[VOL-5222] - Upgrade golang version for VOLTHA jobs

  o post-release tasks.  Repository tagged and banched.
  o Add missing newlines at EOF.
  o go.mod syntax does not allow *-dev suffix so update
    master VERSION from v5.5.0-dev to v5.5.0.  Community
    can introduce a dev version when needed.

  o invoke make mod-update to regenerate go.sum and friends.
  o lint clenaups: find . -name '*.go' -print | xargs -n1 gofmt -s -e -w

Change-Id: I3da80c0ce5600679b388e309bfa4702f1ec3212b
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go
index 7a8cf88..9c070a4 100644
--- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@
 // The per-rune values have the following format:
-//   if mapped {
-//     if inlinedXOR {
-//       15..13 inline XOR marker
-//       12..11 unused
-//       10..3  inline XOR mask
-//     } else {
-//       15..3  index into xor or mapping table
-//     }
-//   } else {
-//       15..14 unused
-//       13     mayNeedNorm
-//       12..11 attributes
-//       10..8  joining type
-//        7..3  category type
-//   }
-//      2  use xor pattern
-//   1..0  mapped category
+//	if mapped {
+//	  if inlinedXOR {
+//	    15..13 inline XOR marker
+//	    12..11 unused
+//	    10..3  inline XOR mask
+//	  } else {
+//	    15..3  index into xor or mapping table
+//	  }
+//	} else {
+//	    15..14 unused
+//	    13     mayNeedNorm
+//	    12..11 attributes
+//	    10..8  joining type
+//	     7..3  category type
+//	}
+//	   2  use xor pattern
+//	1..0  mapped category
 // See the definitions below for a more detailed description of the various
 // bits.