Netopeer NETCONF server integration


- Removed local copy of golang package. Added instructions to download it.
- Removed cached files which are created when transapi is built.
- Added netopeer as a build-able Makefile component.
  Updated documentation.

Change-Id: I532e813b81a0531648c5a6bcb048208700cf57a4
diff --git a/netopeer/voltha-netconf-model/netconf-model.go b/netopeer/voltha-netconf-model/netconf-model.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95032c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netopeer/voltha-netconf-model/netconf-model.go
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+//package netconf-model
+package main
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <voltha-defs.h>
+import "C"
+import (
+	"log"
+	"encoding/xml"
+	"unsafe"
+func init() {
+// ----------------------------------------------
+// Data structures
+// ----------------------------------------------
+type Adapter struct {
+type Adapters struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"adapters"`
+	Items   []Adapter
+type LogicalDevice struct {
+type LogicalDevices struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"logical_devices"`
+	Items   []LogicalDevice
+type DeviceGroup struct {
+type DeviceGroups struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"device_groups"`
+	Items   []Device
+type DeviceType struct {
+type DeviceTypes struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"device_types"`
+	Items   []DeviceType
+type AlarmFilter struct {
+type AlarmFilters struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"alarm_filters"`
+	Items   []AlarmFilter
+type Custom struct {
+type ProxyAddress struct {
+type Port struct {
+type Ports struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ports"`
+	Items   []Port
+type Flow struct {
+type Flows struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"flows"`
+	Items   []Flow
+type FlowGroup struct {
+type FlowGroups struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"flow_groups"`
+	Items   []FlowGroup
+type PmConfig struct {
+type PmConfigs struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"pm_configs"`
+	Items   []PmConfig
+type Address struct {
+	MacAddress  string `xml:"mac_address,omitempty"`
+	Ipv4Address string `xml:"ipv4_address,omitempty"`
+	Ipv6Address string `xml:"ipv6_address,omitempty"`
+	HostAndPort string `xml:"host_and_port,omitempty"`
+type Device struct {
+	XMLName         xml.Name `xml:"device"`
+	Id              string `xml:"id"`
+	Type            string `xml:"type"`
+	Root            int `xml:"root"`
+	ParentId        string `xml:"parent_id"`
+	ParentPortNo    int `xml:"parent_port_no"`
+	Vendor          string `xml:"vendor"`
+	Model           string `xml:"model"`
+	HardwareVersion string `xml:"hardware_version"`
+	FirmwareVersion string `xml:"firmware_version"`
+	SoftwareVersion string `xml:"software_version"`
+	Adapter         string `xml:"adapter"`
+	Vlan            int `xml:"vlan"`
+	ProxyAddress    ProxyAddress `xml:"proxy_address"`
+	AdminState      string `xml:"admin_state"`
+	OperStatus      string `xml:"oper_status"`
+	Reason          string `xml:"reason"`
+	ConnectStatus   string `xml:"connect_status"`
+	Custom          Custom `xml:"custom"`
+	Ports           Ports `xml:"ports"`
+	Flows           Flows `xml:"flows"`
+	FlowGroups      FlowGroups `xml:"flow_groups"`
+	PmConfigs       PmConfigs `xml:"pm_configs"`
+	Address
+type Devices struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"devices"`
+	Items   []Device
+type HealthStatus struct {
+	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"health"`
