", None, 25), {AA.R, AA.W},
+ optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("tcp_udp_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W}, optional=True),
+ ECA(ShortField("iana_assigned_port", 0xFFFF), {AA.R})
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ notifications = {OP.AttributeValueChange, OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Connecting function fail'
+ }
+class EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 334
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ # 2-octet field -> Threshold data 1/2 ID
+ # 2-octet field -> Parent ME Class
+ # 2-octet field -> Parent ME Instance
+ # 2-octet field -> Accumulation disable
+ # 2-octet field -> TCA Disable
+ # 2-octet field -> Control fields bitmap
+ # 2-octet field -> TCI
+ # 2-octet field -> Reserved
+ ECA(FieldListField("control_block", None, ShortField('', 0),
+ count_from=lambda _: 8), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("drop_events", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("broadcast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("multicast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("crc_errored_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("undersize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("oversize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("64_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("65_to_127_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("128_to_255_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("256_to_511_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("512_to_1023_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("1024_to_1518_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ optional_operations = {OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Drop events',
+ 1: 'CRC errored packets',
+ 2: 'Undersize packets',
+ 3: 'Oversize packets',
+ }
+class EthernetFrameExtendedPerformanceMonitoring64Bit(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 426
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ # 2-octet field -> Threshold data 1/2 ID
+ # 2-octet field -> Parent ME Class
+ # 2-octet field -> Parent ME Instance
+ # 2-octet field -> Accumulation disable
+ # 2-octet field -> TCA Disable
+ # 2-octet field -> Control fields bitmap
+ # 2-octet field -> TCI
+ # 2-octet field -> Reserved
+ ECA(FieldListField("control_block", None, ShortField('', 0),
+ count_from=lambda _: 8), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(LongField("drop_events", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("broadcast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("multicast_packets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("crc_errored_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("undersize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("oversize_packets", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("64_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("65_to_127_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("128_to_255_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("256_to_511_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("512_to_1023_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("1024_to_1518_octets", None), {AA.R}, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ optional_operations = {OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 0: 'Drop events',
+ 1: 'CRC errored packets',
+ 2: 'Undersize packets',
+ 3: 'Oversize packets',
+ }
+class GemPortNetworkCtpMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 341
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("transmitted_gem_frames", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("received_gem_frames", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("received_payload_bytes", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(LongField("transmitted_payload_bytes", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("encryption_key_errors", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 1: 'Encryption key errors',
+ }
+class XgPonTcPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 344
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("psbd_hec_error_count", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("xgtc_hec_error_count", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("unknown_profile_count", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("transmitted_xgem_frames", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("fragment_xgem_frames", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("xgem_hec_lost_words_count", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("xgem_key_errors", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("xgem_hec_error_count", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True)
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ optional_operations = {OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 1: 'PSBd HEC error count',
+ 2: 'XGTC HEC error count',
+ 3: 'Unknown profile count',
+ 4: 'XGEM HEC loss count',
+ 5: 'XGEM key errors',
+ 6: 'XGEM HEC error count',
+ }
+class XgPonDownstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 345
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R},),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("ploam_mic_error_count", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("downstream_ploam_messages_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("profile_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("ranging_time_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("deactivate_onu_id_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("disable_serial_number_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("request_registration_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("assign_alloc_id_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("key_control_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("sleep_allow_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("baseline_omci_messages_received_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("extended_omci_messages_received_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("assign_onu_id_messages_received", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("omci_mic_error_count", None), {AA.R}, tca=True, counter=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ optional_operations = {OP.GetCurrentData}
+ notifications = {OP.AlarmNotification}
+ alarms = {
+ 1: 'PLOAM MIC error count',
+ 2: 'OMCI MIC error count',
+ }
+class XgPonUpstreamPerformanceMonitoringHistoryData(EntityClass):
+ class_id = 346
+ hidden = True
+ attributes = [
+ ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(ByteField("interval_end_time", None), {AA.R}),
+ ECA(ShortField("threshold_data_1_2_id", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+ ECA(IntField("upstream_ploam_message_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("serial_number_onu_message_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("registration_message_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("key_report_message_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("acknowledge_message_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ECA(IntField("sleep_request_message_count", None), {AA.R}, counter=True),
+ ]
+ mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Get, OP.Set}
+ optional_operations = {OP.GetCurrentData}
+# entity class lookup table from entity_class values
+entity_classes_name_map = dict(
+ inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__],
+ lambda o: inspect.isclass(o) and \
+ issubclass(o, EntityClass) and \
+ o is not EntityClass)
+entity_classes = [c for c in entity_classes_name_map.itervalues()]
+entity_id_to_class_map = dict((c.class_id, c) for c in entity_classes)