VOL-1867 move simulated olt from voltha-go to voltha-simolt-adapter

Sourced from voltha-go commit 251a11c0ffe60512318a644cd6ce0dc4e12f4018

Change-Id: I8e7ee4da1fed739b3c461917301d2729a79307f5
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd/ucd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd/ucd.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c45b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd/ucd.go
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package ucd provides a parser for Unicode Character Database files, the
+// format of which is defined in http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/. See
+// http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/ for example files.
+// It currently does not support substitutions of missing fields.
+package ucd // import "golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd"
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"log"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+// UnicodeData.txt fields.
+const (
+	CodePoint = iota
+	Name
+	GeneralCategory
+	CanonicalCombiningClass
+	BidiClass
+	DecompMapping
+	DecimalValue
+	DigitValue
+	NumericValue
+	BidiMirrored
+	Unicode1Name
+	ISOComment
+	SimpleUppercaseMapping
+	SimpleLowercaseMapping
+	SimpleTitlecaseMapping
+// Parse calls f for each entry in the given reader of a UCD file. It will close
+// the reader upon return. It will call log.Fatal if any error occurred.
+// This implements the most common usage pattern of using Parser.
+func Parse(r io.ReadCloser, f func(p *Parser)) {
+	defer r.Close()
+	p := New(r)
+	for p.Next() {
+		f(p)
+	}
+	if err := p.Err(); err != nil {
+		r.Close() // os.Exit will cause defers not to be called.
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
+// An Option is used to configure a Parser.
+type Option func(p *Parser)
+func keepRanges(p *Parser) {
+	p.keepRanges = true
+var (
+	// KeepRanges prevents the expansion of ranges. The raw ranges can be
+	// obtained by calling Range(0) on the parser.
+	KeepRanges Option = keepRanges
+// The Part option register a handler for lines starting with a '@'. The text
+// after a '@' is available as the first field. Comments are handled as usual.
+func Part(f func(p *Parser)) Option {
+	return func(p *Parser) {
+		p.partHandler = f
+	}
+// The CommentHandler option passes comments that are on a line by itself to
+// a given handler.
+func CommentHandler(f func(s string)) Option {
+	return func(p *Parser) {
+		p.commentHandler = f
+	}
+// A Parser parses Unicode Character Database (UCD) files.
+type Parser struct {
+	scanner *bufio.Scanner
+	keepRanges bool // Don't expand rune ranges in field 0.
+	err     error
+	comment string
+	field   []string
+	// parsedRange is needed in case Range(0) is called more than once for one
+	// field. In some cases this requires scanning ahead.
+	line                 int
+	parsedRange          bool
+	rangeStart, rangeEnd rune
+	partHandler    func(p *Parser)
+	commentHandler func(s string)
+func (p *Parser) setError(err error, msg string) {
+	if p.err == nil && err != nil {
+		if msg == "" {
+			p.err = fmt.Errorf("ucd:line:%d: %v", p.line, err)
+		} else {
+			p.err = fmt.Errorf("ucd:line:%d:%s: %v", p.line, msg, err)
+		}
+	}
+func (p *Parser) getField(i int) string {
+	if i >= len(p.field) {
+		return ""
+	}
+	return p.field[i]
+// Err returns a non-nil error if any error occurred during parsing.
+func (p *Parser) Err() error {
+	return p.err
+// New returns a Parser for the given Reader.
+func New(r io.Reader, o ...Option) *Parser {
+	p := &Parser{
+		scanner: bufio.NewScanner(r),
+	}
+	for _, f := range o {
+		f(p)
+	}
+	return p
+// Next parses the next line in the file. It returns true if a line was parsed
+// and false if it reached the end of the file.
+func (p *Parser) Next() bool {
+	if !p.keepRanges && p.rangeStart < p.rangeEnd {
+		p.rangeStart++
+		return true
+	}
+	p.comment = ""
+	p.field = p.field[:0]
+	p.parsedRange = false
+	for p.scanner.Scan() && p.err == nil {
+		p.line++
+		s := p.scanner.Text()
+		if s == "" {
+			continue
+		}
+		if s[0] == '#' {
+			if p.commentHandler != nil {
+				p.commentHandler(strings.TrimSpace(s[1:]))
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		// Parse line
+		if i := strings.IndexByte(s, '#'); i != -1 {
+			p.comment = strings.TrimSpace(s[i+1:])
+			s = s[:i]
+		}
+		if s[0] == '@' {
+			if p.partHandler != nil {
+				p.field = append(p.field, strings.TrimSpace(s[1:]))
+				p.partHandler(p)
+				p.field = p.field[:0]
+			}
+			p.comment = ""
+			continue
+		}
+		for {
+			i := strings.IndexByte(s, ';')
+			if i == -1 {
+				p.field = append(p.field, strings.TrimSpace(s))
+				break
+			}
+			p.field = append(p.field, strings.TrimSpace(s[:i]))
+			s = s[i+1:]
+		}
+		if !p.keepRanges {
+			p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd = p.getRange(0)
+		}
+		return true
+	}
+	p.setError(p.scanner.Err(), "scanner failed")
+	return false
+func parseRune(b string) (rune, error) {
+	if len(b) > 2 && b[0] == 'U' && b[1] == '+' {
+		b = b[2:]
+	}
+	x, err := strconv.ParseUint(b, 16, 32)
+	return rune(x), err
+func (p *Parser) parseRune(s string) rune {
+	x, err := parseRune(s)
+	p.setError(err, "failed to parse rune")
+	return x
+// Rune parses and returns field i as a rune.
