VOL-2112 move to voltha-lib-go

Change-Id: Ic1af08003c1d2c698c0cce371e64f47b47b8d875
diff --git a/vendor/go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/raft.go b/vendor/go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/raft.go
index e1e6a16..cdcb43d 100644
--- a/vendor/go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/raft.go
+++ b/vendor/go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/raft.go
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
+	"go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/confchange"
+	"go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/quorum"
 	pb "go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/raftpb"
+	"go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/tracker"
 // None is a placeholder node ID used when there is no leader.
@@ -261,18 +264,14 @@
 	maxMsgSize         uint64
 	maxUncommittedSize uint64
-	maxInflight        int
-	prs                map[uint64]*Progress
-	learnerPrs         map[uint64]*Progress
-	matchBuf           uint64Slice
+	// TODO(tbg): rename to trk.
+	prs tracker.ProgressTracker
 	state StateType
 	// isLearner is true if the local raft node is a learner.
 	isLearner bool
-	votes map[uint64]bool
 	msgs []pb.Message
 	// the leader id
@@ -330,28 +329,26 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		panic(err) // TODO(bdarnell)
-	peers := c.peers
-	learners := c.learners
-	if len(cs.Nodes) > 0 || len(cs.Learners) > 0 {
-		if len(peers) > 0 || len(learners) > 0 {
+	if len(c.peers) > 0 || len(c.learners) > 0 {
+		if len(cs.Voters) > 0 || len(cs.Learners) > 0 {
 			// TODO(bdarnell): the peers argument is always nil except in
 			// tests; the argument should be removed and these tests should be
 			// updated to specify their nodes through a snapshot.
-			panic("cannot specify both newRaft(peers, learners) and ConfState.(Nodes, Learners)")
+			panic("cannot specify both newRaft(peers, learners) and ConfState.(Voters, Learners)")
-		peers = cs.Nodes
-		learners = cs.Learners
+		cs.Voters = c.peers
+		cs.Learners = c.learners
 	r := &raft{
 		id:                        c.ID,
 		lead:                      None,
 		isLearner:                 false,
 		raftLog:                   raftlog,
 		maxMsgSize:                c.MaxSizePerMsg,
-		maxInflight:               c.MaxInflightMsgs,
 		maxUncommittedSize:        c.MaxUncommittedEntriesSize,
-		prs:                       make(map[uint64]*Progress),
-		learnerPrs:                make(map[uint64]*Progress),
+		prs:                       tracker.MakeProgressTracker(c.MaxInflightMsgs),
 		electionTimeout:           c.ElectionTick,
 		heartbeatTimeout:          c.HeartbeatTick,
 		logger:                    c.Logger,
@@ -360,20 +357,17 @@
 		readOnly:                  newReadOnly(c.ReadOnlyOption),
 		disableProposalForwarding: c.DisableProposalForwarding,
-	for _, p := range peers {
-		r.prs[p] = &Progress{Next: 1, ins: newInflights(r.maxInflight)}
-	}
-	for _, p := range learners {
-		if _, ok := r.prs[p]; ok {
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %x is in both learner and peer list", p))
-		}
-		r.learnerPrs[p] = &Progress{Next: 1, ins: newInflights(r.maxInflight), IsLearner: true}
-		if r.id == p {
-			r.isLearner = true
-		}
-	}
-	if !isHardStateEqual(hs, emptyState) {
+	cfg, prs, err := confchange.Restore(confchange.Changer{
+		Tracker:   r.prs,
+		LastIndex: raftlog.lastIndex(),
+	}, cs)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	assertConfStatesEquivalent(r.logger, cs, r.switchToConfig(cfg, prs))
+	if !IsEmptyHardState(hs) {
 	if c.Applied > 0 {
@@ -382,7 +376,7 @@
 	r.becomeFollower(r.Term, None)
 	var nodesStrs []string
-	for _, n := range r.nodes() {
+	for _, n := range r.prs.VoterNodes() {
 		nodesStrs = append(nodesStrs, fmt.Sprintf("%x", n))
@@ -403,26 +397,6 @@
-func (r *raft) quorum() int { return len(r.prs)/2 + 1 }
-func (r *raft) nodes() []uint64 {
-	nodes := make([]uint64, 0, len(r.prs))
-	for id := range r.prs {
-		nodes = append(nodes, id)
-	}
-	sort.Sort(uint64Slice(nodes))
-	return nodes
-func (r *raft) learnerNodes() []uint64 {
-	nodes := make([]uint64, 0, len(r.learnerPrs))
-	for id := range r.learnerPrs {
-		nodes = append(nodes, id)
-	}
-	sort.Sort(uint64Slice(nodes))
-	return nodes
 // send persists state to stable storage and then sends to its mailbox.
 func (r *raft) send(m pb.Message) {
 	m.From = r.id
@@ -457,14 +431,6 @@
 	r.msgs = append(r.msgs, m)
-func (r *raft) getProgress(id uint64) *Progress {
-	if pr, ok := r.prs[id]; ok {
-		return pr
-	}
-	return r.learnerPrs[id]
 // sendAppend sends an append RPC with new entries (if any) and the
 // current commit index to the given peer.
