adapt/improve memory leak tests

Change-Id: I0437c9e4a499d1882f2150cf9fdf93e3a1226b2b
diff --git a/tests/data/bbsim-kind-dt-1OLTx1PONx2ONU.yaml b/tests/data/bbsim-kind-dt-1OLTx1PONx2ONU.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ae1cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/bbsim-kind-dt-1OLTx1PONx2ONU.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Automated deployment configuration for systems running BBSim
+# Change default values in tests
+workflow: DT
+has_dataplane: false
+teardown_device: true
+OLT_PORT: 50060
+  -
+    ip: ''
+  -
+    ip: bbsim0
+    serial: BBSIM_OLT_10
+  src:
+    -
+      onu: 'BBSM000a0001'
+      olt: 'BBSIM_OLT_10'
+      c_tag: '4096'
+      s_tag: '900'
+      uni_id: '1'
+    -
+      onu: 'BBSM000a0002'
+      c_tag: '4096'
+      s_tag: '904'
+      olt: 'BBSIM_OLT_10'
+      uni_id: '1'
+  dst:
+    - ip: null
+    - ip: null
diff --git a/tests/memory-leak/VOLTHA_Memory_Leak_Tests.robot b/tests/memory-leak/VOLTHA_Memory_Leak_Tests.robot
index 6177ce3..e713b06 100755
--- a/tests/memory-leak/VOLTHA_Memory_Leak_Tests.robot
+++ b/tests/memory-leak/VOLTHA_Memory_Leak_Tests.robot
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+# Use bbsim-kind-dt-1OLTx1PONx2ONU.yaml
 *** Settings ***
 Documentation     Test of try to catch memory leak in voltha components.
 Suite Setup       Setup Suite
@@ -87,23 +89,57 @@
 Memory Leak Test Openonu Go Adapter
     [Documentation]   Test of try to catch memory leak in Openonu Go Adapter for all three workflows, ATT, DT and TT
     ...    Multiple run of Flow and ONU setup and teardown to try to catch memory leak.
+    ...    Setup OLT and one (first) ONU, both will kept over the whole test
+    ...    Setup a second ONU and do following in specified loops (iterations):
     ...    - do workflow related sanity test (bring up onu to omci flows pushed and setup flows)
     ...    - remove flows
-    ...    - delete ONU devices
+    ...    - delete ONU
     ...    - wait for onu auto detect
     ...    Attention: Due VOL-4703 is not corrected memory leak tests will run in pipeline for DT workflow only!
     ...               This is a temporaly workaround only! Has to be checked after introduction of voltha-go-controller.
     [Tags]    functionalMemoryLeak    MemoryLeakTestOnuGo
     [Setup]    Run Keywords    Start Logging    MemoryLeakTestOnuGo
-    ...        AND             Setup
+    ...  AND   Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    action=test_start
     Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
-    ${output_file}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=/    ${OUTPUT DIR}    MemoryConsumptionsOpenOnuAdapter.txt
-    Create File    ${output_file}   This file contains the memory consumptions of openonu adapter.
-    Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nStart ${iterations} iterations.    console=yes
-    ${start_mem_consumption}=    utility.get_memory_consumptions  ${prometheusaddr}:${prometheusport}   adapter-open-onu  voltha
-    Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nMemory consumptions Start ${start_mem_consumption}    console=yes
-    ${time}=    Get Time
-    Append To File    ${output_file}   \r\nMemory consumptions Start: ${start_mem_consumption} at ${time}.
+    ${output_file_onu}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=/    ${OUTPUT DIR}    MemoryConsumptionsOpenOnuAdapterOnuTest.txt
+    Create File    ${output_file_onu}   This file contains the memory consumptions of openonu adapter.
