VOL-1868 move simulated onu from voltha-go to voltha-simonu-adapter

Sourced from voltha-go commit 251a11c0ffe60512318a644cd6ce0dc4e12f4018

Change-Id: Iab179bc2f3dd772ed7f488d1c03d1a84ba75e874
diff --git a/internal/pkg/adaptercore/device_handler.go b/internal/pkg/adaptercore/device_handler.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa41136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/pkg/adaptercore/device_handler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package adaptercore
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
+	com "github.com/opencord/voltha-go/adapters/common"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-go/common/log"
+	ic "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/go/inter_container"
+	of "github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/go/openflow_13"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/go/voltha"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+// A set of pm names to create the initial pm config.  This is used only for testing in this simulated adapter
+var pmNames = []string{
+	"tx_64_pkts",
+	"tx_65_127_pkts",
+	"tx_128_255_pkts",
+	"tx_1024_1518_pkts",
+	"tx_1519_9k_pkts",
+	"rx_64_pkts",
+	"rx_64_pkts",
+	"rx_65_127_pkts",
+	"rx_128_255_pkts",
+	"rx_1024_1518_pkts",
+	"rx_1519_9k_pkts",
+//DeviceHandler follows the same patterns as ponsim_olt.  The only difference is that it does not
+// interact with an OLT device.
+type DeviceHandler struct {
+	deviceId     string
+	deviceType   string
+	device       *voltha.Device
+	coreProxy    *com.CoreProxy
+	simulatedOLT *SimulatedONU
+	uniPort      *voltha.Port
+	ponPort      *voltha.Port
+	exitChannel  chan int
+	lockDevice   sync.RWMutex
+	metrics      *com.PmMetrics
+//NewDeviceHandler creates a new device handler
+func NewDeviceHandler(cp *com.CoreProxy, device *voltha.Device, adapter *SimulatedONU) *DeviceHandler {
+	var dh DeviceHandler
+	dh.coreProxy = cp
+	cloned := (proto.Clone(device)).(*voltha.Device)
+	dh.deviceId = cloned.Id
+	dh.deviceType = cloned.Type
+	dh.device = cloned
+	dh.simulatedOLT = adapter
+	dh.exitChannel = make(chan int, 1)
+	dh.lockDevice = sync.RWMutex{}
+	dh.metrics = com.NewPmMetrics(
+		cloned.Id,
+		com.Frequency(150),
+		com.Grouped(false),
+		com.FrequencyOverride(false),
+		com.Metrics(pmNames),
+	)
+	return &dh
+// start save the device to the data model
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) start(ctx context.Context) {
+	dh.lockDevice.Lock()
+	defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
+	log.Debugw("starting-device-agent", log.Fields{"device": dh.device})
+	// Add the initial device to the local model
+	log.Debug("device-agent-started")
+// stop stops the device dh.  Not much to do for now
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) stop(ctx context.Context) {
+	dh.lockDevice.Lock()
+	defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
+	log.Debug("stopping-device-agent")
+	dh.exitChannel <- 1
+	log.Debug("device-agent-stopped")
+func macAddressToUint32Array(mac string) []uint32 {
+	slist := strings.Split(mac, ":")
+	result := make([]uint32, len(slist))
+	var err error
+	var tmp int64
+	for index, val := range slist {
+		if tmp, err = strconv.ParseInt(val, 16, 32); err != nil {
+			return []uint32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
+		}
+		result[index] = uint32(tmp)
+	}
+	return result
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) AdoptDevice(device *voltha.Device) {
+	log.Debugw("AdoptDevice", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id})
+	//	Update the device info
+	cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
+	cloned.Root = false
+	cloned.Vendor = "simulators"
+	cloned.Model = "go-simulators"
+	//cloned.SerialNumber = com.GetRandomSerialNumber()
+	cloned.MacAddress = strings.ToUpper(com.GetRandomMacAddress())
+	// Synchronous call to update device - this method is run in its own go routine
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceUpdate(nil, cloned); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-updating-device", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}
+	//	Update the device state to DISCOVERED
+	cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
+	cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_DISCOVERED
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-creating-nni-port", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}
+	// Now, set the initial PM configuration for that device
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DevicePMConfigUpdate(nil, dh.metrics.ToPmConfigs()); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-updating-PMs", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}
+	// Sleep to mimic the omci management channel creation with the OLT
+	time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
+	//	Update the device state to ACTIVATING
+	cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
+	cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVATING
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-creating-nni-port", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}
+	// Sleep to mimic the omci discovery ( usually takes a few seconds but for ease of simulated environment we are
+	// setting it to 100ms only.
