[VOL-4289]  Proto changes for gRPC migration

Change-Id: I317a0a865ccf78d0c37aa229c50d293a3f66c8bb
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/transport.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/transport.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3bf65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport/transport.go
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2014 gRPC authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+// Package transport defines and implements message oriented communication
+// channel to complete various transactions (e.g., an RPC).  It is meant for
+// grpc-internal usage and is not intended to be imported directly by users.
+package transport
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"net"
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"time"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/credentials"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/metadata"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/resolver"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/stats"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/tap"
+const logLevel = 2
+type bufferPool struct {
+	pool sync.Pool
+func newBufferPool() *bufferPool {
+	return &bufferPool{
+		pool: sync.Pool{
+			New: func() interface{} {
+				return new(bytes.Buffer)
+			},
+		},
+	}
+func (p *bufferPool) get() *bytes.Buffer {
+	return p.pool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
+func (p *bufferPool) put(b *bytes.Buffer) {
+	p.pool.Put(b)
+// recvMsg represents the received msg from the transport. All transport
+// protocol specific info has been removed.
+type recvMsg struct {
+	buffer *bytes.Buffer
+	// nil: received some data
+	// io.EOF: stream is completed. data is nil.
+	// other non-nil error: transport failure. data is nil.
+	err error
+// recvBuffer is an unbounded channel of recvMsg structs.
+// Note: recvBuffer differs from buffer.Unbounded only in the fact that it
+// holds a channel of recvMsg structs instead of objects implementing "item"
+// interface. recvBuffer is written to much more often and using strict recvMsg
+// structs helps avoid allocation in "recvBuffer.put"
+type recvBuffer struct {
+	c       chan recvMsg
+	mu      sync.Mutex
+	backlog []recvMsg
+	err     error
+func newRecvBuffer() *recvBuffer {
+	b := &recvBuffer{
+		c: make(chan recvMsg, 1),
+	}
+	return b
+func (b *recvBuffer) put(r recvMsg) {
+	b.mu.Lock()
+	if b.err != nil {
+		b.mu.Unlock()
+		// An error had occurred earlier, don't accept more
+		// data or errors.
+		return
+	}
+	b.err = r.err
+	if len(b.backlog) == 0 {
+		select {
+		case b.c <- r:
+			b.mu.Unlock()
+			return
+		default:
+		}
+	}
+	b.backlog = append(b.backlog, r)
+	b.mu.Unlock()
+func (b *recvBuffer) load() {
+	b.mu.Lock()
+	if len(b.backlog) > 0 {
+		select {
+		case b.c <- b.backlog[0]:
+			b.backlog[0] = recvMsg{}
+			b.backlog = b.backlog[1:]
+		default:
+		}
+	}
+	b.mu.Unlock()
+// get returns the channel that receives a recvMsg in the buffer.
+// Upon receipt of a recvMsg, the caller should call load to send another
+// recvMsg onto the channel if there is any.
+func (b *recvBuffer) get() <-chan recvMsg {
+	return b.c
+// recvBufferReader implements io.Reader interface to read the data from
+// recvBuffer.
+type recvBufferReader struct {
+	closeStream func(error) // Closes the client transport stream with the given error and nil trailer metadata.
+	ctx         context.Context
+	ctxDone     <-chan struct{} // cache of ctx.Done() (for performance).
+	recv        *recvBuffer
+	last        *bytes.Buffer // Stores the remaining data in the previous calls.
+	err         error
+	freeBuffer  func(*bytes.Buffer)
+// Read reads the next len(p) bytes from last. If last is drained, it tries to
+// read additional data from recv. It blocks if there no additional data available
+// in recv. If Read returns any non-nil error, it will continue to return that error.
+func (r *recvBufferReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	if r.err != nil {
+		return 0, r.err
+	}
+	if r.last != nil {
+		// Read remaining data left in last call.
+		copied, _ := r.last.Read(p)
+		if r.last.Len() == 0 {
+			r.freeBuffer(r.last)
+			r.last = nil
+		}
+		return copied, nil
+	}
+	if r.closeStream != nil {
+		n, r.err = r.readClient(p)
+	} else {
+		n, r.err = r.read(p)
+	}
+	return n, r.err
+func (r *recvBufferReader) read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	select {
+	case <-r.ctxDone:
+		return 0, ContextErr(r.ctx.Err())
+	case m := <-r.recv.get():
+		return r.readAdditional(m, p)
+	}
+func (r *recvBufferReader) readClient(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	// If the context is canceled, then closes the stream with nil metadata.
