Make sure that ONOS knows about the OLT before running scale test

Change-Id: I680bb2302d9a481f4704fba12dafb9736efa2fde
diff --git a/libraries/onos.robot b/libraries/onos.robot
index ffc30da..a5e3f10 100755
--- a/libraries/onos.robot
+++ b/libraries/onos.robot
@@ -538,6 +538,20 @@
     Log    ${onu_port_disabled}
     Should Not Be Empty    ${onu_port_disabled}
+Assert Olts in ONOS
+    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}
+    [Documentation]    Check that a certain number of olts are known to ONOS
+    ${olts}=    Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection     ${onos_ssh_connection}
+        ...    volt-olts | wc -l
+    Log     Found ${olts} of ${count} expected Olts
+    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${olts}    ${count}
+Wait for Olts in ONOS
+    [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}    ${count}   ${max_wait_time}=10m
+    [Documentation]    Waits untill a certain number of ports are enabled in ONOS for a particular deviceId
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     ${max_wait_time}     5s      Assert Olts in ONOS
+    ...     ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}
 Assert Ports in ONOS
     [Arguments]    ${onos_ssh_connection}     ${count}     ${deviceId}    ${filter}
     [Documentation]    Check that a certain number of ports are enabled in ONOS