[VOL-4826][VOL-4827][VOL-4828] Robustness openonu-go-adapter

Contains implementation for
- Test of ONU power-off during mib downloading
- Test of ONU power-off during flow configuration [VOL-4828]
- Test of verification/correlation of ONU capabilities against
  configuration requirements Priority Queues [VOL-4827]
- Test of verification/correlation of ONU capabilities against
  configuration requirements TConts [VOL-4826]

Change-Id: I5fce312032275151b46e109f71fefb90a248ec45
diff --git a/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUErrorTests.robot b/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUErrorTests.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9cf769d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUErrorTests.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# Copyright 2022 - present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Test of open ONU error cases
+...               The test suite validates special error scenarios of openonu_go_adapter
+...               -- power off during mib download
+...               -- power of during flow configuration
+...               -- onu capabilities against configuration requirements priority queues
+...               -- onu capabilities against configuration requirements tconts
+...               see also VOL-4796
+...               In case of kafka pod runs in k8s cluster - kafka has to deploy with following EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS
+...               --set externalAccess.enabled=true,
+...               --set externalAccess.service.type=NodePort,
+...               --set externalAccess.service.nodePorts[0]=${KAFKA_PORT},
+...               --set externalAccess.service.domain=${KAFKA_IP}
+...               with e.g. service.domain= or and service.nodePorts[0]=30201!
+...               For voltha-infra prefix kafka. is needed e.g.: --set kafka.externalAccess.enabled=true
+Suite Setup       Setup Suite
+Suite Teardown    Teardown Suite
+Test Setup        Setup
+Test Teardown     Teardown
+Library           Collections
+Library           String
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           XML
+Library           RequestsLibrary
+Library           ../../libraries/DependencyLibrary.py
+Resource          ../../libraries/onos.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/voltctl.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/voltha.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/utils.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/k8s.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/onu_utilities.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/bbsim.robot
+Resource          ../../variables/variables.robot
+Library           kafka_robot.KafkaClient    log_level=DEBUG    WITH NAME    kafka
+Library           grpc_robot.VolthaTools     WITH NAME    volthatools
+*** Variables ***
+${NAMESPACE}          voltha
+${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    default
+${timeout}            60s
+${of_id}              0
+${logical_id}         0
+${has_dataplane}      True
+${external_libs}      True
+${teardown_device}    True
+${scripts}        ../../scripts
+# Per-test logging on failure is turned off by default; set this variable to enable
+${container_log_dir}    ${None}
+# logging flag to enable Collect Logs, can be passed via the command line too
+# example: -v logging:True
+${logging}    False
+# if True execution will be paused before clean up, only use in case of manual testing, do not use in ci pipeline!
+# example: -v pausebeforecleanup:True
+${pausebeforecleanup}    False
+# flag for first test, needed due default timeout in BBSim to mimic OLT reboot of 60 seconds
+${firsttest}    True
+# determines the environment workflow: DT, TT or ATT (default)
+# example: -v workflow:DT
+${workflow}    ATT
+# KV Store Prefix
+# example: -v kvstoreprefix:voltha/voltha_voltha
+${kvstoreprefix}    voltha/voltha_voltha
+# when voltha is running in k8s port forwarding is needed
+# example: -v PORT_FORWARDING:False
+# kafka ip e.g. ip of master host where k8s is running
+# example: -v KAFKA_IP:
+# kafka port: port of kafka nodeport
+# example: -v KAFKA_PORT:30201
+${KAFKA_PORT}    30201
+# kafka service port: service port of kafka nodeport
+# example: -v KAFKA_SVC_PORT:9094
+${KAFKA_SVC_PORT}    9094
+# onu MIB audit interval
+# example: -v ONU_MIB_AUDIT_INTERVAL:50s
+# MDS mitsmatches per ONU
+# example: -v MDS_MISMATCHES_PER_ONU:2
+# if True execution will be paused before clean up, only use in case of manual testing, do not use in ci pipeline!
+# example: -v pausebeforecleanup:True
+${pausebeforecleanup}    False
+# if True some outputs to console are done during running tests e.g. long duration flow test
+# example: -v print2console:True
+${print2console}    False
+${suppressaddsubscriber}    True
+${data_dir}    ../data
+# flag to choose the subscriber provisioning command type in ONOS
+# TT often provision a single services for a subscriber (eg: hsia, voip, ...) one after the other.