+	State   string `xml:"state"`
+type Voltha struct {
+	XMLName        xml.Name `xml:"voltha"`
+	Version        string `xml:"version"`
+	LogLevel       string `xml:"log_level"`
+	Instances      VolthaInstances `xml:"instances"`
+	Adapters       Adapters `xml:"adapters"`
+	LogicalDevices LogicalDevices `xml:"logical_devices"`
+	Devices        Devices `xml:"devices"`
+	DeviceGroups   DeviceGroups `xml:"device_groups"`
+type VolthaInstance struct {
+	XMLName        xml.Name `xml:"voltha_instance"`
+	InstanceId     string `xml:"instance_id"`
+	Version        string `xml:"version"`
+	LogLevel       string `xml:"log_level"`
+	HealthStatus   string `xml:"health"`
+	Adapters       Adapters `xml:"adapters"`
+	LogicalDevices LogicalDevices `xml:"logical_devices"`
+	Devices        Devices `xml:"devices"`
+	DeviceTypes    DeviceTypes `xml:"device_types"`
+	DeviceGroups   DeviceGroups `xml:"device_groups"`
+	AlarmFilters   AlarmFilters `xml:"alarm_filters"`
+type VolthaInstances struct {
+	Items []VolthaInstance `xml:"items"`
+// ----------------------------------------------
+// Conversion utility methods
+// ----------------------------------------------
+func _constructVolthaInstances(instances C.VolthaInstanceArray) VolthaInstances {
+	var v VolthaInstances
+	var item VolthaInstance
+	var c_instance C.VolthaInstance
+	length := instances.size
+	c_instances := (*[1 << 30]C.VolthaInstance)(unsafe.Pointer(instances.items))[:length:length]
+	for i := 0; i < int(instances.size); i += 1 {
+		c_instance = c_instances[i]
+		item.InstanceId = C.GoString(c_instance.InstanceId)
+		item.Version = C.GoString(c_instance.Version)
+		item.LogLevel = C.GoString(c_instance.LogLevel)
+		//item.HealthStatus = C.GoString(c_instance.Health)
+		item.Adapters = _constructAdapters(c_instance.Adapters)
+		item.LogicalDevices = _constructLogicalDevices(c_instance.LogicalDevices)
+		item.Devices = _constructDevices(c_instance.Devices)
+		item.DeviceTypes = _constructDeviceTypes(c_instance.DeviceTypes)
+		item.DeviceGroups = _constructDeviceGroups(c_instance.DeviceGroups)
+		item.AlarmFilters = _constructAlarmFilters(c_instance.AlarmFilters)
+		v.Items = append(v.Items, item)
+	}
+	return v
+func _constructAdapters(instances C.AdapterArray) Adapters {
+	return Adapters{}
+func _constructLogicalDevices(instances C.LogicalDeviceArray) LogicalDevices {
+	return LogicalDevices{}
+func _constructDevices(instances C.DeviceArray) Devices {
+	var d Devices
+	var item Device
+	var c_instance C.Device
+	length := instances.size
+	log.Printf("number of instances : %d", length)
+	c_instances := (*[1 << 30]C.Device)(unsafe.Pointer(instances.items))[:length:length]
+	for i := 0; i < int(instances.size); i += 1 {
+		c_instance = c_instances[i]
+		item = _constructDevice(c_instance)
+		d.Items = append(d.Items, item)
+	}
+	return d
+func _constructDeviceGroups(instances C.DeviceGroupArray) DeviceGroups {
+	return DeviceGroups{}
+func _constructDeviceTypes(instances C.DeviceTypeArray) DeviceTypes {
+	return DeviceTypes{}
+func _constructAlarmFilters(instances C.AlarmFilterArray) AlarmFilters {
+	return AlarmFilters{}
+func _constructVoltha(voltha C.Voltha) Voltha {
+	return Voltha{
+		Version:        C.GoString(voltha.Version),
+		LogLevel:       C.GoString(voltha.LogLevel),
+		Instances:      _constructVolthaInstances(voltha.Instances),
+		Adapters:       _constructAdapters(voltha.Adapters),
+		LogicalDevices: _constructLogicalDevices(voltha.LogicalDevices),
+		Devices:        _constructDevices(voltha.Devices),
+		DeviceGroups:   _constructDeviceGroups(voltha.DeviceGroups),
+	}
