VOL-2112 move to voltha-lib-go
Change-Id: Ic1af08003c1d2c698c0cce371e64f47b47b8d875
diff --git a/vendor/gopkg.in/jcmturner/gokrb5.v7/gssapi/gssapi.go b/vendor/gopkg.in/jcmturner/gokrb5.v7/gssapi/gssapi.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47754d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gopkg.in/jcmturner/gokrb5.v7/gssapi/gssapi.go
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// Package gssapi implements Generic Security Services Application Program Interface required for SPNEGO kerberos authentication.
+package gssapi
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/jcmturner/gofork/encoding/asn1"
+// GSS-API OID names
+const (
+ // GSS-API OID names
+ OIDKRB5 OIDName = "KRB5" // MechType OID for Kerberos 5
+ OIDMSLegacyKRB5 OIDName = "MSLegacyKRB5" // MechType OID for Kerberos 5
+// GSS-API status values
+const (
+ StatusBadBindings = 1 << iota
+ StatusBadMech
+ StatusBadName
+ StatusBadNameType
+ StatusBadStatus
+ StatusBadSig
+ StatusBadMIC
+ StatusContextExpired
+ StatusCredentialsExpired
+ StatusDefectiveCredential
+ StatusDefectiveToken
+ StatusFailure
+ StatusNoContext
+ StatusNoCred
+ StatusBadQOP
+ StatusUnauthorized
+ StatusUnavailable
+ StatusDuplicateElement
+ StatusNameNotMN
+ StatusComplete
+ StatusContinueNeeded
+ StatusDuplicateToken
+ StatusOldToken
+ StatusUnseqToken
+ StatusGapToken
+// ContextToken is an interface for a GSS-API context token.
+type ContextToken interface {
+ Marshal() ([]byte, error)
+ Unmarshal(b []byte) error
+ Verify() (bool, Status)
+ Context() context.Context
+GSS_Acquire_cred acquire credentials for use
+GSS_Release_cred release credentials after use
+GSS_Inquire_cred display information about credentials
+GSS_Add_cred construct credentials incrementally
+GSS_Inquire_cred_by_mech display per-mechanism credential information
+GSS_Init_sec_context initiate outbound security context
+GSS_Accept_sec_context accept inbound security context
+GSS_Delete_sec_context flush context when no longer needed
+GSS_Process_context_token process received control token on context
+GSS_Context_time indicate validity time remaining on context
+GSS_Inquire_context display information about context
+GSS_Wrap_size_limit determine GSS_Wrap token size limit
+GSS_Export_sec_context transfer context to other process
+GSS_Import_sec_context import transferred context
+GSS_GetMIC apply integrity check, receive as token separate from message
+GSS_VerifyMIC validate integrity check token along with message
+GSS_Wrap sign, optionally encrypt, encapsulate
+GSS_Unwrap decapsulate, decrypt if needed, validate integrity check
+GSS_Display_status translate status codes to printable form
+GSS_Indicate_mechs indicate mech_types supported on local system
+GSS_Compare_name compare two names for equality
+GSS_Display_name translate name to printable form
+GSS_Import_name convert printable name to normalized form
+GSS_Release_name free storage of normalized-form name
+GSS_Release_buffer free storage of general GSS-allocated object
+GSS_Release_OID_set free storage of OID set object
+GSS_Create_empty_OID_set create empty OID set
+GSS_Add_OID_set_member add member to OID set
+GSS_Test_OID_set_member test if OID is member of OID set
+GSS_Inquire_names_for_mech indicate name types supported by mechanism
+GSS_Inquire_mechs_for_name indicates mechanisms supporting name type
+GSS_Canonicalize_name translate name to per-mechanism form
+GSS_Export_name externalize per-mechanism name
+GSS_Duplicate_name duplicate name object
+// Mechanism is the GSS-API interface for authentication mechanisms.
+type Mechanism interface {
+ OID() asn1.ObjectIdentifier
+ AcquireCred() error // acquire credentials for use (eg. AS exchange for KRB5)
+ InitSecContext() (ContextToken, error) // initiate outbound security context (eg TGS exchange builds AP_REQ to go into ContextToken to send to service)
+ AcceptSecContext(ct ContextToken) (bool, context.Context, Status) // service verifies the token server side to establish a context
+ MIC() MICToken // apply integrity check, receive as token separate from message
+ VerifyMIC(mt MICToken) (bool, error) // validate integrity check token along with message
+ Wrap(msg []byte) WrapToken // sign, optionally encrypt, encapsulate
+ Unwrap(wt WrapToken) []byte // decapsulate, decrypt if needed, validate integrity check
+// OIDName is the type for defined GSS-API OIDs.
+type OIDName string
+// OID returns the OID for the provided OID name.
+func OID(o OIDName) asn1.ObjectIdentifier {
+ switch o {
+ return asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 2}
+ case OIDKRB5:
+ return asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113554, 1, 2, 2}
+ case OIDMSLegacyKRB5:
+ return asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 48018, 1, 2, 2}
+ }
+ return asn1.ObjectIdentifier{}
+// Status is the GSS-API status and implements the error interface.
+type Status struct {
+ Code int
+ Message string
+// Error returns the Status description.
+func (s Status) Error() string {
+ var str string
+ switch s.Code {
+ case StatusBadBindings:
+ str = "channel binding mismatch"
+ case StatusBadMech:
+ str = "unsupported mechanism requested"
+ case StatusBadName:
+ str = "invalid name provided"
+ case StatusBadNameType:
+ str = "name of unsupported type provided"
+ case StatusBadStatus:
+ str = "invalid input status selector"
+ case StatusBadSig:
+ str = "token had invalid integrity check"
+ case StatusBadMIC:
+ str = "preferred alias for GSS_S_BAD_SIG"
+ case StatusContextExpired:
+ str = "specified security context expired"
+ case StatusCredentialsExpired:
+ str = "expired credentials detected"
+ case StatusDefectiveCredential:
+ str = "defective credential detected"
+ case StatusDefectiveToken:
+ str = "defective token detected"
+ case StatusFailure:
+ str = "failure, unspecified at GSS-API level"
+ case StatusNoContext:
+ str = "no valid security context specified"
+ case StatusNoCred:
+ str = "no valid credentials provided"
+ case StatusBadQOP:
+ str = "unsupported QOP valu"
+ case StatusUnauthorized:
+ str = "operation unauthorized"
+ case StatusUnavailable:
+ str = "operation unavailable"
+ case StatusDuplicateElement:
+ str = "duplicate credential element requested"
+ case StatusNameNotMN:
+ str = "name contains multi-mechanism elements"
+ case StatusComplete:
+ str = "normal completion"
+ case StatusContinueNeeded:
+ str = "continuation call to routine required"
+ case StatusDuplicateToken:
+ str = "duplicate per-message token detected"
+ case StatusOldToken:
+ str = "timed-out per-message token detected"
+ case StatusUnseqToken:
+ str = "reordered (early) per-message token detected"
+ case StatusGapToken:
+ str = "skipped predecessor token(s) detected"
+ default:
+ str = "unknown GSS-API error status"
+ }
+ if s.Message != "" {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", str, s.Message)
+ }
+ return str