updates to the build job

Change-Id: I6d2fa7fcd8fd5313494320861282a8e42abf6cce
1 file changed
tree: c07c0f0fec5efb2f9e2c45bca90029dce025583d
  1. .gitreview
  2. Jenkinsfile-voltha-build
  3. Jenkinsfile-voltha-test
  4. Makefile
  5. README.md
  7. libraries/
  8. setup_venv.sh
  9. tests/
  10. variables/


Automated test-suites to validate the stability/functionality of VOLTHA. Tests that reside in here should be written in Robot Framework and Python.

Intended use includes:

  • Sanity testing
  • Regression testing
  • Acceptance testing
  • Functional testing
  • Scale Testing using BBSIM
  • Failure/Scenario testing


  • Python Virtual-Env
  • voltctl - a command line tool to access VOLTHA. Reference - voltctl
  • kubectl - a command line tool to access your Kubernetes Clusers. Reference - kubectl
    • voltctl and kubectl should be configured to your system under test prior to any test executions

Directory Structures are as followed:

├── tests
  └── sanity/           // basic tests that should always pass. Will be used as gating-patchsets
  └── functional/       // feature/functionality tests that should be implemented as new features get developed
└── libraries           // shared test keywords (functions) across various test suites
└── variables           // shared variables across various test suites

Getting Started

  1. Download voltha-system-tests

    • git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-system-tests
  2. Create test virtual-environment

    • cd voltha-system-tests/
    • source setup_venv.sh
  3. Running Test-Suites

    • Navigate to desired test suite location
    • robot --exclude notready sanity.robot

This test execution will generate three report files (output.xml, report.html, log.html). View the report.html page to analyze the results.


  • Containerizing test environment so these tests can be run independent of the system