GRPC introspection experiment
diff --git a/voltha/northbound/grpc/ b/voltha/northbound/grpc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0641f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/northbound/grpc/
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Load a protobuf description file an make sense of it"""
+# This is very experimental
+import os
+import inspect
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from enum import Enum
+from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor
+from simplejson import dumps
+from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2
+# TODO this hack needs to go
+# don't worry if the below too line is flagged by your IDE as unused and
+# unresolvable; they are fine
+import voltha.northbound.grpc.pb2_loader
+from google.api import http_pb2
+class Type(Enum):
+    # 0 is reserved for errors.
+    # Order is weird for historical reasons.
+    TYPE_DOUBLE = 1
+    TYPE_FLOAT = 2
+    # Not ZigZag encoded.  Negative numbers take 10 bytes.  Use TYPE_SINT64 if
+    # negative values are likely.
+    TYPE_INT64 = 3
+    TYPE_UINT64 = 4
+    # Not ZigZag encoded.  Negative numbers take 10 bytes.  Use TYPE_SINT32 if
+    # negative values are likely.
+    TYPE_INT32 = 5
+    TYPE_FIXED64= 6
+    TYPE_FIXED32 = 7
+    TYPE_BOOL = 8
+    TYPE_STRING = 9
+    TYPE_GROUP = 10  # Tag-delimited aggregate.
+    TYPE_MESSAGE = 11  # Length-delimited aggregate.
+    # New in version 2.
+    TYPE_BYTES = 12
+    TYPE_UINT32 = 13
+    TYPE_ENUM = 14
+    TYPE_SFIXED32 = 15
+    TYPE_SFIXED64 = 16
+    TYPE_SINT32 = 17  # Uses ZigZag encoding.
+    TYPE_SINT64 = 18  # Uses ZigZag encoding.
+class Label(Enum):
+class OptimizeMode(Enum):
+    SPEED = 1
+    CODE_SIZE = 2
+class DescriptorParser(object):
+    def __init__(self, ignore_empty_source_code_info=True):
+        self.ignore_empty_source_code_info = ignore_empty_source_code_info
+        self.catalog = {}
+    def get_catalog(self):
+        return self.catalog
+    def load_descriptor(self, descriptor_blob):
+        # decode desciription
+        file_descriptor_set = descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorSet()
+        file_descriptor_set.ParseFromString(descriptor_blob)
+        # walk the proto files and parse them and add to catalog (by .name)
+        for file_descriptor_proto in file_descriptor_set.file:
+            d = self.parse_file_descriptor_proto(file_descriptor_proto)
+            self.catalog[d['name']] = d
+    def parse_descriptor_proto(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.DescriptorProto)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['name'] =
+        d['field'] = [
+            self.parse_field_description_proto(x) for x in o.field]
+        d['extension'] = [
+            self.parse_field_description_proto(x) for x in o.extension]
+        d['nested_type'] = [
+            self.parse_descriptor_proto(x) for x in o.nested_type]
+        d['enum_type'] = [
+            self.parse_enum_description_proto(x) for x in o.enum_type]
+        d['extension_range'] = [
+            self.parse_extension_range(x) for x in o.extension_range]
+        d['oneof_decl'] = [
+            self.parse_oneof_description_proto(x) for x in o.oneof_decl]
+        if hasattr(o, 'options'):
+            d['options'] = self.parse_message_options(o.options)
+        d['reserved_range'] = [
+            self.parse_reserved_range(x) for x in o.reserved_range]
+        d['reserved_name'] = [x for x in o.reserved_name]
+        return d
+    def parse_enum_description_proto(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.EnumDescriptorProto)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if hasattr(o, 'name'):
+            d['name'] =
+        d['value'] = [self.parse_enum_value_descriptor_proto(x) for x in
+                      o.value]
+        if hasattr(o, 'options'):
+            d['options'] = self.parse_enum_options(o.options)
+        return d
+    def parse_enum_options(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.EnumOptions)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if hasattr(o, 'allow_alias'):
+            d['allow_alias'] = o.allow_alias
+        d['deprecated'] = getattr(o, 'deprecated', False)
+        d['uninterpreted_option'] = [self.parse_uninterpreted_option(x) for x
+                                     in o.uninterpreted_option]
+        return d
+    def parse_enum_value_descriptor_proto(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.EnumValueDescriptorProto)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if hasattr(o, 'name'):
+            d['name'] =
+        if hasattr(o, 'number'):
+            d['number'] = o.number
+        if hasattr(o, 'options'):
+            d['options'] = self.parse_enum_value_options(o.options)
+        return d
+    def parse_enum_value_options(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.EnumValueOptions)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['deprecated'] = getattr(o, 'deprecated', False)
