VOL-1867 move simulated olt from voltha-go to voltha-simolt-adapter

Sourced from voltha-go commit 251a11c0ffe60512318a644cd6ce0dc4e12f4018

Change-Id: I8e7ee4da1fed739b3c461917301d2729a79307f5
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/consul/api/semaphore.go b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/consul/api/semaphore.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc4f885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/consul/api/semaphore.go
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+package api
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"path"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+const (
+	// DefaultSemaphoreSessionName is the Session Name we assign if none is provided
+	DefaultSemaphoreSessionName = "Consul API Semaphore"
+	// DefaultSemaphoreSessionTTL is the default session TTL if no Session is provided
+	// when creating a new Semaphore. This is used because we do not have another
+	// other check to depend upon.
+	DefaultSemaphoreSessionTTL = "15s"
+	// DefaultSemaphoreWaitTime is how long we block for at a time to check if semaphore
+	// acquisition is possible. This affects the minimum time it takes to cancel
+	// a Semaphore acquisition.
+	DefaultSemaphoreWaitTime = 15 * time.Second
+	// DefaultSemaphoreKey is the key used within the prefix to
+	// use for coordination between all the contenders.
+	DefaultSemaphoreKey = ".lock"
+	// SemaphoreFlagValue is a magic flag we set to indicate a key
+	// is being used for a semaphore. It is used to detect a potential
+	// conflict with a lock.
+	SemaphoreFlagValue = 0xe0f69a2baa414de0
+var (
+	// ErrSemaphoreHeld is returned if we attempt to double lock
+	ErrSemaphoreHeld = fmt.Errorf("Semaphore already held")
+	// ErrSemaphoreNotHeld is returned if we attempt to unlock a semaphore
+	// that we do not hold.
+	ErrSemaphoreNotHeld = fmt.Errorf("Semaphore not held")
+	// ErrSemaphoreInUse is returned if we attempt to destroy a semaphore
+	// that is in use.
+	ErrSemaphoreInUse = fmt.Errorf("Semaphore in use")
+	// ErrSemaphoreConflict is returned if the flags on a key
+	// used for a semaphore do not match expectation
+	ErrSemaphoreConflict = fmt.Errorf("Existing key does not match semaphore use")
+// Semaphore is used to implement a distributed semaphore
+// using the Consul KV primitives.
+type Semaphore struct {
+	c    *Client
+	opts *SemaphoreOptions
+	isHeld       bool
+	sessionRenew chan struct{}
+	lockSession  string
+	l            sync.Mutex
+// SemaphoreOptions is used to parameterize the Semaphore
+type SemaphoreOptions struct {
+	Prefix            string        // Must be set and have write permissions
+	Limit             int           // Must be set, and be positive
+	Value             []byte        // Optional, value to associate with the contender entry
+	Session           string        // Optional, created if not specified
+	SessionName       string        // Optional, defaults to DefaultLockSessionName
+	SessionTTL        string        // Optional, defaults to DefaultLockSessionTTL
+	MonitorRetries    int           // Optional, defaults to 0 which means no retries
+	MonitorRetryTime  time.Duration // Optional, defaults to DefaultMonitorRetryTime
+	SemaphoreWaitTime time.Duration // Optional, defaults to DefaultSemaphoreWaitTime
+	SemaphoreTryOnce  bool          // Optional, defaults to false which means try forever
+// semaphoreLock is written under the DefaultSemaphoreKey and
+// is used to coordinate between all the contenders.
+type semaphoreLock struct {
+	// Limit is the integer limit of holders. This is used to
+	// verify that all the holders agree on the value.
+	Limit int
+	// Holders is a list of all the semaphore holders.
+	// It maps the session ID to true. It is used as a set effectively.
+	Holders map[string]bool
+// SemaphorePrefix is used to created a Semaphore which will operate
+// at the given KV prefix and uses the given limit for the semaphore.
+// The prefix must have write privileges, and the limit must be agreed
+// upon by all contenders.
