VOL-1460 Setting to a dev release until we want to do another pypi release.

Change-Id: I971bbb8441dee13145eaff126760c711596fd506
1 file changed
tree: f88a5523a7b6cccf0b8b319356be6bc2559f538d
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  3. MANIFEST.in
  4. Makefile
  5. README.md
  7. protos/
  8. python/
  9. setup.py
  10. tox.ini


Protobuf files used by VOLTHA.

Currently this is used to generate both go and python.

Protobuf definition files are located in protos/voltha_protos directory. This directory heirarchy and import scheme is required to allow the python code generated by the GRPC compiler to have the correct import paths.

NOTE: The protos/google/api directory has files copied from the Google APIs, and is only included for initial compilation of the VOLTHA protobuf files - these API's should be installed independently via either the python googleapis-common-protos package or the golang go-genproto repo.

Building locally


make build

use dist/*.tar.gz for local imports

Using voltha-protos in your project


Installation: pip install voltha-protos

Use: from voltha_protos import voltha_pb2


go get ...


make test will run tests for all languages.