 func (r *raft) sendAppend(to uint64) {
@@ -477,7 +443,7 @@
 // ("empty" messages are useful to convey updated Commit indexes, but
 // are undesirable when we're sending multiple messages in a batch).
 func (r *raft) maybeSendAppend(to uint64, sendIfEmpty bool) bool {
-	pr := r.getProgress(to)
+	pr := r.prs.Progress[to]
 	if pr.IsPaused() {
 		return false
@@ -512,7 +478,7 @@
 		sindex, sterm := snapshot.Metadata.Index, snapshot.Metadata.Term
 		r.logger.Debugf("%x [firstindex: %d, commit: %d] sent snapshot[index: %d, term: %d] to %x [%s]",
 			r.id, r.raftLog.firstIndex(), r.raftLog.committed, sindex, sterm, to, pr)
-		pr.becomeSnapshot(sindex)
+		pr.BecomeSnapshot(sindex)
 		r.logger.Debugf("%x paused sending replication messages to %x [%s]", r.id, to, pr)
 	} else {
 		m.Type = pb.MsgApp
@@ -522,13 +488,13 @@
 		m.Commit = r.raftLog.committed
 		if n := len(m.Entries); n != 0 {
 			switch pr.State {
-			// optimistically increase the next when in ProgressStateReplicate
-			case ProgressStateReplicate:
+			// optimistically increase the next when in StateReplicate
+			case tracker.StateReplicate:
 				last := m.Entries[n-1].Index
-				pr.optimisticUpdate(last)
-				pr.ins.add(last)
-			case ProgressStateProbe:
-				pr.pause()
+				pr.OptimisticUpdate(last)
+				pr.Inflights.Add(last)
+			case tracker.StateProbe:
+				pr.ProbeSent = true
 				r.logger.Panicf("%x is sending append in unhandled state %s", r.id, pr.State)
@@ -546,7 +512,7 @@
 	// or it might not have all the committed entries.
 	// The leader MUST NOT forward the follower's commit to
 	// an unmatched index.
-	commit := min(r.getProgress(to).Match, r.raftLog.committed)
+	commit := min(r.prs.Progress[to].Match, r.raftLog.committed)
 	m := pb.Message{
 		To:      to,
 		Type:    pb.MsgHeartbeat,
@@ -557,24 +523,13 @@
-func (r *raft) forEachProgress(f func(id uint64, pr *Progress)) {
-	for id, pr := range r.prs {
-		f(id, pr)
-	}
-	for id, pr := range r.learnerPrs {
-		f(id, pr)
-	}
 // bcastAppend sends RPC, with entries to all peers that are not up-to-date
 // according to the progress recorded in r.prs.
 func (r *raft) bcastAppend() {
-	r.forEachProgress(func(id uint64, _ *Progress) {
+	r.prs.Visit(func(id uint64, _ *tracker.Progress) {
 		if id == r.id {
@@ -590,7 +545,7 @@
 func (r *raft) bcastHeartbeatWithCtx(ctx []byte) {
-	r.forEachProgress(func(id uint64, _ *Progress) {
+	r.prs.Visit(func(id uint64, _ *tracker.Progress) {
 		if id == r.id {
@@ -598,23 +553,51 @@
+func (r *raft) advance(rd Ready) {
+	// If entries were applied (or a snapshot), update our cursor for
+	// the next Ready. Note that if the current HardState contains a
+	// new Commit index, this does not mean that we're also applying
+	// all of the new entries due to commit pagination by size.
+	if index := rd.appliedCursor(); index > 0 {
+		r.raftLog.appliedTo(index)
+		if r.prs.Config.AutoLeave && index >= r.pendingConfIndex && r.state == StateLeader {
+			// If the current (and most recent, at least for this leader's term)
+			// configuration should be auto-left, initiate that now.
+			ccdata, err := (&pb.ConfChangeV2{}).Marshal()
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
+			ent := pb.Entry{
+				Type: pb.EntryConfChangeV2,
+				Data: ccdata,
+			}
+			if !r.appendEntry(ent) {
+				// If we could not append the entry, bump the pending conf index
+				// so that we'll try again later.
+				//
+				// TODO(tbg): test this case.
+				r.pendingConfIndex = r.raftLog.lastIndex()
+			} else {
+				r.logger.Infof("initiating automatic transition out of joint configuration %s", r.prs.Config)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	r.reduceUncommittedSize(rd.CommittedEntries)
+	if len(rd.Entries) > 0 {
+		e := rd.Entries[len(rd.Entries)-1]
+		r.raftLog.stableTo(e.Index, e.Term)
+	}
+	if !IsEmptySnap(rd.Snapshot) {
+		r.raftLog.stableSnapTo(rd.Snapshot.Metadata.Index)
+	}
 // maybeCommit attempts to advance the commit index. Returns true if
 // the commit index changed (in which case the caller should call
 // r.bcastAppend).
 func (r *raft) maybeCommit() bool {
-	// Preserving matchBuf across calls is an optimization
-	// used to avoid allocating a new slice on each call.
