Customizable timeout for test operations

Change-Id: Ic01245ca43ad0fa07d656e38175ca2315c4cab56
diff --git a/libraries/voltctl.robot b/libraries/voltctl.robot
index f8c4fb0..7538874 100755
--- a/libraries/voltctl.robot
+++ b/libraries/voltctl.robot
@@ -826,9 +826,9 @@
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${devices}    ${count}
 Wait for ONUs in VOLTHA
-    [Arguments]    ${count}
+    [Arguments]    ${count}    ${timeout}=10m
     [Documentation]    Waits until a certain number of devices reached the ACTIVE/ENABLE state
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     10m     5s      Assert ONUs In Voltha   ${count}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${timeout}     5s      Assert ONUs In Voltha   ${count}
 Count Logical Devices flows
     [Documentation]  Count the flows across logical devices in VOLTHA
@@ -850,12 +850,12 @@
 Wait for Logical Devices flows
     [Documentation]  Waits until the flows have been provisioned in the logical device
     [Arguments]  ${workflow}    ${uni_count}    ${olt_count}    ${provisioned}
-    ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}     ${withLldp}
+    ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}     ${withLldp}    ${timeout}=10m
     ${targetFlows}=     Calculate flows by workflow     ${workflow}    ${uni_count}    ${olt_count}     ${provisioned}
     ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}    ${withLldp}
     Log     ${targetFlows}
     # TODO extend Validate Logical Device Flows to check the correct number of flows
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     10m     5s  Count Logical Devices flows     ${targetFlows}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${timeout}     5s  Count Logical Devices flows     ${targetFlows}
 Count OpenOLT Device Flows
     [Documentation]  Count the flows across openolt devices in VOLTHA