VOL-172: Support configuration of  traffic descriptor profile for upstream BW allocation to ONU

 * As an operator, I should be able to configure traffic descriptor profiles for upstream BW configuration.
 * As an operator, I should be able to retrieve the configured traffic descriptor profiles.

Additional Notes:
 * xPON Handler and xPON Agent should be able to handle the traffic descriptor configuration.
 * This story does not have impact on adapters until the traffic descriptor is referenced by a TCONT
 * The traffic descriptor profiles should be saved to the database(in memory until config/restore feature is ready).
 * The impact to HA-proxy for load-balancing & distributing of workload is still TBD. As of now, it can be assumed that profiles are available to all VOLTHA instances.

VOL-173: Support configuration of TCONTs as per WT-385 and auto-allocation of alloc-ids

 * As an operator, I should be able to provision a TCONT for the ONU with an existing traffic descriptor profile
 * As an operator, I should be able to retrieve the provisioned TCONT
 * As an operator, I should be able to change the traffic descriptor profile for a TCONT

Additional Notes:

 * alloc-ids should be allocated for the TCONT
 * generic IAdapter interface to be provided that will be used by OLT and ONU adapters for TCONT/alloc-id/BW configuration
 * In the best interest of schedules/timing, in the first step(e.g. POC-3 & trial), assume the queueing model to be supported (to be detailed)  (i.e. no configuration of queueing model)
 * The concerned ONU should receive upstream grants upon provisioning of  TCONT for the ONU

VOL-174: Support configuration of GEMs as per WT-385 and auto-allocation of gemport-ids

 * As an operator, I should be able to provision a GEMPORT object for the ONU and assign to a UNI
 * As an operator, I should be able to retrieve the provisioned GEMPORT

Additional Notes:

 * gemport-ids should be auto-allocated for the GEMPORT object
 * generic IAdapter interface to be provided that will be used by OLT and ONU adapters for GEM port configuration
 * In the best interest of schedules/timing, in the first step(e.g. POC-3 & trial), assume the queueing model to be supported (to be detailed) (i.e. no configuration of queueing model)
 * The concerned OLT and ONU should be configured with the allocated gemport-ids

Change-Id: I451cd7c0eda57c7b9fa1d65d02c749ff2bf0db4b
diff --git a/cli/main.py b/cli/main.py
index 8e51851..6060435 100755
--- a/cli/main.py
+++ b/cli/main.py
@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@
                 res = stub.GetDevice(voltha_pb2.ID(id=device_id))
             except Exception:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                             'No device id ' + self.colorize(device_id, 'blue') + \
-                             ' is found')
+                self.poutput(
+                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + 'No device id ' +
+                    self.colorize(device_id, 'blue') + ' is found')
         sub = XponCli(self.get_channel, device_id)
diff --git a/cli/xpon.py b/cli/xpon.py
index dbd7f97..7e3d8c2 100644
--- a/cli/xpon.py
+++ b/cli/xpon.py
@@ -32,10 +32,16 @@
     AllChannelpartitionConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig, \
     AllChannelterminationConfig, ChannelterminationConfig, \
     AllOntaniConfig, OntaniConfig, AllVOntaniConfig , \
-    VOntaniConfig, AllVEnetConfig , VEnetConfig
+    VOntaniConfig, AllVEnetConfig , VEnetConfig, \
+    AllTrafficDescriptorProfileData, AllTcontsConfigData, AllGemportsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import \
+    TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
 _ = third_party
-from voltha.protos import voltha_pb2, bbf_fiber_types_pb2, ietf_interfaces_pb2
+from voltha.protos import voltha_pb2, bbf_fiber_types_pb2, \
+    ietf_interfaces_pb2, bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2
 import sys
 from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
@@ -58,28 +64,54 @@
     def get_ref_interfaces(self, all_interfaces, ref_interfaces):
         interface_list = []
+        interface_name_list = []
         if not all_interfaces:
             return interface_list
         if isinstance(all_interfaces[0], (ChannelgroupConfig,
-                                          ChannelpairConfig, OntaniConfig)):
+                                          ChannelpairConfig, OntaniConfig,
+                                          TrafficDescriptorProfileData)):
             for interface in all_interfaces:
-                if interface.name in ref_interfaces:
+                if interface.name in ref_interfaces and \
+                    interface.name not in interface_name_list:
+                    interface_name_list.append(interface.name)
         elif isinstance(all_interfaces[0], VOntaniConfig):
             for interface in all_interfaces:
-                if interface.data.parent_ref in ref_interfaces:
+                if interface.data.parent_ref in ref_interfaces and \
+                    interface.name not in interface_name_list:
+                    interface_name_list.append(interface.name)
         elif isinstance(all_interfaces[0], VEnetConfig):
             for interface in all_interfaces:
-                if interface.data.v_ontani_ref in ref_interfaces:
+                if interface.data.v_ontani_ref in ref_interfaces and \
+                    interface.name not in interface_name_list:
+                    interface_name_list.append(interface.name)
+                    interface_list.append(interface)
+        elif isinstance(all_interfaces[0], TcontsConfigData):
+            for interface in all_interfaces:
+                if interface.interface_reference in ref_interfaces and \
+                    interface.name not in interface_name_list:
+                    interface_name_list.append(interface.name)
+                    interface_list.append(interface)
+        elif isinstance(all_interfaces[0], GemportsConfigData):
+            for interface in all_interfaces:
+                if interface.itf_ref in ref_interfaces and \
+                    interface.name not in interface_name_list:
+                    interface_name_list.append(interface.name)
         return interface_list
     def get_interface_based_on_device(self):
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
-        channel_terminations = stub.GetAllChannelterminationConfig(
-            voltha_pb2.ID(id=self.device_id)).channeltermination_config
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        try:
+            channel_terminations = stub.GetAllChannelterminationConfig(
+                voltha_pb2.ID(id=self.device_id)).channeltermination_config
+        except Exception:
+                self.poutput(
+                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + 'No device id ' \
+                    + self.colorize(device_id, 'blue') + ' is found')
+                return
         channel_pairs = self.get_ref_interfaces(
             dict((dt.data.channelpair_ref, dt) for dt in channel_terminations))
@@ -98,8 +130,19 @@
         venets = self.get_ref_interfaces(
             dict((dt.name, dt) for dt in vont_anis))
+        tconts = self.get_ref_interfaces(
+            stub.GetAllTcontsConfigData(Empty()).tconts_config,
+            dict((dt.name, dt) for dt in vont_anis))
+        traffic_descriptor_profiles = self.get_ref_interfaces(
+            stub.GetAllTrafficDescriptorProfileData(Empty()).
+            traffic_descriptor_profiles,
+            dict((dt.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref, dt) for dt in tconts))
+        gemports = self.get_ref_interfaces(
+            stub.GetAllGemportsConfigData(Empty()).gemports_config,
+            dict((dt.name, dt) for dt in venets))
         return channel_groups, channel_partitions, channel_pairs,\
-            channel_terminations, vont_anis, ont_anis, venets
+            channel_terminations, vont_anis, ont_anis, venets, \
+            traffic_descriptor_profiles, tconts, gemports
     do_exit = Cmd.do_quit
@@ -109,40 +152,50 @@
     def do_show(self, line):
         """Show detailed information of each interface based on device ID
         or all interfaces"""
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         device_id = self.device_id
         if line.strip():
-            device_id = line.strip()
-        if device_id:
-            cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+            self.device_id = line.strip()
+        if self.device_id:
+            cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
-            print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Groups for device ID = {}:"
-                                   .format(device_id), cg, {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Groups for device ID = {}:".format(
+                self.device_id), cg, {}, self.poutput)
             print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Partitions for device ID = {}:"
-                                   .format(device_id),cpart, {}, self.poutput)
-            print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Pairs: for device ID = {}:"
-                                   .format(device_id), cp, {}, self.poutput)
+                                   .format(self.device_id),cpart, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Pairs: for device ID = {}:".format(
+                self.device_id), cp, {}, self.poutput)
             print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Terminations for device ID = {}:"
-                                   .format(device_id), ct, {}, self.poutput)
-            print_pb_list_as_table("VOnt Anis for device ID = {}:"
-                                   .format(device_id), vont, {}, self.poutput)
-            print_pb_list_as_table("Ont Anis for device ID = {}:"
-                                   .format(device_id), ont, {}, self.poutput)
-            print_pb_list_as_table("VEnets for device ID = {}:"
-                                   .format(device_id), venet, {}, self.poutput)
+                                   .format(self.device_id), ct, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("VOnt Anis for device ID = {}:".format(
+                self.device_id), vont, {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Ont Anis for device ID = {}:".format(
+                self.device_id), ont, {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("VEnets for device ID = {}:".format(
+                self.device_id), venet, {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table(
+                "Traffic Descriptor Profiles for device ID = {}:".format(
+                    self.device_id), tdp, {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("TConts for device ID = {}:".format(
+                self.device_id), tcont, {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Gem Ports for device ID = {}:".format(
+                self.device_id), gemport, {}, self.poutput)
+            self.device_id = device_id
             interface = stub.GetAllChannelgroupConfig(Empty())
             print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Groups:",
-                                   interface.channelgroup_config,
-                                   {}, self.poutput)
+                                   interface.channelgroup_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
             interface = stub.GetAllChannelpartitionConfig(Empty())
             print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Partitions:",
-                                   interface.channelpartition_config,
-                                   {}, self.poutput)
+                                   interface.channelpartition_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
             interface = stub.GetAllChannelpairConfig(Empty())
             print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Pairs:",
-                                   interface.channelpair_config,
-                                   {}, self.poutput)
+                                   interface.channelpair_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
             devices = stub.ListDevices(Empty())
             for d in devices.items:
                 interface = stub.GetAllChannelterminationConfig(
@@ -152,17 +205,26 @@
                     .format(d.id), interface.channeltermination_config,
                     {}, self.poutput)
             interface = stub.GetAllVOntaniConfig(Empty())
-            print_pb_list_as_table("VOnt Anis:",
-                                   interface.v_ontani_config,
-                                   {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("VOnt Anis:", interface.v_ontani_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
             interface = stub.GetAllOntaniConfig(Empty())
-            print_pb_list_as_table("Ont Anis:",
-                                   interface.ontani_config,
-                                   {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Ont Anis:", interface.ontani_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
             interface = stub.GetAllVEnetConfig(Empty())
-            print_pb_list_as_table("VEnets:",
-                                   interface.v_enet_config,
-                                   {}, self.poutput)
+            print_pb_list_as_table("VEnets:", interface.v_enet_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
+            traffic_descriptor = \
+                stub.GetAllTrafficDescriptorProfileData(Empty())
+            print_pb_list_as_table(
+                "Traffic Descriptor Profiles:",
+                traffic_descriptor.traffic_descriptor_profiles, {},
+                self.poutput)
+            tconts = stub.GetAllTcontsConfigData(Empty())
+            print_pb_list_as_table("TConts:", tconts.tconts_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
+            gemports = stub.GetAllGemportsConfigData(Empty())
+            print_pb_list_as_table("Gem Ports:", gemports.gemports_config, {},
+                                   self.poutput)
     def help_channel_group(self):
@@ -192,7 +254,8 @@
-channel_group create -n cg-1 -a up -p 100 -s 000000 -r raman_none
+channel_group create -n "Manhattan" -d "Channel Group for Manhattan" -a up
+                     -p 100 -s 000000 -r raman_none
@@ -224,16 +287,16 @@
         update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
         # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
         if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
-            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                        self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
-                                      'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         if line.strip() == "get":
             if self.device_id:
-                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
                 print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Groups for device ID = {}:"
@@ -244,26 +307,25 @@
                                        {}, self.poutput)
-        interface_instance = ChannelgroupConfig(name = opts.name)
-        interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
-        if opts.description:
-            interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
-        interface_instance.interface.type = "channelgroup"
-        if opts.enabled:
-            if opts.enabled == "up":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
-            elif opts.enabled == "down":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
-            else:
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize(
-                            'Invalid admin state parameter for channel group',
-                            'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
-            types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
-            try:
+        try:
+            interface_instance = ChannelgroupConfig(name = opts.name)
+            interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
+            if opts.description:
+                interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
+            interface_instance.interface.type = "channelgroup"
+            if opts.enabled:
+                if opts.enabled == "up":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
+                elif opts.enabled == "down":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
+                else:
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
+                            channel group', 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
+                types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
                 assert opts.link_up_down_trap_enable in types, \
                     'Invalid Enum value for Channel Group link up down trap \
                     enable type \'{}\''.format(opts.link_up_down_trap_enable)
@@ -271,38 +333,31 @@
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.polling_period:
-            interface_instance.data.polling_period = opts.polling_period
-        if opts.raman_mitigation:
-            raman_mitigations = ["raman_none", "raman_miller", "raman_8b10b"]
-            try:
+            if opts.polling_period:
+                interface_instance.data.polling_period = opts.polling_period
+            if opts.raman_mitigation:
+                raman_mitigations = ["raman_none", "raman_miller",
+                                     "raman_8b10b"]
                 assert opts.raman_mitigation in raman_mitigations, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for Channel Group raman mitigation\
                 interface_instance.data.raman_mitigation = \
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.system_id:
-            interface_instance.data.system_id = opts.system_id
-        if line.strip() == "create":
-            stub.CreateChannelgroup(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "update":
-            stub.UpdateChannelgroup(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "delete":
-            stub.DeleteChannelgroup(interface_instance)
-        return
+            if opts.system_id:
+                interface_instance.data.system_id = opts.system_id
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateChannelgroup(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateChannelgroup(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteChannelgroup(interface_instance)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
     def help_channel_partition(self):
@@ -340,8 +395,10 @@
-channel_partition create -n cpart-1-1 -a up -r 20 -o 0 -f false -m false
-                         -u serial_number -c cg-1
+channel_partition create -n "Freedom Tower"
+                         -d "Channel Partition for Freedom Tower in Manhattan"
+                         -a up -r 20 -o 0 -f false -m false -u serial_number
+                         -c "Manhattan"
@@ -385,16 +442,16 @@
         update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
         # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
         if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
-            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                        self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
-                                      'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         if line.strip() == "get":
             if self.device_id:
-                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
                 print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Partitions for device ID = {}:"
                                        .format(self.device_id), cpart, {},