+    Append To File    ${output_file_onu}   \r\nTest: ${TEST NAME}
+    ${start_mem_consumption_onu}=    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-onu    ${NAMESPACE}
+    ...    ${output_file_onu}    Start    settling_memory=True
+    ${Device_Setup}=    Set Variable    True
+    Set Global Variable    ${Device_Setup}
+    Setup
+    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-onu    ${NAMESPACE}
+    ...    ${output_file_onu}    Setup-OLT    #settling_memory=True
+    Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    action=test_setup
+    # Start first ONU
+    ${src_onu_1}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${0}]}
+    ${bbsim_pod}=    Get Pod Name By Label    ${NAMESPACE}    release     bbsim0
+    Power On ONU    ${NAMESPACE}    ${bbsim_pod}    ${src_onu_1['onu']}
+    ${onu_reason}=  Set Variable If    "${workflow}"=="DT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...                                "${workflow}"=="TT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...                                "${workflow}"=="ATT"   omci-flows-pushed
+    ${admin_state}    ${oper_status}    ${connect_status}    ${onu_state_nb}    ${onu_state}=
+    ...    Map State    ${onu_reason}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s
+    ...    Validate Device    ${admin_state}    ${oper_status}    ${connect_status}
+    ...    ${src_onu_1['onu']}    onu=True    onu_reason=${onu_state}
+    ${setup_mem_consumption_onu}=    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-onu    ${NAMESPACE}
+    ...    ${output_file_onu}    Setup-ONU-1    settling_memory=True
+    # Start second ONU
+    ${src_onu_2}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${1}]}
+    ${bbsim_pod}=    Get Pod Name By Label    ${NAMESPACE}    release     bbsim0
+    Power On ONU    ${NAMESPACE}    ${bbsim_pod}    ${src_onu_2['onu']}
+    ${onu_reason}=  Set Variable If    "${workflow}"=="DT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...                                "${workflow}"=="TT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...                                "${workflow}"=="ATT"   omci-flows-pushed
+    ${admin_state}    ${oper_status}    ${connect_status}    ${onu_state_nb}    ${onu_state}=
+    ...    Map State    ${onu_reason}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s
+    ...    Validate Device    ${admin_state}    ${oper_status}    ${connect_status}
+    ...    ${src_onu_2['onu']}    onu=True    onu_reason=${onu_state}
+    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File   adapter-open-onu   ${NAMESPACE}   ${output_file_onu}   Setup-ONU-2
+    Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    action=test_setup_onu2
     FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    1    ${iterations} + 1
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nStart iteration ${I} of ${iterations}.    console=yes
         Run Keyword If    "${workflow}"=="DT"    Perform Sanity Test DT
@@ -111,14 +147,25 @@
         ...    ELSE       Perform Sanity Test
         Sleep    5s
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Remove Flows.    console=yes
-        Remove Flows all ONUs
+        # Remove Flows
+        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[1]}
+        ${of_id}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    15s    Validate OLT Device in ONOS    ${src_onu_2['olt']}
+        ${onu_sn_2}=     Set Variable    ${src_onu_2['onu']}
+        ${onu_port_2}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Get ONU Port in ONOS    ${onu_sn_2}
+        ...    ${of_id}    ${src_onu_2['uni_id']}
+        Remove Flows Conditional    ${unitag_sub}    ${onu_sn_2}    ${of_id}    ${onu_port_2}
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Check Flows removed.    console=yes
-        Check All Flows Removed
+        # Check All Flows Removed
+        ${expected_flows_onu}=    Set Variable If   "${workflow}"=="ATT"    1    0
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Validate number of flows    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
+        ...    ${expected_flows_onu}  ${of_id}   any    ${onu_port_2}
+        # Delete Device
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Get ONU Device IDs.    console=yes
-        ${onu_device_id_list}=    Get ONUs Device IDs from Voltha
-        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Delete ONUs.    console=yes
-        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s    Delete Devices In Voltha    Type=brcm_openomci_onu
-        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Wait for ONUs come back.    console=yes
+        ${onu_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${onu_sn_2}
+        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Delete ONU. (device id: ${onu_device_id})    console=yes
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s    Delete Device    ${onu_device_id}
+        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Wait for ONU come back.    console=yes
+        ${onu_device_id_list}=    Create List    ${onu_device_id}
         Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s  Check for new ONU Device IDs    ${onu_device_id_list}
         ${list_onus}    Create List
         Build ONU SN List    ${list_onus}
@@ -128,19 +175,24 @@
         ...                                "${workflow}"=="TT"    initial-mib-downloaded
         ...                                "${workflow}"=="ATT"   omci-flows-pushed
         Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s
-        ...    Validate ONU Devices  ENABLED  ACTIVE  REACHABLE    ${list_onus}    onu_reason=${onu_reason}
-        ${mem_consumption}=    utility.get_memory_consumptions   ${prometheusaddr}:${prometheusport}   adapter-open-onu   voltha
-        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nMemory consumptions ${I} ${mem_consumption}    console=yes
-        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    End iteration ${I} of ${iterations}.    console=yes
-        ${time}=    Get Time
-        Append To File    ${output_file}   \r\nMemory consumptions ${I}: ${mem_consumption} at ${time}.
