[VOL-2965] DT: Added Functional Scenarios

Change-Id: I415a8cd5d94daf86cb18cf1b7410aff484541770
diff --git a/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot b/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
index 3526a5f..24a84bd 100644
--- a/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
+++ b/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
@@ -240,6 +240,157 @@
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}   2s    Perform Sanity Test DT
     Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
+Test Disable and Enable OLT for DT
+    [Documentation]    Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
+    ...    Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
+    ...    Perform disable on the OLT and validate that the pings do not succeed
+    ...    Perform enable on the OLT and validate that the pings are successful
+    # TODO: TBD: Verification: "onu_reason" value: omci-flows-pushed OR discovery-mibsync-complete on OLT ReEnable
+    [Tags]    functionalDt    DisableEnableOLTDt    notready
+    [Setup]    Start Logging    DisableEnableOLTDt
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
+    ...           AND             Stop Logging    DisableEnableOLTDt
+    # Disable and Validate OLT Device
+    Disable Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+    ...    Validate OLT Device    DISABLED    UNKNOWN    REACHABLE
+    ...    ${olt_serial_number}
+    # Validate ONUs
+    Run Keyword    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate ONUs After OLT Disable
+    # Verify ONOS Flows
+    # Number of Access Flows on ONOS equals 4 * the Number of Active ONUs (2 for each downstream and upstream)
+    ${onos_flows_count}=    Evaluate    4 * ${num_onus}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+    ...    Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added Count DT    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
+    ...    ${of_id}    ${onos_flows_count}
+    # Verify VOLTHA Flows
+    # Number of per OLT Flows equals Twice the Number of Active ONUs (each for downstream and upstream) + 1 for LLDP
+    ${olt_flows}=    Evaluate    2 * ${num_onus} + 1
+    # Number of per ONU Flows equals 2 (one each for downstream and upstream)
+    ${onu_flows}=    Set Variable    2
+    Run Keyword    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate OLT Flows    ${olt_flows}
+    ${List_ONU_Serial}    Create List
+    Set Suite Variable    ${List_ONU_Serial}
+    Build ONU SN List    ${List_ONU_Serial}
+    Log    ${List_ONU_Serial}
+    Run Keyword    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate ONU Flows
+    ...    ${List_ONU_Serial}    ${onu_flows}
+    # Enable the OLT back and check ONU, OLT status are back to "ACTIVE"
+    Enable Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate OLT Device    ENABLED    ACTIVE    REACHABLE
+    ...    ${olt_serial_number}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate OLT Port Types
+    ...    PON_OLT    ETHERNET_NNI
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_onus}
+        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
+        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
+        ${onu_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${src['onu']}
+        ${onu_port}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Get ONU Port in ONOS    ${src['onu']}
+        ...    ${of_id}
+        ## ******** ##
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    10s    Validate Device    ENABLED    ACTIVE
+        ...    REACHABLE    ${src['onu']}    onu=True    onu_reason=omci-flows-pushed
+        ## ******** ##
+        # Verify that ping works fine again
+        Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}
+        ...    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s
+        ...    Check Ping    True    ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}    ${src['dp_iface_name']}
+        ...    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}}
+        Run Keyword and Ignore Error   Collect Logs
+    END
+    # Verify ONOS Flows
+    # Number of Access Flows on ONOS equals 4 * the Number of Active ONUs (2 for each downstream and upstream)
+    ${onos_flows_count}=    Evaluate    4 * ${num_onus}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+    ...    Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added Count DT    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    ${of_id}
+    ...    ${onos_flows_count}
+    # Verify VOLTHA Flows
+    # Number of per OLT Flows equals Twice the Number of Active ONUs (each for downstream and upstream) + 1 for LLDP
+    ${olt_flows}=    Evaluate    2 * ${num_onus} + 1
+    # Number of per ONU Flows equals 2 (one each for downstream and upstream)
+    ${onu_flows}=    Set Variable    2
+    Run Keyword    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate OLT Flows    ${olt_flows}
+    ${List_ONU_Serial}    Create List
+    Set Suite Variable    ${List_ONU_Serial}
+    Build ONU SN List    ${List_ONU_Serial}
+    Log    ${List_ONU_Serial}
+    Run Keyword    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate ONU Flows
+    ...    ${List_ONU_Serial}    ${onu_flows}
+Test Delete and ReAdd OLT for DT
+    [Documentation]    Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
+    ...    Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
+    ...    Disable and Delete the OLT
+    ...    Create/Enable the same OLT again
+    ...    Validate DHCP/E2E pings succeed for all the ONUs connected to the OLT
+    [Tags]    functionalDt    DeleteReAddOLTDt
+    [Setup]    Start Logging    DeleteReAddOLTDt
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
+    ...           AND             Stop Logging    DeleteReAddOLTDt
+    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
+    Delete Device and Verify
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+    ...    Verify Device Flows Removed    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    ${of_id}
+    Run Keyword and Ignore Error    Collect Logs
+    # Recreate the OLT
+    Setup
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}   2s    Perform Sanity Test DT
+Test Disable ONUs and OLT Then Delete ONUs and OLT for DT
+    [Documentation]    On deployed POD, disable the ONU, disable the OLT and then delete ONU and OLT.
+    ...    This TC is to confirm that ONU removal is not impacting OLT
+    ...    Devices will be removed during the execution of this TC
+    ...    so calling setup at the end to add the devices back to avoid the confusion.
+    [Tags]    functionalDt    DisableDeleteONUOLTDt
+    [Setup]    Start Logging    DisableDeleteONUOLTDt
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
+    ...           AND             Stop Logging    DisableDeleteONUOLTDt
+    ${olt_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${olt_serial_number}
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_onus}
+        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
+        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
+        ${onu_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${src['onu']}
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+        ...    Validate Device    ENABLED    ACTIVE
+        ...    REACHABLE    ${src['onu']}    onu=True    onu_reason=omci-flows-pushed
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+        ...    Validate OLT Device    ENABLED    ACTIVE
+        ...    REACHABLE    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Disable Device    ${onu_device_id}
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+        ...    Validate Device    DISABLED    UNKNOWN
+        ...    REACHABLE    ${src['onu']}    onu=false
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+        ...    Validate OLT Device    ENABLED    ACTIVE
+        ...    REACHABLE    ${olt_serial_number}
+    END
+    Disable Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+    ...    Validate OLT Device    DISABLED    UNKNOWN    REACHABLE
+    ...    ${olt_serial_number}
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_onus}
+        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
+        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
+        ${onu_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${src['onu']}
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+        ...    Validate Device    DISABLED    DISCOVERED
+        ...    UNREACHABLE    ${src['onu']}    onu=false
+        Delete Device    ${onu_device_id}
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+        ...    Validate OLT Device    DISABLED    UNKNOWN
+        ...    REACHABLE    ${olt_serial_number}
+    END
+    Delete Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Test Empty Device List
+    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+    ...    Verify Device Flows Removed    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    ${of_id}
+    # Re-do Setup (Recreate the OLT) and Perform Sanity Test DT
+    Run Keyword    Setup
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}   2s    Perform Sanity Test DT
+    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
 *** Keywords ***
 Setup Suite
     [Documentation]    Set up the test suite