@@ -405,26 +462,25 @@
                                        {}, self.poutput)
-        interface_instance = ChannelpartitionConfig(name = opts.name)
-        interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
-        if opts.description:
-            interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
-        interface_instance.interface.type = "channelpartition"
-        if opts.enabled:
-            if opts.enabled == "up":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
-            elif opts.enabled == "down":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
-            else:
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
-                        channel partition', 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
-            types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
-            try:
+        try:
+            interface_instance = ChannelpartitionConfig(name = opts.name)
+            interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
+            if opts.description:
+                interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
+            interface_instance.interface.type = "channelpartition"
+            if opts.enabled:
+                if opts.enabled == "up":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
+                elif opts.enabled == "down":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
+                else:
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
+                            channel partition', 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
+                types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
                 assert opts.link_up_down_trap_enable in types, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for Channel Partition link up \
                         down trap enable type \'{}\''\
@@ -433,47 +489,41 @@
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.differential_fiber_distance:
-            interface_instance.data.differential_fiber_distance = \
-                opts.differential_fiber_distance
-        if opts.closest_ont_distance:
-            interface_instance.data.closest_ont_distance = \
-                opts.closest_ont_distance
-        if opts.fec_downstream:
-            if opts.fec_downstream == 'true':
-                interface_instance.data.fec_downstream = True
-            elif opts.fec_downstream == 'false':
-                interface_instance.data.fec_downstream = False
-            else:
-                m = 'Invalid boolean value for Channel Partition \
-                fec_downstream \'{}\''.format(opts.fec_downstream)
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(m, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.multicast_aes_indicator:
-            if opts.multicast_aes_indicator == 'true':
-                interface_instance.data.multicast_aes_indicator = True
-            elif opts.multicast_aes_indicator == 'false':
-                interface_instance.data.multicast_aes_indicator = False
-            else:
-                m = 'Invalid boolean value for Channel Partition \
-                multicast_aes_indicator \'{}\''.format(
-                    opts.multicast_aes_indicator)
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(m, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.authentication_method:
-            auth_method_types = \
-                ["serial_number", "loid", "registration_id", "omci", "dot1x"]
-            try:
+            if opts.differential_fiber_distance:
+                interface_instance.data.differential_fiber_distance = \
+                    opts.differential_fiber_distance
+            if opts.closest_ont_distance:
+                interface_instance.data.closest_ont_distance = \
+                    opts.closest_ont_distance
+            if opts.fec_downstream:
+                if opts.fec_downstream == 'true':
+                    interface_instance.data.fec_downstream = True
+                elif opts.fec_downstream == 'false':
+                    interface_instance.data.fec_downstream = False
+                else:
+                    m = 'Invalid boolean value for Channel Partition \
+                    fec_downstream \'{}\''.format(opts.fec_downstream)
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                        self.colorize(self.colorize(m, 'blue'),'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.multicast_aes_indicator:
+                if opts.multicast_aes_indicator == 'true':
+                    interface_instance.data.multicast_aes_indicator = True
+                elif opts.multicast_aes_indicator == 'false':
+                    interface_instance.data.multicast_aes_indicator = False
+                else:
+                    m = 'Invalid boolean value for Channel Partition \
+                    multicast_aes_indicator \'{}\''.format(
+                        opts.multicast_aes_indicator)
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                        self.colorize(self.colorize(m, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.authentication_method:
+                auth_method_types = \
+                    ["serial_number", "loid", "registration_id",
+                     "omci", "dot1x"]
                 assert opts.authentication_method in auth_method_types, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for Channel Partition \
                          authentication method \'{}\''.format(
@@ -481,21 +531,21 @@
                 interface_instance.data.authentication_method = \
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.channelgroup_ref:
-            interface_instance.data.channelgroup_ref = opts.channelgroup_ref
-        if line.strip() == "create":
-            stub.CreateChannelpartition(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "update":
-            stub.UpdateChannelpartition(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "delete":
-            stub.DeleteChannelpartition(interface_instance)
-        return
+            if opts.channelgroup_ref:
+                interface_instance.data.channelgroup_ref = \
+                    opts.channelgroup_ref
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateChannelpartition(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateChannelpartition(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteChannelpartition(interface_instance)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
     def help_channel_pair(self):
@@ -531,8 +581,9 @@
-channel_pair create -n cp-1 -a up -r unplanned_cp_speed -t channelpair -g cg-1
-                    -i 0 -p cpart-1-1 -o class_a
+channel_pair create -n "PON port" -d "Channel Pair for Freedom Tower" -a up
+                    -r down_10_up_10 -t channelpair -g "Manhattan"
+                    -p "Freedom Tower" -i 0 -o class_a
@@ -572,16 +623,16 @@
         update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
         # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
         if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
-            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                        self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
-                                      'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         if line.strip() == "get":
             if self.device_id:
-                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
                 print_pb_list_as_table("Channel Pairs for device ID = {}:"
                                        .format(self.device_id), cp, {},
@@ -592,26 +643,25 @@
                                        {}, self.poutput)
-        interface_instance = ChannelpairConfig(name = opts.name)
-        interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
-        if opts.description:
-            interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
-        interface_instance.interface.type = "channelpair"
-        if opts.enabled:
-            if opts.enabled == "up":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
-            elif opts.enabled == "down":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
-            else:
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
-                        channel pair', 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
-            types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
-            try:
+        try:
+            interface_instance = ChannelpairConfig(name = opts.name)
+            interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
+            if opts.description:
+                interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
+            interface_instance.interface.type = "channelpair"
+            if opts.enabled:
+                if opts.enabled == "up":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
+                elif opts.enabled == "down":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
+                else:
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
+                            channel pair', 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
+                types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
                 assert opts.link_up_down_trap_enable in types, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for Channel Pair link up down \
                         trap enable type \'{}\''.format(
@@ -620,48 +670,42 @@
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.channelpair_linerate:
-            interface_instance.data.channelpair_linerate = \
-                opts.channelpair_linerate
-        if opts.channelpair_type:
-            interface_instance.data.channelpair_type = opts.channelpair_type
-        if opts.channelgroup_ref:
-            interface_instance.data.channelgroup_ref = opts.channelgroup_ref
-        if opts.gpon_ponid_interval:
-            interface_instance.data.gpon_ponid_interval = \
-                opts.gpon_ponid_interval
-        if opts.channelpartition_ref:
-            interface_instance.data.channelpartition_ref = \
-                opts.channelpartition_ref
-        if opts.gpon_ponid_odn_class:
-            class_types = ["class_a", "class_b", "class_b_plus", "class_c",
-                           "class_c_plus", "class_auto"]
-            try:
+            if opts.channelpair_linerate:
+                interface_instance.data.channelpair_linerate = \
+                    opts.channelpair_linerate
+            if opts.channelpair_type:
+                interface_instance.data.channelpair_type = \
+                    opts.channelpair_type
+            if opts.channelgroup_ref:
+                interface_instance.data.channelgroup_ref = \
+                    opts.channelgroup_ref
+            if opts.gpon_ponid_interval:
+                interface_instance.data.gpon_ponid_interval = \
+                    opts.gpon_ponid_interval
+            if opts.channelpartition_ref:
+                interface_instance.data.channelpartition_ref = \
+                    opts.channelpartition_ref
+            if opts.gpon_ponid_odn_class:
+                class_types = ["class_a", "class_b", "class_b_plus", "class_c",
+                               "class_c_plus", "class_auto"]
                 assert opts.gpon_ponid_odn_class in class_types, \
                         'Invalid enum value for Channel Pair gpon pon id odn \
                         class \'{}\''.format(opts.gpon_ponid_odn_class)
                 interface_instance.data.gpon_ponid_odn_class = \
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if line.strip() == "create":
-            stub.CreateChannelpair(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "update":
-            stub.UpdateChannelpair(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "delete":
-            stub.DeleteChannelpair(interface_instance)
-        return
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateChannelpair(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateChannelpair(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteChannelpair(interface_instance)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
     def help_channel_termination(self):
@@ -708,9 +752,9 @@
-channel_termination create -i f90bb953f988 -n cterm-1 -a up -r cp-1 -m false
-                    -w 0 -p 0 -s 0 -x 0 -b 0 -c raleigh -u localhost
+channel_termination create -i <DEVICE_ID> -n "PON port"
+                           -d "Channel Termination for Freedom Tower" -a up
+                           -r "PON port" -c "Freedom Tower OLT"
@@ -767,16 +811,16 @@
         update -flags <attributes>, delete -i <id> -n <name>"""
         # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
         if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
-            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                        self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
-                                      'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         if line.strip() == "get":
             if self.device_id:
-                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
                     "Channel Terminations for device ID = {}:"
@@ -797,27 +841,26 @@
                         .format(d.id), interface.channeltermination_config,
                         {}, self.poutput)
-        interface_instance = ChannelterminationConfig(
-            id = opts.id, name = opts.name)
-        interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
-        if opts.description:
-            interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
-        interface_instance.interface.type = "channel-termination"
-        if opts.enabled:
-            if opts.enabled == "up":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
-            elif opts.enabled == "down":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
-            else:
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
-                        channel termination', 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
-            types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
-            try:
+        try:
+            interface_instance = ChannelterminationConfig(
+                id = opts.id, name = opts.name)
+            interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
+            if opts.description:
+                interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
+            interface_instance.interface.type = "channel-termination"
+            if opts.enabled:
+                if opts.enabled == "up":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
+                elif opts.enabled == "down":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
+                else:
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
+                            channel termination', 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
+                types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
                 assert opts.link_up_down_trap_enable in types, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for Channel Termination link up \
                         down trap enable type \'{}\''.format(
@@ -826,55 +869,55 @@
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.channelpair_ref:
-            interface_instance.data.channelpair_ref = opts.channelpair_ref
-        if opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role:
-            if opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role == 'true':
-                interface_instance.data.meant_for_type_b_primary_role = True
-            elif opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role == 'false':
-                interface_instance.data.meant_for_type_b_primary_role = False
-            else:
-                m = 'Invalid boolean value for Channel Termination \
-                meant_for_type_b_primary_role \'{}\''.format(
-                    opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role)
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(m, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.ngpon2_twdm_admin_label:
-            interface_instance.data.ngpon2_twdm_admin_label = \
-                opts.ngpon2_twdm_admin_label
-        if opts.ngpon2_ptp_admin_label:
-            interface_instance.data.ngpon2_ptp_admin_label = \
-                opts.ngpon2_ptp_admin_label
-        if opts.xgs_ponid:
-            interface_instance.data.xgs_ponid = opts.xgs_ponid
-        if opts.xgpon_ponid:
-            interface_instance.data.xgpon_ponid = opts.xgpon_ponid
-        if opts.gpon_ponid:
-            interface_instance.data.gpon_ponid = opts.gpon_ponid
-        if opts.pon_tag:
-            interface_instance.data.pon_tag = opts.pon_tag
-        if opts.ber_calc_period:
-            interface_instance.data.ber_calc_period = opts.ber_calc_period
-        if opts.location:
-            interface_instance.data.location = opts.location
-        if opts.url_to_reach:
-            interface_instance.data.url_to_reach = opts.url_to_reach
-        if line.strip() == "create":
-            stub.CreateChanneltermination(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "update":
-            stub.UpdateChanneltermination(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "delete":
-            stub.DeleteChanneltermination(interface_instance)
-        return
+            if opts.channelpair_ref:
+                interface_instance.data.channelpair_ref = opts.channelpair_ref
+            if opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role:
+                if opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role == 'true':
+                    interface_instance.data.meant_for_type_b_primary_role = \
+                        True
+                elif opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role == 'false':
+                    interface_instance.data.meant_for_type_b_primary_role = \
+                        False
+                else:
+                    m = 'Invalid boolean value for Channel Termination \
+                    meant_for_type_b_primary_role \'{}\''.format(
+                        opts.meant_for_type_b_primary_role)
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                        self.colorize(self.colorize(m, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.ngpon2_twdm_admin_label:
+                interface_instance.data.ngpon2_twdm_admin_label = \
+                    opts.ngpon2_twdm_admin_label
+            if opts.ngpon2_ptp_admin_label:
+                interface_instance.data.ngpon2_ptp_admin_label = \
+                    opts.ngpon2_ptp_admin_label
+            if opts.xgs_ponid:
+                interface_instance.data.xgs_ponid = opts.xgs_ponid
+            if opts.xgpon_ponid:
+                interface_instance.data.xgpon_ponid = opts.xgpon_ponid
+            if opts.gpon_ponid:
+                interface_instance.data.gpon_ponid = opts.gpon_ponid
+            if opts.pon_tag:
+                interface_instance.data.pon_tag = opts.pon_tag
+            if opts.ber_calc_period:
+                interface_instance.data.ber_calc_period = opts.ber_calc_period
+            if opts.location:
+                interface_instance.data.location = opts.location
+            if opts.url_to_reach:
+                interface_instance.data.url_to_reach = opts.url_to_reach
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateChanneltermination(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateChanneltermination(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteChanneltermination(interface_instance)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
     def help_vont_ani(self):
@@ -908,12 +951,12 @@
 -r: <string> preferred channel pair must be type of channel pair.