+	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+	// Use the channel Id, assigned by the parent device to me, as the port number
+	uni_port := uint32(2)
+	if device.ProxyAddress != nil {
+		if device.ProxyAddress.ChannelId != 0 {
+			uni_port = device.ProxyAddress.ChannelId
+		}
+	}
+	//	Now create the UNI Port
+	dh.uniPort = &voltha.Port{
+		PortNo:     uni_port,
+		Label:      fmt.Sprintf("uni-%d", uni_port),
+		Type:       voltha.Port_ETHERNET_UNI,
+		AdminState: voltha.AdminState_ENABLED,
+		OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE,
+	}
+	// Synchronous call to update device - this method is run in its own go routine
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.PortCreated(nil, cloned.Id, dh.uniPort); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-creating-nni-port", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}
+	// use Pon port number on which this ONU has been detected
+	ponPortNo := uint32(1)
+	if device.ParentPortNo != 0 {
+		ponPortNo = device.ParentPortNo
+	}
+	//	Now create the PON Port
+	dh.ponPort = &voltha.Port{
+		PortNo:     ponPortNo,
+		Label:      fmt.Sprintf("pon-%d", ponPortNo),
+		Type:       voltha.Port_PON_ONU,
+		AdminState: voltha.AdminState_ENABLED,
+		OperStatus: voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE,
+		Peers: []*voltha.Port_PeerPort{{DeviceId: cloned.ParentId, // Peer device  is OLT
+			PortNo: uni_port}}, // Peer port is UNI port
+	}
+	// Synchronous call to update device - this method is run in its own go routine
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.PortCreated(nil, cloned.Id, dh.ponPort); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-creating-nni-port", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}
+	cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
+	cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
+	//	Update the device state
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-creating-nni-port", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}
+	dh.device = cloned
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) GetOfpPortInfo(device *voltha.Device, portNo int64) (*ic.PortCapability, error) {
+	cap := uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD | of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_FIBER)
+	return &ic.PortCapability{
+		Port: &voltha.LogicalPort{
+			OfpPort: &of.OfpPort{
+				HwAddr:     macAddressToUint32Array(dh.device.MacAddress),
+				Config:     0,
+				State:      uint32(of.OfpPortState_OFPPS_LIVE),
+				Curr:       cap,
+				Advertised: cap,
+				Peer:       cap,
+				CurrSpeed:  uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD),
+				MaxSpeed:   uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD),
+			},
+			DeviceId:     dh.device.Id,
+			DevicePortNo: uint32(portNo),
+		},
+	}, nil
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) Process_inter_adapter_message(msg *ic.InterAdapterMessage) error {
+	log.Debugw("Process_inter_adapter_message", log.Fields{"msgId": msg.Header.Id})
+	return nil
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) DisableDevice(device *voltha.Device) {
+	cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
+	// Update the all ports state on that device to disable
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.PortsStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("updating-ports-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+		return
+	}
+	//Update the device state
+	cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_UNREACHABLE
+	cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN
+	dh.device = cloned
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("device-state-update-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+		return
+	}
+	log.Debugw("DisableDevice-end", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id})
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) ReEnableDevice(device *voltha.Device) {
+	cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
+	// Update the all ports state on that device to enable
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.PortsStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("updating-ports-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+		return
+	}
+	//Update the device state
+	cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
+	cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
+	dh.device = cloned
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("device-state-update-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+		return
+	}
+	log.Debugw("ReEnableDevice-end", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id})
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) DeleteDevice(device *voltha.Device) {
+	cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
+	// Update the all ports state on that device to disable
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeleteAllPorts(nil, cloned.Id); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("delete-ports-failed", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+		return
+	}
+	log.Debugw("DeleteDevice-end", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id})
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) UpdateFlowsBulk(device *voltha.Device, flows *voltha.Flows, groups *voltha.FlowGroups, metadata *voltha.FlowMetadata) {
+	log.Debugw("UpdateFlowsBulk", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "flows": flows, "groups": groups})
+	// For now we do nothing with it
+	return
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) UpdateFlowsIncremental(device *voltha.Device, flowChanges *of.FlowChanges, groupChanges *of.FlowGroupChanges, metadata *voltha.FlowMetadata) {
+	log.Debugw("UpdateFlowsIncremental", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "flowChanges": flowChanges, "groupChanges": groupChanges})
+	// For now we do nothing with it
+	return
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) UpdatePmConfigs(device *voltha.Device, pmConfigs *voltha.PmConfigs) {
+	log.Debugw("UpdatePmConfigs", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "pmConfigs": pmConfigs})
+	// For now we do nothing with it
+	return
+func (dh *DeviceHandler) ReconcileDevice(device *voltha.Device) {
+	// Update the device info
+	cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
+	cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
+	cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
+	dh.device = cloned
+	// Update the device state
+	if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(nil, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
+		log.Errorw("error-creating-nni-port", log.Fields{"deviceId": device.Id, "error": err})
+	}