+        d['uninterpreted_option'] = [self.parse_uninterpreted_option(x) for x
+                                     in o.uninterpreted_option]
+        return d
+    def parse_extension(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto)
+        print [f for f in dir(o) if f[0].lower() == f[0] and f[0] != '_']
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def parse_extension_range(self, o):
+        print type(o)
+        print [f for f in dir(o) if f[0].lower() == f[0] and f[0] != '_']
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def parse_field_description_proto(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if hasattr(o, 'name'):
+            d['name'] =
+        if hasattr(o, 'number'):
+            d['number'] = o.number
+        if hasattr(o, 'label'):
+            d['label'] = self.parse_label(o.label)
+        if hasattr(o, 'type'):
+            d['type'] = self.parse_type(o.type)
+        if hasattr(o, 'type_name'):
+            d['type_name'] = o.type_name
+        if hasattr(o, 'extendee'):
+            d['extendee'] = o.extendee
+        if hasattr(o, 'default_value'):
+            d['default_value'] = o.default_value
+        if hasattr(o, 'oneof_index'):
+            d['oneof_index'] = o.oneof_index
+        if hasattr(o, 'json_name'):
+            d['json_name'] = o.json_name
+        if hasattr(o, 'field_options'):
+            d['field_options'] = self.parse_field_options(o.field_options)
+        return d
+    def parse_field_options(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.FieldOptions)
+        print [f for f in dir(o) if f[0].lower() == f[0] and f[0] != '_']
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def parse_file_descriptor_proto(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['name'] =
+        d['package'] = o.package
+        d['dependency'] =[x for x in o.dependency]
+        d['public_dependency'] = [x for x in o.public_dependency]
+        d['weakdependency'] = [x for x in o.weak_dependency]
+        d['message_type'] = [
+            self.parse_descriptor_proto(x) for x in o.message_type]
+        d['enum_type'] = [
+            self.parse_enum_description_proto(x) for x in o.enum_type]
+        d['service'] = [
+            self.parse_service(x) for x in o.service]
+        d['extension'] = [
+            self.parse_extension(x) for x in o.extension]
+        if hasattr(o, 'options'):
+            d['options'] = self.parse_options(o.options)
+        if hasattr(o, 'source_code_info'):
+            d['source_code_info'] = self.parse_source_code_info(
+                o.source_code_info)
+        if hasattr(o, 'syntax'):
+            d['syntax'] = o.syntax
+        return d
+    def parse_label(self, o):
+        isinstance(o, int)
+        return Label(o).name
+    def parse_location(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.SourceCodeInfo.Location)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['path'] = [x for x in o.path]
+        d['span'] = [x for x in o.span]
+        if hasattr(o, 'leading_comments'):
+            d['leading_comments'] = o.leading_comments
+        if hasattr(o, 'trailing_comments'):
+            d['trailing_comments'] = o.trailing_comments
+        d['leading_detached_comments'] = [
+            x for x in o.leading_detached_comments]
+        return d
+    def parse_message_options(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.MessageOptions)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['message_set_wire_format'] = getattr(
+            o, 'message_set_wire_format', False)
+        d['no_standard_descriptor_accessor'] = getattr(
+            o, 'no_standard_descriptor_accessor', False)
+        d['deprecated'] = getattr(o, 'deprecated', False)
+        if hasattr(o, 'map_entry'):
+            d['map_entry'] = o.map_entry
+        d['uninterpreted_option'] = [
+            self.parse_uninterpreted_option(x) for x in
+            o.uninterpreted_option]
+        return d
+    def parse_method_descriptor_proto(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.MethodDescriptorProto)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if hasattr(o, 'name'):
+            d['name'] =
+        if hasattr(o, 'input_type'):
+            d['input_type'] = o.input_type
+        if hasattr(o, 'output_type'):
+            d['output_type'] = o.output_type
+        if hasattr(o, 'options'):
+            d['options'] = self.parse_method_options(o.options)
+        d['client_streaming'] = getattr(o, 'client_streamin', False)
+        d['server_streaming'] = getattr(o, 'server_streamin', False)
+        return d
+    def parse_method_options(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.MethodOptions)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['deprecated'] = getattr(o, 'deprecated', False)
+        d['uninterpreted_option'] = [self.parse_uninterpreted_option(x) for x
+                                     in o.uninterpreted_option]
+        extensions = dict(
+            (k.full_name, self.parse_method_extension(k.full_name, v))
