Add more explicit console logging + minor fixes

* The checks with keywords such as "Should Not Be Empty", "Should
  Be Equal As"... should have a more explicit message on fail, so that
  the console output shows a clearer failing reason.
* Other minor fixes included in the commit are:
	* The Sadis file comparison to None string.
	* The KUBECTL_CONFIG variable not properly set, altough
	  apparently unused.

Change-Id: I9305ba791dd43c9088a7bcbcc9af568ae127f60f
diff --git a/tests/dmi-interface/dmi-hw-management.robot b/tests/dmi-interface/dmi-hw-management.robot
index a345426..7c3fd2f 100755
--- a/tests/dmi-interface/dmi-hw-management.robot
+++ b/tests/dmi-interface/dmi-hw-management.robot
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
         Log  ${element}
         ${component_uuid}=  utility.get_uuid_from_Inventory_Element  ${element}  ${component_name}
-    Should Not Be Equal  ${None}  ${component_uuid}
+    Should Not Be Equal  ${None}  ${component_uuid}     Could not find UUID for ${component_name}
     [Return]    ${component_uuid}
 Loggable Entities
diff --git a/tests/functional/K8S_SystemTest.robot b/tests/functional/K8S_SystemTest.robot
index ba14607..47d2b2b 100644
--- a/tests/functional/K8S_SystemTest.robot
+++ b/tests/functional/K8S_SystemTest.robot
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     [Documentation]    Get the number of configured ETCD nodes
     ${rc}    ${size}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
     ...    kubectl -n ${namespace} get ${ETCD_resources} ${ETCD_name} -o jsonpath='{.status.replicas}'
-    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not get ETCD replica count
     [Return]    ${size}
 Scale ETCD
@@ -106,16 +106,16 @@
     [Documentation]    Scale down the number of ETCD pod
     ${rc}=    Run and Return Rc
     ...    kubectl -n ${namespace} patch ${ETCD_resources} ${ETCD_name} -p '{"spec":{"replicas": ${size}}}'
-    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not scale ETCD
 Validate ETCD Size
     [Arguments]    ${namespace}    ${ETCD_cluster_size}
     [Documentation]    Scale down the number of ETCD pod
     ${rc}    ${size}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
     ...    kubectl -n ${namespace} get ${ETCD_resources} ${ETCD_name} -o jsonpath='{.status.replicas}'
-    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not get ETCD replica count
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${size}    ${ETCD_cluster_size}    Unexpected number of replicas
     ${rc}    ${size}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
     ...    kubectl -n ${namespace} get ${ETCD_resources} ${ETCD_name} -o jsonpath='{.status.readyReplicas}'
-    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not get ETC ready replica count
     Should Be Equal As Integers    ${size}    ${ETCD_cluster_size}    Unexpected number of ready replicas
diff --git a/tests/functional/Voltha_ErrorScenarios.robot b/tests/functional/Voltha_ErrorScenarios.robot
index e617403..c0e6301 100755
--- a/tests/functional/Voltha_ErrorScenarios.robot
+++ b/tests/functional/Voltha_ErrorScenarios.robot
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
     ...           AND             Stop Logging    DisableInvalidDevice
     ${rc}  ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -o json
-    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+    Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not get device list
     ${jsondata}=    To Json    ${output}
     Log    ${jsondata}
     ${length}=    Get Length    ${jsondata}
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     ${fakeDeviceId}    Replace String Using Regexp          ${device_id}    \\d\\d     xx    count=1
     Log     ${fakeDeviceId}
     #Ensure that the new id created is not in the device id list
-    List Should Not Contain Value    ${ids}    ${fakeDeviceId}
+    List Should Not Contain Value    ${ids}    ${fakeDeviceId}      Device list should not contain ${fakeDeviceID}, but it does
     #Disable fake device id
     ${rc}  ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device disable ${fakeDeviceId}
     Should Contain    ${output}     Error while disabling '${fakeDeviceId}'
@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@
         #Check whether logical devices are also created
         ${rc}    ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
         ...    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice list
-        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not get logical device list
         Log    ${output}
         ${logical_id}=    Get Logical Device ID From SN    ${olt_serial_number}
-        Should Not Be Empty    ${logical_id}
+        Should Not Be Empty    ${logical_id}    Could not get logical device ID in VOLTHA for OLT serial number ${olt_serial_number}
         ${rc}    ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
         ...    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice disable ${logical_id}
         Should Not Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
         ${olt_serial_number}=    Get From Dictionary    ${list_olts}[${I}]    sn
         #${olt_device_id}=    Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List    ${olt_serial_number}
         ${logical_id}=    Get Logical Device ID From SN    ${olt_serial_number}
-        Should Be Empty    ${logical_id}
+        Should Be Empty    ${logical_id}    Logical device ID is not empty
         Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Sleep    180s
         ...    ELSE   Sleep    10s
         ${olt_device_id}=    Run Keyword If    "${list_olts}[${I}][type]" == "${None}"
@@ -310,10 +310,10 @@
         Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate OLT Device    ENABLED    ACTIVE    REACHABLE
         ...    ${olt_serial_number}
         ${logical_id}=    Get Logical Device ID From SN    ${olt_serial_number}
-        Should Not Be Empty    ${logical_id}
+        Should Not Be Empty    ${logical_id}    Could not get logical device ID in VOLTHA for OLT serial number ${olt_serial_number}
         ${rc}    ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
         ...    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice list
-        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not get logical device list
         Log    ${output}
         Should Contain     ${output}    ${olt_device_id}
         Set Suite Variable    ${logical_id}
diff --git a/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot b/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot
index ddc687e..260fc94 100755
--- a/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot
+++ b/tests/functional/Voltha_PODTests.robot
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
         ${olt_device_id}=    Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List    ${olt_serial_number}
         ${rc}    ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
         ...    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device disable ${olt_device_id}
-        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not disable device ${olt_device_id}
         Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate OLT Device    DISABLED    UNKNOWN    REACHABLE