+func (p *Parser) Rune(i int) rune {
+	if i > 0 || p.keepRanges {
+		return p.parseRune(p.getField(i))
+	}
+	return p.rangeStart
+// Runes interprets and returns field i as a sequence of runes.
+func (p *Parser) Runes(i int) (runes []rune) {
+	add := func(s string) {
+		if s = strings.TrimSpace(s); len(s) > 0 {
+			runes = append(runes, p.parseRune(s))
+		}
+	}
+	for b := p.getField(i); ; {
+		i := strings.IndexByte(b, ' ')
+		if i == -1 {
+			add(b)
+			break
+		}
+		add(b[:i])
+		b = b[i+1:]
+	}
+	return
+var (
+	errIncorrectLegacyRange = errors.New("ucd: unmatched <* First>")
+	// reRange matches one line of a legacy rune range.
+	reRange = regexp.MustCompile("^([0-9A-F]*);<([^,]*), ([^>]*)>(.*)$")
+// Range parses and returns field i as a rune range. A range is inclusive at
+// both ends. If the field only has one rune, first and last will be identical.
+// It supports the legacy format for ranges used in UnicodeData.txt.
+func (p *Parser) Range(i int) (first, last rune) {
+	if !p.keepRanges {
+		return p.rangeStart, p.rangeStart
+	}
+	return p.getRange(i)
+func (p *Parser) getRange(i int) (first, last rune) {
+	b := p.getField(i)
+	if k := strings.Index(b, ".."); k != -1 {
+		return p.parseRune(b[:k]), p.parseRune(b[k+2:])
+	}
+	// The first field may not be a rune, in which case we may ignore any error
+	// and set the range as 0..0.
+	x, err := parseRune(b)
+	if err != nil {
+		// Disable range parsing henceforth. This ensures that an error will be
+		// returned if the user subsequently will try to parse this field as
+		// a Rune.
+		p.keepRanges = true
+	}
+	// Special case for UnicodeData that was retained for backwards compatibility.
+	if i == 0 && len(p.field) > 1 && strings.HasSuffix(p.field[1], "First>") {
+		if p.parsedRange {
+			return p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd
+		}
+		mf := reRange.FindStringSubmatch(p.scanner.Text())
+		p.line++
+		if mf == nil || !p.scanner.Scan() {
+			p.setError(errIncorrectLegacyRange, "")
+			return x, x
+		}
+		// Using Bytes would be more efficient here, but Text is a lot easier
+		// and this is not a frequent case.
+		ml := reRange.FindStringSubmatch(p.scanner.Text())
+		if ml == nil || mf[2] != ml[2] || ml[3] != "Last" || mf[4] != ml[4] {
+			p.setError(errIncorrectLegacyRange, "")
+			return x, x
+		}
+		p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd = x, p.parseRune(p.scanner.Text()[:len(ml[1])])
+		p.parsedRange = true
+		return p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd
+	}
+	return x, x
+// bools recognizes all valid UCD boolean values.
+var bools = map[string]bool{
+	"":      false,
+	"N":     false,
+	"No":    false,
+	"F":     false,
+	"False": false,
+	"Y":     true,
+	"Yes":   true,
+	"T":     true,
+	"True":  true,
+// Bool parses and returns field i as a boolean value.
+func (p *Parser) Bool(i int) bool {
+	f := p.getField(i)
+	for s, v := range bools {
+		if f == s {
+			return v
+		}
+	}
+	p.setError(strconv.ErrSyntax, "error parsing bool")
+	return false
+// Int parses and returns field i as an integer value.
+func (p *Parser) Int(i int) int {
+	x, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(p.getField(i)), 10, 64)
+	p.setError(err, "error parsing int")
+	return int(x)
+// Uint parses and returns field i as an unsigned integer value.
+func (p *Parser) Uint(i int) uint {
+	x, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(p.getField(i)), 10, 64)
+	p.setError(err, "error parsing uint")
+	return uint(x)
+// Float parses and returns field i as a decimal value.
+func (p *Parser) Float(i int) float64 {
+	x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(p.getField(i)), 64)
+	p.setError(err, "error parsing float")
+	return x
+// String parses and returns field i as a string value.
+func (p *Parser) String(i int) string {
+	return string(p.getField(i))
+// Strings parses and returns field i as a space-separated list of strings.
+func (p *Parser) Strings(i int) []string {
+	ss := strings.Split(string(p.getField(i)), " ")
+	for i, s := range ss {
+		ss[i] = strings.TrimSpace(s)
+	}
+	return ss
+// Comment returns the comments for the current line.
+func (p *Parser) Comment() string {
+	return string(p.comment)
+var errUndefinedEnum = errors.New("ucd: undefined enum value")
+// Enum interprets and returns field i as a value that must be one of the values
+// in enum.
+func (p *Parser) Enum(i int, enum ...string) string {
+	f := p.getField(i)
+	for _, s := range enum {
+		if f == s {
+			return s
+		}
+	}
+	p.setError(errUndefinedEnum, "error parsing enum")
+	return ""