 -t: <string> protection channel pair must be type of channel pair.
 -u: <int>    upstream channel speed of traffic.
--o <int>     ONU id.
+-o: <int>     ONU id.
-vont_ani create -n ontani-1-1-1 -a up -p cpart-1-1 -s ALCL00000001 -r cp-1
-                -u 0 -o 1
+vont_ani create -n "Golden User" -d "Golden User in Freedom Tower" -a up
+                -p "Freedom Tower" -s "PSMO00000001" -r "PON port" -o 1
@@ -959,16 +1002,16 @@
         update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
         # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
         if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
-            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                        self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
-                                      'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         if line.strip() == "get":
             if self.device_id:
-                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
                 print_pb_list_as_table("VOnt Anis for device ID = {}:"
                                        .format(self.device_id), vont, {},
@@ -979,26 +1022,25 @@
                                        {}, self.poutput)
-        interface_instance = VOntaniConfig(name = opts.name)
-        interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
-        if opts.description:
-            interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
-        interface_instance.interface.type = "v-ontani"
-        if opts.enabled:
-            if opts.enabled == "up":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
-            elif opts.enabled == "down":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
-            else:
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
-                        vont ani', 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
-            types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
-            try:
+        try:
+            interface_instance = VOntaniConfig(name = opts.name)
+            interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
+            if opts.description:
+                interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
+            interface_instance.interface.type = "v-ontani"
+            if opts.enabled:
+                if opts.enabled == "up":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
+                elif opts.enabled == "down":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
+                else:
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
+                            vont ani', 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
+                types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
                 assert opts.link_up_down_trap_enable in types, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for VOnt Ani link up down trap \
                         enable type \'{}\''.format(
@@ -1007,39 +1049,37 @@
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.parent_ref:
-            interface_instance.data.parent_ref = opts.parent_ref
-        if opts.expected_serial_number:
-            interface_instance.data.expected_serial_number = \
-                opts.expected_serial_number
-        if opts.expected_registration_id:
-            interface_instance.data.expected_registration_id = \
-                opts.expected_registration_id
-        if opts.preferred_chanpair:
-            interface_instance.data.preferred_chanpair = \
-                opts.preferred_chanpair
-        if opts.protection_chanpair:
-            interface_instance.data.protection_chanpair = \
-                opts.protection_chanpair
-        if opts.upstream_channel_speed:
-            interface_instance.data.upstream_channel_speed = \
-                opts.upstream_channel_speed
-        if opts.onu_id:
-            interface_instance.data.onu_id = opts.onu_id
-        if line.strip() == "create":
-            stub.CreateVOntani(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "update":
-            stub.UpdateVOntani(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "delete":
-            stub.DeleteVOntani(interface_instance)
-        return
+            if opts.parent_ref:
+                interface_instance.data.parent_ref = opts.parent_ref
+            if opts.expected_serial_number:
+                interface_instance.data.expected_serial_number = \
+                    opts.expected_serial_number
+            if opts.expected_registration_id:
+                interface_instance.data.expected_registration_id = \
+                    opts.expected_registration_id
+            if opts.preferred_chanpair:
+                interface_instance.data.preferred_chanpair = \
+                    opts.preferred_chanpair
+            if opts.protection_chanpair:
+                interface_instance.data.protection_chanpair = \
+                    opts.protection_chanpair
+            if opts.upstream_channel_speed:
+                interface_instance.data.upstream_channel_speed = \
+                    opts.upstream_channel_speed
+            if opts.onu_id:
+                interface_instance.data.onu_id = opts.onu_id
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateVOntani(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateVOntani(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteVOntani(interface_instance)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
     def help_ont_ani(self):
@@ -1068,7 +1108,8 @@
-ont_ani create -n ontani-1-1-1 -a up -u true -m true
+ont_ani create -n "Golden User" -d "Golden User in Freedom Tower" -a up -u true
+               -m false
@@ -1097,16 +1138,16 @@
         update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
         # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
         if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
-            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                        self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
-                                      'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         if line.strip() == "get":
             if self.device_id:
-                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
                 print_pb_list_as_table("Ont Anis for device ID = {}:".format(
                     self.device_id), ont, {}, self.poutput)
@@ -1116,26 +1157,26 @@
                                        {}, self.poutput)
-        interface_instance = OntaniConfig(name = opts.name)
-        interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
-        if opts.description:
-            interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
-        interface_instance.interface.type = "ontani"
-        if opts.enabled:
-            if opts.enabled == "up":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
-            elif opts.enabled == "down":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
-            else:
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
-                        ont ani', 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
-            types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
-            try:
+        try:
+            interface_instance = OntaniConfig(name = opts.name)
+            interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
+            if opts.description:
+                interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
+            interface_instance.interface.type = "ontani"
+            if opts.enabled:
+                if opts.enabled == "up":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
+                elif opts.enabled == "down":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
+                else:
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize(
+                                'Invalid admin state parameter for ont ani',
+                                'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
+                types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
                 assert opts.link_up_down_trap_enable in types, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for Ont Ani link up down trap \
                         enable type \'{}\''.format(
@@ -1144,53 +1185,51 @@
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.upstream_fec_indicator:
-            if opts.upstream_fec_indicator == 'true':
-                interface_instance.data.upstream_fec_indicator = True
-            elif opts.upstream_fec_indicator == 'false':
-                interface_instance.data.upstream_fec_indicator = False
-            else:
-                m = 'Invalid boolean value for Ont Ani \
-                upstream_fec_indicator \'{}\''.format(
-                    opts.upstream_fec_indicator)
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize(m, 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator:
-            if opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator == 'true':
-                interface_instance.data.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator = True
-            elif opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator == 'false':
-                interface_instance.data.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator = False
-            else:
-                m = 'Invalid boolean value for Ont Ani \
-                mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator \'{}\''.format(
-                    opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator)
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize(m, 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if line.strip() == "create":
-            stub.CreateOntani(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "update":
-            stub.UpdateOntani(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "delete":
-            stub.DeleteOntani(interface_instance)
-        return
+            if opts.upstream_fec_indicator:
+                if opts.upstream_fec_indicator == 'true':
+                    interface_instance.data.upstream_fec_indicator = True
+                elif opts.upstream_fec_indicator == 'false':
+                    interface_instance.data.upstream_fec_indicator = False
+                else:
+                    m = 'Invalid boolean value for Ont Ani \
+                        upstream_fec_indicator \'{}\''.format(
+                            opts.upstream_fec_indicator)
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize(m, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator:
+                if opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator == 'true':
+                    interface_instance.data.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator = True
+                elif opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator == 'false':
+                    interface_instance.data.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator = False
+                else:
+                    m = 'Invalid boolean value for Ont Ani \
+                    mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator \'{}\''.format(
+                        opts.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator)
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize(m, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateOntani(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateOntani(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteOntani(interface_instance)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
     def help_v_enet(self):
 v_enet [get | create | update | delete] [-n <name>] [-d <description>]
        [-a <admin state>] [-l <link up down trap enable type>]
-       [-r <ont ani reference>]
+       [-r <vont ani reference>]
 get:    displays existing venets
         Required flags: None
@@ -1207,11 +1246,11 @@
 -d: <string> description of venet.
 -a: <string> admin state of venet.
 -l: <enum>   link up down trap enable type.
--r: <string> ont ani reference of this venet.
+-r: <string> vont ani reference of this venet.
-v_enet create -n venet-1 -a up -r ontani-1-1-1
+v_enet create -n "Enet UNI 1" -d "Ethernet port - 1" -a up -r "Golden User"
@@ -1225,8 +1264,8 @@
         make_option('-l', '--trap', action="store",
                     dest='link_up_down_trap_enable', type='string',
                     help='link up down trap enable type', default=None),
-        make_option('-r', '--ont_ref', action='store', dest='v_ontani_ref',
-                    type='string', help='ont ani reference', default=None),
+        make_option('-r', '--vont_ref', action='store', dest='v_ontani_ref',
+                    type='string', help='vont ani reference', default=None),
     def do_v_enet(self, line, opts):
@@ -1234,18 +1273,18 @@
         update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
         # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
         if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
-            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                        self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
-                                      'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
-        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaLocalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
         if line.strip() == "get":
             if self.device_id:
-                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet = \
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
-                print_pb_list_as_table("VEnet for device ID = {}:"
+                print_pb_list_as_table("VEnets for device ID = {}:"
                                        .format(self.device_id), venet, {},
@@ -1254,26 +1293,25 @@
                                        {}, self.poutput)
-        interface_instance = VEnetConfig(name = opts.name)
-        interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
-        if opts.description:
-            interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
-        interface_instance.interface.type = "v-enet"
-        if opts.enabled:
-            if opts.enabled == "up":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
-            elif opts.enabled == "down":
-                interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
-            else:
-                self.poutput(
-                    self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
-                        self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
-                        venet', 'blue'), 'bold'))
-                return
-        if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
-            types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
-            try:
+        try:
+            interface_instance = VEnetConfig(name = opts.name)
+            interface_instance.interface.name = opts.name
+            if opts.description:
+                interface_instance.interface.description = opts.description
+            interface_instance.interface.type = "v-enet"
+            if opts.enabled:
+                if opts.enabled == "up":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = True
+                elif opts.enabled == "down":
+                    interface_instance.interface.enabled = False
+                else:
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize('Invalid admin state parameter for \
+                            venet', 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.link_up_down_trap_enable:
+                types = ["trap_disabled", "trap_enabled"]
                 assert opts.link_up_down_trap_enable in types, \
                         'Invalid Enum value for Venet link up down trap \
                         enable type \'{}\''.format(
@@ -1282,19 +1320,351 @@
-            except AssertionError, e:
-                self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + \
-                            self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'),
-                                          'bold'))
-                return
+            if opts.v_ontani_ref:
+                interface_instance.data.v_ontani_ref = opts.v_ontani_ref
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateVEnet(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateVEnet(interface_instance)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteVEnet(interface_instance)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
-        if opts.v_ontani_ref:
-            interface_instance.data.v_ontani_ref = opts.v_ontani_ref
+    def help_traffic_descriptor_profile(self):
+        self.poutput(
+traffic_descriptor_profile [get | create | update | delete]
+                           [-n <name>] [-f <fixed bandwidth>]
+                           [-a <assured bandwidth>] [-m <maximum bandwidth>]
+                           [-p <priority>] [-w <weight>]
+                           [-e <additional bw eligibility indicator>]
-        if line.strip() == "create":
-            stub.CreateVEnet(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "update":
-            stub.UpdateVEnet(interface_instance)
-        elif line.strip() == "delete":
-            stub.DeleteVEnet(interface_instance)
-        return
+get:    displays existing traffic descriptor profiles
+        Required flags: None
+create: creates traffic descriptor profile with the parameters specified with
+        -n, -f, -a, -p, -w, and -e.