+func _constructProxyAddress(proxyAddress *C.Device_ProxyAddress) ProxyAddress {
+	return ProxyAddress{}
+func _constructPorts(ports C.PortArray) Ports {
+	return Ports{}
+func _constructFlows(flows *C.Flows) Flows {
+	return Flows{}
+func _constructFlowGroups(flowGroups *C.FlowGroups) FlowGroups {
+	return FlowGroups{}
+func _constructPmConfigs(pmConfigs *C.PmConfigs) PmConfigs {
+	return PmConfigs{}
+func _constructAddress(address C.isDevice_Address) Address {
+	var a Address
+	switch address.Type {
+	case C.MAC:
+		a.MacAddress = C.GoString(address.Value)
+	case C.IPV4:
+		a.Ipv4Address = C.GoString(address.Value)
+	case C.IPV6:
+		a.Ipv6Address = C.GoString(address.Value)
+		a.HostAndPort = C.GoString(address.Value)
+	}
+	return a
+func _constructDevice(device C.Device) Device {
+	d := Device{
+		Id:              C.GoString(device.Id),
+		Type:            C.GoString(device.Type),
+		Root:            int(device.Root),
+		ParentId:        C.GoString(device.ParentId),
+		ParentPortNo:    int(device.ParentPortNo),
+		Vendor:          C.GoString(device.Vendor),
+		Model:           C.GoString(device.Model),
+		HardwareVersion: C.GoString(device.HardwareVersion),
+		FirmwareVersion: C.GoString(device.FirmwareVersion),
+		SoftwareVersion: C.GoString(device.SoftwareVersion),
+		Adapter:         C.GoString(device.Adapter),
+		Vlan:            int(device.Vlan),
+		ProxyAddress:    _constructProxyAddress(device.ProxyAddress),
+		AdminState:      C.GoString(device.AdminState),
+		OperStatus:      C.GoString(device.OperStatus),
+		Reason:          C.GoString(device.Reason),
+		ConnectStatus:   C.GoString(device.ConnectStatus),
+		Ports:           _constructPorts(device.Ports),
+		Flows:           _constructFlows(device.Flows),
+		FlowGroups:      _constructFlowGroups(device.FlowGroups),
+		PmConfigs:       _constructPmConfigs(device.PmConfigs),
+		Address:         _constructAddress(device.Address),
+	}
+	return d
+func _constructHealthStatus(health C.HealthStatus) HealthStatus {
+	return HealthStatus{
+		State: C.GoString(health.State),
+	}
+// ----------------------------------------------
+// Exported translation methods
+// ----------------------------------------------
+//export TranslateVoltha
+func TranslateVoltha(voltha C.Voltha) *C.char {
+	var err error
+	var data []byte
+	var cs *C.char;
+	defer
+	v := _constructVoltha(voltha)
+	if data, err = xml.Marshal(v); err != nil {
+		log.Printf("ERROR While marshalling: %s", err.Error())
+	}
+	cs = C.CString(string(data))
+	return cs
+//export TranslateDevice
+func TranslateDevice(device C.Device) *C.char {
+	var err error
+	var data []byte
+	var cs *C.char;
+	defer
+	d := _constructDevice(device)
+	if data, err = xml.Marshal(d); err != nil {
+		log.Printf("ERROR While marshalling: %s", err.Error())
+	}
+	cs = C.CString(string(data))
+	return cs
+//export TranslateDevices
+func TranslateDevices(devices C.DeviceArray) *C.char {
+	var err error
+	var data []byte
+	var cs *C.char;
+	defer
+	d := _constructDevices(devices)
+	if data, err = xml.Marshal(d); err != nil {
+		log.Printf("ERROR While marshalling: %s", err.Error())
+	}
+	cs = C.CString(string(data))
+	return cs
+//export TranslateHealthStatus
+func TranslateHealthStatus(health C.HealthStatus) *C.char {
+	var err error
+	var data []byte
+	var cs *C.char;
+	defer
+	d := _constructHealthStatus(health)
+	if data, err = xml.Marshal(d); err != nil {
+		log.Printf("ERROR While marshalling: %s", err.Error())
+	}
+	cs = C.CString(string(data))
+	return cs
+func main() {
+	// We need the main function to make possible
+	// CGO compiler to compile the package as C shared library