[VOL-4289]  Proto changes for gRPC migration

Change-Id: I317a0a865ccf78d0c37aa229c50d293a3f66c8bb
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/picker_wrapper.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/picker_wrapper.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0878ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/picker_wrapper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+package grpc
+import (
+	"context"
+	"io"
+	"sync"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/balancer"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/internal/channelz"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/internal/transport"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
+// pickerWrapper is a wrapper of balancer.Picker. It blocks on certain pick
+// actions and unblock when there's a picker update.
+type pickerWrapper struct {
+	mu         sync.Mutex
+	done       bool
+	blockingCh chan struct{}
+	picker     balancer.Picker
+func newPickerWrapper() *pickerWrapper {
+	return &pickerWrapper{blockingCh: make(chan struct{})}
+// updatePicker is called by UpdateBalancerState. It unblocks all blocked pick.
+func (pw *pickerWrapper) updatePicker(p balancer.Picker) {
+	pw.mu.Lock()
+	if pw.done {
+		pw.mu.Unlock()
+		return
+	}
+	pw.picker = p
+	// pw.blockingCh should never be nil.
+	close(pw.blockingCh)
+	pw.blockingCh = make(chan struct{})
+	pw.mu.Unlock()
+func doneChannelzWrapper(acw *acBalancerWrapper, done func(balancer.DoneInfo)) func(balancer.DoneInfo) {
+	acw.mu.Lock()
+	ac := acw.ac
+	acw.mu.Unlock()
+	ac.incrCallsStarted()
+	return func(b balancer.DoneInfo) {
+		if b.Err != nil && b.Err != io.EOF {
+			ac.incrCallsFailed()
+		} else {
+			ac.incrCallsSucceeded()
+		}
+		if done != nil {
+			done(b)
+		}
+	}
+// pick returns the transport that will be used for the RPC.
+// It may block in the following cases:
+// - there's no picker
+// - the current picker returns ErrNoSubConnAvailable
+// - the current picker returns other errors and failfast is false.
+// - the subConn returned by the current picker is not READY
+// When one of these situations happens, pick blocks until the picker gets updated.
+func (pw *pickerWrapper) pick(ctx context.Context, failfast bool, info balancer.PickInfo) (transport.ClientTransport, func(balancer.DoneInfo), error) {
+	var ch chan struct{}
+	var lastPickErr error
+	for {
+		pw.mu.Lock()
+		if pw.done {
+			pw.mu.Unlock()
+			return nil, nil, ErrClientConnClosing
+		}
+		if pw.picker == nil {
+			ch = pw.blockingCh
+		}
+		if ch == pw.blockingCh {
+			// This could happen when either:
+			// - pw.picker is nil (the previous if condition), or
+			// - has called pick on the current picker.
+			pw.mu.Unlock()
+			select {
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				var errStr string
+				if lastPickErr != nil {
+					errStr = "latest balancer error: " + lastPickErr.Error()
+				} else {
+					errStr = ctx.Err().Error()
+				}
+				switch ctx.Err() {
+				case context.DeadlineExceeded:
+					return nil, nil, status.Error(codes.DeadlineExceeded, errStr)
+				case context.Canceled:
+					return nil, nil, status.Error(codes.Canceled, errStr)
+				}
+			case <-ch:
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		ch = pw.blockingCh
+		p := pw.picker
+		pw.mu.Unlock()
+		pickResult, err := p.Pick(info)
+		if err != nil {
+			if err == balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable {
+				continue
+			}
+			if _, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
+				// Status error: end the RPC unconditionally with this status.
+				return nil, nil, err
+			}
+			// For all other errors, wait for ready RPCs should block and other
+			// RPCs should fail with unavailable.
+			if !failfast {
+				lastPickErr = err
+				continue
+			}
+			return nil, nil, status.Error(codes.Unavailable, err.Error())
+		}
+		acw, ok := pickResult.SubConn.(*acBalancerWrapper)
+		if !ok {
+			logger.Error("subconn returned from pick is not *acBalancerWrapper")
+			continue
+		}
+		if t := acw.getAddrConn().getReadyTransport(); t != nil {
+			if channelz.IsOn() {
+				return t, doneChannelzWrapper(acw, pickResult.Done), nil
+			}
+			return t, pickResult.Done, nil
+		}
+		if pickResult.Done != nil {
+			// Calling done with nil error, no bytes sent and no bytes received.
+			// DoneInfo with default value works.
+			pickResult.Done(balancer.DoneInfo{})
+		}
+		logger.Infof("blockingPicker: the picked transport is not ready, loop back to repick")
+		// If ok == false, ac.state is not READY.
+		// A valid picker always returns READY subConn. This means the state of ac
+		// just changed, and picker will be updated shortly.
+		// continue back to the beginning of the for loop to repick.
+	}
+func (pw *pickerWrapper) close() {
+	pw.mu.Lock()
+	defer pw.mu.Unlock()
+	if pw.done {
+		return
+	}
+	pw.done = true
+	close(pw.blockingCh)