[VOL-2054] Validate technology profile with pbit verification
Change-Id: I148c87681d11d1dcbb4739007acdd9ac1326db41
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index bb0a956..63e7ec3 100755
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# Configuration and lists of files for linting/testing
VERSION ?= $(shell cat ./VERSION)
LINT_ARGS ?= --verbose --configure LineTooLong:120 -e LineTooLong \
- --configure TooManyTestSteps:40 -e TooManyTestSteps \
+ --configure TooManyTestSteps:50 -e TooManyTestSteps \
--configure TooManyTestCases:50 -e TooManyTestCases \
--configure TooFewTestSteps:1 \
--configure TooFewKeywordSteps:1 \
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c25d856..0a0c448 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -161,6 +161,29 @@
check the link
+### Dataplane test prerequisites
+The dataplane tests evaluate whether bandwidth and tech profiles are working as expected.
+These tests will only run on a physical pod. In order to run them it is required to manually install
+some additional software on the POD hosts that emulate the RG and BNG.
+On the RG hosts:
+* Install `iperf3` version 3.7, available here: https://software.es.net/iperf/
+* Install `jq`: `sudo apt install jq`
+* Install `mausezahn`: `sudo apt install netsniff-ng`
+* Ensure that the following commands can be run as `sudo` with no password: `tcpdump`, `mausezahn`, `pkill`
+On the BNG host:
+* Install `iperf3` version 3.7, available here: https://software.es.net/iperf/
+* Run `iperf3` in server mode in the background: `iperf3 --server -D`
+* Install `jq`: `sudo apt install jq`
+* Install `mausezahn`: `sudo apt install netsniff-ng`
+* Ensure that the following commands can be run as `sudo` with no password: `tcpdump`, `mausezahn`, `pkill`
+In the POD's deployment config file, specify login information for the BNG host using the `noroot_ip`, `noroot_user`,
+and `noroot_pass` options. See the [Tucson pod's config](https://github.com/opencord/pod-configs/blob/master/deployment-configs/tucson-pod.yaml)
+for an example.
## Functional Testcases
All functional test cases are placed under `functional` folder.
diff --git a/libraries/utils.robot b/libraries/utils.robot
index 0791e22..39173e8 100644
--- a/libraries/utils.robot
+++ b/libraries/utils.robot
@@ -540,6 +540,26 @@
SSHLibrary.Close Connection
[Return] ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}
+Start Remote Command
+ [Documentation] SSH into a remote host and execute a command on the bare host or in a container.
+ ... This replaces and simplifies the Login And Run Command On Remote System keyword in CORDRobot.
+ [Arguments] ${cmd} ${ip} ${user} ${pass}=${None}
+ ... ${container_type}=${None} ${container_name}=${None}
+ ${conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${ip}
+ Run Keyword If '${pass}' != '${None}'
+ ... SSHLibrary.Login ${user} ${pass}
+ ... ELSE
+ ... SSHLibrary.Login With Public Key ${user} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa
+ ${namespace}= Run Keyword If '${container_type}' == 'K8S' SSHLibrary.Execute Command
+ ... kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep ${container_name} | awk '{print $1}'
+ Run Keyword If '${container_type}' == 'LXC'
+ ... SSHLibrary.Start Command lxc exec ${container_name} -- ${cmd}
+ ... ELSE IF '${container_type}' == 'K8S'
+ ... SSHLibrary.Start Command kubectl -n ${namespace} exec ${container_name} -- ${cmd}
+ ... ELSE
+ ... SSHLibrary.Start Command ${cmd}
+ SSHLibrary.Close Connection
Run Iperf3 Test Client
[Arguments] ${src} ${server} ${args}
[Documentation] Login to ${src} and run the iperf3 client against ${server} using ${args}.