+        Required flags: <name>, <fixed bandwidth>, <assured bandwidth>,
+                        <maximum bandwidth>
+update: updates existing traffic descriptor profile specified with parameter -n
+        by changing its parameter values specified with -f, -a, -p, -w, and -e.
+        Required flags: <name>
+delete: deletes traffic descriptor profile specified with parameter -n.
+        Required flags: <name>
+-n: <string> name of traffic descriptor profile.
+-f: <int>    fixed bandwidth that represents the reserved portion of the link
+             capacity that is allocated to the given traffic flow, regardless
+             of its traffic demand and the overall traffic load conditions.
+-a: <int>    assured bandwidth that represents a portion of the link capacity
+             that is allocated to the given traffic flow as long as the flow
+             has unsatisfied traffic demand, regardless of the overall traffic
+             conditions.
+-m: <int>    maximum bandwidth that represents the upper limit on the total
+             bandwidth that can be allocated to the traffic flow under any
+             traffic conditions.
+-p: <int>    priority that is used for scheduling traffic on a TCont.
+-w: <int>    weight that is used for scheduling traffic on a TCont.
+-e: <enum>   additional bandwidth eligibility indicator that in case of
+             rate-proportional assignment of additional bandwidth, it can be
+             provisioned to either value (non-assured-sharing,
+             best-effort-sharing, or none).
+traffic_descriptor_profile create -n "TDP 1" -f 100000 -a 500000 -m 1000000
+                                  -p 1 -w 1
+                                  -e additional_bw_eligibility_indicator_none
+        )
+    @options([
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action="store", dest='name', type='string',
+                    help='name of traffic descriptor profile', default=None),
+        make_option('-f', '--fixed_bw', action="store", dest='fixed_bandwidth',
+                    type='int', help='fixed bandwidth of traffic descriptor',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-a', '--assured_bw', action="store",
+                    dest='assured_bandwidth', type='int',
+                    help='assured bandwidth of traffic descriptor',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-m', '--maximum_bw', action="store",
+                    dest='maximum_bandwidth', type='int',
+                    help='maximum bandwidth of traffic descriptor',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-p', '--priority', action='store', dest='priority',
+                    type='int',
+                    help='priority used for scheduling traffic on a TCont',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-w', '--weight', action='store', dest='weight',
+                    type='int',
+                    help='weight used for scheduling traffic on a TCont',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-e', '--add_bw_eligibility_indicator', action='store',
+                    dest='additional_bw_eligibility_indicator', type='string',
+                    help='additional bandwidth eligibility indicator',
+                    default=None),
+    ])
+    def do_traffic_descriptor_profile(self, line, opts):
+        """traffic_descriptor_profile get, create -flags <attributes>,
+        update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
+        # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
+        if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            return
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        if line.strip() == "get":
+            if self.device_id:
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
+                    self.get_interface_based_on_device()
+                print_pb_list_as_table(
+                    "Traffic Descriptor Profiles for device ID = {}:"
+                    .format(self.device_id), tdp, {}, self.poutput)
+            else:
+                tdp = stub.GetAllTrafficDescriptorProfileData(Empty())
+                print_pb_list_as_table("Traffic Descriptor Profiles:",
+                                       tdp.traffic_descriptor_profiles,
+                                       {}, self.poutput)
+            return
+        try:
+            traffic_descriptor = TrafficDescriptorProfileData(name = opts.name)
+            if opts.fixed_bandwidth:
+                traffic_descriptor.fixed_bandwidth = opts.fixed_bandwidth
+            if opts.assured_bandwidth:
+                traffic_descriptor.assured_bandwidth = opts.assured_bandwidth
+            if opts.maximum_bandwidth:
+                traffic_descriptor.maximum_bandwidth = opts.maximum_bandwidth
+            if opts.priority:
+                traffic_descriptor.priority = opts.priority
+            if opts.weight:
+                traffic_descriptor.weight = opts.weight
+            if opts.additional_bw_eligibility_indicator:
+                eligibility_indicator = [
+                    "additional_bw_eligibility_indicator_none",
+                    "additional_bw_eligibility_indicator_best_effort_sharing",
+                    "additional_bw_eligibility_indicator_non_assured_sharing"]
+                assert opts.additional_bw_eligibility_indicator in \
+                    eligibility_indicator, 'Invalid Enum value for Traffic \
+                    Descriptor Profile additional bandwidth eligibility \
+                    indicator \'{}\''\
+                    .format(opts.additional_bw_eligibility_indicator)
+                traffic_descriptor.additional_bw_eligibility_indicator = \
+                    bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2.\
+                    values_by_name\
+                    [opts.additional_bw_eligibility_indicator.upper()].number
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateTrafficDescriptorProfileData(traffic_descriptor)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateTrafficDescriptorProfileData(traffic_descriptor)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteTrafficDescriptorProfileData(traffic_descriptor)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
+    def help_tcont(self):
+        self.poutput(
+tcont [get | create | update | delete] [-n <name>] [-r <interface reference>]
+      [-t <traffic descriptor profile reference>]
+get:    displays existing tconts
+        Required flags: None
+create: creates tcont with the parameters specified with -n, -r, and -t.
+        Required flags: <name>, <interface reference>,
+                        <traffic descriptor profile reference>
+update: updates existing tcont specified with parameter -n by changing its
+        parameter values specified with -r, -t.
+        Required flags: <name>
+delete: deletes tcont specified with parameter -n.
+        Required flags: <name>
+-n: <string> name of tcont.
+-r: <string> reference to vont ani interface.
+-t: <string> reference to an existing traffic descriptor profile.
+tcont create -n "TCont 1" -r "Golden User" -t "TDP 1"
+        )
+    @options([
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action="store", dest='name', type='string',
+                    help='name of tcont', default=None),
+        make_option('-r', '--ref', action="store", dest='interface_reference',
+                    type='string', help='reference to vont ani interface',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-t', '--tdp_ref', action="store",
+                    dest='traffic_descriptor_profile_ref', type='string',
+                    help='reference to an existing traffic descriptor profile',
+                    default=None),
+    ])
+    def do_tcont(self, line, opts):
+        """tcont get, create -flags <attributes>,
+        update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
+        # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
+        if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            return
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        if line.strip() == "get":
+            if self.device_id:
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
+                    self.get_interface_based_on_device()
+                print_pb_list_as_table("TConts for device ID = {}:".format(
+                    self.device_id), tcont, {}, self.poutput)
+            else:
+                tconts = stub.AllTcontsConfigData(Empty())
+                print_pb_list_as_table(
+                    "TConts:", tconts.tconts_config, {}, self.poutput)
+            return
+        try:
+            tcont = TcontsConfigData(name = opts.name)
+            if opts.interface_reference:
+                tcont.interface_reference = opts.interface_reference
+            if opts.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref:
+                tcont.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref = \
+                    opts.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateTcontsConfigData(tcont)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateTcontsConfigData(tcont)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteTcontsConfigData(tcont)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
+    def help_gem_port(self):
+        self.poutput(
+gem_port [get | create | update | delete]
+         [-n <name>] [-r <interface reference>] [-c <traffic class>]
+         [-a <aes indicator>] [-t <tcont reference>]
+get:    displays existing gemports
+        Required flags: None
+create: creates gemport with the parameters specified with
+        -n, -r, -c, -a, and -t.
+        Required flags: <name>, <interface reference>, <traffic class>
+update: updates existing gemport specified with parameter -n
+        by changing its parameter values specified with -r, -c, -a, and -t.
+        Required flags: <name>
+delete: deletes gemport specified with parameter -n.
+        Required flags: <name>
+-n: <string> name of gemport.
+-r: <string> reference to v_enet interface.
+-c: <int>    traffic class value for gemport.
+-a: <bool>   aes indicator that is used to designate whether AES should be
+             enabled/disabled for all bi-directional GEM ports associated with
+             this ONT.
+-t: <string> tcont reference that is for the purpose of upstream scheduling in
+             the ONU, a gemport needs to refer to the tcont into which it feeds
+             upstream traffic.
+gem_port create -n "GEMPORT 1" -r "Enet UNI 1" -c 0 -a true -t "TCont 1"
+        )
+    @options([
+        make_option('-n', '--name', action="store", dest='name', type='string',
+                    help='name of gemport', default=None),
+        make_option('-r', '--itf_ref', action="store", dest='itf_ref',
+                    type='string', help='reference to v_enet interface',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-c', '--traffic_class', action="store",
+                    dest='traffic_class', type='int',
+                    help='traffic class value for gemport', default=None),
+        make_option('-a', '--aes_indicator', action="store",
+                    dest='aes_indicator', type='string',
+                    help='aes indicator to designate if AES enabled/disabled',
+                    default=None),
+        make_option('-t', '--tcont_ref', action='store', dest='tcont_ref',
+                    type='string',
+                    help='tcont reference for purpose of us scheduling in ONU',
+                    default=None),
+    ])
+    def do_gem_port(self, line, opts):
+        """gem_port get, create -flags <attributes>,
+        update -flags <attributes>, delete -n <name>"""
+        # Ensure that a valid sub-command was provided
+        if line.strip() not in {"get", "create", "update", "delete"}:
+            self.poutput(self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                         self.colorize(self.colorize(line.strip(), 'blue'),
+                                       'bold') + ' is not recognized')
+            return
+        stub = voltha_pb2.VolthaGlobalServiceStub(self.get_channel())
+        if line.strip() == "get":
+            if self.device_id:
+                cg, cpart, cp, ct, vont, ont, venet, tdp, tcont, gemport = \
+                    self.get_interface_based_on_device()
+                print_pb_list_as_table(
+                    "Gem Ports for device ID = {}:"
+                    .format(self.device_id), gemport, {}, self.poutput)
+            else:
+                gemport = stub.GetAllGemportsConfigData(Empty())
+                print_pb_list_as_table("Gem Ports:",
+                                       gemport.gemports_config,
+                                       {}, self.poutput)
+            return
+        try:
+            gemport = GemportsConfigData(name = opts.name)
+            if opts.itf_ref:
+                gemport.itf_ref = opts.itf_ref
+            if opts.traffic_class:
+                gemport.traffic_class = opts.traffic_class
+            if opts.aes_indicator:
+                if opts.aes_indicator == 'true':
+                    gemport.aes_indicator = True
+                elif opts.aes_indicator == 'false':
+                    gemport.aes_indicator = False
+                else:
+                    m = 'Invalid boolean value for Gem Port \
+                    aes_indicator \'{}\''.format(opts.aes_indicator)
+                    self.poutput(
+                        self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') + self.colorize(
+                            self.colorize(m, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+                    return
+            if opts.tcont_ref:
+                gemport.tcont_ref = opts.tcont_ref
+            if line.strip() == "create":
+                stub.CreateGemportsConfigData(gemport)
+            elif line.strip() == "update":
+                stub.UpdateGemportsConfigData(gemport)
+            elif line.strip() == "delete":
+                stub.DeleteGemportsConfigData(gemport)
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.poutput(
+                self.colorize('Error: ', 'red') +
+                self.colorize(self.colorize(e.message, 'blue'), 'bold'))
+            return
diff --git a/ponsim/ponsim.py b/ponsim/ponsim.py
index 619beb1..219f1c5 100644
--- a/ponsim/ponsim.py
+++ b/ponsim/ponsim.py
@@ -477,13 +477,91 @@
         self.log = structlog.get_logger()
     def CreateInterface(self, request):
-        self.log.info("create-interface-request", interface_type = request.WhichOneof("interface_type"), data = request)
+        self.log.info("create-interface-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
     def UpdateInterface(self, request):
-        self.log.info("update-interface-request", interface_type = request.WhichOneof("interface_type"), data = request)
+        self.log.info("update-interface-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
     def RemoveInterface(self, request):
-        self.log.info("remove-interface-request", interface_type = request.WhichOneof("interface_type"), data = request)
+        self.log.info("remove-interface-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def CreateTcont(self, request, request2):
+        self.log.info("create-tcont-request",
+                      tcont_config_data=request,
+                      traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data=request2)
+        return
+    def UpdateTcont(self, request, request2):
+        self.log.info("update-tcont-request",
+                      tcont_config_data=request,