+	// closeStream writes its error parameter to r.recv as a recvMsg.
+	// r.readAdditional acts on that message and returns the necessary error.
+	select {
+	case <-r.ctxDone:
+		// Note that this adds the ctx error to the end of recv buffer, and
+		// reads from the head. This will delay the error until recv buffer is
+		// empty, thus will delay ctx cancellation in Recv().
+		//
+		// It's done this way to fix a race between ctx cancel and trailer. The
+		// race was, stream.Recv() may return ctx error if ctxDone wins the
+		// race, but stream.Trailer() may return a non-nil md because the stream
+		// was not marked as done when trailer is received. This closeStream
+		// call will mark stream as done, thus fix the race.
+		//
+		// TODO: delaying ctx error seems like a unnecessary side effect. What
+		// we really want is to mark the stream as done, and return ctx error
+		// faster.
+		r.closeStream(ContextErr(r.ctx.Err()))
+		m := <-r.recv.get()
+		return r.readAdditional(m, p)
+	case m := <-r.recv.get():
+		return r.readAdditional(m, p)
+	}
+func (r *recvBufferReader) readAdditional(m recvMsg, p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	r.recv.load()
+	if m.err != nil {
+		return 0, m.err
+	}
+	copied, _ := m.buffer.Read(p)
+	if m.buffer.Len() == 0 {
+		r.freeBuffer(m.buffer)
+		r.last = nil
+	} else {
+		r.last = m.buffer
+	}
+	return copied, nil
+type streamState uint32
+const (
+	streamActive    streamState = iota
+	streamWriteDone             // EndStream sent
+	streamReadDone              // EndStream received
+	streamDone                  // the entire stream is finished.
+// Stream represents an RPC in the transport layer.
+type Stream struct {
+	id           uint32
+	st           ServerTransport    // nil for client side Stream
+	ct           *http2Client       // nil for server side Stream
+	ctx          context.Context    // the associated context of the stream
+	cancel       context.CancelFunc // always nil for client side Stream
+	done         chan struct{}      // closed at the end of stream to unblock writers. On the client side.
+	doneFunc     func()             // invoked at the end of stream on client side.
+	ctxDone      <-chan struct{}    // same as done chan but for server side. Cache of ctx.Done() (for performance)
+	method       string             // the associated RPC method of the stream
+	recvCompress string
+	sendCompress string
+	buf          *recvBuffer
+	trReader     io.Reader
+	fc           *inFlow
+	wq           *writeQuota
+	// Callback to state application's intentions to read data. This
+	// is used to adjust flow control, if needed.
+	requestRead func(int)
+	headerChan       chan struct{} // closed to indicate the end of header metadata.
+	headerChanClosed uint32        // set when headerChan is closed. Used to avoid closing headerChan multiple times.
+	// headerValid indicates whether a valid header was received.  Only
+	// meaningful after headerChan is closed (always call waitOnHeader() before
+	// reading its value).  Not valid on server side.
+	headerValid bool
+	// hdrMu protects header and trailer metadata on the server-side.
+	hdrMu sync.Mutex
+	// On client side, header keeps the received header metadata.
+	//
+	// On server side, header keeps the header set by SetHeader(). The complete
+	// header will merged into this after t.WriteHeader() is called.
+	header  metadata.MD
+	trailer metadata.MD // the key-value map of trailer metadata.
+	noHeaders bool // set if the client never received headers (set only after the stream is done).
+	// On the server-side, headerSent is atomically set to 1 when the headers are sent out.
+	headerSent uint32
+	state streamState
+	// On client-side it is the status error received from the server.
+	// On server-side it is unused.
+	status *status.Status
+	bytesReceived uint32 // indicates whether any bytes have been received on this stream
+	unprocessed   uint32 // set if the server sends a refused stream or GOAWAY including this stream
+	// contentSubtype is the content-subtype for requests.
+	// this must be lowercase or the behavior is undefined.
+	contentSubtype string
+// isHeaderSent is only valid on the server-side.
+func (s *Stream) isHeaderSent() bool {
+	return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.headerSent) == 1
+// updateHeaderSent updates headerSent and returns true
+// if it was alreay set. It is valid only on server-side.