+func (c *Client) SemaphorePrefix(prefix string, limit int) (*Semaphore, error) {
+	opts := &SemaphoreOptions{
+		Prefix: prefix,
+		Limit:  limit,
+	}
+	return c.SemaphoreOpts(opts)
+// SemaphoreOpts is used to create a Semaphore with the given options.
+// The prefix must have write privileges, and the limit must be agreed
+// upon by all contenders. If a Session is not provided, one will be created.
+func (c *Client) SemaphoreOpts(opts *SemaphoreOptions) (*Semaphore, error) {
+	if opts.Prefix == "" {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing prefix")
+	}
+	if opts.Limit <= 0 {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("semaphore limit must be positive")
+	}
+	if opts.SessionName == "" {
+		opts.SessionName = DefaultSemaphoreSessionName
+	}
+	if opts.SessionTTL == "" {
+		opts.SessionTTL = DefaultSemaphoreSessionTTL
+	} else {
+		if _, err := time.ParseDuration(opts.SessionTTL); err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid SessionTTL: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
+	if opts.MonitorRetryTime == 0 {
+		opts.MonitorRetryTime = DefaultMonitorRetryTime
+	}
+	if opts.SemaphoreWaitTime == 0 {
+		opts.SemaphoreWaitTime = DefaultSemaphoreWaitTime
+	}
+	s := &Semaphore{
+		c:    c,
+		opts: opts,
+	}
+	return s, nil
+// Acquire attempts to reserve a slot in the semaphore, blocking until
+// success, interrupted via the stopCh or an error is encountered.
+// Providing a non-nil stopCh can be used to abort the attempt.
+// On success, a channel is returned that represents our slot.
+// This channel could be closed at any time due to session invalidation,
+// communication errors, operator intervention, etc. It is NOT safe to
+// assume that the slot is held until Release() unless the Session is specifically
+// created without any associated health checks. By default Consul sessions
+// prefer liveness over safety and an application must be able to handle
+// the session being lost.
+func (s *Semaphore) Acquire(stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
+	// Hold the lock as we try to acquire
+	s.l.Lock()
+	defer s.l.Unlock()
+	// Check if we already hold the semaphore
+	if s.isHeld {
+		return nil, ErrSemaphoreHeld
+	}
+	// Check if we need to create a session first
+	s.lockSession = s.opts.Session
+	if s.lockSession == "" {
+		sess, err := s.createSession()
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create session: %v", err)
+		}
+		s.sessionRenew = make(chan struct{})
+		s.lockSession = sess
+		session := s.c.Session()
+		go session.RenewPeriodic(s.opts.SessionTTL, sess, nil, s.sessionRenew)
+		// If we fail to acquire the lock, cleanup the session
+		defer func() {
+			if !s.isHeld {
+				close(s.sessionRenew)
+				s.sessionRenew = nil
+			}
+		}()
+	}
+	// Create the contender entry
+	kv := s.c.KV()
+	made, _, err := kv.Acquire(s.contenderEntry(s.lockSession), nil)
+	if err != nil || !made {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make contender entry: %v", err)
+	}
+	// Setup the query options
+	qOpts := &QueryOptions{
+		WaitTime: s.opts.SemaphoreWaitTime,
+	}
+	start := time.Now()
+	attempts := 0
+	// Check if we should quit
+	select {
+	case <-stopCh:
+		return nil, nil
+	default:
+	}
+	// Handle the one-shot mode.
