use single ssh connection to onos
It belongs to VOL-4041 and is the second part.
Keyword 'Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection' is deprecated
and is replaced by keyword
'Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection' for all test suites
and libraries.

Change-Id: Ib5078b50d22e812e927e437a0e6f0e249f95ee9a
diff --git a/libraries/onos.robot b/libraries/onos.robot
index 67b3589..20a366e 100755
--- a/libraries/onos.robot
+++ b/libraries/onos.robot
@@ -40,23 +40,6 @@
     Set Global Variable    ${connection_list}
     [Return]    ${conn_list_id}
-Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection
-    [Documentation]    Execute ONOS CLI Command On an Open Connection
-    [Arguments]    ${connection_list_id}  ${cmd}
-    ${connection_entry}=    Get From List   ${connection_list}    ${connection_list_id}
-    SSHLibrary.Switch Connection   ${connection_entry.conn_id}
-    ${PassOrFail}    @{result_values}    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    SSHLibrary.Execute Command    ${cmd}
-    ...    return_rc=True    return_stderr=True    return_stdout=True
-    Run Keyword If    '${PassOrFail}'=='FAIL'    Reconnect ONOS SSH Connection    ${connection_list_id}
-    @{result_values}=    Run Keyword If    '${PassOrFail}'=='FAIL'
-    ...    SSHLibrary.Execute Command    ${cmd}    return_rc=True    return_stderr=True    return_stdout=True
-    ...    ELSE    Set Variable    @{result_values}
-    ${output}    Set Variable    @{result_values}[0]
-    Log    Command output: ${output}
-    Should Be Empty    @{result_values}[1]
-    Should Be Equal As Integers    @{result_values}[2]    0
-    [Return]    ${output}
 Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection
     [Documentation]    Execute ONOS CLI Command use an Open Connection
     ...                In case no connection is open a connection will be opened
@@ -580,8 +563,8 @@
 Verify Empty Group in ONOS
     [Documentation]    Verifies zero group count on the device
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${deviceId}
-    ${groups}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection    ${onos_ssh_connection}    groups | grep ${deviceId}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${deviceId}
+    ${groups}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}    groups | grep ${deviceId}
     @{groups_arr}=    Split String    ${groups}    ,
     @{group_count_arr}=    Split String    ${groups_arr[1]}    =
     ${group_count}=    Set Variable    ${group_count_arr[1]}
@@ -590,8 +573,8 @@
 Verify ONUs in Group Count in ONOS
     [Documentation]    Verifies there exists a group bucket list with certain entries/count
     ...    Note: Currently, this validates only if all ONUs of an OLT joined the same igmp group
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}    ${deviceId}
-    ${result}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection    ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${count}    ${deviceId}
+    ${result}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...   groups added ${deviceId} | grep bucket | wc -l
     Should Be Equal As Integers     ${result}   ${count}    Bucket list count for a group: Found=${result} Expected=${count}
@@ -639,17 +622,17 @@
     ...    Should Be True    '${matched}'=='False'    Match for ${deviceId} and ${onu_port} found in ONOS groups
 Assert Number of AAA-Users
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${expected_onus}   ${deviceId}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${expected_onus}   ${deviceId}
     [Documentation]    Matches for number of aaa-users authorized based on number of onus
-    ${aaa_users}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${aaa_users}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...     aaa-users | grep ${deviceId} | grep AUTHORIZED | wc -l
     Log     Found ${aaa_users} of ${expected_onus} expected authenticated users on device ${deviceId}
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${aaa_users}    ${expected_onus}
 Validate DHCP Allocations
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}   ${workflow}     ${deviceId}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${count}   ${workflow}     ${deviceId}
     [Documentation]    Matches for number of dhcpacks based on number of onus
-    ${allocations}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${allocations}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...     dhcpl2relay-allocations | grep ${deviceId} | grep DHCPACK | wc -l
     # if the workflow is TT we'll have 2 allocations for each ONU
     ${ttAllocations}=     Evaluate   (${count} * 2)
@@ -690,89 +673,82 @@
 Assert ONU Port Is Disabled
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${deviceId}    ${onu_port}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${deviceId}    ${onu_port}
     [Documentation]    Verifies if the ONU port is disabled in ONOS
-    ${onu_port_disabled}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${onu_port_disabled}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...    ports -d ${deviceId} | grep port=${onu_port}
     Log    ${onu_port_disabled}
     Should Not Be Empty    ${onu_port_disabled}
 Assert Olts in ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}     ${count}
     [Documentation]    DEPRECATED use Assert Olt in ONOS
     ...     Check that a certain number of olts are known to ONOS
-    ${olts}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${olts}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...    volt-olts | wc -l
     Log     Found ${olts} of ${count} expected Olts