+func (s *Stream) updateHeaderSent() bool {
+	return atomic.SwapUint32(&s.headerSent, 1) == 1
+func (s *Stream) swapState(st streamState) streamState {
+	return streamState(atomic.SwapUint32((*uint32)(&s.state), uint32(st)))
+func (s *Stream) compareAndSwapState(oldState, newState streamState) bool {
+	return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32((*uint32)(&s.state), uint32(oldState), uint32(newState))
+func (s *Stream) getState() streamState {
+	return streamState(atomic.LoadUint32((*uint32)(&s.state)))
+func (s *Stream) waitOnHeader() {
+	if s.headerChan == nil {
+		// On the server headerChan is always nil since a stream originates
+		// only after having received headers.
+		return
+	}
+	select {
+	case <-s.ctx.Done():
+		// Close the stream to prevent headers/trailers from changing after
+		// this function returns.
+		s.ct.CloseStream(s, ContextErr(s.ctx.Err()))
+		// headerChan could possibly not be closed yet if closeStream raced
+		// with operateHeaders; wait until it is closed explicitly here.
+		<-s.headerChan
+	case <-s.headerChan:
+	}
+// RecvCompress returns the compression algorithm applied to the inbound
+// message. It is empty string if there is no compression applied.
+func (s *Stream) RecvCompress() string {
+	s.waitOnHeader()
+	return s.recvCompress
+// SetSendCompress sets the compression algorithm to the stream.
+func (s *Stream) SetSendCompress(str string) {
+	s.sendCompress = str
+// Done returns a channel which is closed when it receives the final status
+// from the server.
+func (s *Stream) Done() <-chan struct{} {
+	return s.done
+// Header returns the header metadata of the stream.
+// On client side, it acquires the key-value pairs of header metadata once it is
+// available. It blocks until i) the metadata is ready or ii) there is no header
+// metadata or iii) the stream is canceled/expired.
+// On server side, it returns the out header after t.WriteHeader is called.  It
+// does not block and must not be called until after WriteHeader.
+func (s *Stream) Header() (metadata.MD, error) {
+	if s.headerChan == nil {
+		// On server side, return the header in stream. It will be the out
+		// header after t.WriteHeader is called.
+		return s.header.Copy(), nil
+	}
+	s.waitOnHeader()
+	if !s.headerValid {
+		return nil, s.status.Err()
+	}
+	return s.header.Copy(), nil
+// TrailersOnly blocks until a header or trailers-only frame is received and
+// then returns true if the stream was trailers-only.  If the stream ends
+// before headers are received, returns true, nil.  Client-side only.
+func (s *Stream) TrailersOnly() bool {
+	s.waitOnHeader()
+	return s.noHeaders
+// Trailer returns the cached trailer metedata. Note that if it is not called
+// after the entire stream is done, it could return an empty MD. Client
+// side only.
+// It can be safely read only after stream has ended that is either read
+// or write have returned io.EOF.
+func (s *Stream) Trailer() metadata.MD {
+	c := s.trailer.Copy()
+	return c
+// ContentSubtype returns the content-subtype for a request. For example, a
+// content-subtype of "proto" will result in a content-type of
+// "application/grpc+proto". This will always be lowercase.  See
+// https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/PROTOCOL-HTTP2.md#requests for
+// more details.
+func (s *Stream) ContentSubtype() string {
+	return s.contentSubtype
+// Context returns the context of the stream.
+func (s *Stream) Context() context.Context {
+	return s.ctx
+// Method returns the method for the stream.
+func (s *Stream) Method() string {
+	return s.method
+// Status returns the status received from the server.
+// Status can be read safely only after the stream has ended,
+// that is, after Done() is closed.
+func (s *Stream) Status() *status.Status {
+	return s.status
+// SetHeader sets the header metadata. This can be called multiple times.
+// Server side only.
+// This should not be called in parallel to other data writes.
+func (s *Stream) SetHeader(md metadata.MD) error {
+	if md.Len() == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if s.isHeaderSent() || s.getState() == streamDone {
+		return ErrIllegalHeaderWrite
+	}
+	s.hdrMu.Lock()
+	s.header = metadata.Join(s.header, md)
+	s.hdrMu.Unlock()
+	return nil
+// SendHeader sends the given header metadata. The given metadata is
+// combined with any metadata set by previous calls to SetHeader and
+// then written to the transport stream.