+# if set to True, command used is "volt-add-subscriber-unitag"
+# if set to False, comand used is "volt-add-subscriber-access"
+${unitag_sub}    False
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Power Off During MIB Downloading
+    [Documentation]    Validates the ONU Go adapter regarding robustness in case of ONU power-off during MIB downloading
+    [Tags]    functional    PowerOffWhileMibDownload
+    [Setup]    Run Keywords    Start Logging    PowerOffWhileMibDownload
+    ...    AND    Setup Test
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        #get olt serial number
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${I}][sn]
+        #validate olt states
+        ${olt_device_id}=    Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Enable Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    END
+    Current State Test All Onus    starting-openomci
+    Power Off ONU Device    ${namespace}
+    Current State Test All Onus    stopping-openomci
+    Power On ONU Device    ${namespace}
+    Run Keyword If    "${workflow}"=="DT"    Perform Sanity Test DT
+    ...    ELSE IF    "${workflow}"=="TT"    Perform Sanity Tests TT
+    ...    ELSE       Perform Sanity Test
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Printout ONU Serial Number and Device Id    print2console=${print2console}
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If  ${logging}    Collect Logs
+    ...    AND    Delete All Devices and Verify
+    ...    AND    Delete MIB Template Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    ...    AND    Stop Logging    PowerOffWhileMibDownload
+Verify Power Off During Flow Configuration
+    [Documentation]    Validates the ONU Go adapter regarding robustness in case of ONU power-off during flow configuration
+    ...                see VOL-4828
+    [Tags]    functional    PowerOffWhileFlowConfig
+    [Setup]    Run Keywords    Start Logging    PowerOffWhileFlowConfig
+    ...    AND    Setup Test
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        #get olt serial number
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${I}][sn]
+        #validate olt states
+        ${olt_device_id}=    Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Enable Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    END
+    ${state2test}=    Set Variable If
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="DT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="TT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="ATT"   omci-flows-pushed
+    ...    initial-mib-downloaded
+    Current State Test All Onus    ${state2test}
+    FOR    ${J}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${J}][sn]
+        ${of_id}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    15s    Validate OLT Device in ONOS
+        ...    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Do Onu Subscriber Add Per OLT    ${of_id}    ${olt_serial_number}   ${print2console}
+    END
+    Power Off ONU Device    ${namespace}
+    Current State Test All Onus    stopping-openomci
+    Power On ONU Device    ${namespace}
+    Run Keyword If    "${workflow}"=="DT"    Perform Sanity Test DT    ${suppressaddsubscriber}
+    ...    ELSE IF    "${workflow}"=="TT"    Perform Sanity Tests TT   ${suppressaddsubscriber}
+    ...    ELSE       Perform Sanity Test    ${suppressaddsubscriber}
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Printout ONU Serial Number and Device Id    print2console=${print2console}
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If  ${logging}    Collect Logs
+    ...    AND    Delete All Devices and Verify
+    ...    AND    Delete MIB Template Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    ...    AND    Stop Logging    PowerOffWhileFlowConfig
+Verify ONU capabilities against configuration requirements Priority Queues
+    [Documentation]    Validates the ONU capabilities against configuration requirements regarding number of priority queues.
+    ...                Require more priority queues than ONU capabilities. Check for correct reason/state of ONU and kafka
+    ...                message.
+    ...                see VOL-4827
+    [Tags]    functional    ONUCapabilitiesVsConfigReqPrioQueues
+    [Setup]   Run Keywords    Start Logging    ONUCapabilitiesVsConfigReqPrioQueues
+    ...    AND    Set Tech Profile   1T17GEM-error-case-priority-queues
+    ...    AND    Setup Test
+    kafka.Records Clear
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        #get olt serial number
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${I}][sn]
+        #validate olt states
+        ${olt_device_id}=    Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Enable Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    END
+    ${state2test}=    Set Variable If
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="DT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="TT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="ATT"   stopping-openomci
+    ...    initial-mib-downloaded
+    Current State Test All Onus    ${state2test}
+    FOR    ${J}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        #in case of ATT no flows have to configured. leave loop
+        Exit For Loop If    "${workflow}"=="ATT"
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${J}][sn]
+        ${of_id}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    15s    Validate OLT Device in ONOS
+        ...    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Do Onu Subscriber Add Per OLT   ${of_id}   ${olt_serial_number}  ${print2console}
+    END
+    ${alternativeonustates}=  Create List     omci-flows-deleted
+    Current State Test All Onus    stopping-openomci    alternativeonustate=${alternativeonustates}
+    ${list_onu_device_id}    Create List
+    Build ONU Device Id List    ${list_onu_device_id}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate Events All ONUs    ${list_onu_device_id}    ${event}
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Printout ONU Serial Number and Device Id    print2console=${print2console}
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If  ${logging}    Collect Logs
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Import Library    Dialogs
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Pause Execution    Press OK to continue with clean up!
