tree: b5afeac9286b26769060a9da5a50a15445f96ea8 [path history] [tgz]
  2. common/
  3. core/
  4. grpc/
  5. ponsim.go
  6. protos/
  7. scripts/

1. Overview

The PON simulator was re-written for the purpose of easily integrating it in a cluster environment.

It supports the following deployment configurations:

  • In a Kubernetes cluster
  • In standalone command line mode (not containerized).

Please note: Swarm mode is NOT supported by this simulator.

Here are some differences with the legacy PONSIM implementation:

  • The OLT and ONU instances are deployed as independent entities.
  • Both OLT and ONU are scalable containers.
  • OLT-ONU and VOLTHA-OLT communication is done via GRPC

2. PON Simulator Usage

Usage of ./ponsim:
  -alarm_freq int
    	Frequency of simulated alarms (in seconds) (default 60)
    	Enable generation of simulated alarms
  -api_type string
    	Type of API used to communicate with devices (PONSIM or BAL) (default "PONSIM")
  -device_type string
    	Type of device to simulate (OLT or ONU) (default "OLT")
  -external_if string
    	External Communication Interface for read/write network traffic (default "eth1")
  -fluentd string
    	Fluentd host address
  -grpc_addr string
    	Address used to establish GRPC server connection
  -grpc_port int
    	Port used to establish GRPC server connection (default 50060)
  -internal_if string
    	Internal Communication Interface for read/write network traffic (default "eth0")
  -name string
    	Name of the PON device (default "PON")
    	Omit startup banner log lines
  -onus int
    	Number of ONUs to simulate (default 1)
  -parent_addr string
    	Address of OLT to connect to (default "olt")
  -parent_port int
    	Port of OLT to connect to (default 50060)
    	Enable promiscuous mode on network interfaces
    	Suppress debug and info logs
  -vcore_endpoint string
    	Voltha core endpoint address (default "vcore")
    	Enable verbose logging

3. Directory structure

./common - Contains utilities used within the project
./core - Contains the main component for handling the OLT/ONU services
./grpc - Contains the GRPC server implementation along with the necessary NBI and SBI handlers
./protos - Contains protobuf files specific to the PON simulator 
./scripts - Miscellaneous scripts required by the PON simulator

4. Requirements

Golang Installation

If you plan on running the simulator locally, i.e. not in a container, you will need to first install setup Golang on your system. Install using existing packages for your operating system or issue the following commands (Linux).

cd /tmp
tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go1.9.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -f /tmp/go1.9.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir ~/go

Edit your profile (e.g. .bashrc) and add the following configuration

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=~/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

5. Build the PON simulator

Container Mode

The PON simulator container can be built by issuing the following command.

make ponsim

Standalone Mode

To run the PON simulator in standalone mode, you need to do some manual setups.


The required protobuf files are built as part of the docker build process. If you intend to run the simulator in a non-containerized way, you will need to build the protobuf files manually.

mkdir -p ponsim/v2/protos
cp voltha/protos/*.proto ponsim/v2/protos
cp voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/*.proto ponsim/v2/protos
cp ponsim/v2/misc/protos/*.proto ponsim/v2/protos

sh ponsim/v2/misc/scripts/ ponsim/v2/protos

PON simulator executable (optional)

You can optionally build the PON simulator and make it available through your GOPATH.

go get -u

go build -o $GOPATH/bin/ponsim $GOPATH/src/

6. Run in standalone mode (no container)

Create the necessary docker networks

docker network create -o ""="ponsim_wan" \
    --subnet= ponsim_wan
docker network create -o ""="ponsim_internal" \
    --subnet= ponsim_internal

Allow multicast traffic to flow through the ponsim_wan network

echo 8 > /sys/class/net/ponsim_wan/bridge/group_fwd_mask


Edit compose/docker-compose-system-test.yml to specify the communication type to use between the PON simulator and the voltha service.



docker-compose -f compose/docker-compose-system-test.yml up -d
docker-compose -f compose/docker-compose-auth-test.yml -p auth up -d


ponsim -device_type OLT \
    -internal_if <network to voltha> \
    -external_if <internal network> \
    -vcore_endpoint <ip of vcore instance> \
    -onus 10


# Run as root
sudo su

ponsim -device_type OLT \
    -internal_if ponmgmt \
    -external_if ponsim_internal \
    -vcore_endpoint \
    -onus 10


ponsim -device_type ONU \
    -external_if <network to world> \
    -internal_if <internal network> \
    -grpc_port 50061 \
    -parent_addr localhost


# Run as root
sudo su

ponsim -device_type ONU \
    -external_if ponsim_wan \
    -internal_if ponsim_internal \
    -grpc_port 50061 \
    -parent_addr localhost

Create PONSIM adapter

Log into the VOLTHA CLI and provision an OLT instance.

ssh -p 5022 voltha@localhost

preprovision_olt -t ponsim_olt -H


Run the RG tester

docker run --net=ponsim_wan --rm --name RG -it cord/tester bash

Execute the EAPOL authentication

/sbin/wpa_supplicant -Dwired -ieth0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

7. Run in a Kubernetes cluster

Note: The following instructions are just a reference and may be incomplete.

Install networking components

Support multiple network interfaces

Install the CNI Genie package which is required to support multiple network interfaces in a container.

kubectl apply -f

Configure network bridge for PON simulator

Configure PON management network template (on each host).

# Run as root
sudo su

cat <<EOF >> /etc/cni/net.d/20-pon0.conf
    "name": "pon0",
    "type": "bridge",
    "bridge": "pon0",
    "isGateway": true,
    "ipMask": true,
    "ipam": {
      "type": "host-local",
      "subnet": "",
      "routes": [
        { "dst": "" }

Start Voltha Components

cd k8s

kubectl apply -f namespace.yml
kubectl apply -f consul.yml
kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yml
kubectl apply -f kafka.yml
kubectl apply -f envoy_for_consul.yml
kubectl apply -f vcore_for_consul.yml
kubectl apply -f ofagent.yml
kubectl apply -f vcli.yml
kubectl apply -f onos.yml
kubectl apply -f freeradius-config.yml
kubectl apply -f freeradius.yml


From the main directory, execute the following command:

cd k8s

kubectl apply -f olt.yml

# The ONU configuration will setup a bridge on the host to ensure communication with the RG
kubectl apply -f onu.yml

# Setup bridge to allow multicast traffic (must be done on each host running an ONU)
echo 8 > /sys/class/net/pon0/bridge/group_fwd_mask

Create PONSIM adapter

ssh -p 5022 voltha@<ip of cli>

preprovision_olt -t ponsim_olt -H olt:50060

Start RG

kubectl apply -f rg.yml

# Enter the RG container
kubectl -n voltha exec <rg container id> -ti bash

# Execute some test (e.g. EAPOL authentication)
wpa_supplicant -i eth0 -Dwired -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf