[VOL-4289]  Proto changes for gRPC migration

Change-Id: I317a0a865ccf78d0c37aa229c50d293a3f66c8bb
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/credentials/credentials.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/credentials/credentials.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eee7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/credentials/credentials.go
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2014 gRPC authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+// Package credentials implements various credentials supported by gRPC library,
+// which encapsulate all the state needed by a client to authenticate with a
+// server and make various assertions, e.g., about the client's identity, role,
+// or whether it is authorized to make a particular call.
+package credentials // import "google.golang.org/grpc/credentials"
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"net"
+	"github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/attributes"
+	icredentials "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/credentials"
+// PerRPCCredentials defines the common interface for the credentials which need to
+// attach security information to every RPC (e.g., oauth2).
+type PerRPCCredentials interface {
+	// GetRequestMetadata gets the current request metadata, refreshing
+	// tokens if required. This should be called by the transport layer on
+	// each request, and the data should be populated in headers or other
+	// context. If a status code is returned, it will be used as the status
+	// for the RPC. uri is the URI of the entry point for the request.
+	// When supported by the underlying implementation, ctx can be used for
+	// timeout and cancellation. Additionally, RequestInfo data will be
+	// available via ctx to this call.
+	// TODO(zhaoq): Define the set of the qualified keys instead of leaving
+	// it as an arbitrary string.
+	GetRequestMetadata(ctx context.Context, uri ...string) (map[string]string, error)
+	// RequireTransportSecurity indicates whether the credentials requires
+	// transport security.
+	RequireTransportSecurity() bool
+// SecurityLevel defines the protection level on an established connection.
+// This API is experimental.
+type SecurityLevel int
+const (
+	// InvalidSecurityLevel indicates an invalid security level.
+	// The zero SecurityLevel value is invalid for backward compatibility.
+	InvalidSecurityLevel SecurityLevel = iota
+	// NoSecurity indicates a connection is insecure.
+	NoSecurity
+	// IntegrityOnly indicates a connection only provides integrity protection.
+	IntegrityOnly
+	// PrivacyAndIntegrity indicates a connection provides both privacy and integrity protection.
+	PrivacyAndIntegrity
+// String returns SecurityLevel in a string format.
+func (s SecurityLevel) String() string {
+	switch s {
+	case NoSecurity:
+		return "NoSecurity"
+	case IntegrityOnly:
+		return "IntegrityOnly"
+	case PrivacyAndIntegrity:
+		return "PrivacyAndIntegrity"
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("invalid SecurityLevel: %v", int(s))
+// CommonAuthInfo contains authenticated information common to AuthInfo implementations.
+// It should be embedded in a struct implementing AuthInfo to provide additional information
+// about the credentials.
+// This API is experimental.
+type CommonAuthInfo struct {
+	SecurityLevel SecurityLevel
+// GetCommonAuthInfo returns the pointer to CommonAuthInfo struct.
+func (c CommonAuthInfo) GetCommonAuthInfo() CommonAuthInfo {
+	return c
+// ProtocolInfo provides information regarding the gRPC wire protocol version,
+// security protocol, security protocol version in use, server name, etc.
+type ProtocolInfo struct {
+	// ProtocolVersion is the gRPC wire protocol version.
+	ProtocolVersion string
+	// SecurityProtocol is the security protocol in use.
+	SecurityProtocol string
+	// SecurityVersion is the security protocol version.  It is a static version string from the
+	// credentials, not a value that reflects per-connection protocol negotiation.  To retrieve
+	// details about the credentials used for a connection, use the Peer's AuthInfo field instead.
+	//
+	// Deprecated: please use Peer.AuthInfo.
+	SecurityVersion string
+	// ServerName is the user-configured server name.
+	ServerName string
+// AuthInfo defines the common interface for the auth information the users are interested in.
+// A struct that implements AuthInfo should embed CommonAuthInfo by including additional
+// information about the credentials in it.
+type AuthInfo interface {
+	AuthType() string
+// ErrConnDispatched indicates that rawConn has been dispatched out of gRPC
+// and the caller should not close rawConn.
+var ErrConnDispatched = errors.New("credentials: rawConn is dispatched out of gRPC")
+// TransportCredentials defines the common interface for all the live gRPC wire
+// protocols and supported transport security protocols (e.g., TLS, SSL).
+type TransportCredentials interface {
+	// ClientHandshake does the authentication handshake specified by the
+	// corresponding authentication protocol on rawConn for clients. It returns
+	// the authenticated connection and the corresponding auth information
+	// about the connection.  The auth information should embed CommonAuthInfo
+	// to return additional information about the credentials. Implementations
+	// must use the provided context to implement timely cancellation.  gRPC
+	// will try to reconnect if the error returned is a temporary error
+	// (io.EOF, context.DeadlineExceeded or err.Temporary() == true).  If the
+	// returned error is a wrapper error, implementations should make sure that
+	// the error implements Temporary() to have the correct retry behaviors.
+	// Additionally, ClientHandshakeInfo data will be available via the context
+	// passed to this call.
+	//
+	// If the returned net.Conn is closed, it MUST close the net.Conn provided.
