[VOL-4035] Added ONU Soft Reboot TC for TT workflow

Change-Id: I07c9b06bf088b40ed759a222a2ca1963418ad755
diff --git a/tests/tt-workflow/Voltha_TT_FailureScenarios.robot b/tests/tt-workflow/Voltha_TT_FailureScenarios.robot
index 065a403..3e09382 100755
--- a/tests/tt-workflow/Voltha_TT_FailureScenarios.robot
+++ b/tests/tt-workflow/Voltha_TT_FailureScenarios.robot
@@ -167,6 +167,58 @@
     Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Perform Sanity Tests TT
+Verify ONU Soft Reboot for TT
+    [Documentation]    Test the ONU Soft Reboot functionality.
+    [Tags]    functionalTT    OnuSoftRebootTT
+    [Setup]    Start Logging    SoftRebootOnu_TT
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
+    ...           AND             Stop Logging    SoftRebootOnu_TT
+    ...           AND             Delete All Devices and Verify
+    # Add OLT device
+    Setup
+    # Performing Sanity Test to make sure subscribers are all DHCP and pingable
+    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Perform Sanity Tests TT
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_all_onus}
+        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
+        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
+        ${service_type}=    Get Variable Value    ${src['service_type']}    "null"
+        ${of_id}=    Get ofID From OLT List    ${src['olt']}
+        ${onu_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${src['onu']}
+        ${onu_port}=    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s
+        ...    Get ONU Port in ONOS    ${src['onu']}    ${of_id}
+        Reboot Device    ${onu_device_id}
+        # TODO: Add verification for MCAST
+        Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane} and '${service_type}' != 'mcast'    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
+        ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s
+        ...    Check Ping    False    ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}    ${src['dp_iface_name']}
+        ...    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}
+        # Remove Subscriber Access (To replicate TT workflow)
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Execute ONOS CLI Command    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
+        ...    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    volt-remove-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
+        # Check ONU port is Enabled in ONOS
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds   120s   2s
+        ...    Verify ONU Port Is Enabled   ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    ${src['onu']}
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2
+        ...    Execute ONOS CLI Command    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
+        ...    volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
+        # Verify ONU state in voltha
+        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate Device
+        ...    ENABLED    ACTIVE    REACHABLE
+        ...    ${src['onu']}    onu=True    onu_reason=omci-flows-pushed
+        Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane} and '${service_type}' != 'mcast'
+        ...    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Validate DHCP and Ping    True
+        ...    True    ${src['dp_iface_name']}    ${src['s_tag']}    ${src['c_tag']}    ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}
+        ...    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}
+        ...    ${dst['dp_iface_name']}    ${dst['ip']}    ${dst['user']}    ${dst['pass']}    ${dst['container_type']}
+        ...    ${dst['container_name']}
+        ...    ELSE IF    ${has_dataplane} and '${service_type}' == 'mcast'    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
+        ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Sanity Test TT MCAST one ONU    ${src}
+        ...    ${dst}    ${suppressaddsubscriber}
+    END
+    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Perform Sanity Tests TT    ${suppressaddsubscriber}
 Verify restart openonu-adapter container after subscriber provisioning for TT
     [Documentation]    Restart openonu-adapter container after VOLTHA is operational.
     ...    Prerequisite : ONUs are authenticated and pingable.