I need to test out a method sharing protos.
In particular, it is the protos under the go/folder

Plus some updates to the build process.

Change-Id: I5878354fd1ef136d4f0a019b22de96afdb0205e1
diff --git a/go/voltha/events.proto b/go/voltha/events.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a2c0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/voltha/events.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+option go_package = "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/go/voltha";
+package voltha;
+import "voltha_protos/meta.proto";
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+message ConfigEventType {
+    enum ConfigEventType {
+        add = 0; // A new config has been added
+        remove = 1; // A config has been removed
+        update = 2; // A config has been updated
+    }
+message ConfigEvent {
+    ConfigEventType.ConfigEventType type = 1;
+    string hash = 2; // hash for this change, can be used for quick lookup
+    string data = 3; // the actual new data, in json format
+message KpiEventType {
+    enum KpiEventType {
+        slice = 0; // slice: a set of path/metric data for same time-stamp
+        ts = 1; // time-series: array of data for same metric
+    }
+ * Struct to convey a dictionary of metric metadata.
+ */
+message MetricMetaData {
+    string title = 1;   // Metric group or individual metric name
+    double ts = 2;      // UTC time-stamp of data (seconds since epoch) of
+                        // when the metric or metric group was collected.
+                        // If this is a 15-min historical group, it is the
+                        // time of the collection and reporting, not the
+                        // start or end of the 15-min group interval.
+    string logical_device_id = 3; // The logical device ID of the VOLTHA
+                                  // (equivalent to the DPID that ONOS has
+                                  // for the VOLTHA device without the
+                                  //  'of:' prefix
+    string serial_no = 4;         // The OLT, ONU, ... device serial number
+    string device_id = 5;         // The OLT, ONU, ... physical device ID
+    map<string, string> context = 6; // Name value pairs that provide additional
+                                     // context information on the metrics being
+                                     // reported.
+ * Struct to convey a dictionary of metric->value pairs. Typically used in
+ * pure shared-timestamp or shared-timestamp + shared object prefix situations.
+ */
+message MetricValuePairs {
+    // Metric / value pairs.
+    map<string, float> metrics = 1;
+ * Struct to group metadata for a metric (or group of metrics) with the key-value
+ * pairs of collected metrics
+ */
+message MetricInformation {
+    MetricMetaData metadata = 1;
+    map<string, float> metrics = 2;
+ * Legacy KPI Event structured.  In mid-August, the KPI event format was updated
+ *                               to a more easily parsable format. See VOL-1140
+ *                               for more information.
+ */
+message KpiEvent {
+    KpiEventType.KpiEventType type = 1;
+    // Fields used when for slice:
+    float ts = 2; // UTC time-stamp of data in slice mode (seconds since epoc)
+    map<string, MetricValuePairs> prefixes = 3;
+message KpiEvent2 {
+    // Type of KPI Event
+    KpiEventType.KpiEventType type = 1;
+    // Fields used when for slice:
+    double ts = 2;  // UTC time-stamp of data in slice mode (seconds since epoch)
+                    // of the time this entire KpiEvent was published to the kafka bus
+    repeated MetricInformation slice_data = 3;
+ * Identify to the area of the system impacted by the alarm
+ */
+message AlarmEventType {
+    enum AlarmEventType {
+        COMMUNICATION = 0;
+        ENVIRONMENT = 1;
+        EQUIPMENT = 2;
+        SERVICE = 3;
+        PROCESSING = 4;
+        SECURITY = 5;
+    }
+ * Identify to the functional category originating the alarm
+ */
+message AlarmEventCategory {
+    enum AlarmEventCategory {
+        PON = 0;
+        OLT = 1;
+        ONT = 2;
+        ONU = 3;
+        NNI = 4;
+    }
+ * Active state of the alarm
+ */
+message AlarmEventState {
+    enum AlarmEventState {
+        RAISED = 0;
+        CLEARED = 1;
+    }
+ * Identify the overall impact of the alarm on the system
+ */
+message AlarmEventSeverity {
+    enum AlarmEventSeverity {
+        INDETERMINATE = 0;
+        WARNING = 1;
+        MINOR = 2;
+        MAJOR = 3;
+        CRITICAL = 4;
+    }
+ *
+ */
+message AlarmEvent {
+    // Unique ID for this alarm.  e.g. voltha.some_olt.1234
+    string id = 1;
+    // Refers to the area of the system impacted by the alarm
+    AlarmEventType.AlarmEventType type = 2;
+    // Refers to functional category of the alarm
+    AlarmEventCategory.AlarmEventCategory category = 3;
+    // Current active state of the alarm
+    AlarmEventState.AlarmEventState state = 4;
+    // Overall impact of the alarm on the system
+    AlarmEventSeverity.AlarmEventSeverity severity = 5;
+    // Timestamp at which the alarm was first raised
+    float raised_ts = 6;
+    // Timestamp at which the alarm was reported
+    float reported_ts = 7;
+    // Timestamp at which the alarm has changed since it was raised
+    float changed_ts = 8;
+    // Identifier of the originating resource of the alarm
+    string resource_id = 9;
+    // Textual explanation of the alarm
+    string description = 10;
+    // Key/Value storage for extra information that may give context to the alarm
+    map<string, string> context = 11;
+    // logical device id
+    string logical_device_id = 12;
+    // alarm_type  name indicates clearly the name of the alarm
+    string alarm_type_name = 13;