+	if s.opts.SemaphoreTryOnce && attempts > 0 {
+		elapsed := time.Since(start)
+		if elapsed > s.opts.SemaphoreWaitTime {
+			return nil, nil
+		}
+		// Query wait time should not exceed the semaphore wait time
+		qOpts.WaitTime = s.opts.SemaphoreWaitTime - elapsed
+	}
+	attempts++
+	// Read the prefix
+	pairs, meta, err := kv.List(s.opts.Prefix, qOpts)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read prefix: %v", err)
+	}
+	// Decode the lock
+	lockPair := s.findLock(pairs)
+	if lockPair.Flags != SemaphoreFlagValue {
+		return nil, ErrSemaphoreConflict
+	}
+	lock, err := s.decodeLock(lockPair)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Verify we agree with the limit
+	if lock.Limit != s.opts.Limit {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("semaphore limit conflict (lock: %d, local: %d)",
+			lock.Limit, s.opts.Limit)
+	}
+	// Prune the dead holders
+	s.pruneDeadHolders(lock, pairs)
+	// Check if the lock is held
+	if len(lock.Holders) >= lock.Limit {
+		qOpts.WaitIndex = meta.LastIndex
+		goto WAIT
+	}
+	// Create a new lock with us as a holder
+	lock.Holders[s.lockSession] = true
+	newLock, err := s.encodeLock(lock, lockPair.ModifyIndex)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Attempt the acquisition
+	didSet, _, err := kv.CAS(newLock, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to update lock: %v", err)
+	}
+	if !didSet {
+		// Update failed, could have been a race with another contender,
+		// retry the operation
+		goto WAIT
+	}
+	// Watch to ensure we maintain ownership of the slot
+	lockCh := make(chan struct{})
+	go s.monitorLock(s.lockSession, lockCh)
+	// Set that we own the lock
+	s.isHeld = true
+	// Acquired! All done
+	return lockCh, nil
+// Release is used to voluntarily give up our semaphore slot. It is
+// an error to call this if the semaphore has not been acquired.
+func (s *Semaphore) Release() error {
+	// Hold the lock as we try to release
+	s.l.Lock()
+	defer s.l.Unlock()
+	// Ensure the lock is actually held
+	if !s.isHeld {
+		return ErrSemaphoreNotHeld
+	}
+	// Set that we no longer own the lock
+	s.isHeld = false
+	// Stop the session renew
+	if s.sessionRenew != nil {
+		defer func() {
+			close(s.sessionRenew)
+			s.sessionRenew = nil
+		}()
+	}
+	// Get and clear the lock session
+	lockSession := s.lockSession
+	s.lockSession = ""
+	// Remove ourselves as a lock holder
+	kv := s.c.KV()
+	key := path.Join(s.opts.Prefix, DefaultSemaphoreKey)
+	pair, _, err := kv.Get(key, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if pair == nil {
+		pair = &KVPair{}
+	}
+	lock, err := s.decodeLock(pair)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Create a new lock without us as a holder
+	if _, ok := lock.Holders[lockSession]; ok {
+		delete(lock.Holders, lockSession)
+		newLock, err := s.encodeLock(lock, pair.ModifyIndex)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// Swap the locks
+		didSet, _, err := kv.CAS(newLock, nil)
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("failed to update lock: %v", err)
+		}
+		if !didSet {
+			goto READ
+		}
+	}
+	// Destroy the contender entry
+	contenderKey := path.Join(s.opts.Prefix, lockSession)
+	if _, err := kv.Delete(contenderKey, nil); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+// Destroy is used to cleanup the semaphore entry. It is not necessary
+// to invoke. It will fail if the semaphore is in use.
