[VOL-4139] OLT Flow Validation Failure in Disable and Delete OLT TC for TT

Change-Id: I8a1327a51cef3b11b2c2230f5bd273a98bc11057
diff --git a/libraries/onos.robot b/libraries/onos.robot
index 4e68927..f2e7a27 100755
--- a/libraries/onos.robot
+++ b/libraries/onos.robot
@@ -258,6 +258,13 @@
     ...    flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep -v deviceId | grep -v ETH_TYPE:lldp | grep -v ETH_TYPE:arp | wc -l
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${access_flows_added}    ${expected_flows}
+Verify Added Flow Count for OLT TT
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${olt_of_id}    ${expected_flows}
+    [Documentation]    Total number of added flows given OLT with subscriber flows
+    ${access_flows_added}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command    ${ip}    ${port}
+    ...    flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep -v deviceId | wc -l
+    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${access_flows_added}    ${expected_flows}
 Verify Default Downstream Flows are added in ONOS for OLT TT
     [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${olt_of_id}    ${nni_port}
     [Documentation]    Verifies if the Default Downstream Flows are added in ONOS for the OLT