+        ...    Validate Device    ENABLED  ACTIVE  REACHABLE    ${onu_sn_2}    onu_reason=${onu_reason}    onu=True
+        ${formatedIt}=    Format String    {:>3}    ${I}
+        Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-onu    ${NAMESPACE}    ${output_file_onu}
+        ...    Iteration ${formatedIt}
+    # Switch off second ONU
+    Power Off ONU    ${NAMESPACE}    ${bbsim_pod}    ${src_onu_2['onu']}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    400s    30s
+    ...        Validate Memory Consumptions  adapter-open-onu  ${NAMESPACE}  ${setup_mem_consumption_onu}  ${output_file_onu}
+    ...        out_string=Validate
     [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Printout ONU Serial Number and Device Id    print2console=${print2console}
     ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Get Logical Id of OLT
     ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Collect Logs
     ...    AND    Teardown Test
-    ...    AND    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    300    10s
-    ...           Validate Memory Consumptions    adapter-open-onu    voltha    ${start_mem_consumption}   ${output_file}
+    ...    AND    Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    compare_to=test_setup
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    400s    30s
+    ...           Validate Memory Consumptions  adapter-open-onu  ${NAMESPACE}  ${start_mem_consumption_onu}  ${output_file_onu}
+    ...    AND    Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    compare_to=test_start
     ...    AND    Stop Logging    MemoryLeakTestOnuGo
 Memory Leak Test Openolt Adapter
@@ -151,22 +203,35 @@
     ...    - wait for OLT is removed
     ...    - add and enable OLT again
     ...    - wait for ONUs available again
-    ...    Hint: default timeout in BBSim to mimic OLT reboot is 60 seconds!
+    ...    Hint: Also memory consumptions of Openonu GO Adapter will be validated!
+    ...    Hint: default timePower On ONU Device    ${NAMESPACE}out in BBSim to mimic OLT reboot is 60 seconds!
     ...    This behaviour of BBSim can be modified by 'oltRebootDelay: 60' in BBSim section of helm chart or
     ...    used values.yaml during 'voltha up'.
     ...    Attention: Due VOL-4703 is not corrected memory leak tests will run in pipeline for DT workflow only!
     ...               This is a temporaly workaround only! Has to be checked after introduction of voltha-go-controller.
     [Tags]    functionalMemoryLeak    MemoryLeakTestOlt
     [Setup]    Run Keywords    Start Logging    MemoryLeakTestOlt
-    ...        AND             Setup
+    ...  AND   Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    action=test_start
     Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
-    ${output_file}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=/    ${OUTPUT DIR}    MemoryConsumptionsOpenOltAdapter.txt
-    Create File    ${output_file}   This file contains the memory consumptions of openolt adapter.
+    ${output_file_olt}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=/    ${OUTPUT DIR}    MemoryConsumptionsOpenOltAdapterOltTest.txt
+    Create File    ${output_file_olt}   This file contains the memory consumptions of openolt adapter.
+    Append To File    ${output_file_olt}   \r\nTest: ${TEST NAME}
+    ${output_file_onu}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=/    ${OUTPUT DIR}    MemoryConsumptionsOpenOnuAdapterOltTest.txt
+    Create File    ${output_file_onu}   This file contains the memory consumptions of openonu adapter.
+    Append To File    ${output_file_onu}   \r\nTest: ${TEST NAME}
     Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nStart ${iterations} iterations.    console=yes
-    ${start_mem_consumption}=    utility.get_memory_consumptions  ${prometheusaddr}:${prometheusport}   adapter-open-olt  voltha
-    Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nMemory consumptions Start ${start_mem_consumption}    console=yes
-    ${time}=    Get Time
-    Append To File    ${output_file}   \r\nMemory consumptions Start: ${start_mem_consumption} at ${time}.