+func (s *Semaphore) Destroy() error {
+	// Hold the lock as we try to acquire
+	s.l.Lock()
+	defer s.l.Unlock()
+	// Check if we already hold the semaphore
+	if s.isHeld {
+		return ErrSemaphoreHeld
+	}
+	// List for the semaphore
+	kv := s.c.KV()
+	pairs, _, err := kv.List(s.opts.Prefix, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("failed to read prefix: %v", err)
+	}
+	// Find the lock pair, bail if it doesn't exist
+	lockPair := s.findLock(pairs)
+	if lockPair.ModifyIndex == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if lockPair.Flags != SemaphoreFlagValue {
+		return ErrSemaphoreConflict
+	}
+	// Decode the lock
+	lock, err := s.decodeLock(lockPair)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Prune the dead holders
+	s.pruneDeadHolders(lock, pairs)
+	// Check if there are any holders
+	if len(lock.Holders) > 0 {
+		return ErrSemaphoreInUse
+	}
+	// Attempt the delete
+	didRemove, _, err := kv.DeleteCAS(lockPair, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove semaphore: %v", err)
+	}
+	if !didRemove {
+		return ErrSemaphoreInUse
+	}
+	return nil
+// createSession is used to create a new managed session
+func (s *Semaphore) createSession() (string, error) {
+	session := s.c.Session()
+	se := &SessionEntry{
+		Name:     s.opts.SessionName,
+		TTL:      s.opts.SessionTTL,
+		Behavior: SessionBehaviorDelete,
+	}
+	id, _, err := session.Create(se, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	return id, nil
+// contenderEntry returns a formatted KVPair for the contender
+func (s *Semaphore) contenderEntry(session string) *KVPair {
+	return &KVPair{
+		Key:     path.Join(s.opts.Prefix, session),
+		Value:   s.opts.Value,
+		Session: session,
+		Flags:   SemaphoreFlagValue,
+	}
+// findLock is used to find the KV Pair which is used for coordination
+func (s *Semaphore) findLock(pairs KVPairs) *KVPair {
+	key := path.Join(s.opts.Prefix, DefaultSemaphoreKey)
+	for _, pair := range pairs {
+		if pair.Key == key {
+			return pair
+		}
+	}
+	return &KVPair{Flags: SemaphoreFlagValue}
+// decodeLock is used to decode a semaphoreLock from an
+// entry in Consul
+func (s *Semaphore) decodeLock(pair *KVPair) (*semaphoreLock, error) {
+	// Handle if there is no lock
+	if pair == nil || pair.Value == nil {
+		return &semaphoreLock{
+			Limit:   s.opts.Limit,
+			Holders: make(map[string]bool),
+		}, nil
+	}
+	l := &semaphoreLock{}
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(pair.Value, l); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("lock decoding failed: %v", err)
+	}
+	return l, nil
+// encodeLock is used to encode a semaphoreLock into a KVPair
+// that can be PUT
+func (s *Semaphore) encodeLock(l *semaphoreLock, oldIndex uint64) (*KVPair, error) {
+	enc, err := json.Marshal(l)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("lock encoding failed: %v", err)
+	}
+	pair := &KVPair{
+		Key:         path.Join(s.opts.Prefix, DefaultSemaphoreKey),
+		Value:       enc,
+		Flags:       SemaphoreFlagValue,
+		ModifyIndex: oldIndex,
+	}
+	return pair, nil
+// pruneDeadHolders is used to remove all the dead lock holders
+func (s *Semaphore) pruneDeadHolders(lock *semaphoreLock, pairs KVPairs) {
+	// Gather all the live holders
+	alive := make(map[string]struct{}, len(pairs))
+	for _, pair := range pairs {
+		if pair.Session != "" {
+			alive[pair.Session] = struct{}{}
+		}
+	}
+	// Remove any holders that are dead
+	for holder := range lock.Holders {
+		if _, ok := alive[holder]; !ok {
+			delete(lock.Holders, holder)
+		}
+	}
+// monitorLock is a long running routine to monitor a semaphore ownership
+// It closes the stopCh if we lose our slot.
+func (s *Semaphore) monitorLock(session string, stopCh chan struct{}) {
+	defer close(stopCh)
+	kv := s.c.KV()
+	opts := &QueryOptions{RequireConsistent: true}
+	retries := s.opts.MonitorRetries
+	pairs, meta, err := kv.List(s.opts.Prefix, opts)
+	if err != nil {
+		// If configured we can try to ride out a brief Consul unavailability
+		// by doing retries. Note that we have to attempt the retry in a non-
+		// blocking fashion so that we have a clean place to reset the retry
+		// counter if service is restored.
+		if retries > 0 && IsRetryableError(err) {
+			time.Sleep(s.opts.MonitorRetryTime)
+			retries--
+			opts.WaitIndex = 0
+			goto RETRY
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	lockPair := s.findLock(pairs)
+	lock, err := s.decodeLock(lockPair)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	s.pruneDeadHolders(lock, pairs)
+	if _, ok := lock.Holders[session]; ok {
+		opts.WaitIndex = meta.LastIndex
+		goto WAIT
+	}