+    ...    AND    Set Suite Variable    ${TechProfile}    ${EMPTY}
+    ...    AND    Remove Tech Profile    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    ...    AND    Delete All Devices and Verify
+    ...    AND    Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    ${kvstoreprefix}
+    ...    AND    Delete MIB Template Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    ...    AND    Stop Logging    ONUCapabilitiesVsConfigReqPrioQueues
+Verify ONU capabilities against configuration requirements TConts
+    [Documentation]    Validates the ONU capabilities against configuration requirements regarding number of tconts.
+    ...                Require more tconts than ONU capabilities. Check for correct reason/state of ONU and kafka message
+    ...                VOL-4826
+    ...                Hint: Run this test case using bbsim-kind-multi-uni-tt.yaml!
+    [Tags]    functionalMultiUni    ONUCapabilitiesVsConfigReqTConts
+    [Setup]   Run Keywords    Start Logging    ONUCapabilitiesVsConfigReqTConts
+    ...    AND    Set Tech Profile   1T1GEM-multi-instances     ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    64
+    ...    AND    Set Tech Profile   1T1GEM-multi-instances     ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    65
+    ...    AND    Set Tech Profile   1T1GEM-multi-instances     ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    66
+    ...    AND    Setup Test
+    kafka.Records Clear
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        #get olt serial number
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${I}][sn]
+        #validate olt states
+        ${olt_device_id}=    Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Enable Device    ${olt_device_id}
+    END
+    ${state2test}=    Set Variable If
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="DT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="TT"    initial-mib-downloaded
+    ...    "${workflow}"=="ATT"   omci-flows-pushed
+    ...    initial-mib-downloaded
+    Current State Test All Onus    ${state2test}
+    FOR    ${J}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${J}][sn]
+        ${of_id}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    15s    Validate OLT Device in ONOS
+        ...    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Do Onu Subscriber Add Per OLT    ${of_id}    ${olt_serial_number}   ${print2console}
+    END
+    ${alternativeonustates}=  Create List     omci-flows-deleted
+    Current State Test All Onus    stopping-openomci    alternativeonustate=${alternativeonustates}
+    ${list_onu_device_id}    Create List
+    Build ONU Device Id List    ${list_onu_device_id}
+    ${list_onu_device_id}    Create List
+    Build ONU Device Id List    ${list_onu_device_id}
+    ${event}=    Set Variable    ONU_CONFIG_FAILURE_MISSING_TCONT
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate Events All ONUs    ${list_onu_device_id}    ${event}
+    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Printout ONU Serial Number and Device Id    print2console=${print2console}
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If  ${logging}    Collect Logs
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Import Library    Dialogs
+    ...    AND    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Pause Execution    Press OK to continue with clean up!
+    ...    AND    Set Suite Variable    ${TechProfile}    ${EMPTY}
+    ...    AND    Remove Tech Profile    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    ...    AND    Remove Tech Profile    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    65
+    ...    AND    Remove Tech Profile    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    66
+    ...    AND    Delete All Devices and Verify
+    ...    AND    Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    ${kvstoreprefix}
+    ...    AND    Delete MIB Template Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    ...    AND    Stop Logging    ONUCapabilitiesVsConfigReqTConts
+*** Keywords ***
+Setup Suite
+    [Documentation]    Set up the test suite
+    Start Logging Setup or Teardown    Setup-${SUITE NAME}
+    Common Test Suite Setup
+    ${switch_type}=    Get Variable Value    ${web_power_switch.type}
+    Run Keyword If  "${switch_type}"!=""    Set Global Variable    ${powerswitch_type}    ${switch_type}
+    # set ${kafka} depending on environment in case of port-forward is needed
+    ${rc}    ${kafka}=    Run Keyword If    ${PORT_FORWARDING}    Run and Return Rc and Output
+    ...    kubectl get svc -n ${INFRA_NAMESPACE} | grep kafka-0-external | awk '{print $1}'
+    Run Keyword If    ${PORT_FORWARDING}    Should Not Be Empty    ${kafka}    Service kafka-0-external not found
+    # start port forwarding if needed (when voltha runs in k8s)
+    ${portFwdHandle} =    Run Keyword If    ${PORT_FORWARDING}    Start Process
+    ...    kubectl port-forward --address --namespace default svc/${kafka} ${KAFKA_PORT}:${KAFKA_SVC_PORT} &
+    ...    shell=true
+    Set Suite Variable   ${portFwdHandle}
+    Sleep    5s
+    # open connection to read kafka bus
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds     3x    5s
+    ...    kafka.Connection Open    ${KAFKA_IP}    ${KAFKA_PORT}    voltha.events    timestamp_from=0
+    # delete etcd MIB Template Data
+    Delete MIB Template Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    # delete etcd onu data
+    Delete ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data    namespace=${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    validate=True
+    Stop Logging Setup or Teardown    Setup-${SUITE NAME}
+Teardown Suite
+    [Documentation]    tear down the test suite
+    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Import Library    Dialogs
+    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Pause Execution    Press OK to continue with clean up!