+    ${start_mem_consumption_olt}=    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-olt    ${NAMESPACE}
+    ...    ${output_file_olt}    Start    settling_memory=True
+    ${start_mem_consumption_onu}=    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-onu    ${NAMESPACE}
+    ...    ${output_file_onu}    Start
+    ${Device_Setup}=    Set Variable    True
+    Set Global Variable    ${Device_Setup}
+    Setup
+    Power On ONU Device    ${NAMESPACE}
+    ${setup_mem_consumption_olt}=    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-olt    ${NAMESPACE}
+    ...    ${output_file_olt}    Setup    settling_memory=True
+    Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    action=test_setup
+    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-onu    ${NAMESPACE}    ${output_file_onu}    Setup
     FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    1    ${iterations} + 1
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nStart iteration ${I} of ${iterations}.    console=yes
         Run Keyword If    "${workflow}"=="DT"    Perform Sanity Test DT
@@ -180,6 +245,7 @@
         Sleep    20s
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Add OLTs (calling Setup).    console=yes
+        Power On ONU Device    ${NAMESPACE}
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Wait for ONUs come back.    console=yes
         ${list_onus}    Create List
         Build ONU SN List    ${list_onus}
@@ -190,18 +256,24 @@
         ...                                "${workflow}"=="ATT"   omci-flows-pushed
         Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s
         ...    Validate ONU Devices  ENABLED  ACTIVE  REACHABLE    ${list_onus}    onu_reason=${onu_reason}
-        ${mem_consumption}=    utility.get_memory_consumptions   ${prometheusaddr}:${prometheusport}   adapter-open-olt   voltha
-        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nMemory consumptions ${I} ${mem_consumption}    console=yes
-        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    End iteration ${I} of ${iterations}.    console=yes
-        ${time}=    Get Time
-        Append To File    ${output_file}   \r\nMemory consumptions ${I}: ${mem_consumption} at ${time}.
+        ${formatedIt}=    Format String    {:>3}    ${I}
+        Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-olt    ${NAMESPACE}    ${output_file_olt}
+        ...    Iteration ${formatedIt}
+        Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    adapter-open-onu    ${NAMESPACE}    ${output_file_onu}
+        ...    Iteration ${formatedIt}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    400s    30s
+    ...        Validate Memory Consumptions  adapter-open-olt  ${NAMESPACE}  ${setup_mem_consumption_olt}  ${output_file_onu}
+    ...        out_string=Validate
     [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Printout ONU Serial Number and Device Id    print2console=${print2console}
     ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Get Logical Id of OLT
     ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Collect Logs
     ...    AND    Teardown Test
-    ...    AND    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    300    10s
-    ...           Validate Memory Consumptions    adapter-open-olt    voltha    ${start_mem_consumption}   ${output_file}
+    ...    AND    Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    compare_to=test_setup
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    400s    30s
+    ...           Validate Memory Consumptions  adapter-open-olt  ${NAMESPACE}  ${start_mem_consumption_olt}  ${output_file_olt}
+    ...    AND    Validate Memory Consumptions  adapter-open-onu  ${NAMESPACE}  ${start_mem_consumption_onu}  ${output_file_onu}
+    ...    AND    Append Memory Consumption To File    isTest=True    compare_to=test_start
     ...    AND    Stop Logging    MemoryLeakTestOlt
@@ -215,6 +287,11 @@
     ...    print2console:${print2console}, workflow:${workflow}, kvstoreprefix:${kvstoreprefix},
     ...    iterations:${iterations}
     Log    ${LogInfo}    console=yes
+    Create Global Memory Consumption File
+    ${Device_Setup}=    Set Variable    False
+    Set Global Variable    ${Device_Setup}
+    ${Start_Time}=    Get Time    epoch
+    Set Global Variable    ${Start_Time}
     Common Test Suite Setup
     # set tech profiles
     ${preload_tech_profile}=   Set Variable If   ${unitag_sub} and "${workflow}"=="TT" and not ${has_dataplane}   True   False
@@ -229,20 +306,26 @@
     Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Collect Logs
     Stop Logging Setup or Teardown    Setup-${SUITE NAME}
 Teardown Suite
     [Documentation]    Replaces the Suite Teardown in utils.robot.
     ...    Cleans up and checks all ONU ports disabled in ONOS.
     ...    Furthermore gives the possibility to pause the execution.