+             for k, v
+             in o.Extensions._extended_message._fields.items()
+            if k.full_name !=
+            'google.protobuf.MethodOptions.uninterpreted_option' )
+        if extensions:
+            d['extensions'] = extensions
+        return d
+    def parse_method_extension(self, full_name, o):
+        if full_name == 'google.api.http':
+            d = self.parse_http_rule(o)
+        else:
+            pass  # ignore unrecognized extensions
+        return d
+    def parse_http_rule(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, http_pb2.HttpRule)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if o.get:
+            method, path = 'get', o.get
+        elif o.put:
+            method, path = 'put', o.put
+        elif
+            method, path = 'post',
+        elif o.delete:
+            method, path = 'delete', o.delete
+        elif o.patch:
+            method, path = 'patch', o.patch
+        else:
+            custom = self.parse_custom_http_pattern(o.custom)
+            method, path = custom['kind'], custom['path']
+        d['method'] = method
+        d['path'] = path
+        d['body'] = o.body
+        return d
+    def parse_custom_http_pattern(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, http_pb2.CustomHttpPattern)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['kind'] = o.kind
+        d['path'] = o.path
+        return d
+    def parse_oneof_description_proto(self, o):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def parse_optimize_mode(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, int)
+        return OptimizeMode(o).name
+    def parse_options(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.FileOptions)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if hasattr(o, 'java_package'):
+            d['java+package'] = o.java_package
+        if hasattr(o, 'java_outer_classname'):
+            d['java_outer_classname'] = o.java_outer_classname
+        d['java_multiple_files'] = getattr(o, 'java_multiple_files', False)
+        d['java_generate_equals_and_hash'] = getattr(
+            o, 'java_generate_equals_and_hash', False)
+        d['java_string_check_utf8'] = getattr(
+            o, 'java_string_check_utf8', False)
+        d['optimize_for'] = self.parse_optimize_mode(
+            getattr(o, 'optimize_for', OptimizeMode.SPEED))
+        if hasattr(o, 'go_package'):
+            d['go_package'] = o.go_package
+        d['cc_generic_services'] = getattr(o, 'cc_generic_services', False)
+        d['java_generic_services'] = getattr(o, 'java_generic_services', False)
+        d['py_generic_services'] = getattr(o, 'py_generic_services', False)
+        d['deprecated'] = getattr(o, 'deprecated', False)
+        d['cc_enable_arenas'] = getattr(o, 'cc_enable_arenas', False)
+        if hasattr(o, 'objc_class_prefix'):
+            d['objc_class_prefix'] = o.objc_class_prefix
+        if hasattr(o, 'csharp_namespace'):
+            d['csharp_namespace'] = o.csharp_namespace
+        d['uninterpreted_option'] = [self.parse_uninterpreted_option(x) for x
+                                     in o.uninterpreted_option]
+        return d
+    def parse_reserved_range(self, o):
+        print type(o)
+        print [f for f in dir(o) if f[0].lower() == f[0] and f[0] != '_']
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def parse_service(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.ServiceDescriptorProto)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        if hasattr(o, 'name'):
+            d['name'] =
+        d['method'] = [self.parse_method_descriptor_proto(x) for x in
+                       o.method]
+        if hasattr(o, 'options'):
+            d['options'] = self.parse_service_options(o.options)
+        return d
+    def parse_service_options(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.ServiceOptions)
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        d['deprecated'] = getattr(o, 'deprecated', False)
+        d['uninterpreted_option'] = [self.parse_uninterpreted_option(x) for x
+                                     in o.uninterpreted_option]
+        return d
+    def parse_source_code_info(self, o):
+        assert isinstance(o, descriptor_pb2.SourceCodeInfo)
+        def is_location_empty(l):
+            return not (
+                l['leading_comments'] or
+                l['trailing_comments'] or
+                l['leading_detached_comments'])
+        d = OrderedDict()
+        locations = (self.parse_location(x) for x in o.location)
+        if self.ignore_empty_source_code_info:
+            locations = [l for l in locations if not is_location_empty(l)]
+        d['location'] = locations
+        return d
+    def parse_type(self, o):
+        isinstance(o, int)
+        return Type(o).name
+    def parse_uninterpreted_option(self, o):
+        print (type(o))
+        print [f for f in dir(o) if f[0].lower() == f[0] and f[0] != '_']
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def fold_all_comments(self):