-	if cap(r.matchBuf) < len(r.prs) {
-		r.matchBuf = make(uint64Slice, len(r.prs))
-	}
-	mis := r.matchBuf[:len(r.prs)]
-	idx := 0
-	for _, p := range r.prs {
-		mis[idx] = p.Match
-		idx++
-	}
-	sort.Sort(mis)
-	mci := mis[len(mis)-r.quorum()]
+	mci := r.prs.Committed()
 	return r.raftLog.maybeCommit(mci, r.Term)
@@ -631,9 +614,14 @@
-	r.votes = make(map[uint64]bool)
-	r.forEachProgress(func(id uint64, pr *Progress) {
-		*pr = Progress{Next: r.raftLog.lastIndex() + 1, ins: newInflights(r.maxInflight), IsLearner: pr.IsLearner}
+	r.prs.ResetVotes()
+	r.prs.Visit(func(id uint64, pr *tracker.Progress) {
+		*pr = tracker.Progress{
+			Match:     0,
+			Next:      r.raftLog.lastIndex() + 1,
+			Inflights: tracker.NewInflights(r.prs.MaxInflight),
+			IsLearner: pr.IsLearner,
+		}
 		if id == r.id {
 			pr.Match = r.raftLog.lastIndex()
@@ -661,7 +649,7 @@
 	// use latest "last" index after truncate/append
 	li = r.raftLog.append(es...)
-	r.getProgress(r.id).maybeUpdate(li)
+	r.prs.Progress[r.id].MaybeUpdate(li)
 	// Regardless of maybeCommit's return, our caller will call bcastAppend.
 	return true
@@ -734,7 +722,7 @@
 	// but doesn't change anything else. In particular it does not increase
 	// r.Term or change r.Vote.
 	r.step = stepCandidate
-	r.votes = make(map[uint64]bool)
+	r.prs.ResetVotes()
 	r.tick = r.tickElection
 	r.lead = None
 	r.state = StatePreCandidate
@@ -755,7 +743,7 @@
 	// (perhaps after having received a snapshot as a result). The leader is
 	// trivially in this state. Note that r.reset() has initialized this
 	// progress with the last index already.
-	r.prs[r.id].becomeReplicate()
+	r.prs.Progress[r.id].BecomeReplicate()
 	// Conservatively set the pendingConfIndex to the last index in the
 	// log. There may or may not be a pending config change, but it's
@@ -777,7 +765,14 @@
 	r.logger.Infof("%x became leader at term %d", r.id, r.Term)
+// campaign transitions the raft instance to candidate state. This must only be
+// called after verifying that this is a legitimate transition.
 func (r *raft) campaign(t CampaignType) {
+	if !r.promotable() {
+		// This path should not be hit (callers are supposed to check), but
+		// better safe than sorry.
+		r.logger.Warningf("%x is unpromotable; campaign() should have been called", r.id)
+	}
 	var term uint64
 	var voteMsg pb.MessageType
 	if t == campaignPreElection {
@@ -790,7 +785,7 @@
 		voteMsg = pb.MsgVote
 		term = r.Term
-	if r.quorum() == r.poll(r.id, voteRespMsgType(voteMsg), true) {
+	if _, _, res := r.poll(r.id, voteRespMsgType(voteMsg), true); res == quorum.VoteWon {
 		// We won the election after voting for ourselves (which must mean that
 		// this is a single-node cluster). Advance to the next state.
 		if t == campaignPreElection {
@@ -800,7 +795,16 @@
-	for id := range r.prs {
+	var ids []uint64
+	{
+		idMap := r.prs.Voters.IDs()
+		ids = make([]uint64, 0, len(idMap))
+		for id := range idMap {
+			ids = append(ids, id)
+		}
+		sort.Slice(ids, func(i, j int) bool { return ids[i] < ids[j] })
+	}
+	for _, id := range ids {
 		if id == r.id {
@@ -815,21 +819,14 @@
-func (r *raft) poll(id uint64, t pb.MessageType, v bool) (granted int) {
+func (r *raft) poll(id uint64, t pb.MessageType, v bool) (granted int, rejected int, result quorum.VoteResult) {
 	if v {
 		r.logger.Infof("%x received %s from %x at term %d", r.id, t, id, r.Term)
 	} else {
 		r.logger.Infof("%x received %s rejection from %x at term %d", r.id, t, id, r.Term)
-	if _, ok := r.votes[id]; !ok {
-		r.votes[id] = v
-	}
-	for _, vv := range r.votes {
-		if vv {
-			granted++
-		}
-	}
-	return granted
+	r.prs.RecordVote(id, v)
+	return r.prs.TallyVotes()
 func (r *raft) Step(m pb.Message) error {
@@ -910,6 +907,10 @@
 	switch m.Type {
 	case pb.MsgHup:
 		if r.state != StateLeader {
+			if !r.promotable() {
+				r.logger.Warningf("%x is unpromotable and can not campaign; ignoring MsgHup", r.id)
+				return nil
+			}
 			ents, err := r.raftLog.slice(r.raftLog.applied+1, r.raftLog.committed+1, noLimit)
 			if err != nil {
 				r.logger.Panicf("unexpected error getting unapplied entries (%v)", err)
@@ -930,12 +931,6 @@
 	case pb.MsgVote, pb.MsgPreVote:
-		if r.isLearner {
-			// TODO: learner may need to vote, in case of node down when confchange.