+func (s *Stream) SendHeader(md metadata.MD) error {
+	return s.st.WriteHeader(s, md)
+// SetTrailer sets the trailer metadata which will be sent with the RPC status
+// by the server. This can be called multiple times. Server side only.
+// This should not be called parallel to other data writes.
+func (s *Stream) SetTrailer(md metadata.MD) error {
+	if md.Len() == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if s.getState() == streamDone {
+		return ErrIllegalHeaderWrite
+	}
+	s.hdrMu.Lock()
+	s.trailer = metadata.Join(s.trailer, md)
+	s.hdrMu.Unlock()
+	return nil
+func (s *Stream) write(m recvMsg) {
+	s.buf.put(m)
+// Read reads all p bytes from the wire for this stream.
+func (s *Stream) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	// Don't request a read if there was an error earlier
+	if er := s.trReader.(*transportReader).er; er != nil {
+		return 0, er
+	}
+	s.requestRead(len(p))
+	return io.ReadFull(s.trReader, p)
+// tranportReader reads all the data available for this Stream from the transport and
+// passes them into the decoder, which converts them into a gRPC message stream.
+// The error is io.EOF when the stream is done or another non-nil error if
+// the stream broke.
+type transportReader struct {
+	reader io.Reader
+	// The handler to control the window update procedure for both this
+	// particular stream and the associated transport.
+	windowHandler func(int)
+	er            error
+func (t *transportReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	n, err = t.reader.Read(p)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.er = err
+		return
+	}
+	t.windowHandler(n)
+	return
+// BytesReceived indicates whether any bytes have been received on this stream.
+func (s *Stream) BytesReceived() bool {
+	return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.bytesReceived) == 1
+// Unprocessed indicates whether the server did not process this stream --
+// i.e. it sent a refused stream or GOAWAY including this stream ID.
+func (s *Stream) Unprocessed() bool {
+	return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.unprocessed) == 1
+// GoString is implemented by Stream so context.String() won't
+// race when printing %#v.
+func (s *Stream) GoString() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("<stream: %p, %v>", s, s.method)
+// state of transport
+type transportState int
+const (
+	reachable transportState = iota
+	closing
+	draining
+// ServerConfig consists of all the configurations to establish a server transport.
+type ServerConfig struct {
+	MaxStreams            uint32
+	ConnectionTimeout     time.Duration
+	Credentials           credentials.TransportCredentials
+	InTapHandle           tap.ServerInHandle
+	StatsHandler          stats.Handler
+	KeepaliveParams       keepalive.ServerParameters
+	KeepalivePolicy       keepalive.EnforcementPolicy
+	InitialWindowSize     int32
+	InitialConnWindowSize int32
+	WriteBufferSize       int
+	ReadBufferSize        int
+	ChannelzParentID      int64
+	MaxHeaderListSize     *uint32
+	HeaderTableSize       *uint32
+// ConnectOptions covers all relevant options for communicating with the server.
+type ConnectOptions struct {
+	// UserAgent is the application user agent.
+	UserAgent string
+	// Dialer specifies how to dial a network address.
+	Dialer func(context.Context, string) (net.Conn, error)
+	// FailOnNonTempDialError specifies if gRPC fails on non-temporary dial errors.
+	FailOnNonTempDialError bool
+	// PerRPCCredentials stores the PerRPCCredentials required to issue RPCs.
+	PerRPCCredentials []credentials.PerRPCCredentials
+	// TransportCredentials stores the Authenticator required to setup a client
+	// connection. Only one of TransportCredentials and CredsBundle is non-nil.
+	TransportCredentials credentials.TransportCredentials
+	// CredsBundle is the credentials bundle to be used. Only one of
+	// TransportCredentials and CredsBundle is non-nil.
+	CredsBundle credentials.Bundle
+	// KeepaliveParams stores the keepalive parameters.
+	KeepaliveParams keepalive.ClientParameters
+	// StatsHandler stores the handler for stats.
+	StatsHandler stats.Handler
+	// InitialWindowSize sets the initial window size for a stream.
+	InitialWindowSize int32
+	// InitialConnWindowSize sets the initial window size for a connection.
+	InitialConnWindowSize int32
+	// WriteBufferSize sets the size of write buffer which in turn determines how much data can be batched before it's written on the wire.
+	WriteBufferSize int
+	// ReadBufferSize sets the size of read buffer, which in turn determines how much data can be read at most for one read syscall.
+	ReadBufferSize int
+	// ChannelzParentID sets the addrConn id which initiate the creation of this client transport.