+                      traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data=request2)
+        return
+    def RemoveTcont(self, request, request2):
+        self.log.info("remove-tcont-request",
+                      tcont_config_data=request,
+                      traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data=request2)
+        return
+    def CreateGemport(self, request):
+        self.log.info("create-gemport-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def UpdateGemport(self, request):
+        self.log.info("update-gemport-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def RemoveGemport(self, request):
+        self.log.info("remove-gemport-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def CreateMulticastGemport(self, request):
+        self.log.info("create-multicast-gemport-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def UpdateMulticastGemport(self, request):
+        self.log.info("update-multicast-gemport-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def RemoveMulticastGemport(self, request):
+        self.log.info("remove-multicast-gemport-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def CreateMulticastDistributionSet(self, request):
+        self.log.info("create-multicast-distribution-set-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def UpdateMulticastDistributionSet(self, request):
+        self.log.info("update-multicast-distribution-set-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
+        return
+    def RemoveMulticastDistributionSet(self, request):
+        self.log.info("remove-multicast-distribution-set-request",
+                      interface_type=request.WhichOneof("interface_type"),
+                      data=request)
diff --git a/ponsim/ponsim_servicer.py b/ponsim/ponsim_servicer.py
index b7a524f..ccfec38 100644
--- a/ponsim/ponsim_servicer.py
+++ b/ponsim/ponsim_servicer.py
@@ -69,3 +69,57 @@
     def RemoveInterface(self, request, context):
         return Empty()
+    def CreateTcont(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.CreateTcont(
+            request.tconts_config_data,
+            request.traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data)
+        return Empty()
+    def UpdateTcont(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.UpdateTcont(
+            request.tconts_config_data,
+            request.traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data)
+        return Empty()
+    def RemoveTcont(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.RemoveTcont(
+            request.tconts_config_data,
+            request.traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data)
+        return Empty()
+    def CreateGemport(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.CreateGemport(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def UpdateGemport(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.UpdateGemport(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def RemoveGemport(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.RemoveGemport(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def CreateMulticastGemport(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.CreateMulticastGemport(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def UpdateMulticastGemport(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.UpdateMulticastGemport(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def RemoveMulticastGemport(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.RemoveMulticastGemport(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def CreateMulticastDistributionSet(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.CreateMulticastDistributionSet(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def UpdateMulticastDistributionSet(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.UpdateMulticastDistributionSet(request)
+        return Empty()
+    def RemoveMulticastDistributionSet(self, request, context):
+        self.x_pon_sim.RemoveMulticastDistributionSet(request)
+        return Empty()
diff --git a/tests/itests/voltha/test_voltha_xpon.py b/tests/itests/voltha/test_voltha_xpon.py
index 201eb54..9136e67 100644
--- a/tests/itests/voltha/test_voltha_xpon.py
+++ b/tests/itests/voltha/test_voltha_xpon.py
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
 from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_base_pb2 as fb
 from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Device
+from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 as gemport
+from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 as tcont
+from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 as tdp
 from common.utils.consulhelpers import get_endpoint_from_consul
@@ -146,6 +149,38 @@
+    {'tdp-add': {
+        'pb2': tdp.TrafficDescriptorProfileData(),
+        'rpc': {
+            "name": "TDP 1",
+            "assured_bandwidth": "500000",
+            "additional_bw_eligibility_indicator": \
+            "fixed_bandwidth": "100000",
+            "maximum_bandwidth": "1000000",
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    {'tcont-add': {
+        'pb2': tcont.TcontsConfigData(),
+        'rpc': {
+            "interface_reference": "Golden User",
+            "traffic_descriptor_profile_ref": "TDP 1",
+            "name": "TCont 1"
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    {'gemport-add': {
+        'pb2': gemport.GemportsConfigData(),
+        'rpc': {
+            "aes_indicator": True,
+            "name": "GEMPORT 1",
+            "traffic_class": 0,
+            "itf_ref": "Enet UNI 1",
+            "tcont_ref": "TCont 1",
+            }
+        }
+    },
     {'cg-mod': {
         'pb2': fb.ChannelgroupConfig(),
         'rpc': {
@@ -163,6 +198,18 @@
+    {'gemport-del': {
+        'pb2': gemport.GemportsConfigData(),
+        'rpc': {"name": "GEMPORT 1"}}
+    },
+    {'tcont-del': {
+        'pb2': tcont.TcontsConfigData(),
+        'rpc': {"name": "TCont 1"}}
+    },
+    {'tdp-del': {
+        'pb2': tdp.TrafficDescriptorProfileData(),
+        'rpc': {"name": "TDP 1"}}
+    },
     {'venet-del': {
         'pb2': fb.VEnetConfig(),
         'rpc': {"name": "Enet UNI 1"}}
@@ -298,20 +345,12 @@
     # Method to check if the result is same as the change requested
     def search(self, req, result):
-        dict1 = MessageToDict(req, preserving_proto_field_name = True)
-        for item in result:
-            if(isinstance(item, dict)):
-                for k,v in item.items():
-                    if(v == dict1['name']):
-                        dict2 = item
-                        break
-        itfDiff = [k for k in dict1['interface'] if dict1['interface'][k] \
-                   != dict2['interface'][k]]
-        dataDiff = [k for k in dict1['data'] if dict1['data'][k] \
-                    != dict2['data'][k]]
-        if(len(itfDiff) == 0 and len(dataDiff) == 0):
-            return True
-        return False
+        dict1 = MessageToDict(req,
+                              including_default_value_fields = True,
+                              preserving_proto_field_name = True)
+        result['id'] = ''
+        return dict1 == result
 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function to create test cases on the fly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 def create_dynamic_method(key, value):
@@ -329,18 +368,24 @@
         'ontani': {'type':'ont_anis',
         'venet':  {'type':'v_enets',
-                   'config':'v_enet_config'}
+                   'config':'v_enet_config'},
+        'gemport':{'type':'gemports',
+                   'config':'gemports_config'},
+        'tcont': {'type':'tconts',
+                   'config':'tconts_config'},
+        'tdp':    {'type':'traffic_descriptor_profiles',
+                   'config':'traffic_descriptor_profiles'}
     def _add(self, type, config, req, name):
         result, prev_len = self.add(type, config, req, name)
         self.assertEqual(result[config][prev_len]['name'], name)
         self.assertEqual(len(result[config]), prev_len+1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.search(req, result[config]), True)
+        self.assertEqual(self.search(req, result[config][0]), True)
     def _mod(self, type, config, req, name):
         result = self.modify(type, req, name)
-        self.assertEqual(self.search(req, result[config]), True)
+        self.assertEqual(self.search(req, result[config][0]), True)
     def _del(self, type, config, req, name):
         result, prev_len = self.remove(type, config, name)
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/adtran_olt/adtran_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/adtran_olt/adtran_olt.py
index 67ac4f2..e44a15b 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/adtran_olt/adtran_olt.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/adtran_olt/adtran_olt.py
@@ -423,3 +423,39 @@
         :return: None
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/broadcom_onu/broadcom_onu.py b/voltha/adapters/broadcom_onu/broadcom_onu.py
index 968fc42..bef5adf 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/broadcom_onu/broadcom_onu.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/broadcom_onu/broadcom_onu.py
@@ -179,9 +179,6 @@
             if handler is not None:
-    def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
     def create_interface(self, device, data):
         log.info('create-interface', device_id=device.id)
         if device.proxy_address.channel_id in self.devices_handlers:
@@ -206,6 +203,45 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def unsuppress_alarm(self, filter):
         raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/dpoe_onu/dpoe_onu.py b/voltha/adapters/dpoe_onu/dpoe_onu.py
index 09e7f6e..2bf9397 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/dpoe_onu/dpoe_onu.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/dpoe_onu/dpoe_onu.py
@@ -437,6 +437,42 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
         raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/iadapter.py b/voltha/adapters/iadapter.py
index 686a636..88e7c37 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/iadapter.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/iadapter.py
@@ -188,6 +188,41 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, proxy_address, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
 OLT Adapter base class
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/interface.py b/voltha/adapters/interface.py
index c2431fb..f8c6f28 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/interface.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/interface.py
@@ -305,18 +305,27 @@
         API to create various interfaces (only some PON interfaces as of now)
         in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: interface data object
+        :return: None
     def update_interface(device, data):
         API to update various interfaces (only some PON interfaces as of now)
         in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: interface data object
+        :return: None
     def remove_interface(device, data):
         API to delete various interfaces (only some PON interfaces as of now)
         in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: interface data object
+        :return: None
     def receive_onu_detect_state(proxy_address, state):
@@ -327,6 +336,109 @@
         :return: None
+    def create_tcont(device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        API to create tcont object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :tcont_data: tcont data object
+        :traffic_descriptor_data: traffic descriptor data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def update_tcont(device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        API to update tcont object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :tcont_data: tcont data object
+        :traffic_descriptor_data: traffic descriptor data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def remove_tcont(device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        API to delete tcont object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :tcont_data: tcont data object
+        :traffic_descriptor_data: traffic descriptor data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def create_gemport(device, data):
+        """
+        API to create gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def update_gemport(device, data):
+        """
+        API to update gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def remove_gemport(device, data):
+        """
+        API to delete gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def create_multicast_gemport(device, data):
+        """
+        API to create multicast gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def update_multicast_gemport(device, data):
+        """
+        API to update  multicast gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(device, data):
+        """
+        API to delete multicast gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(device, data):
+        """
+        API to create multicast distribution rule to specify
+        the multicast VLANs that ride on the multicast gemport
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast distribution data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(device, data):
+        """
+        API to update multicast distribution rule to specify
+        the multicast VLANs that ride on the multicast gemport
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast distribution data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(device, data):
+        """
+        API to delete multicast distribution rule to specify
+        the multicast VLANs that ride on the multicast gemport
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast distribution data object
+        :return: None
+        """
 class IAdapterAgent(Interface):
     This object is passed in to the __init__ function of each adapter,
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/maple_olt/maple_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/maple_olt/maple_olt.py
index 03f7961..896b04f 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/maple_olt/maple_olt.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/maple_olt/maple_olt.py
@@ -521,6 +521,42 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
         raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/microsemi_olt/microsemi_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/microsemi_olt/microsemi_olt.py
index a04a712..cf30317 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/microsemi_olt/microsemi_olt.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/microsemi_olt/microsemi_olt.py
@@ -169,6 +169,42 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
         device = self.adaptor_agent.get_device(proxy_address.device_id)
         _, _, comm = self.olts[device.mac_address]
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/pmcs_onu/pmcs_onu.py b/voltha/adapters/pmcs_onu/pmcs_onu.py
index aedbb99..0af00d9 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/pmcs_onu/pmcs_onu.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/pmcs_onu/pmcs_onu.py
@@ -184,6 +184,42 @@
     def receive_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
         raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.py
index aca7fc2..1e5d042 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/ponsim_olt/ponsim_olt.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 Fully simulated OLT/ONU adapter.