     Start Logging Setup or Teardown   Teardown-${SUITE NAME}
+    Append Memory Consumption To File    compare_to=suite_setup
+    ${End_Time}=    Get Time    epoch
+    FOR    ${container}     IN      @{list_of_container}
+        ${mem_consumption}=   utility.get_memory_consumptions_range   ${prometheusaddr}:${prometheusport}   ${container}
+        ...                   ${namespace}    ${Start_Time}    ${End_Time}
+        Write Memory Consumption File Per Container    ${container}    ${mem_consumption}
+    END
     Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Import Library    Dialogs
     Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Pause Execution    Press OK to continue with clean up!
-    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Log    Teardown will be continued...    console=yes
-    Run Keyword If    ${teardown_device}    Delete All Devices and Verify
+    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Log  ${consumption_max}  Teardown will be continued...    console=yes
+    Run Keyword If    ${teardown_device} and ${Device_Setup}    Delete All Devices and Verify
     Run Keyword Unless    ${etcdcheckintestteardown}    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    1s
     ...    Validate Onu Data In Etcd    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    0    ${kvstoreprefix}    without_pm_data=False
-    Wait for Ports in ONOS for all OLTs      ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}  0   BBSM    ${timeout}
-    Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Collect Logs
+    Run Keyword If   ${Device_Setup}   Wait for Ports in ONOS for all OLTs  ${ONOS_SSH_IP}  ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}  0  BBSM  ${timeout}
+    Run Keyword If   ${logging}    Collect Logs
     Stop Logging Setup or Teardown   Teardown-${SUITE NAME}
     Close All ONOS SSH Connections
     Set Suite Variable    ${TechProfile}    ${EMPTY}
@@ -259,7 +342,7 @@
     Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Import Library    Dialogs
     Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Pause Execution    Press OK to continue with clean up!
     Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Log    Teardown will be continued...    console=yes
-    Run Keyword If    ${teardown_device}       Delete All Devices and Verify
+    Run Keyword If    ${teardown_device} and ${Device_Setup}      Delete All Devices and Verify
     # delete etcd MIB Template Data
     Delete MIB Template Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
     # check etcd data are empty
@@ -267,6 +350,90 @@
     ...    Validate Onu Data In Etcd    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    0    ${kvstoreprefix}    without_pm_data=False
     Sleep    5s
+Create Global Memory Consumption File
+    [Documentation]    Creates global memory consumption file and read the start values
+    ${list_of_container}=   Create List    voltha    ofagent    adapter-open-olt    adapter-open-onu
+    Set Global Variable    ${list_of_container}
+    ${global_output_file}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=/    ${OUTPUT DIR}    MemoryConsumptions${workflow}.txt
+    Create File  ${global_output_file}  This file contains the memory consumptions of all voltha adapter of workflow ${workflow}.
+    Set Global Variable    ${global_output_file}
+    ${time}=    Get Time
+    Append To File    ${global_output_file}   \r\n------------------------------------------------------
+    Append To File    ${global_output_file}   \r\nMemory consumptions Suite Setup at ${time}
+    Append To File    ${global_output_file}   \r\n------------------------------------------------------
+    &{suite_setup}    Create Dictionary
+    FOR    ${container}     IN      @{list_of_container}
+        ${mem_consumption}=    Append Memory Consumption Per Container To File    ${container}
+        Set To Dictionary    ${suite_setup}    ${container}    ${mem_consumption}
+    END
+    &{memory_consumption_dict}    Create Dictionary    suite_setup    ${suite_setup}
+    Set Global Variable    ${memory_consumption_dict}
+Append Memory Consumption To File
+    [Documentation]    Appends data to global memory consumption file per container
+    [Arguments]    ${isTest}=False    ${action}=${EMPTY}    ${output_file}=${global_output_file}    ${compare_to}=${EMPTY}
+    ${time}=    Get Time
+    ${TestOrSuite}    Set Variable If    ${isTest}    Test    Suite
+    ${SetupOrTeardown}    Set Variable If    "${action}"!="${EMPTY}"    Setup/Start (${action})    Teardown
+    Append To File    ${global_output_file}   \r\n------------------------------------------------------
+    Append To File    ${global_output_file}   \r\nMemory consumptions ${TestOrSuite} ${SetupOrTeardown} at ${time}