+    Run Keyword If    ${pausebeforecleanup}    Log    Teardown will be continued...    console=yes
+    # close connection to kafka
+    kafka.Connection Close
+    # stop port forwarding if started
+    Run Keyword If    ${PORT_FORWARDING}    Terminate Process    ${portFwdHandle}    kill=true
+    # call common suite teardown
+    utils.Teardown Suite
+    # delete etcd MIB Template Data
+    Delete MIB Template Data    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}
+    # delete etcd onu data
+    Delete ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data    namespace=${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    validate=True
+    Close All ONOS SSH Connections
+Setup Test
+    [Documentation]    Pre-test Setup
+    #test for empty device list
+    Test Empty Device List
+    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s    Openolt is Up
+    ...    ${olt_ssh_ip}    ${olt_user}    ${olt_pass}
+    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Sleep    60s
+    Run Keyword If    "${firsttest}"=="False"    Sleep    35s
+    ${firsttest}    Set Variable    False
+    Set Suite Variable    ${firsttest}
+    # Create a list of olt ids (logical and device_id)
+    ${olt_ids}    Create List
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_olts}
+        #create/preprovision device
+        ${olt_device_id}=    Run Keyword If    "${list_olts}[${I}][type]" == "${None}"
+        ...    Create Device    ${list_olts}[${I}][ip]    ${list_olts}[${I}][oltport]
+        ...    ELSE    Create Device    ${list_olts}[${I}][ip]    ${list_olts}[${I}][oltport]    ${list_olts}[${I}][type]
+        ${olt_serial_number}=    Set Variable    ${list_olts}[${I}][sn]
+        #validate olt states
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s
+        ...    Validate OLT Device    PREPROVISIONED    UNKNOWN    UNKNOWN    ${olt_device_id}    by_dev_id=True
+        Sleep    5s
+        ${logical_id}=    Get Logical Device ID From SN    ${olt_serial_number}
+        ${olt}    Create Dictionary    device_id    ${olt_device_id}    logical_id    ${logical_id}
+        ...    of_id    ${of_id}    sn    ${olt_serial_number}
+        Append To List    ${olt_ids}    ${olt}
+    END
+    Set Global Variable    ${olt_ids}
diff --git a/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUMibAudit.robot b/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUMibAudit.robot
index b9d7186..8c0cbd8 100755
--- a/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUMibAudit.robot
+++ b/tests/openonu-go-adapter/Voltha_ONUMibAudit.robot
@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@
         ${list_onu_device_id}    Create List
         Build ONU Device Id List    ${list_onu_device_id}
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Check for device events that indicate a failed MDS check.    console=yes
-        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${interval}    5s    Validate MIB Audits All ONUs    ${list_onu_device_id}
+        ${event}=    Set Variable    ONU_MIB_AUDIT_FAILURE_MDS
+        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${interval}    5s    Validate Events All ONUs    ${list_onu_device_id}    ${event}
         kafka.Records Clear
         Run Keyword If    ${print2console}    Log    Sanity Test after MIB Audit.    console=yes
         Run Keyword If    "${workflow}"=="DT"    Perform Sanity Test DT     ${suppressaddsubscriber}
@@ -183,23 +184,6 @@
     Run Keyword If    ${preload_tech_profile}    Remove Tech Profile    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    65
     Run Keyword If    ${preload_tech_profile}    Remove Tech Profile    ${INFRA_NAMESPACE}    66
-Validate MIB Audits All ONUs
-    [Documentation]    Validates MIB Audit Events per ONU
-    [Arguments]    ${list_onu_device_id}
-    ${Kafka_Records}=    kafka.Records Get    voltha.events
-    ${RecordsLength}=    Get Length    ${Kafka_Records}
-    FOR    ${Index}    IN RANGE    0    ${RecordsLength}
-        ${metric}=    Set Variable    ${Kafka_Records[${Index}]}
-        ${message}=   Get From Dictionary  ${metric}  message
-        ${event}=     volthatools.Events Decode Event   ${message}    return_default=true
-        Continue For Loop If    not 'device_event' in ${event}
-        ${event_name}=    Get From Dictionary  ${event['device_event']}    device_event_name
-        Continue For Loop If    "${event_name}" != "ONU_MIB_AUDIT_FAILURE_MDS"
-        ${resource_id}=    Get From Dictionary  ${event['device_event']}    resource_id
-        Remove Values From List    ${list_onu_device_id}    ${resource_id}
-    END
-    Should Be Empty    ${list_onu_device_id}    Missing MIB Audits for ONUs ${list_onu_device_id}!
 Calculate Interval
     [Documentation]    Converts the passed value in seconds, adds percentage and return it w/o unit
     ...                Conversion to string is needed to remove float format!