         ...    ${olt_serial_number}
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
         ...    REACHABLE    ${src['olt']}
         ${rc}    ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
         ...    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device disable ${onu_device_id}
-        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not disable device ${olt_device_id}
         Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
         ...    Validate Device    DISABLED    UNKNOWN
         ...    REACHABLE    ${src['onu']}    onu=false
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
         ${olt_device_id}=    Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List    ${olt_serial_number}
         ${rc}    ${output}=    Run and Return Rc and Output
         ...    voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device disable ${olt_device_id}
-        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0
+        Should Be Equal As Integers    ${rc}    0   Could not disable device ${olt_device_id}
         Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate OLT Device    DISABLED    UNKNOWN    REACHABLE
         ...    ${olt_serial_number}
diff --git a/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUFlowChecks.robot b/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUFlowChecks.robot
index 1947f52..197efde 100755
--- a/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUFlowChecks.robot
+++ b/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUFlowChecks.robot
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
     ${result}=    Prepare ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data For Json    ${etcddata}
     ${jsondata}=    To Json    ${result}
     ${length}=    Get Length    ${jsondata}
-    log    ${jsondata}
-    Should Not Be Empty     ${jsondata}
+    Log    ${jsondata}
+    Should Not Be Empty     ${jsondata}     Could not find ONU Go Adapter ETCD data
     FOR    ${INDEX}    IN RANGE    0    ${length}
         ${value}=    Get From List    ${jsondata}    ${INDEX}
         ${flowparams}=    Get From Dictionary    ${value['uni_config'][0]}    flow_params
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
     ${jsondata}=    To Json    ${result}
     ${length}=    Get Length    ${jsondata}
     log    ${jsondata}
-    Should Not Be Empty     ${jsondata}
+    Should Not Be Empty     ${jsondata}     Could not find ONU Go Adapter ETCD data
     FOR    ${INDEX}    IN RANGE    0    ${length}
         ${value}=    Get From List    ${jsondata}    ${INDEX}
         @{result_values}=    Run Keyword And Ignore Error
diff --git a/tests/scale/Voltha_Scale_Tests.robot b/tests/scale/Voltha_Scale_Tests.robot
index b794b20..8d3d471 100755
--- a/tests/scale/Voltha_Scale_Tests.robot
+++ b/tests/scale/Voltha_Scale_Tests.robot
@@ -133,14 +133,14 @@
     [Documentation]    Check that all the flows has been stored in the logical device
     [Tags]      flow-before   plot-voltha-flows-before
     # NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
-    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true
+    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true    Flow provisioning is not enabled
     Wait for Logical Devices flows   ${workflow}    ${total_onus}    ${olt}    false
     ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}    ${withLLDP}    ${timeout}
 Flows validation in VOLTHA Adapters before subscriber provisioning
     [Documentation]  Check that all flows has been store in devices of type openolt
     [Tags]      flow-before   plot-voltha-openolt-flows-before  only-me
-    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true
+    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true    Flow provisioning is not enabled
     Wait for OpenOLT Devices flows   ${workflow}    ${total_onus}    ${olt}    false
     ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}    ${withLLDP}
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     [Documentation]    Check that all the flows has been acknowledged
     [Tags]      flow-before   plot-onos-flows-before
     # NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
-    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true
+    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true    Flow provisioning is not enabled
     ${onos_devices}=    Compute Device IDs
     FOR     ${deviceId}     IN  @{onos_devices}
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 Provision subscribers
     [Documentation]    Provision data plane flows for all the subscribers
     [Tags]      provision
-    Should Be Equal   ${enableSubscriberProvisioning}     true
+    Should Be Equal   ${enableSubscriberProvisioning}     true      Subscriber provisioning is not enabled
     ${onos_devices}=    Compute Device IDs
     FOR     ${olt}  IN  @{onos_devices}
         Provision all subscribers on device  ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_REST_PORT}  ${olt}
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
     [Documentation]    Check that all the flows has been stored in the logical device
     [Tags]      flow-after    plot-voltha-flows-after
     # NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
-    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true
+    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true    Flow provisioning is not enabled
     Wait for Logical Devices flows   ${workflow}    ${total_onus}    ${olt}    true
     ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}    ${withLLDP}    ${timeout}
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
 Flows validation in VOLTHA Adapters after subscriber provisioning
     [Documentation]  Check that all flows has been store in devices of type openolt
     [Tags]      flow-after   plot-voltha-openolt-flows-after    only-me
-    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true
+    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true    Flow provisioning is not enabled
     Wait for OpenOLT Devices flows   ${workflow}    ${total_onus}    ${olt}    true
     ...     ${withEapol}    ${withDhcp}     ${withIgmp}    ${withLLDP}
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
     [Documentation]    Check that all the flows has been acknowledged
     [Tags]      flow-after    plot-onos-flows-after
     # NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
-    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true
+    Should Be Equal   ${enableFlowProvisioning}     true    Flow provisioning is not enabled
     ${onos_devices}=    Compute Device IDs
     FOR     ${deviceId}     IN  @{onos_devices}
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
 *** Keywords ***
 Setup Suite
     [Documentation]    Setup test global variables, open an SSH connection to ONOS and starts a timer
-    Set Suite Variable    ${KUBECTL_CONFIG}    export KUBECONFIG=%{KUBECONFIG}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${KUBECTL_CONFIG}    %{KUBECONFIG}
     Set Suite Variable    ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}    %{VOLTCONFIG}
     ${total_onus}=   Evaluate    ${olt} * ${pon} * ${onu}