+import sys
 from uuid import uuid4
 import arrow
@@ -49,10 +50,18 @@
 from voltha.registry import registry
 from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_base_pb2 import \
-    ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig, ChannelpairConfig, ChannelterminationConfig, \
-    OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig
+    ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig, ChannelpairConfig,\
+    ChannelterminationConfig, OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import \
+    TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_multicast_gemport_body_pb2 import \
+    MulticastGemportsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_multicast_distribution_set_body_pb2 import \
+    MulticastDistributionSetData
-from voltha.protos.ponsim_pb2 import InterfaceConfig
+from voltha.protos.ponsim_pb2 import InterfaceConfig, TcontInterfaceConfig
 _ = third_party
 log = structlog.get_logger()
@@ -208,7 +217,109 @@
         log.info('remove-interface', device_id=device.id)
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        log.info('create-tcont', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].create_tcont(tcont_data,
+                                                      traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        log.info('update-tcont', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].update_tcont(tcont_data,
+                                                      traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        log.info('remove-tcont', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].remove_tcont(tcont_data,
+                                                      traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        log.info('create-gemport', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].create_gemport(data)
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        log.info('update-gemport', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].update_gemport(data)
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        log.info('remove-gemport', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].remove_gemport(data)
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        log.info('create-multicast-gemport', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].create_multicast_gemport(data)
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        log.info('update-multicast-gemport', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].update_multicast_gemport(data)
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        log.info('remove-multicast-gemport', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].remove_multicast_gemport(data)
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        log.info('create-multicast-distribution-set', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].create_multicast_distribution_set(
+            data)
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        log.info('update-multicast-distribution-set', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].update_multicast_distribution_set(
+            data)
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        log.info('remove-multicast-distribution-set', device_id=device.id)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id].remove_multicast_distribution_set(
+            data)
 class PonSimOltHandler(object):
+    xpon_ponsim_olt_itfs = {
+        'create_interface': {
+            'method_name': 'CreateInterface',
+            'log': 'create-interface'},
+        'update_interface': {
+            'method_name': 'UpdateInterface',
+            'log': 'update-interface'},
+        'remove_interface': {
+            'method_name': 'RemoveInterface',
+            'log': 'remove-interface'},
+        'create_tcont': {
+            'method_name': 'CreateTcont',
+            'log': 'create-tconts-config-data'},
+        'update_tcont': {
+            'method_name': 'UpdateTcont',
+            'log': 'update-tconts-config-data'},
+        'remove_tcont': {
+            'method_name': 'RemoveTcont',
+            'log': 'remove-tconts-config-data'},
+        'create_gemport': {
+            'method_name': 'CreateGemport',
+            'log': 'create-gemports-config-data'},
+        'update_gemport': {
+            'method_name': 'UpdateGemport',
+            'log': 'update-gemports-config-data'},
+        'remove_gemport': {
+            'method_name': 'RemoveGemport',
+            'log': 'remove-gemports-config-data'},
+        'create_multicast_gemport': {
+            'method_name': 'CreateMulticastGemport',
+            'log': 'create-multicast-gemports-config-data'},
+        'update_multicast_gemport': {
+            'method_name': 'UpdateMulticastGemport',
+            'log': 'update-multicast-gemports-config-data'},
+        'remove_multicast_gemport': {
+            'method_name': 'RemoveMulticastGemport',
+            'log': 'remove-multicast-gemports-config-data'},
+        'create_multicast_distribution_set': {
+            'method_name': 'CreateMulticastDistributionSet',
+            'log': 'create-multicast-distribution-set-data'},
+        'update_multicast_distribution_set': {
+            'method_name': 'UpdateMulticastDistributionSet',
+            'log': 'update-multicast-distribution-set-data'},
+        'remove_multicast_distribution_set': {
+            'method_name': 'RemoveMulticastDistributionSet',
+            'log': 'remove-multicast-distribution-set-data'},
+                            }
     def __init__(self, adapter, device_id):
         self.adapter = adapter
         self.adapter_agent = adapter.adapter_agent
@@ -724,30 +835,100 @@
         elif isinstance(data, VEnetConfig):
+        elif isinstance(data, TrafficDescriptorProfileData):
+            interfaceConfig.traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data.CopyFrom(
+                data)
+        elif isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData):
+            interfaceConfig.tconts_config_data.CopyFrom(data)
+        elif isinstance(data, GemportsConfigData):
+            interfaceConfig.gemports_config_data.CopyFrom(data)
+        elif isinstance(data, MulticastGemportsConfigData):
+            interfaceConfig.multicast_gemports_config_data.CopyFrom(data)
+        elif isinstance(data, MulticastDistributionSetData):
+            interfaceConfig.multicast_distribution_set_data.CopyFrom(data)
             return None
         return interfaceConfig
-    def create_interface(self, data):
+    def xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(self, method_name, data, data2=None):
         interfaceConfig = self.get_interface_config(data)
         if interfaceConfig is not None:
-            self.log.info('forwarding-create-interface-request-to-olt-for-interface-type', interface_type=type(data))
+            self.log.info(
+                'forwarding-{}-request-to-olt-for-interface-type'
+                .format(self.xpon_ponsim_olt_itfs[method_name]['log']),
+                interface_type=type(data))
             stub = ponsim_pb2.XPonSimStub(self.get_channel())
-            stub.CreateInterface(interfaceConfig)
+            _method = getattr(
+                stub, self.xpon_ponsim_olt_itfs[method_name]['method_name'])
+            if isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData):
+                tcont_config = TcontInterfaceConfig()
+                tcont_config.tconts_config_data.CopyFrom(data)
+                tcont_config.traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data.CopyFrom(
+                    data2)
+                _method(tcont_config)
+            else:
+                _method(interfaceConfig)
+    def create_interface(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
     def update_interface(self, data):
-        interfaceConfig = self.get_interface_config(data)
-        if interfaceConfig is not None:
-            self.log.info('forwarding-update-interface-request-to-olt-for-interface-type', interface_type=type(data))
-            stub = ponsim_pb2.XPonSimStub(self.get_channel())
-            stub.UpdateInterface(interfaceConfig)
-            self.log.info('success')
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
     def remove_interface(self, data):
-        interfaceConfig = self.get_interface_config(data)
-        if interfaceConfig is not None:
-            self.log.info('forwarding-remove-interface-request-to-olt-for-interface-type', interface_type=type(data))
-            stub = ponsim_pb2.XPonSimStub(self.get_channel())
-            stub.RemoveInterface(interfaceConfig)
-            self.log.info('success')
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def create_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, tcont_data,
+                                      traffic_descriptor_data);
+    def update_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, tcont_data,
+                                      traffic_descriptor_data);
+    def remove_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, tcont_data,
+                                      traffic_descriptor_data);
+    def create_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def update_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def remove_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_olt_interface(_method_name, data);
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.py b/voltha/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.py
index 9d7175a..5467aad 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/ponsim_onu/ponsim_onu.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 Fully simulated OLT/ONU adapter.
+import sys
 import structlog
 from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredQueue, inlineCallbacks
 from common.utils.asleep import asleep
@@ -35,10 +36,50 @@
 from voltha.protos.ponsim_pb2 import InterfaceConfig
 from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_base_pb2 import OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, \
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import \
+    TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_multicast_gemport_body_pb2 import \
+    MulticastGemportsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_multicast_distribution_set_body_pb2 import \
+    MulticastDistributionSetData
 _ = third_party
 log = structlog.get_logger()
+xpon_ponsim_onu_itfs = {
+    'create_interface': {
+        'log': 'create-interface'},
+    'update_interface': {
+        'log': 'update-interface'},
+    'remove_interface': {
+        'log': 'remove-interface'},
+    'create_tcont': {
+        'log': 'create-tconts-config-data'},
+    'update_tcont': {
+        'log': 'update-tconts-config-data'},
+    'remove_tcont': {
+        'log': 'remove-tconts-config-data'},
+    'create_gemport': {
+        'log': 'create-gemports-config-data'},
+    'update_gemport': {
+        'log': 'update-gemports-config-data'},
+    'remove_gemport': {
+        'log': 'remove-gemports-config-data'},
+    'create_multicast_gemport': {
+        'log': 'create-multicast-gemports-config-data'},
+    'update_multicast_gemport': {
+        'log': 'update-multicast-gemports-config-data'},
+    'remove_multicast_gemport': {
+        'log': 'remove-multicast-gemports-config-data'},
+    'create_multicast_distribution_set': {
+        'log': 'create-multicast-distribution-set-data'},
+    'update_multicast_distribution_set': {
+        'log': 'update-multicast-distribution-set-data'},
+    'remove_multicast_distribution_set': {
+        'log': 'remove-multicast-distribution-set-data'},
+                        }
 class PonSimOnuAdapter(OnuAdapter):
     def __init__(self, adapter_agent, config):
@@ -53,26 +94,81 @@
-    def create_interface(self, device, data):
-        log.info('create-interface', device_id=device.id)
+    def xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(self, method_name, device, data,
+                                          data2=None):
+        log.info('{}'.format(xpon_ponsim_onu_itfs[method_name]['log']),
+                 device_id=device.id)
         if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
             handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
             if handler is not None:
-                handler.create_interface(data)
+                _method = getattr(handler, method_name)
+                if isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData):
+                    _method(data, data2)
+                else:
+                    _method(data)
+    def create_interface(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
     def update_interface(self, device, data):
-        log.info('update-interface', device_id=device.id)
-        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
-            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
-            if handler is not None:
-                handler.update_interface(data)
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
     def remove_interface(self, device, data):
-        log.info('remove-interface', device_id=device.id)
-        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
-            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
-            if handler is not None:
-                handler.remove_interface(data)
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, tcont_data,
+                                              traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, tcont_data,
+                                              traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, tcont_data,
+                                              traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_adapter_interface(_method_name, device, data)
 class PonSimOnuHandler(object):
     def __init__(self, adapter, device_id):
@@ -382,27 +478,89 @@
         elif isinstance(data, VEnetConfig):
+        elif isinstance(data, TrafficDescriptorProfileData):
+            interfaceConfig.traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data.CopyFrom(
+                data)
+        elif isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData):
+            interfaceConfig.tconts_config_data.CopyFrom(data)
+        elif isinstance(data, GemportsConfigData):
+            interfaceConfig.gemports_config_data.CopyFrom(data)
+        elif isinstance(data, MulticastGemportsConfigData):
+            interfaceConfig.multicast_gemports_config_data.CopyFrom(data)
+        elif isinstance(data, MulticastDistributionSetData):
+            interfaceConfig.multicast_distribution_set_data.CopyFrom(data)
             return None
         return interfaceConfig
-    def create_interface(self, data):
+    def xpon_ponsim_onu_interface (self, method_name, data, data2=None):
         interfaceConfig = self.get_interface_config(data)
         if interfaceConfig is not None:
-            self.log.info(
-                'forwarding-create-interface-request-to-onu-for-intfc-type',
-                interface_type=type(data))
+            self.log.info('forwarding-{}-request-to-onu-for-interface-type'
+                          .format(xpon_ponsim_onu_itfs[method_name]['log']),
+                          interface_type=type(data))
+            if data2 is not None:
+                self.log.info(interface_type=type(data2))
+    def create_interface(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
     def update_interface(self, data):
-        interfaceConfig = self.get_interface_config(data)
-        if interfaceConfig is not None:
-            self.log.info(
-                'forwarding-update-interface-request-to-onu-for-intfc-type',
-                interface_type=type(data))
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
     def remove_interface(self, data):
-        interfaceConfig = self.get_interface_config(data)
-        if interfaceConfig is not None:
-            self.log.info(
-                'forwarding-remove-interface-request-to-onu-for-intfc-type',
-                interface_type=type(data))
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def create_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, tcont_data,
+                                      traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def update_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, tcont_data,
+                                      traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def remove_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, tcont_data,
+                                      traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def create_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def update_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def remove_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, data):
+       _method_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
+       self.xpon_ponsim_onu_interface(_method_name, data)
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/simulated_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/simulated_olt.py
index 0b6eb94..5e3aa97 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/simulated_olt.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/simulated_olt.py
@@ -902,6 +902,42 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Embedded test Klein rest server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     def get_test_control_site(self):
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/simulated_onu/simulated_onu.py b/voltha/adapters/simulated_onu/simulated_onu.py
index c61ba8a..9cc0e87 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/simulated_onu/simulated_onu.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/simulated_onu/simulated_onu.py
@@ -414,6 +414,42 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
         raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py
index da3269e..c2067b5 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py
@@ -1498,3 +1498,39 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py b/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py
index 137f572..5c52f18 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py
@@ -670,6 +670,42 @@
     def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def _message_exchange(self, device):
diff --git a/voltha/core/adapter_agent.py b/voltha/core/adapter_agent.py
index 4c0b36c..c404de9 100644
--- a/voltha/core/adapter_agent.py
+++ b/voltha/core/adapter_agent.py
@@ -209,15 +209,53 @@
     # def update_pm_collection(self, device, pm_collection_config):
     #    return self.adapter.update_pm_collection(device, pm_collection_config)
-    def create_interface (self, device, data):
-        return self.adapter.create_interface (device, data)
+    def create_interface(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.create_interface(device, data)
-    def update_interface (self, device, data):
-        return self.adapter.update_interface (device, data)
+    def update_interface(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.update_interface(device, data)
     def remove_interface(self, device, data):
         return self.adapter.remove_interface(device, data)