@@ -550,7 +570,6 @@
${object}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${output}''') json
[Return] ${object}
[Documentation] Restore all connected ONUs
[Arguments] ${num_onus}
@@ -581,3 +600,30 @@
Log To Console ${output}
${output}= Login And Run Command On Remote System sudo ifconfig ${onu_ifname} 0
... ${rg_ip} ${rg_user} ${rg_pass} ${container_type} ${container_name}
+Create traffic with each pbit and capture at other end
+ [Documentation] Generates upstream traffic using Mausezahn tool
+ ... with each pbit and validates reception at other end using tcpdump
+ [Arguments] ${target_ip} ${target_iface} ${src_iface}
+ ... ${packet_count} ${packet_type} ${target_port} ${vlan} ${tcpdump_filter}
+ ... ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_container_type} ${dst_container_name}
+ ... ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
+ FOR ${pbit} IN RANGE 8
+ Execute Remote Command sudo pkill -2 mausezahn
+ ... ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
+ ${var1}= Set Variable sudo mausezahn ${src_iface} -B ${target_ip} -c ${packet_count}
+ ${var2}= Set Variable -t ${packet_type} "dp=${target_port}" -p 1472 -Q ${pbit}:${vlan}
+ ${cmd}= Set Variable ${var1} ${var2}
+ Start Remote Command ${cmd} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass}
+ ... ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
+ ${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command
+ ... timeout 30 sudo tcpdump -l -U -c 30 -i ${target_iface} -e ${tcpdump_filter}
+ ... ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_container_type} ${dst_container_name}
+ Execute Remote Command sudo pkill -2 mausezahn
+ ... ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
+ # VOL-3262: I'm seeing untagged downstream traffic at RG for pbit 0. According to Girish this is
+ # incorrect behavior. Simplify the following check when VOL-3262 is resolved.
+ Run Keyword If ${pbit}==0 and "${tcpdump_filter}"=="udp"
+ ... Should Match Regexp ${output} \\.${target_port}: UDP,
+ ... ELSE Should Match Regexp ${output} , p ${pbit},.*\\.${target_port}: UDP,
diff --git a/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot b/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot
index 8fb1fe2..741e764 100644
--- a/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot
+++ b/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot
@@ -579,6 +579,55 @@
... The downstream bandwidth guarantee was not met (${pct_limit_dn}% of resv)
+Validate parsing of data traffic through voltha using tech profile
+ [Documentation] Assuming that test1 was executed where all the ONUs are authenticated/DHCP/pingable
+ ... Prerequisite tools : Tcpdump and Mausezahn traffic generator on both RG and DHCP/BNG VMs
+ ... Install jq tool to read json file, where test suite is being running
+ ... Make sure 9999 port is enabled or forwarded for both upsteam and downstream direction
+ ... This test sends UDP packets on port 9999 with pbits between 0 and 7 and validates that
+ ... the pbits are preserved by the PON.
+ [Tags] dataplane TechProfile VOL-2054
+ [Setup] Start Logging TechProfile
+ [Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
+ ... AND Stop Logging TechProfile
+ Pass Execution If '${has_dataplane}'=='False'
+ ... Skipping test: Technology profile validation can be done only in physical pod
+ FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
+ ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
+ ${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
+ ${bng_ip}= Get Variable Value ${dst['noroot_ip']}
+ ${bng_user}= Get Variable Value ${dst['noroot_user']}
+ ${bng_pass}= Get Variable Value ${dst['noroot_pass']}
+ Pass Execution If not ("${bng_ip}" and "${bng_user}" and "${bng_pass}")
+ ... Skipping test: credentials for BNG login required in deployment config
+ ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command which mausezahn tcpdump
+ ... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
+ Pass Execution If ${rc} != 0 Skipping test: mausezahn / tcpdump not found on the RG
+ ${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command which mausezahn tcpdump
+ ... ${bng_ip} ${bng_user} ${bng_pass} ${dst['container_type']} ${dst['container_name']}
+ Pass Execution If ${rc} != 0 Skipping test: mausezahn / tcpdump not found on the BNG
+ Log Upstream test
+ Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s
+ ... Create traffic with each pbit and capture at other end
+ ... ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']} ${dst['dp_iface_name']} ${src['dp_iface_name']}
+ ... 0 udp 9999 0 vlan
+ ... ${bng_ip} ${bng_user} ${bng_pass} ${dst['container_type']} ${dst['container_name']}
+ ... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
+ Log Downstream test
+ ${rg_ip} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command
+ ... ifconfig ${src['dp_iface_name']} | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }'
+ ... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Could not get RG's IP address
+ Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s
+ ... Create traffic with each pbit and capture at other end
+ ... ${rg_ip} ${src['dp_iface_name']} ${dst['dp_iface_name']}.${src['s_tag']}
+ ... 0 udp 9999 ${src['c_tag']} udp
+ ... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
+ ... ${bng_ip} ${bng_user} ${bng_pass} ${dst['container_type']} ${dst['container_name']}
*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite
[Documentation] Set up the test suite
@@ -595,4 +644,3 @@
Delete All Devices and Verify
# Execute normal test Setup Keyword