[VOL-4634] Remove unused fields from DeviceInfo message

Change-Id: I7c7557e279fe8fd0ed9a7becf78a88759281102d
diff --git a/protos/voltha_protos/openolt.proto b/protos/voltha_protos/openolt.proto
index bc1883a..d2d9b23 100755
--- a/protos/voltha_protos/openolt.proto
+++ b/protos/voltha_protos/openolt.proto
@@ -384,16 +384,19 @@
     // Total number of pon intf ports on the device
     fixed32 pon_ports = 12;
-    // If using global per-device technology profile. To be deprecated
-    string technology = 5;
-    fixed32 onu_id_start = 6;
-    fixed32 onu_id_end = 7;
-    fixed32 alloc_id_start = 8;
-    fixed32 alloc_id_end = 9;
-    fixed32 gemport_id_start = 10;
-    fixed32 gemport_id_end = 11;
-    fixed32 flow_id_start = 13;
-    fixed32 flow_id_end = 14;
+    reserved 5 to 11, 13, 14;
+    // Not used anymore, this information is defined per-range only
+    // and is fully provided by DeviceResourceRanges
+    //
+    // string technology = 5;
+    // fixed32 onu_id_start = 6;
+    // fixed32 onu_id_end = 7;
+    // fixed32 alloc_id_start = 8;
+    // fixed32 alloc_id_end = 9;
+    // fixed32 gemport_id_start = 10;
+    // fixed32 gemport_id_end = 11;
+    // fixed32 flow_id_start = 13;
+    // fixed32 flow_id_end = 14;
     message DeviceResourceRanges {