-			r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] ignored %s from %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d: learner can not vote",
-				r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.Type, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
-			return nil
-		}
 		// We can vote if this is a repeat of a vote we've already cast...
 		canVote := r.Vote == m.From ||
 			// ...we haven't voted and we don't think there's a leader yet in this term...
@@ -944,12 +939,30 @@
 			(m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote && m.Term > r.Term)
 		// ...and we believe the candidate is up to date.
 		if canVote && r.raftLog.isUpToDate(m.Index, m.LogTerm) {
+			// Note: it turns out that that learners must be allowed to cast votes.
+			// This seems counter- intuitive but is necessary in the situation in which
+			// a learner has been promoted (i.e. is now a voter) but has not learned
+			// about this yet.
+			// For example, consider a group in which id=1 is a learner and id=2 and
+			// id=3 are voters. A configuration change promoting 1 can be committed on
+			// the quorum `{2,3}` without the config change being appended to the
+			// learner's log. If the leader (say 2) fails, there are de facto two
+			// voters remaining. Only 3 can win an election (due to its log containing
+			// all committed entries), but to do so it will need 1 to vote. But 1
+			// considers itself a learner and will continue to do so until 3 has
+			// stepped up as leader, replicates the conf change to 1, and 1 applies it.
+			// Ultimately, by receiving a request to vote, the learner realizes that
+			// the candidate believes it to be a voter, and that it should act
+			// accordingly. The candidate's config may be stale, too; but in that case
+			// it won't win the election, at least in the absence of the bug discussed
+			// in:
+			// https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/7625#issuecomment-488798263.
 			r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] cast %s for %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d",
 				r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.Type, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
 			// When responding to Msg{Pre,}Vote messages we include the term
-			// from the message, not the local term. To see why consider the
+			// from the message, not the local term. To see why, consider the
 			// case where a single node was previously partitioned away and
-			// it's local term is now of date. If we include the local term
+			// it's local term is now out of date. If we include the local term
 			// (recall that for pre-votes we don't update the local term), the
 			// (pre-)campaigning node on the other end will proceed to ignore
 			// the message (it ignores all out of date messages).
@@ -985,16 +998,32 @@
 		return nil
 	case pb.MsgCheckQuorum:
-		if !r.checkQuorumActive() {
+		// The leader should always see itself as active. As a precaution, handle
+		// the case in which the leader isn't in the configuration any more (for
+		// example if it just removed itself).
+		//
+		// TODO(tbg): I added a TODO in removeNode, it doesn't seem that the
+		// leader steps down when removing itself. I might be missing something.
+		if pr := r.prs.Progress[r.id]; pr != nil {
+			pr.RecentActive = true
+		}
+		if !r.prs.QuorumActive() {
 			r.logger.Warningf("%x stepped down to follower since quorum is not active", r.id)
 			r.becomeFollower(r.Term, None)
+		// Mark everyone (but ourselves) as inactive in preparation for the next
+		// CheckQuorum.
+		r.prs.Visit(func(id uint64, pr *tracker.Progress) {
+			if id != r.id {
+				pr.RecentActive = false
+			}
+		})
 		return nil
 	case pb.MsgProp:
 		if len(m.Entries) == 0 {
 			r.logger.Panicf("%x stepped empty MsgProp", r.id)
-		if _, ok := r.prs[r.id]; !ok {
+		if r.prs.Progress[r.id] == nil {
 			// If we are not currently a member of the range (i.e. this node
 			// was removed from the configuration while serving as leader),
 			// drop any new proposals.