+	ChannelzParentID int64
+	// MaxHeaderListSize sets the max (uncompressed) size of header list that is prepared to be received.
+	MaxHeaderListSize *uint32
+	// UseProxy specifies if a proxy should be used.
+	UseProxy bool
+// NewClientTransport establishes the transport with the required ConnectOptions
+// and returns it to the caller.
+func NewClientTransport(connectCtx, ctx context.Context, addr resolver.Address, opts ConnectOptions, onPrefaceReceipt func(), onGoAway func(GoAwayReason), onClose func()) (ClientTransport, error) {
+	return newHTTP2Client(connectCtx, ctx, addr, opts, onPrefaceReceipt, onGoAway, onClose)
+// Options provides additional hints and information for message
+// transmission.
+type Options struct {
+	// Last indicates whether this write is the last piece for
+	// this stream.
+	Last bool
+// CallHdr carries the information of a particular RPC.
+type CallHdr struct {
+	// Host specifies the peer's host.
+	Host string
+	// Method specifies the operation to perform.
+	Method string
+	// SendCompress specifies the compression algorithm applied on
+	// outbound message.
+	SendCompress string
+	// Creds specifies credentials.PerRPCCredentials for a call.
+	Creds credentials.PerRPCCredentials
+	// ContentSubtype specifies the content-subtype for a request. For example, a
+	// content-subtype of "proto" will result in a content-type of
+	// "application/grpc+proto". The value of ContentSubtype must be all
+	// lowercase, otherwise the behavior is undefined. See
+	// https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/PROTOCOL-HTTP2.md#requests
+	// for more details.
+	ContentSubtype string
+	PreviousAttempts int // value of grpc-previous-rpc-attempts header to set
+	DoneFunc func() // called when the stream is finished
+// ClientTransport is the common interface for all gRPC client-side transport
+// implementations.
+type ClientTransport interface {
+	// Close tears down this transport. Once it returns, the transport
+	// should not be accessed any more. The caller must make sure this
+	// is called only once.
+	Close(err error)
+	// GracefulClose starts to tear down the transport: the transport will stop
+	// accepting new RPCs and NewStream will return error. Once all streams are
+	// finished, the transport will close.
+	//
+	// It does not block.
+	GracefulClose()
+	// Write sends the data for the given stream. A nil stream indicates
+	// the write is to be performed on the transport as a whole.
+	Write(s *Stream, hdr []byte, data []byte, opts *Options) error
+	// NewStream creates a Stream for an RPC.
+	NewStream(ctx context.Context, callHdr *CallHdr) (*Stream, error)
+	// CloseStream clears the footprint of a stream when the stream is
+	// not needed any more. The err indicates the error incurred when
+	// CloseStream is called. Must be called when a stream is finished
+	// unless the associated transport is closing.
+	CloseStream(stream *Stream, err error)
+	// Error returns a channel that is closed when some I/O error
+	// happens. Typically the caller should have a goroutine to monitor
+	// this in order to take action (e.g., close the current transport
+	// and create a new one) in error case. It should not return nil
+	// once the transport is initiated.
+	Error() <-chan struct{}
+	// GoAway returns a channel that is closed when ClientTransport
+	// receives the draining signal from the server (e.g., GOAWAY frame in
+	// HTTP/2).
+	GoAway() <-chan struct{}
+	// GetGoAwayReason returns the reason why GoAway frame was received, along
+	// with a human readable string with debug info.
+	GetGoAwayReason() (GoAwayReason, string)
+	// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
+	RemoteAddr() net.Addr
+	// IncrMsgSent increments the number of message sent through this transport.
+	IncrMsgSent()
+	// IncrMsgRecv increments the number of message received through this transport.
+	IncrMsgRecv()
+// ServerTransport is the common interface for all gRPC server-side transport
+// implementations.
+// Methods may be called concurrently from multiple goroutines, but
+// Write methods for a given Stream will be called serially.
+type ServerTransport interface {
+	// HandleStreams receives incoming streams using the given handler.
+	HandleStreams(func(*Stream), func(context.Context, string) context.Context)
+	// WriteHeader sends the header metadata for the given stream.
+	// WriteHeader may not be called on all streams.
+	WriteHeader(s *Stream, md metadata.MD) error
+	// Write sends the data for the given stream.
+	// Write may not be called on all streams.