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        return self.adapter.create_tcont(device, tcont_data,
+                                         traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        return self.adapter.update_tcont(device, tcont_data,
+                                         traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        return self.adapter.remove_tcont(device, tcont_data,
+                                         traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.create_gemport(device, data)
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.update_gemport(device, data)
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.remove_gemport(device, data)
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.create_multicast_gemport(device, data)
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.update_multicast_gemport(device, data)
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.remove_multicast_gemport(device, data)
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.create_multicast_distribution_set(device, data)
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.update_multicast_distribution_set(device, data)
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        return self.adapter.remove_multicast_distribution_set(device, data)
     # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adapter-Facing Service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
diff --git a/voltha/core/core.py b/voltha/core/core.py
index 7ddb5b8..ab8b157 100644
--- a/voltha/core/core.py
+++ b/voltha/core/core.py
@@ -36,8 +36,13 @@
 from voltha.registry import IComponent
 from xpon_agent import XponAgent
 from xpon_handler import XponHandler
-from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_base_pb2 import ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig, \
-    ChannelpairConfig, OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_base_pb2 import ChannelgroupConfig, \
+    ChannelpartitionConfig, ChannelpairConfig, OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, \
+    VEnetConfig
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import \
+    TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
 log = structlog.get_logger()
@@ -159,7 +164,8 @@
         elif isinstance(data, (ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig,
                                ChannelpairConfig, OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig,
-                               VEnetConfig)):
+                               VEnetConfig, TrafficDescriptorProfileData,
+                               TcontsConfigData, GemportsConfigData)):
         elif isinstance(data, AlarmFilter):
@@ -173,8 +179,9 @@
         elif isinstance(data, LogicalDevice):
         elif isinstance(data, (ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig,
-                                ChannelpairConfig, OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig,
-                                VEnetConfig)):
+                               ChannelpairConfig, OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig,
+                               VEnetConfig, TrafficDescriptorProfileData,
+                               TcontsConfigData, GemportsConfigData)):
         elif isinstance(data, AlarmFilter):
diff --git a/voltha/core/local_handler.py b/voltha/core/local_handler.py
index a172e51..77d5204 100644
--- a/voltha/core/local_handler.py
+++ b/voltha/core/local_handler.py
@@ -900,51 +900,57 @@
     def GetAllTrafficDescriptorProfileData(self, request, context):
-        return AllTrafficDescriptorProfileData()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.get_all_traffic_descriptor_profile_data(
+            request, context)
     def CreateTrafficDescriptorProfileData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.create_traffic_descriptor_profile(
+            request, context)
     def UpdateTrafficDescriptorProfileData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.update_traffic_descriptor_profile(
+            request, context)
     def DeleteTrafficDescriptorProfileData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.delete_traffic_descriptor_profile(
+            request, context)
     def GetAllTcontsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return AllTcontsConfigData()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.get_all_tconts_config_data(
+            request, context)
     def CreateTcontsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.create_tcont(request, context)
     def UpdateTcontsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.update_tcont(request, context)
     def DeleteTcontsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.delete_tcont(request, context)
     def GetAllGemportsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return AllGemportsConfigData()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.get_all_gemports_config_data(
+            request, context)
     def CreateGemportsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.create_gem_port(request, context)
     def UpdateGemportsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.update_gem_port(request, context)
     def DeleteGemportsConfigData(self, request, context):
-        return Empty()
+        return self.core.xpon_handler.delete_gem_port(request, context)
     def GetAllMulticastGemportsConfigData(self, request, context):
diff --git a/voltha/core/xpon_agent.py b/voltha/core/xpon_agent.py
index 3f8d94b..2dce5ea 100644
--- a/voltha/core/xpon_agent.py
+++ b/voltha/core/xpon_agent.py
@@ -21,7 +21,13 @@
 from voltha.core.config.config_proxy import CallbackType
 from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_base_pb2 import ChannelgroupConfig, \
     ChannelpartitionConfig, ChannelpairConfig, ChannelterminationConfig, \
-    OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig
+    OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig, \
+    AllTrafficDescriptorProfileData, AllTcontsConfigData, AllGemportsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import \
+    TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
 from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Device
 from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import AdminState
@@ -29,103 +35,102 @@
 class XponAgent(object):
-    interface_stack = {ChannelgroupConfig: {
-                           'path': '/channel_groups/{}',
-                               'path_keys': ['name'],
-                           'parent': None, 'parent_path': None,
-                               'parent_path_keys': [None],
-                            'child': ChannelpartitionConfig,
-                                'child_path': ['/channel_partitions'],
-                            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
-                                'olt_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'olt_device_id': 'from_child',
-                            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
-                                'onu_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'onu_device_id': 'na'},
-                       ChannelpartitionConfig: {
-                           'path': '/channel_partitions/{}',
-                               'path_keys': ['name'],
-                           'parent': ChannelgroupConfig,
-                               'parent_path': '/channel_groups/{}',
-                               'parent_path_keys': ['data.channelgroup_ref'],
-                            'child': ChannelpairConfig,
-                                'child_path': ['/channel_pairs'],
-                            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
-                                'olt_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'olt_device_id': 'from_child',
-                            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
-                                'onu_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'onu_device_id': 'na'},
-                       ChannelpairConfig: {
-                           'path': '/channel_pairs/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
-                           'parent': ChannelpartitionConfig,
-                               'parent_path': '/channel_partitions/{}',
-                               'parent_path_keys':\
-                                   ['data.channelpartition_ref'],
-                            'child': ChannelterminationConfig,
-                                'child_path':\
-                                    ['/devices', 'channel_terminations'],
-                            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
-                                'olt_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'olt_device_id': 'from_child',
-                            'onu_link': None,
-                                'onu_link_path': None,
-                                'onu_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'onu_device_id': 'na'},
-                       ChannelterminationConfig: {
-                           'path': '/devices/{}/channel_terminations/{}',
-                               'path_keys': ['id', 'name'],
-                           'parent': ChannelpairConfig,
-                               'parent_path': '/channel_pairs/{}',
-                               'parent_path_keys':\
-                                   ['data.channelpair_ref'],
-                            'child': None, 'child_path': [None],
-                            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
-                                'olt_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'olt_device_id': 'self',
-                            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
-                                'onu_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'onu_device_id': 'na'},
-                       VOntaniConfig: {
-                           'path': '/v_ont_anis/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
-                           'parent': ChannelpartitionConfig,
-                               'parent_path': '/channel_partitions/{}',
-                               'parent_path_keys': ['data.parent_ref'],
-                            'child': VEnetConfig, 'child_path': ['/v_enets'],
-                            'olt_link': ChannelpairConfig,
-                                'olt_link_path': '/channel_pairs/{}',
-                                'olt_link_path_keys':\
-                                    ['data.preferred_chanpair'],
-                                'olt_device_id': 'from_link',
-                            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
-                                'onu_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'onu_device_id': 'self'},
-                       OntaniConfig: {
-                           'path': '/ont_anis/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
-                           'parent': None, 'parent_path': None,
-                               'parent_path_keys': [None],
-                            'child': None, 'child_path': [None],
-                            'olt_link': VOntaniConfig,
-                                'olt_link_path': '/v_ont_anis/{}',
-                                'olt_link_path_keys': ['name'],
-                                'olt_device_id' : 'from_link',
-                            'onu_link': VOntaniConfig,
-                                'onu_link_path': '/v_ont_anis/{}',
-                                'onu_link_path_keys': ['name'],
-                                'onu_device_id': 'from_link'},
-                       VEnetConfig: {
-                           'path': '/v_enets/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
-                           'parent': VOntaniConfig,
-                               'parent_path': '/v_ont_anis/{}',
-                               'parent_path_keys': ['data.v_ontani_ref'],
-                            'child': None, 'child_path': [None],
-                            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
-                                'olt_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'olt_device_id': 'from_parent',
-                            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
-                                'onu_link_path_keys': [None],
-                                'onu_device_id': 'from_parent'}
-                      }
+    interface_stack = {
+        ChannelgroupConfig: {
+            'path': '/channel_groups/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': None, 'parent_path': None, 'parent_path_keys': [None],
+            'child': {
+                1: {'config': ChannelpartitionConfig,
+                    'child_path': ['/channel_partitions']}},
+            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
+                'olt_link_path_keys': [None], 'olt_device_id': 'from_child',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'na'},
+        ChannelpartitionConfig: {
+            'path': '/channel_partitions/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': ChannelgroupConfig, 'parent_path': '/channel_groups/{}',
+                'parent_path_keys': ['data.channelgroup_ref'],
+            'child': {
+                1: {'config': ChannelpairConfig,
+                    'child_path': ['/channel_pairs']}},
+            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
+                'olt_link_path_keys': [None], 'olt_device_id': 'from_child',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'na'},
+        ChannelpairConfig: {
+            'path': '/channel_pairs/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': ChannelpartitionConfig,
+                'parent_path': '/channel_partitions/{}',
+                'parent_path_keys': ['data.channelpartition_ref'],
+            'child': {
+                1: {'config': ChannelterminationConfig,
+                    'child_path': ['/devices', 'channel_terminations']}},
+            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
+                'olt_link_path_keys': [None], 'olt_device_id': 'from_child',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'na'},
+        ChannelterminationConfig: {
+            'path': '/devices/{}/channel_terminations/{}',
+                'path_keys': ['id', 'name'],
+            'parent': ChannelpairConfig, 'parent_path': '/channel_pairs/{}',
+                'parent_path_keys': ['data.channelpair_ref'],
+            'child': None, 'child_path': [None],
+            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
+                'olt_link_path_keys': [None], 'olt_device_id': 'self',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'na'},
+        VOntaniConfig: {
+            'path': '/v_ont_anis/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': ChannelpartitionConfig,
+                'parent_path': '/channel_partitions/{}',
+                'parent_path_keys': ['data.parent_ref'],
+            'child': {
+                1: {'config': VEnetConfig, 'child_path': ['/v_enets']},
+                2: {'config': TcontsConfigData, 'child_path': ['/tconts']}},
+            'olt_link': ChannelpairConfig,
+                'olt_link_path': '/channel_pairs/{}',
+                'olt_link_path_keys': ['data.preferred_chanpair'],
+                'olt_device_id': 'from_link',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'self'},
+        OntaniConfig: {
+            'path': '/ont_anis/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': None, 'parent_path': None, 'parent_path_keys': [None],
+            'child': None, 'child_path': [None],
+            'olt_link': VOntaniConfig, 'olt_link_path': '/v_ont_anis/{}',
+                'olt_link_path_keys': ['name'], 'olt_device_id' : 'from_link',
+            'onu_link': VOntaniConfig, 'onu_link_path': '/v_ont_anis/{}',
+                'onu_link_path_keys': ['name'], 'onu_device_id': 'from_link'},
+        VEnetConfig: {
+            'path': '/v_enets/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': VOntaniConfig, 'parent_path': '/v_ont_anis/{}',
+                'parent_path_keys': ['data.v_ontani_ref'],
+            'child': {
+                1: {'config': GemportsConfigData,
+                    'child_path': ['/gemports']}},
+            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
+                'olt_link_path_keys': [None], 'olt_device_id': 'from_parent',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'from_parent'},
+        TcontsConfigData: {
+            'path': '/tconts/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': VOntaniConfig, 'parent_path': '/v_ont_anis/{}',
+                'parent_path_keys': ['interface_reference'],
+            'child': None, 'child_path': [None],
+            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
+                'olt_link_path_keys': [None], 'olt_device_id': 'from_parent',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'from_parent'},
+        GemportsConfigData: {
+            'path': '/gemports/{}', 'path_keys': ['name'],
+            'parent': VEnetConfig, 'parent_path': '/v_enets/{}',
+                'parent_path_keys': ['itf_ref'],
+            'child': None, 'child_path': [None],
+            'olt_link': None, 'olt_link_path': None,
+                'olt_link_path_keys': [None], 'olt_device_id': 'from_parent',
+            'onu_link': None, 'onu_link_path': None,
+                'onu_link_path_keys': [None], 'onu_device_id': 'from_parent'}
+                       }
     def __init__(self, core):
         self.core = core
@@ -210,18 +215,18 @@
     def get_child_data(self, data):
         interface_node = self.interface_stack[type(data)]
-        if len(interface_node['child_path']) > 1:
+        if len(interface_node['child'][1]['child_path']) > 1:
             top_children = self.core.get_proxy('/').get('{}'.format(
-                interface_node['child_path'][0]))
+                interface_node['child'][1]['child_path'][0]))
             for top_child in top_children:
                 child = self._get_child_data_by_path(data, '{}/{}/{}'.format(
-                    interface_node['child_path'][0], top_child.id,
-                    interface_node['child_path'][1]))
+                    interface_node['child'][1]['child_path'][0], top_child.id,
+                    interface_node['child'][1]['child_path'][1]))
                 if child is not None:
                     return child
             child = self._get_child_data_by_path(data, '{}'.format(
-                interface_node['child_path'][0]))
+                interface_node['child'][1]['child_path'][0]))
         if child is None:
@@ -295,26 +300,92 @@
     def create_interface_in_device(self, device, data):
         adapter_agent = self.get_device_adapter_agent(device)
-        adapter_agent.create_interface(device=device, data=data)
+        if (isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData)):
+            # Adapter interfaces for TCONT always need traffic-descriptor
+            traffic_descriptor_data = self.core.get_proxy('/').get(
+                '/traffic_descriptor_profiles/{}'.