@@ -1005,11 +1034,38 @@
 			return ErrProposalDropped
-		for i, e := range m.Entries {
+		for i := range m.Entries {
+			e := &m.Entries[i]
+			var cc pb.ConfChangeI
 			if e.Type == pb.EntryConfChange {
-				if r.pendingConfIndex > r.raftLog.applied {
-					r.logger.Infof("propose conf %s ignored since pending unapplied configuration [index %d, applied %d]",
-						e.String(), r.pendingConfIndex, r.raftLog.applied)
+				var ccc pb.ConfChange
+				if err := ccc.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {
+					panic(err)
+				}
+				cc = ccc
+			} else if e.Type == pb.EntryConfChangeV2 {
+				var ccc pb.ConfChangeV2
+				if err := ccc.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {
+					panic(err)
+				}
+				cc = ccc
+			}
+			if cc != nil {
+				alreadyPending := r.pendingConfIndex > r.raftLog.applied
+				alreadyJoint := len(r.prs.Config.Voters[1]) > 0
+				wantsLeaveJoint := len(cc.AsV2().Changes) == 0
+				var refused string
+				if alreadyPending {
+					refused = fmt.Sprintf("possible unapplied conf change at index %d (applied to %d)", r.pendingConfIndex, r.raftLog.applied)
+				} else if alreadyJoint && !wantsLeaveJoint {
+					refused = "must transition out of joint config first"
+				} else if !alreadyJoint && wantsLeaveJoint {
+					refused = "not in joint state; refusing empty conf change"
+				}
+				if refused != "" {
+					r.logger.Infof("%x ignoring conf change %v at config %s: %s", r.id, cc, r.prs.Config, refused)
 					m.Entries[i] = pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryNormal}
 				} else {
 					r.pendingConfIndex = r.raftLog.lastIndex() + uint64(i) + 1
@@ -1023,7 +1079,9 @@
 		return nil
 	case pb.MsgReadIndex:
-		if r.quorum() > 1 {
+		// If more than the local vote is needed, go through a full broadcast,
+		// otherwise optimize.
+		if !r.prs.IsSingleton() {
 			if r.raftLog.zeroTermOnErrCompacted(r.raftLog.term(r.raftLog.committed)) != r.Term {
 				// Reject read only request when this leader has not committed any log entry at its term.
 				return nil
@@ -1035,24 +1093,30 @@
 			switch r.readOnly.option {
 			case ReadOnlySafe:
 				r.readOnly.addRequest(r.raftLog.committed, m)
+				// The local node automatically acks the request.
+				r.readOnly.recvAck(r.id, m.Entries[0].Data)
 			case ReadOnlyLeaseBased:
 				ri := r.raftLog.committed
 				if m.From == None || m.From == r.id { // from local member
-					r.readStates = append(r.readStates, ReadState{Index: r.raftLog.committed, RequestCtx: m.Entries[0].Data})
+					r.readStates = append(r.readStates, ReadState{Index: ri, RequestCtx: m.Entries[0].Data})
 				} else {
 					r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgReadIndexResp, Index: ri, Entries: m.Entries})
-		} else {
-			r.readStates = append(r.readStates, ReadState{Index: r.raftLog.committed, RequestCtx: m.Entries[0].Data})
+		} else { // only one voting member (the leader) in the cluster
+			if m.From == None || m.From == r.id { // from leader itself
+				r.readStates = append(r.readStates, ReadState{Index: r.raftLog.committed, RequestCtx: m.Entries[0].Data})
+			} else { // from learner member
+				r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgReadIndexResp, Index: r.raftLog.committed, Entries: m.Entries})
+			}
 		return nil
 	// All other message types require a progress for m.From (pr).
-	pr := r.getProgress(m.From)
+	pr := r.prs.Progress[m.From]
 	if pr == nil {
 		r.logger.Debugf("%x no progress available for %x", r.id, m.From)
 		return nil
@@ -1062,32 +1126,35 @@
 		pr.RecentActive = true
 		if m.Reject {
-			r.logger.Debugf("%x received msgApp rejection(lastindex: %d) from %x for index %d",
+			r.logger.Debugf("%x received MsgAppResp(MsgApp was rejected, lastindex: %d) from %x for index %d",
 				r.id, m.RejectHint, m.From, m.Index)
-			if pr.maybeDecrTo(m.Index, m.RejectHint) {
+			if pr.MaybeDecrTo(m.Index, m.RejectHint) {
 				r.logger.Debugf("%x decreased progress of %x to [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
-				if pr.State == ProgressStateReplicate {
-					pr.becomeProbe()
+				if pr.State == tracker.StateReplicate {
+					pr.BecomeProbe()
 		} else {
 			oldPaused := pr.IsPaused()
-			if pr.maybeUpdate(m.Index) {
+			if pr.MaybeUpdate(m.Index) {
 				switch {
-				case pr.State == ProgressStateProbe:
-					pr.becomeReplicate()
-				case pr.State == ProgressStateSnapshot && pr.needSnapshotAbort():
-					r.logger.Debugf("%x snapshot aborted, resumed sending replication messages to %x [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
+				case pr.State == tracker.StateProbe:
+					pr.BecomeReplicate()
+				case pr.State == tracker.StateSnapshot && pr.Match >= pr.PendingSnapshot:
+					// TODO(tbg): we should also enter this branch if a snapshot is
+					// received that is below pr.PendingSnapshot but which makes it
+					// possible to use the log again.
+					r.logger.Debugf("%x recovered from needing snapshot, resumed sending replication messages to %x [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
 					// Transition back to replicating state via probing state
 					// (which takes the snapshot into account). If we didn't
 					// move to replicating state, that would only happen with
 					// the next round of appends (but there may not be a next
 					// round for a while, exposing an inconsistent RaftStatus).