+    Run Keyword If    ${isTest}    Append To File    ${global_output_file}   \r\nTest: ${TEST NAME}
+    Append To File    ${global_output_file}   \r\n------------------------------------------------------
+    &{test_setup}    Create Dictionary
+    FOR    ${container}     IN      @{list_of_container}
+        ${mem_consumption}=    Append Memory Consumption Per Container To File    ${container}    output_file=${output_file}
+        ...    compare_to=${compare_to}
+        Run Keyword If    "${action}"!="${EMPTY}"    Set To Dictionary    ${test_setup}    ${container}    ${mem_consumption}
+    END
+    Run Keyword If    "${action}"!="${EMPTY}"    Set To Dictionary    ${memory_consumption_dict}    ${action}    ${test_setup}
+    Run Keyword If    "${action}"!="${EMPTY}"    Set Global Variable    ${memory_consumption_dict}
+Append Memory Consumption Per Container To File
+    [Documentation]    Appends data to global memory consumption file per container
+    [Arguments]    ${container}    ${namespace}=${NAMESPACE}    ${output_file}=${global_output_file}    ${compare_to}=${EMPTY}
+    ${mem_consumption}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    5s
+    ...    Get Memory Consumptions    ${prometheusaddr}    ${prometheusport}    ${container}   ${namespace}
+    ${formated_mem}=    Format String    {:>10}    ${mem_consumption}
+    ${prestring}=    Catenate    \r\nMemory consumptions of   ${container}
+    ${formated_prestring}=    Format String    {:<43}    ${prestring}
+    ${poststring}=    Run Keyword If    "${compare_to}"!="${EMPTY}"    Compare Memory Consumptions    ${mem_consumption}
+    ...    ${container}    ${compare_to}
+    ...    ELSE   Set Variable    ${EMPTY}
+    ${out_string}=   Catenate   ${formated_prestring}    :    ${formated_mem} Bytes    ${poststring}
+    Append To File    ${output_file}   ${out_string}
+    [return]    ${mem_consumption}
+Compare Memory Consumptions
+    [Documentation]    Compares the current memory consumptions with the compare-to value of passed container and
+    ...                creates corresponding string.
+    [Arguments]    ${mem_consumption}    ${container}    ${compare_to}
+    ${compare_value}=       Get From Dictionary    ${memory_consumption_dict['${compare_to}']}    ${container}
+    ${diff_value}=          Evaluate    ${mem_consumption}-${compare_value}
+    ${percentage_value}=    Evaluate    100*${mem_consumption}/${compare_value}
+    ${percentage_value}=    Convert To Number    ${percentage_value}    2
+    ${formated_start}=      Format String    {:>10}    ${compare_value}
+    ${formated_diff}=       Format String    {:>10}    ${diff_value}
+    ${formated_perc}=       Format String    {:>7}     ${percentage_value}
+    ${out_string}=   Catenate   : Corresponds ${formated_perc}% compared to ${compare_to} (${formated_start} Bytes) :
+    ...    Difference: ${formated_diff} Bytes
+    [return]    ${out_string}
+Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File
+    [Documentation]    Gets and write current memory consumptions to memory consumption file per container
+    [Arguments]    ${container}    ${namespace}   ${output_file}    ${addstring}=${EMPTY}   ${settling_memory}=False
+    ${mem_consumption}=    Run Keyword If    ${settling_memory}    Settling Memory Consumptions    ${prometheusaddr}
+    ...           ${prometheusport}    ${container}   ${namespace}
+    ...    ELSE   Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    5s    Get Memory Consumptions    ${prometheusaddr}    ${prometheusport}
+    ...           ${container}   ${namespace}
+    ${time}=    Get Time
+    ${formated_mem}=    Format String    {:>10}    ${mem_consumption}
+    ${prestring}=    Catenate    Memory consumptions of   ${container}    ${addstring}
+    ${formated_prestring}=    Format String    {:<54}    ${prestring}
+    ${out_string}=   Catenate   \r\n${formated_prestring}    :    ${formated_mem} Bytes    at ${time}
+    Append To File    ${output_file}   ${out_string}
+    Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    ${formated_prestring} : ${formated_mem} Bytes at ${time}    console=yes
+    [return]    ${mem_consumption}
 Check for new ONU Device IDs
     [Documentation]    Checks that no old onu device ids stay
     [Arguments]    ${old_device_ids}
@@ -277,11 +444,58 @@
 Validate Memory Consumptions
-    [Documentation]    Validates meory consumptions of passed POD
-    [Arguments]    ${container}    ${namespace}    ${start_value}    ${output_file}
-    ${mem_consumption}=    utility.get_memory_consumptions    ${prometheusaddr}:${prometheusport}    ${container}   ${namespace}
-    Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    \r\nMemory consumptions Teardwown ${mem_consumption}    console=yes
-    ${time}=    Get Time
-    Append To File    ${output_file}   \r\nMemory consumptions Teardown: ${mem_consumption} at ${time}.
