[VOL-5064] - Build and deploy voltha-system-tests

  o Copy in latest library makefiles from repo:onf-make

  o Support more lint targets

  o Update to use library logic.
  o Install/maintain .venv/ VS vst_venv.
  o Proper dependency driven create when needed VS always install.
  o Also support replacing inlined venv logic with library makefile logs.

  o mkdir -p for interactive use when WORKSPACE= is set.

  o Inline comment delimiters and help targets to improve readabilty.
  o Call macro banner-enter/banner-leave to hilight target output.
  o Change targets clean and help into double-colon rules so they
    are included when library targets are processed.
  o Update include $(MAKEDIR) imports, library makefiles are able to infer paths
    and define MAKDIR=, ONF_MAKEDIR=.
  o Define helper macro run-robot-test= allowing copy & paste robot command
    line to be refactored and reduced.
  o Define local target 'venv-install' allowing installation of the virtualenv
    followed by patching so a newer interpreter can be used locally for testing.
  o Shell command separator: replace ';' with '&&' to improve error detection.
  o target=gendocs: Split run-on command line into independent steps, activate
    script only applies to the for loop invoking tests.

Change-Id: Idc8efd89f36b9f4954d9394a6524e07aa2ea5531
diff --git a/makefiles/lint/license/license-check.sh b/makefiles/lint/license/license-check.sh
index 73f72db..04978cf 100755
--- a/makefiles/lint/license/license-check.sh
+++ b/makefiles/lint/license/license-check.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Copyright 2022-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
@@ -156,10 +155,12 @@
   ! -path "*/docs/*" \
   ! -name 'output.xml' \
   ! -path "*/vst_venv/*" \
+  ! -path '*/\.venv/*' \
   ! -name '*#*' \
   ! -path '*scripts/flog/*' \
   ! -name '*~' \
   ! -name 'VERSION' \
+  ! -name 'kail' \
   ! -name 'patch' \
   -print0 )