-					pr.becomeProbe()
-					pr.becomeReplicate()
-				case pr.State == ProgressStateReplicate:
-					pr.ins.freeTo(m.Index)
+					pr.BecomeProbe()
+					pr.BecomeReplicate()
+				case pr.State == tracker.StateReplicate:
+					pr.Inflights.FreeLE(m.Index)
 				if r.maybeCommit() {
@@ -1114,11 +1181,11 @@
 	case pb.MsgHeartbeatResp:
 		pr.RecentActive = true
-		pr.resume()
+		pr.ProbeSent = false
 		// free one slot for the full inflights window to allow progress.
-		if pr.State == ProgressStateReplicate && pr.ins.full() {
-			pr.ins.freeFirstOne()
+		if pr.State == tracker.StateReplicate && pr.Inflights.Full() {
+			pr.Inflights.FreeFirstOne()
 		if pr.Match < r.raftLog.lastIndex() {
@@ -1128,8 +1195,7 @@
 			return nil
-		ackCount := r.readOnly.recvAck(m)
-		if ackCount < r.quorum() {
+		if r.prs.Voters.VoteResult(r.readOnly.recvAck(m.From, m.Context)) != quorum.VoteWon {
 			return nil
@@ -1143,26 +1209,32 @@
 	case pb.MsgSnapStatus:
-		if pr.State != ProgressStateSnapshot {
+		if pr.State != tracker.StateSnapshot {
 			return nil
+		// TODO(tbg): this code is very similar to the snapshot handling in
+		// MsgAppResp above. In fact, the code there is more correct than the
+		// code here and should likely be updated to match (or even better, the
+		// logic pulled into a newly created Progress state machine handler).
 		if !m.Reject {
-			pr.becomeProbe()
+			pr.BecomeProbe()
 			r.logger.Debugf("%x snapshot succeeded, resumed sending replication messages to %x [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
 		} else {
-			pr.snapshotFailure()
-			pr.becomeProbe()
+			// NB: the order here matters or we'll be probing erroneously from
+			// the snapshot index, but the snapshot never applied.
+			pr.PendingSnapshot = 0
+			pr.BecomeProbe()
 			r.logger.Debugf("%x snapshot failed, resumed sending replication messages to %x [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
-		// If snapshot finish, wait for the msgAppResp from the remote node before sending
-		// out the next msgApp.
+		// If snapshot finish, wait for the MsgAppResp from the remote node before sending
+		// out the next MsgApp.
 		// If snapshot failure, wait for a heartbeat interval before next try
-		pr.pause()
+		pr.ProbeSent = true
 	case pb.MsgUnreachable:
 		// During optimistic replication, if the remote becomes unreachable,
 		// there is huge probability that a MsgApp is lost.
-		if pr.State == ProgressStateReplicate {
-			pr.becomeProbe()
+		if pr.State == tracker.StateReplicate {
+			pr.BecomeProbe()
 		r.logger.Debugf("%x failed to send message to %x because it is unreachable [%s]", r.id, m.From, pr)
 	case pb.MsgTransferLeader:
@@ -1226,17 +1298,17 @@
 		r.becomeFollower(m.Term, m.From) // always m.Term == r.Term
 	case myVoteRespType:
-		gr := r.poll(m.From, m.Type, !m.Reject)
-		r.logger.Infof("%x [quorum:%d] has received %d %s votes and %d vote rejections", r.id, r.quorum(), gr, m.Type, len(r.votes)-gr)
-		switch r.quorum() {
-		case gr:
+		gr, rj, res := r.poll(m.From, m.Type, !m.Reject)
+		r.logger.Infof("%x has received %d %s votes and %d vote rejections", r.id, gr, m.Type, rj)
+		switch res {
+		case quorum.VoteWon:
 			if r.state == StatePreCandidate {
 			} else {
-		case len(r.votes) - gr:
+		case quorum.VoteLost:
 			// pb.MsgPreVoteResp contains future term of pre-candidate
 			// m.Term > r.Term; reuse r.Term
 			r.becomeFollower(r.Term, None)
@@ -1314,7 +1386,7 @@
 	if mlastIndex, ok := r.raftLog.maybeAppend(m.Index, m.LogTerm, m.Commit, m.Entries...); ok {
 		r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: mlastIndex})
 	} else {
-		r.logger.Debugf("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d] rejected msgApp [logterm: %d, index: %d] from %x",
+		r.logger.Debugf("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d] rejected MsgApp [logterm: %d, index: %d] from %x",
 			r.id, r.raftLog.zeroTermOnErrCompacted(r.raftLog.term(m.Index)), m.Index, m.LogTerm, m.Index, m.From)
 		r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: m.Index, Reject: true, RejectHint: r.raftLog.lastIndex()})
@@ -1339,11 +1411,51 @@
 // restore recovers the state machine from a snapshot. It restores the log and the
-// configuration of state machine.