-    ${upper_bound}=    Evaluate    (${start_value} + (${start_value}*0.3))
+    [Documentation]    Validates memory consumptions of passed POD
+    [Arguments]    ${container}    ${namespace}    ${start_value}    ${output_file}    ${out_string}=Teardown
+    ${mem_consumption}=    Get And Write Memory Consumption Per Container To File    ${container}    ${namespace}
+    ...    ${output_file}    ${out_string}
+    ${mem_consumption}=   Convert To Number    ${mem_consumption}    1
+    ${upper_bound}=    Evaluate    (${start_value} + (${start_value}*0.1))
     Should Be True    ${upper_bound} >= ${mem_consumption}
+Settling Memory Consumptions
+    [Documentation]    Delivers memory consumptions of passed POD after memory consumptions are leveled.
+    ...                - collecting memory consumption at least about 5 minutes, but max 20 minutes
+    ...                - built average of memory consumtions
+    ...                - wait current value does not deviate from the average by more than 15%.
+    ...                - deliver average value value
+    [Arguments]    ${prometheusaddr}    ${prometheusport}    ${container}    ${namespace}
+    @{consumption_list}=    Create List
+    ${consumption_sum}=    Set Variable    0
+    ${consumption_max}=    Set Variable    0
+    ${average_value}=    Set Variable    0
+    FOR    ${index}    IN RANGE    1    21
+        ${current_consumptions}=  Get Memory Consumptions  ${prometheusaddr}  ${prometheusport}  ${container}  ${namespace}
+        Append To List    ${consumption_list}    ${current_consumptions}
+        ${consumption_sum}=    Evaluate     ${consumption_sum}+${current_consumptions}
+        ${consumption_max}=    Set Variable If    ${current_consumptions}>${consumption_max}    ${current_consumptions}
+        ...                    ${consumption_max}
+        ${average_value}=    Evaluate    ${consumption_sum}/${index}
+        ${upper_bound}=    Evaluate    (${average_value} + (${average_value}*0.12))
+        ${lower_bound}=    Evaluate    (${average_value} - (${average_value}*0.12))
+        ${time}=    Get Time
+        ${formatedIt}=    Format String    {:>3}    ${index}
+        ${formated_mem}=    Format String    {:>10}    ${current_consumptions}
+        ${prestring}=    Catenate    Memory consumptions of   ${container}    Leveling    ${formatedIt}
+        ${formated_prestring}=    Format String    {:<54}    ${prestring}
+        Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    ${formated_prestring} : ${formated_mem} Bytes at ${time}    console=yes
+        Exit For Loop If   ${index}>5 and ${current_consumptions}<${upper_bound} and ${current_consumptions}>${lower_bound}
+        Sleep    60s
+    END
+    [return]   ${average_value}
+Get Memory Consumptions
+    [Documentation]    Delivers memory consumptions of passed POD
+    [Arguments]    ${prometheusaddr}    ${prometheusport}    ${container}    ${namespace}
+    ${mem_consumption}=    utility.get_memory_consumptions    ${prometheusaddr}:${prometheusport}    ${container}   ${namespace}
+    Should Be True    ${mem_consumption} >= 0
+    [return]    ${mem_consumption}
+Write Memory Consumption File Per Container
+    [Documentation]    Writes memory consumptions file of passed POD for later evaluation.
+    [Arguments]    ${container}    ${mem_consumption}
+    ${output_file}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=/    ${OUTPUT DIR}    MemoryConsumptions${workflow}${container}.txt
+    Create File  ${output_file}
+    FOR    ${value}     IN      @{mem_consumption}
+        ${epoch}=    Convert To String    ${value[0]}
+        Append To File    ${output_file}    ${epoch},${value[1]}${\n}
+    END