+	Write(s *Stream, hdr []byte, data []byte, opts *Options) error
+	// WriteStatus sends the status of a stream to the client.  WriteStatus is
+	// the final call made on a stream and always occurs.
+	WriteStatus(s *Stream, st *status.Status) error
+	// Close tears down the transport. Once it is called, the transport
+	// should not be accessed any more. All the pending streams and their
+	// handlers will be terminated asynchronously.
+	Close()
+	// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
+	RemoteAddr() net.Addr
+	// Drain notifies the client this ServerTransport stops accepting new RPCs.
+	Drain()
+	// IncrMsgSent increments the number of message sent through this transport.
+	IncrMsgSent()
+	// IncrMsgRecv increments the number of message received through this transport.
+	IncrMsgRecv()
+// connectionErrorf creates an ConnectionError with the specified error description.
+func connectionErrorf(temp bool, e error, format string, a ...interface{}) ConnectionError {
+	return ConnectionError{
+		Desc: fmt.Sprintf(format, a...),
+		temp: temp,
+		err:  e,
+	}
+// ConnectionError is an error that results in the termination of the
+// entire connection and the retry of all the active streams.
+type ConnectionError struct {
+	Desc string
+	temp bool
+	err  error
+func (e ConnectionError) Error() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("connection error: desc = %q", e.Desc)
+// Temporary indicates if this connection error is temporary or fatal.
+func (e ConnectionError) Temporary() bool {
+	return e.temp
+// Origin returns the original error of this connection error.
+func (e ConnectionError) Origin() error {
+	// Never return nil error here.
+	// If the original error is nil, return itself.
+	if e.err == nil {
+		return e
+	}
+	return e.err
+var (
+	// ErrConnClosing indicates that the transport is closing.
+	ErrConnClosing = connectionErrorf(true, nil, "transport is closing")
+	// errStreamDrain indicates that the stream is rejected because the
+	// connection is draining. This could be caused by goaway or balancer
+	// removing the address.
+	errStreamDrain = status.Error(codes.Unavailable, "the connection is draining")
+	// errStreamDone is returned from write at the client side to indiacte application
+	// layer of an error.
+	errStreamDone = errors.New("the stream is done")
+	// StatusGoAway indicates that the server sent a GOAWAY that included this
+	// stream's ID in unprocessed RPCs.
+	statusGoAway = status.New(codes.Unavailable, "the stream is rejected because server is draining the connection")
+// GoAwayReason contains the reason for the GoAway frame received.
+type GoAwayReason uint8
+const (
+	// GoAwayInvalid indicates that no GoAway frame is received.
+	GoAwayInvalid GoAwayReason = 0
+	// GoAwayNoReason is the default value when GoAway frame is received.
+	GoAwayNoReason GoAwayReason = 1
+	// GoAwayTooManyPings indicates that a GoAway frame with
+	// ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm was received and that the debug data said
+	// "too_many_pings".
+	GoAwayTooManyPings GoAwayReason = 2
+// channelzData is used to store channelz related data for http2Client and http2Server.
+// These fields cannot be embedded in the original structs (e.g. http2Client), since to do atomic
+// operation on int64 variable on 32-bit machine, user is responsible to enforce memory alignment.
+// Here, by grouping those int64 fields inside a struct, we are enforcing the alignment.
+type channelzData struct {
+	kpCount int64
+	// The number of streams that have started, including already finished ones.
+	streamsStarted int64
+	// Client side: The number of streams that have ended successfully by receiving
+	// EoS bit set frame from server.
+	// Server side: The number of streams that have ended successfully by sending
+	// frame with EoS bit set.
+	streamsSucceeded int64
+	streamsFailed    int64
+	// lastStreamCreatedTime stores the timestamp that the last stream gets created. It is of int64 type
+	// instead of time.Time since it's more costly to atomically update time.Time variable than int64
+	// variable. The same goes for lastMsgSentTime and lastMsgRecvTime.
+	lastStreamCreatedTime int64
+	msgSent               int64
+	msgRecv               int64
+	lastMsgSentTime       int64
+	lastMsgRecvTime       int64
+// ContextErr converts the error from context package into a status error.
+func ContextErr(err error) error {
+	switch err {
+	case context.DeadlineExceeded:
+		return status.Error(codes.DeadlineExceeded, err.Error())
+	case context.Canceled:
+		return status.Error(codes.Canceled, err.Error())
+	}
+	return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "Unexpected error from context packet: %v", err)