+// configuration of state machine. If this method returns false, the snapshot was
+// ignored, either because it was obsolete or because of an error.
 func (r *raft) restore(s pb.Snapshot) bool {
 	if s.Metadata.Index <= r.raftLog.committed {
 		return false
+	if r.state != StateFollower {
+		// This is defense-in-depth: if the leader somehow ended up applying a
+		// snapshot, it could move into a new term without moving into a
+		// follower state. This should never fire, but if it did, we'd have
+		// prevented damage by returning early, so log only a loud warning.
+		//
+		// At the time of writing, the instance is guaranteed to be in follower
+		// state when this method is called.
+		r.logger.Warningf("%x attempted to restore snapshot as leader; should never happen", r.id)
+		r.becomeFollower(r.Term+1, None)
+		return false
+	}
+	// More defense-in-depth: throw away snapshot if recipient is not in the
+	// config. This shouldn't ever happen (at the time of writing) but lots of
+	// code here and there assumes that r.id is in the progress tracker.
+	found := false
+	cs := s.Metadata.ConfState
+	for _, set := range [][]uint64{
+		cs.Voters,
+		cs.Learners,
+	} {
+		for _, id := range set {
+			if id == r.id {
+				found = true
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if !found {
+		r.logger.Warningf(
+			"%x attempted to restore snapshot but it is not in the ConfState %v; should never happen",
+			r.id, cs,
+		)
+		return false
+	}
+	// Now go ahead and actually restore.
 	if r.raftLog.matchTerm(s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term) {
 		r.logger.Infof("%x [commit: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d] fast-forwarded commit to snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
 			r.id, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm(), s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
@@ -1351,123 +1463,115 @@
 		return false
-	// The normal peer can't become learner.
-	if !r.isLearner {
-		for _, id := range s.Metadata.ConfState.Learners {
-			if id == r.id {
-				r.logger.Errorf("%x can't become learner when restores snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]", r.id, s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
-				return false
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	r.logger.Infof("%x [commit: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d] starts to restore snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
-		r.id, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm(), s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
-	r.prs = make(map[uint64]*Progress)
-	r.learnerPrs = make(map[uint64]*Progress)
-	r.restoreNode(s.Metadata.ConfState.Nodes, false)
-	r.restoreNode(s.Metadata.ConfState.Learners, true)
-	return true
-func (r *raft) restoreNode(nodes []uint64, isLearner bool) {
-	for _, n := range nodes {
-		match, next := uint64(0), r.raftLog.lastIndex()+1
-		if n == r.id {
-			match = next - 1
-			r.isLearner = isLearner
-		}
-		r.setProgress(n, match, next, isLearner)
-		r.logger.Infof("%x restored progress of %x [%s]", r.id, n, r.getProgress(n))
+	// Reset the configuration and add the (potentially updated) peers in anew.
+	r.prs = tracker.MakeProgressTracker(r.prs.MaxInflight)
+	cfg, prs, err := confchange.Restore(confchange.Changer{
+		Tracker:   r.prs,
+		LastIndex: r.raftLog.lastIndex(),
+	}, cs)
+	if err != nil {
+		// This should never happen. Either there's a bug in our config change
+		// handling or the client corrupted the conf change.
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to restore config %+v: %s", cs, err))
+	assertConfStatesEquivalent(r.logger, cs, r.switchToConfig(cfg, prs))
+	pr := r.prs.Progress[r.id]
+	pr.MaybeUpdate(pr.Next - 1) // TODO(tbg): this is untested and likely unneeded
+	r.logger.Infof("%x [commit: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d] restored snapshot [index: %d, term: %d]",
+		r.id, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm(), s.Metadata.Index, s.Metadata.Term)
+	return true
 // promotable indicates whether state machine can be promoted to leader,
 // which is true when its own id is in progress list.
 func (r *raft) promotable() bool {
-	_, ok := r.prs[r.id]
-	return ok
+	pr := r.prs.Progress[r.id]
+	return pr != nil && !pr.IsLearner
-func (r *raft) addNode(id uint64) {
-	r.addNodeOrLearnerNode(id, false)
-func (r *raft) addLearner(id uint64) {
-	r.addNodeOrLearnerNode(id, true)
-func (r *raft) addNodeOrLearnerNode(id uint64, isLearner bool) {
-	pr := r.getProgress(id)
-	if pr == nil {
-		r.setProgress(id, 0, r.raftLog.lastIndex()+1, isLearner)
-	} else {
-		if isLearner && !pr.IsLearner {
-			// can only change Learner to Voter
-			r.logger.Infof("%x ignored addLearner: do not support changing %x from raft peer to learner.", r.id, id)
-			return
+func (r *raft) applyConfChange(cc pb.ConfChangeV2) pb.ConfState {
+	cfg, prs, err := func() (tracker.Config, tracker.ProgressMap, error) {
+		changer := confchange.Changer{
+			Tracker:   r.prs,
+			LastIndex: r.raftLog.lastIndex(),
-		if isLearner == pr.IsLearner {
-			// Ignore any redundant addNode calls (which can happen because the
-			// initial bootstrapping entries are applied twice).