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${olts}    ${count}
 Assert Olt in ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${deviceId}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}     ${deviceId}
     [Documentation]    Check that a particular olt is known to ONOS
-    ${olts}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${olts}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...    volt-olts | grep ${deviceId} | wc -l
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${olts}    1   "Device ${deviceId} is not recognized as an OLT"
 Wait for Olts in ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}   ${max_wait_time}=10m
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${count}   ${max_wait_time}=10m
     [Documentation]    DEPRECATED use Wait for Olt in ONOS
     ...     Waits untill a certain number of ports are enabled in ONOS for a particular deviceId
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${max_wait_time}     5s      Assert Olts in ONOS
-    ...     ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}
+    ...     ${ip}    ${port}     ${count}
 Wait for Olt in ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${deviceId}   ${max_wait_time}=10m
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${deviceId}   ${max_wait_time}=10m
     [Documentation]    Waits until a particular deviceId is recognized by ONOS as an OLT
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${max_wait_time}     5s      Assert Olt in ONOS
-    ...     ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${deviceId}
+    ...     ${ip}    ${port}     ${deviceId}
 Assert Ports in ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}     ${deviceId}    ${filter}
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}     ${count}     ${deviceId}    ${filter}
     [Documentation]    Check that a certain number of ports are enabled in ONOS
-    ${ports}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${ports}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
         ...    ports -e ${deviceId} | grep ${filter} | wc -l
     Log     Found ${ports} of ${count} expected ports on device ${deviceId}
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${ports}    ${count}
 Wait for Ports in ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}    ${deviceId}    ${filter}    ${max_wait_time}=10m
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${count}    ${deviceId}    ${filter}    ${max_wait_time}=10m
     [Documentation]    Waits untill a certain number of ports are enabled in ONOS for a particular deviceId
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${max_wait_time}     5s      Assert Ports in ONOS
-    ...     ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}     ${deviceId}     ${filter}
+    ...     ${ip}    ${port}     ${count}     ${deviceId}     ${filter}
 Wait for AAA Authentication
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}    ${deviceId}    ${max_wait_time}=10m
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${count}    ${deviceId}    ${max_wait_time}=10m
     [Documentation]    Waits untill a certain number of subscribers are authenticated in ONOS
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${max_wait_time}     5s      Assert Number of AAA-Users
-    ...     ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}     ${deviceId}
+    ...     ${ip}    ${port}     ${count}     ${deviceId}
 Wait for DHCP Ack
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}    ${workflow}    ${deviceId}    ${max_wait_time}=10m
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}    ${port}    ${count}    ${workflow}    ${deviceId}    ${max_wait_time}=10m
     [Documentation]    Waits untill a certain number of subscribers have received a DHCP_ACK
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${max_wait_time}     5s      Validate DHCP Allocations
-        ...     ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}    ${workflow}    ${deviceId}
-Provision subscriber
-    [Documentation]  Calls volt-add-subscriber-access in ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ip}    ${onos_port}   ${of_id}    ${onu_port}
-    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
-            ...    volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
+        ...     ${ip}    ${port}     ${count}    ${workflow}    ${deviceId}
 Provision subscriber REST
     [Documentation]     Uses the rest APIs to provision a subscriber
-    [Arguments]     ${onos_ip}    ${onos_port}   ${of_id}    ${onu_port}
+    [Arguments]     ${of_id}    ${onu_port}
     ${resp}=    Post Request    ONOS
     ...    /onos/olt/oltapp/${of_id}/${onu_port}
     Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
 List Enabled UNI Ports
     [Documentation]  List all the UNI Ports, the only way we have is to filter out the one called NNI
     ...     Creates a list of dictionaries
-    [Arguments]     ${onos_ssh_connection}   ${of_id}
+    [Arguments]     ${ip}    ${port}   ${of_id}
     [Return]  [{'port': '16', 'of_id': 'of:00000a0a0a0a0a00'}, {'port': '32', 'of_id': 'of:00000a0a0a0a0a00'}]
     ${result}=      Create List
-    ${out}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${out}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...    ports -e ${of_id} | grep -v SWITCH | grep -v nni
     @{unis}=    Split To Lines    ${out}
     FOR    ${uni}    IN    @{unis}
@@ -785,21 +761,21 @@
 Provision all subscribers on device
     [Documentation]  Provisions a subscriber in ONOS for all the enabled UNI ports on a particular device