+	ClientHandshake(context.Context, string, net.Conn) (net.Conn, AuthInfo, error)
+	// ServerHandshake does the authentication handshake for servers. It returns
+	// the authenticated connection and the corresponding auth information about
+	// the connection. The auth information should embed CommonAuthInfo to return additional information
+	// about the credentials.
+	//
+	// If the returned net.Conn is closed, it MUST close the net.Conn provided.
+	ServerHandshake(net.Conn) (net.Conn, AuthInfo, error)
+	// Info provides the ProtocolInfo of this TransportCredentials.
+	Info() ProtocolInfo
+	// Clone makes a copy of this TransportCredentials.
+	Clone() TransportCredentials
+	// OverrideServerName overrides the server name used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates from the server.
+	// gRPC internals also use it to override the virtual hosting name if it is set.
+	// It must be called before dialing. Currently, this is only used by grpclb.
+	OverrideServerName(string) error
+// Bundle is a combination of TransportCredentials and PerRPCCredentials.
+// It also contains a mode switching method, so it can be used as a combination
+// of different credential policies.
+// Bundle cannot be used together with individual TransportCredentials.
+// PerRPCCredentials from Bundle will be appended to other PerRPCCredentials.
+// This API is experimental.
+type Bundle interface {
+	TransportCredentials() TransportCredentials
+	PerRPCCredentials() PerRPCCredentials
+	// NewWithMode should make a copy of Bundle, and switch mode. Modifying the
+	// existing Bundle may cause races.
+	//
+	// NewWithMode returns nil if the requested mode is not supported.
+	NewWithMode(mode string) (Bundle, error)
+// RequestInfo contains request data attached to the context passed to GetRequestMetadata calls.
+// This API is experimental.
+type RequestInfo struct {
+	// The method passed to Invoke or NewStream for this RPC. (For proto methods, this has the format "/some.Service/Method")
+	Method string
+	// AuthInfo contains the information from a security handshake (TransportCredentials.ClientHandshake, TransportCredentials.ServerHandshake)
+	AuthInfo AuthInfo
+// RequestInfoFromContext extracts the RequestInfo from the context if it exists.
+// This API is experimental.
+func RequestInfoFromContext(ctx context.Context) (ri RequestInfo, ok bool) {
+	ri, ok = icredentials.RequestInfoFromContext(ctx).(RequestInfo)
+	return ri, ok
+// ClientHandshakeInfo holds data to be passed to ClientHandshake. This makes
+// it possible to pass arbitrary data to the handshaker from gRPC, resolver,
+// balancer etc. Individual credential implementations control the actual
+// format of the data that they are willing to receive.
+// This API is experimental.
+type ClientHandshakeInfo struct {
+	// Attributes contains the attributes for the address. It could be provided
+	// by the gRPC, resolver, balancer etc.
+	Attributes *attributes.Attributes
+// ClientHandshakeInfoFromContext returns the ClientHandshakeInfo struct stored
+// in ctx.
+// This API is experimental.
+func ClientHandshakeInfoFromContext(ctx context.Context) ClientHandshakeInfo {
+	chi, _ := icredentials.ClientHandshakeInfoFromContext(ctx).(ClientHandshakeInfo)
+	return chi
+// CheckSecurityLevel checks if a connection's security level is greater than or equal to the specified one.
+// It returns success if 1) the condition is satisified or 2) AuthInfo struct does not implement GetCommonAuthInfo() method
+// or 3) CommonAuthInfo.SecurityLevel has an invalid zero value. For 2) and 3), it is for the purpose of backward-compatibility.
+// This API is experimental.
+func CheckSecurityLevel(ai AuthInfo, level SecurityLevel) error {
+	type internalInfo interface {
+		GetCommonAuthInfo() CommonAuthInfo
+	}
+	if ai == nil {
+		return errors.New("AuthInfo is nil")
+	}
+	if ci, ok := ai.(internalInfo); ok {
+		// CommonAuthInfo.SecurityLevel has an invalid value.
+		if ci.GetCommonAuthInfo().SecurityLevel == InvalidSecurityLevel {
+			return nil
+		}
+		if ci.GetCommonAuthInfo().SecurityLevel < level {
+			return fmt.Errorf("requires SecurityLevel %v; connection has %v", level, ci.GetCommonAuthInfo().SecurityLevel)
+		}
+	}
+	// The condition is satisfied or AuthInfo struct does not implement GetCommonAuthInfo() method.
+	return nil
+// ChannelzSecurityInfo defines the interface that security protocols should implement
+// in order to provide security info to channelz.
+// This API is experimental.
+type ChannelzSecurityInfo interface {
+	GetSecurityValue() ChannelzSecurityValue
+// ChannelzSecurityValue defines the interface that GetSecurityValue() return value
+// should satisfy. This interface should only be satisfied by *TLSChannelzSecurityValue
+// and *OtherChannelzSecurityValue.
+// This API is experimental.
+type ChannelzSecurityValue interface {
+	isChannelzSecurityValue()
+// OtherChannelzSecurityValue defines the struct that non-TLS protocol should return
+// from GetSecurityValue(), which contains protocol specific security info. Note
+// the Value field will be sent to users of channelz requesting channel info, and
+// thus sensitive info should better be avoided.
+// This API is experimental.
+type OtherChannelzSecurityValue struct {
+	ChannelzSecurityValue
+	Name  string
+	Value proto.Message