-			return
+		if cc.LeaveJoint() {
+			return changer.LeaveJoint()
+		} else if autoLeave, ok := cc.EnterJoint(); ok {
+			return changer.EnterJoint(autoLeave, cc.Changes...)
+		return changer.Simple(cc.Changes...)
+	}()
-		// change Learner to Voter, use origin Learner progress
-		delete(r.learnerPrs, id)
-		pr.IsLearner = false
-		r.prs[id] = pr
+	if err != nil {
+		// TODO(tbg): return the error to the caller.
+		panic(err)
-	if r.id == id {
-		r.isLearner = isLearner
-	}
-	// When a node is first added, we should mark it as recently active.
-	// Otherwise, CheckQuorum may cause us to step down if it is invoked
-	// before the added node has a chance to communicate with us.
-	pr = r.getProgress(id)
-	pr.RecentActive = true
+	return r.switchToConfig(cfg, prs)
-func (r *raft) removeNode(id uint64) {
-	r.delProgress(id)
+// switchToConfig reconfigures this node to use the provided configuration. It
+// updates the in-memory state and, when necessary, carries out additional
+// actions such as reacting to the removal of nodes or changed quorum
+// requirements.
+// The inputs usually result from restoring a ConfState or applying a ConfChange.
+func (r *raft) switchToConfig(cfg tracker.Config, prs tracker.ProgressMap) pb.ConfState {
+	r.prs.Config = cfg
+	r.prs.Progress = prs
-	// do not try to commit or abort transferring if there is no nodes in the cluster.
-	if len(r.prs) == 0 && len(r.learnerPrs) == 0 {
-		return
+	r.logger.Infof("%x switched to configuration %s", r.id, r.prs.Config)
+	cs := r.prs.ConfState()
+	pr, ok := r.prs.Progress[r.id]
+	// Update whether the node itself is a learner, resetting to false when the
+	// node is removed.
+	r.isLearner = ok && pr.IsLearner
+	if (!ok || r.isLearner) && r.state == StateLeader {
+		// This node is leader and was removed or demoted. We prevent demotions
+		// at the time writing but hypothetically we handle them the same way as
+		// removing the leader: stepping down into the next Term.
+		//
+		// TODO(tbg): step down (for sanity) and ask follower with largest Match
+		// to TimeoutNow (to avoid interruption). This might still drop some
+		// proposals but it's better than nothing.
+		//
+		// TODO(tbg): test this branch. It is untested at the time of writing.
+		return cs
-	// The quorum size is now smaller, so see if any pending entries can
-	// be committed.
+	// The remaining steps only make sense if this node is the leader and there
+	// are other nodes.
+	if r.state != StateLeader || len(cs.Voters) == 0 {
+		return cs
+	}
 	if r.maybeCommit() {
+		// If the configuration change means that more entries are committed now,
+		// broadcast/append to everyone in the updated config.
+	} else {
+		// Otherwise, still probe the newly added replicas; there's no reason to
+		// let them wait out a heartbeat interval (or the next incoming
+		// proposal).
+		r.prs.Visit(func(id uint64, pr *tracker.Progress) {
+			r.maybeSendAppend(id, false /* sendIfEmpty */)
+		})
-	// If the removed node is the leadTransferee, then abort the leadership transferring.
-	if r.state == StateLeader && r.leadTransferee == id {
+	// If the the leadTransferee was removed, abort the leadership transfer.
+	if _, tOK := r.prs.Progress[r.leadTransferee]; !tOK && r.leadTransferee != 0 {
-func (r *raft) setProgress(id, match, next uint64, isLearner bool) {
-	if !isLearner {
-		delete(r.learnerPrs, id)
-		r.prs[id] = &Progress{Next: next, Match: match, ins: newInflights(r.maxInflight)}
-		return
-	}
-	if _, ok := r.prs[id]; ok {
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%x unexpected changing from voter to learner for %x", r.id, id))
-	}
-	r.learnerPrs[id] = &Progress{Next: next, Match: match, ins: newInflights(r.maxInflight), IsLearner: true}
-func (r *raft) delProgress(id uint64) {
-	delete(r.prs, id)
-	delete(r.learnerPrs, id)
+	return cs
 func (r *raft) loadState(state pb.HardState) {
@@ -1490,29 +1594,6 @@
 	r.randomizedElectionTimeout = r.electionTimeout + globalRand.Intn(r.electionTimeout)
-// checkQuorumActive returns true if the quorum is active from
-// the view of the local raft state machine. Otherwise, it returns
-// false.
-// checkQuorumActive also resets all RecentActive to false.
-func (r *raft) checkQuorumActive() bool {
-	var act int
-	r.forEachProgress(func(id uint64, pr *Progress) {
-		if id == r.id { // self is always active
-			act++
-			return
-		}
-		if pr.RecentActive && !pr.IsLearner {
-			act++
-		}
-		pr.RecentActive = false
-	})
-	return act >= r.quorum()
 func (r *raft) sendTimeoutNow(to uint64) {
 	r.send(pb.Message{To: to, Type: pb.MsgTimeoutNow})