+        """ For each catalog entry, update appropriate nodes (dicts) with a
+            '_description' node with any comments found in
+            the source_code_info. Also, drop
+        """
+        for descriptor in self.catalog.values():
+            self.fold_comments_in(descriptor)
+    def fold_comments_in(self, descriptor):
+        assert isinstance(descriptor, dict)
+        locations = descriptor.get('source_code_info', {}).get('location', [])
+        for location in locations:
+            path = location['path']
+            comments = ''.join([
+                location['leading_comments'].strip(' '),
+                location['trailing_comments'].strip(' '),
+                ''.join(block.strip(' ') for block
+                          in location['leading_detached_comments'])
+            ]).strip()
+            print path, '->', comments
+            root_path_map = {
+                4: (self.find_in_message_type, 'message_type'),
+                6: (self.find_in_service, 'service')
+            }
+            index = path.pop(0)
+            finder, key = root_path_map.get(index, (None, None))
+            if finder is not None:
+                node = finder(descriptor[key], path)
+                node['_description'] = comments
+        # remove source_code_info
+        del descriptor['source_code_info']
+    def find_in_message_type(self, message_types, path):
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        message_type = message_types[index]
+        if not path:
+            return message_type
+        path_map = {
+            2: (self.find_in_field, 'field'),
+            4: (self.find_in_enum_type, 'enum_type')
+        }
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        finder, key = path_map.get(index, (None, None))
+        if finder is not None:
+            return finder(message_type[key], path)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def find_in_methods(self, methods, path):
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        method = methods[index]
+        if not path:
+            return method
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def find_in_service(self, services, path):
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        service = services[index]
+        if not path:
+            return service
+        path_map = {
+            2: (self.find_in_methods, 'method')
+        }
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        finder, key = path_map.get(index, (None, None))
+        if finder is not None:
+            return finder(service[key], path)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def find_in_field(self, fields, path):
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        field = fields[index]
+        if not path:
+            return field
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def find_in_enum_type(self, enum_types, path):
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        enum_type = enum_types[index]
+        if not path:
+            return enum_type
+        path_map = {
+            2: (self.find_in_enum_values, 'value')
+        }
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        finder, key = path_map.get(index, (None, None))
+        if finder is not None:
+            return finder(enum_type[key], path)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def find_in_enum_values(self, enum_values, path):
+        index = path.pop(0)
+        enum_value = enum_values[index]
+        if not path:
+            return enum_value
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # load desc into binary string
+    from voltha.core.protos import voltha_pb2
+    desc_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(voltha_pb2))
+    desc_file = os.path.join(desc_dir, 'voltha.desc')
+    with open(desc_file, 'rb') as f:
+        descriptor_blob =
+    print 'read desc blob of {} bytes'.format(len(descriptor_blob))
+    parser = DescriptorParser()
+    parser.load_descriptor(descriptor_blob)
+    parser.fold_all_comments()
+    print dumps(parser.get_catalog(), indent=4)
diff --git a/voltha/northbound/grpc/ b/voltha/northbound/grpc/
index 7e737ae..166a79d 100644
--- a/voltha/northbound/grpc/
+++ b/voltha/northbound/grpc/
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@
-# This is to allow runninf the GRPC server in stand-alone mode
+# This is to allow running the GRPC server in stand-alone mode
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     server = VolthaGrpcServer().run()
diff --git a/voltha/northbound/grpc/ b/voltha/northbound/grpc/
index 920ebab..1ee9db9 100644
--- a/voltha/northbound/grpc/
+++ b/voltha/northbound/grpc/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import sys
+# TODO this hack needs to go
 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ begin import hach ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 # Import hack to allow loading the google.api local files
 # without shadowing the google.protoc dependency. We needed