-    [Arguments]     ${onos_ssh_connection}  ${onos_ip}  ${onos_rest_port}   ${of_id}
-    ${unis}=    List Enabled UNI Ports  ${onos_ssh_connection}   ${of_id}
+    [Arguments]     ${ip}    ${port}  ${onos_ip}  ${onos_rest_port}   ${of_id}
+    ${unis}=    List Enabled UNI Ports  ${ip}    ${port}   ${of_id}
     ${onos_auth}=    Create List    karaf    karaf
     Create Session    ONOS    http://${onos_ip}:${onos_rest_port}    auth=${onos_auth}
     FOR     ${uni}  IN      @{unis}
-        Provision Subscriber REST   ${onos_ip}  ${onos_rest_port}   ${uni['of_id']}   ${uni['port']}
+        Provision Subscriber REST   ${uni['of_id']}   ${uni['port']}
 List OLTs
     # NOTE this method is not currently used but it can come useful in the future
     [Documentation]  Returns a list of all OLTs known to ONOS
-    [Arguments]  ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    [Arguments]  ${ip}    ${port}
     [Return]  ['of:00000a0a0a0a0a00', 'of:00000a0a0a0a0a01']
     ${result}=      Create List
-    ${out}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    ${out}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...     volt-olts
     @{olts}=    Split To Lines    ${out}
     FOR    ${olt}    IN    @{olts}
@@ -814,20 +790,20 @@
 Count ADDED flows
     [Documentation]  Count the flows in ADDED state in ONOS
-    [Arguments]  ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${targetFlows}   ${deviceId}
-    ${flows}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    [Arguments]  ${ip}    ${port}    ${targetFlows}   ${deviceId}
+    ${flows}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ip}    ${port}
     ...     flows -s any ${deviceId} | grep ADDED | wc -l
     Log     Found ${flows} of ${targetFlows} expected flows on device ${deviceId}
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${targetFlows}    ${flows}
 Wait for all flows to in ADDED state
     [Documentation]  Waits until the flows have been provisioned
-    [Arguments]  ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${deviceId}     ${workflow}    ${uni_count}    ${olt_count}
+    [Arguments]  ${ip}    ${port}     ${deviceId}     ${workflow}    ${uni_count}    ${olt_count}
     ...    ${provisioned}     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}     ${withLldp}
     ${targetFlows}=     Calculate flows by workflow     ${workflow}    ${uni_count}    ${olt_count}     ${provisioned}
     ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}     ${withLldp}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     10m     5s      Count ADDED flows
-    ...     ${onos_ssh_connection}  ${targetFlows}  ${deviceId}
+    ...     ${ip}    ${port}  ${targetFlows}  ${deviceId}
 Get Limiting Bandwidth Details
     [Arguments]    ${bandwidth_profile_name}
diff --git a/libraries/onu_utilities.robot b/libraries/onu_utilities.robot
index 4c2900a..5a7fdfb 100755
--- a/libraries/onu_utilities.robot
+++ b/libraries/onu_utilities.robot
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
     [Documentation]    This keyword logs all port data available in ONOS of first port per ONU
     [Arguments]    ${onlyenabled}=False
     ${cmd}    Set Variable If    ${onlyenabled}    ports -e    ports
-    ${onu_ports}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection    ${onos_ssh_connection}   ${cmd}
+    ${onu_ports}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}   ${cmd}
     ${lines} =     Get Lines Matching Regexp    ${onu_ports}    .*portName=BBSM[0-9]{8}-1
     Log    ${lines}
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
 Wait for Ports in ONOS for all OLTs
     [Documentation]    Waits untill a certain number of ports are enabled in all OLTs
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}    ${filter}    ${max_wait_time}=10m   ${determine_number}=False
+    [Arguments]    ${host}    ${port}    ${count}    ${filter}    ${max_wait_time}=10m   ${determine_number}=False
     FOR    ${J}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
         ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${J}][sn]
         ${onu_count}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${J}][onucount]
@@ -399,18 +399,18 @@
         # if flag determine_number is set to True, always determine the number of real ONUs (overwrite previous value)
         ${count2check}=    Run Keyword If    ${determine_number}    Determine Number Of ONU    ${olt_serial_number}
         ...                ELSE              Set Variable    ${count2check}
-        Wait for Ports in ONOS    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count2check}    ${of_id}    BBSM    ${max_wait_time}
+        Wait for Ports in ONOS    ${host}    ${port}    ${count2check}    ${of_id}    BBSM    ${max_wait_time}
 Wait for all ONU Ports in ONOS Disabled
     [Documentation]    Waits untill a all ONU ports are disabled in all ONOS
-    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}
+    [Arguments]    ${host}    ${port}
     FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_all_onus}
         ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
         ${of_id}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    15s    Validate OLT Device in ONOS
         ...    ${src['olt']}
        ${onu_port}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Get ONU Port in ONOS    ${src['onu']}    ${of_id}
-        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Assert ONU Port Is Disabled    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${of_id}
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Assert ONU Port Is Disabled    ${host}    ${port}    ${of_id}
         ...    ${onu_port}