+                format(data.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref))
+            adapter_agent.create_tcont(
+                device=device, tcont_data=data,
+                traffic_descriptor_data=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)):
+            # Do nothing for now
+            log.info(
+                'create-interface-in-device-traffic-descriptor-do-nothing',
+                device=device, data=data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, GemportsConfigData)):
+            adapter_agent.create_gemport(device=device, data=data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, (ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig,
+                                ChannelpairConfig, ChannelterminationConfig,
+                                OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig))):
+            adapter_agent.create_interface(device=device, data=data)
+        else:
+            # Not handled yet
+            log.info('create-interface-in-device: Not handling',
+                     device=device, data=data)
     def update_interface_in_device(self, device, data):
         adapter_agent = self.get_device_adapter_agent(device)
-        adapter_agent.update_interface(device=device, data=data)
+        if (isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData)):
+            # Adapter interfaces for TCONT always need traffic-descriptor
+            traffic_descriptor_data = self.core.get_proxy('/').get(
+                '/traffic_descriptor_profiles/{}'.
+                format(data.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref))
+            adapter_agent.update_tcont(
+                device=device, tcont_data=data,
+                traffic_descriptor_data=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)):
+            # Do nothing for now
+            log.info(
+                'update-interface-in-device-traffic-descriptor-do-nothing',
+                device=device, data=data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, GemportsConfigData)):
+            adapter_agent.update_gemport(device=device, data=data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, (ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig,
+                                ChannelpairConfig, ChannelterminationConfig,
+                                OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig))):
+            adapter_agent.update_interface(device=device, data=data)
+        else:
+            # Not handled yet
+            log.info('create-interface-in-device: Not handling',
+                     device=device, data=data)
     def remove_interface_in_device(self, device, data):
         adapter_agent = self.get_device_adapter_agent(device)
-        adapter_agent.remove_interface(device=device, data=data)
+        if (isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData)):
+            # Adapter interfaces for TCONT always need traffic-descriptor
+            traffic_descriptor_data = self.core.get_proxy('/').get(
+                '/traffic_descriptor_profiles/{}'.
+                format(data.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref))
+            adapter_agent.remove_tcont(
+                device=device, tcont_data=data,
+                traffic_descriptor_data=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)):
+            # Do nothing for now
+            log.info(
+                'remove-interface-in-device-traffic-descriptor-do-nothing',
+                device=device, data=data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, GemportsConfigData)):
+            adapter_agent.remove_gemport(device=device, data=data)
+        elif (isinstance(data, (ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig,
+                                ChannelpairConfig, ChannelterminationConfig,
+                                OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig))):
+            adapter_agent.remove_interface(device=device, data=data)
+        else:
+            # Not handled yet
+            log.info('remove-interface-in-device: Not handling',
+                     device=device, data=data)
     def create_interface(self, data, device_id=None):
+        if not self.is_valid_interface(data):
+            log.info('xpon-agent-create-interface-invalid-interface-type',
+                     type=type(data).__name__)
+            return
         if device_id is None:
             olt_device = self.get_device(data, 'olt')
             olt_device = self.core.get_proxy('/').get('/devices/{}'.
-        if not self.is_valid_interface(data):
-            log.info('xpon-agent-create-interface-invalid-interface-type',
-                     type=type(data).__name__)
-            return
         device_id = None if olt_device is None else olt_device.id
@@ -358,15 +429,15 @@
                 self.update_interface_in_device(onu_device, data)
     def remove_interface(self, data, device_id=None):
+        if not self.is_valid_interface(data):
+            log.info('xpon-agent-remove-interface-invalid-interface-type',
+                     type=type(data).__name__)
+            return
         if device_id is None:
             olt_device = self.get_device(data, 'olt')
             olt_device = self.core.get_proxy('/').get('/devices/{}'.
-        if not self.is_valid_interface(data):
-            log.info('xpon-agent-remove-interface-invalid-interface-type',
-                     type=type(data).__name__)
-            return
         if olt_device is not None:
                      olt_device_id=olt_device.id, data=data)
@@ -448,6 +519,11 @@
                         onu_device_id=onu_device.id, v_enet=v_enet)
                     self.create_interface_in_device(onu_device, v_enet)
+            '''
+            @TODO: Add creation of Traffic Descriptor Profile, TCont, and
+                   Gemport. Creation of all interfaces must be remodeled
+                   utilizing interface stack's parent-child relationship.
+            '''
         except KeyError:
@@ -487,6 +563,11 @@
         for v_ont_ani in v_ont_anis:
             if self.get_link_data(v_ont_ani, 'olt').name == data.name:
                 onu_device = self.get_device(v_ont_ani, 'onu')
+                '''
+                @TODO: Add remove of Traffic Descriptor Profile, TCont, and
+                       Gemport. Remove of all interfaces must be remodeled
+                       utilizing interface stack's parent-child relationship.
+                '''
                 v_enets = self.core.get_proxy('/').get('/v_enets')
                 for v_enet in v_enets:
                     if self.get_parent_data(v_enet).name == v_ont_ani.name:
diff --git a/voltha/core/xpon_handler.py b/voltha/core/xpon_handler.py
index 17408e9..674b888 100644
--- a/voltha/core/xpon_handler.py
+++ b/voltha/core/xpon_handler.py
@@ -27,7 +27,12 @@
     AllChannelpartitionConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig, \
     AllChannelterminationConfig, ChannelterminationConfig, \
     AllOntaniConfig, OntaniConfig, AllVOntaniConfig , VOntaniConfig, \
-    AllVEnetConfig, VEnetConfig
+    AllVEnetConfig, VEnetConfig, AllTrafficDescriptorProfileData, \
+    AllTcontsConfigData, AllGemportsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import \
+    TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
 from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Device
 from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import AdminState
@@ -138,34 +143,33 @@
             return Empty()
-            assert isinstance(request, ChannelgroupConfig)
-            known_channel_group_ref = dict(
-                (dt.data.channelgroup_ref, dt) for dt in self.root.get(
-                    '/channel_partitions'))
-            known_channel_group_ref_1 = dict(
-                (dt.data.channelgroup_ref, dt) for dt in self.root.get(
-                    '/channel_pairs'))
-            reference = "channel partition"
-            assert request.name not in known_channel_group_ref
-            reference = "channel pair"
-            assert request.name not in known_channel_group_ref_1
+            assert isinstance(request, ChannelgroupConfig), \
+                'Instance is not of Channel Group'
+            channelgroup_ref_by_channelpartition = next(
+                (cpart for cpart in self.root.get('/channel_partitions')
+                 if cpart.data.channelgroup_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert channelgroup_ref_by_channelpartition is None, \
+                'Channel Group -- \'{}\' is referenced by Channel Partition'\
+                .format(request.name)
+            channelgroup_ref_by_channelpair = next(
+                (cpair for cpair in self.root.get('/channel_pairs')
+                 if cpair.data.channelgroup_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert channelgroup_ref_by_channelpair is None, \
+                'Channel Group -- \'{}\' is referenced by Channel Pair'\
+                .format(request.name)
             channelgroup = self.get_channel_group_config(request, context)
-            assert channelgroup.name == request.name
+            assert channelgroup.name == request.name, \
+                'Unable to find specified Channel Group -- \'{}\''\
+                .format(request.name)
             path = '/channel_groups/{}'.format(request.name)
             log.debug('removing-channel-group', name=request.name)
-	    self.cg_pool.release(channelgroup.cg_index)
+            self.cg_pool.release(channelgroup.cg_index)
             return Empty()
-        except AssertionError:
-            context.set_details(
-                'The channel group -- \'{}\' is referenced by {}'.format(
-                    request.name, reference))
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            context.set_details(e.message)
             return Empty()
         except KeyError:
                 'channel group \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
@@ -233,30 +237,28 @@
             return Empty()
-            assert isinstance(request, ChannelpartitionConfig)
-            known_channel_partition_ref = dict(
-                (dt.data.channelpartition_ref, dt) for dt in self.root.get(
-                    '/channel_pairs'))
-            known_channel_partition_ref_1 = dict(
-                (dt.data.parent_ref, dt) for dt in self.root.get(
-                    '/v_ont_anis'))
-            reference = "channel pair"
-            assert request.name not in known_channel_partition_ref
-            reference = "vontani"
-            assert request.name not in known_channel_partition_ref_1
+            assert isinstance(request, ChannelpartitionConfig), \
+                'Instance is not of Channel Partition'
+            channelpartition_ref_by_channelpair = next(
+                (cpair for cpair in self.root.get('/channel_pairs')
+                 if cpair.data.channelpartition_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert channelpartition_ref_by_channelpair is None, \
+                'Channel Partition -- \'{}\' is referenced by Channel Pair'\
+                .format(request.name)
+            channelpartition_ref_by_vontani = next(
+                (vont_ani for vont_ani in self.root.get('/v_ont_anis')
+                 if vont_ani.data.parent_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert channelpartition_ref_by_vontani is None, \
+                'Channel Partition -- \'{}\' is referenced by VOntAni'\
+                .format(request.name)
             path = '/channel_partitions/{}'.format(request.name)
             log.debug('removing-channel-partition', name=request.name)
             return Empty()
-        except AssertionError:
-            context.set_details(
-                'The channel partition -- \'{}\' is referenced by {}'.format(
-                    request.name, reference))
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            context.set_details(e.message)
             return Empty()
         except KeyError:
                 'channel partition \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
@@ -324,27 +326,26 @@
             return Empty()
-            assert isinstance(request, ChannelpairConfig)
+            assert isinstance(request, ChannelpairConfig), \
+                'Instance is not of Channel Pair'
             device_items = self.root.get('/devices')
             for device_item in device_items:
-                known_channel_pair_ref = dict(
-                    (dt.data.channelpair_ref, dt) for dt in self.root.get(
+                channelpair_ref_by_channeltermination = next(
+                    (cterm for cterm in self.root.get(
-                            device_item.id)))
-                assert request.name not in known_channel_pair_ref
+                            device_item.id))
+                     if cterm.data.channelpair_ref == request.name), None)
+                assert channelpair_ref_by_channeltermination is None, \
+                    'Channel Pair -- \'{}\' referenced by Channel Termination'\
+                    .format(request.name)
             path = '/channel_pairs/{}'.format(request.name)
             log.debug('removing-channel-pair', name=request.name)
             return Empty()
-        except AssertionError:
-            context.set_details(
-                'The ch pair -- \'{}\' is referenced by ch termination'.
-                format(request.name))
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            context.set_details(e.message)
             return Empty()
         except KeyError:
                 'channel pair \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
@@ -627,26 +628,29 @@
                 'Malformed name \'{}\''.format(request.name))
             return Empty()
-            assert isinstance(request, VOntaniConfig)
-            known_v_ont_ani_ref = dict(
-                (dt.data.v_ontani_ref, dt) for dt in self.root.get('/v_enets'))
-            assert request.name not in known_v_ont_ani_ref
+            assert isinstance(request, VOntaniConfig), \
+                'Instance is not of vont ani'
+            vontani_ref_by_venet = next(
+                (venet for venet in self.root.get('/v_enets')
+                 if venet.data.v_ontani_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert vontani_ref_by_venet is None, \
+                'VOntAni -- \'{}\' is referenced by VEnet'.format(
+                    request.name)
+            vontani_ref_by_tcont = next(
+                (tcont for tcont in self.root.get('/tconts')
+                 if tcont.interface_reference == request.name), None)
+            assert vontani_ref_by_tcont is None, \
+                'VOntAni -- \'{}\' is referenced by TCont'.format(
+                    request.name)
             path = '/v_ont_anis/{}'.format(request.name)
             log.debug('removing-vont-ani', name=request.name)
             return Empty()
-        except AssertionError:
-            context.set_details(
-                'The vont ani -- \'{}\' is referenced by venet'.format(
-                    request.name))
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            context.set_details(e.message)
             return Empty()
         except KeyError:
                 'vontani \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
@@ -718,18 +722,24 @@
             return Empty()
-            assert isinstance(request, VEnetConfig)
+            assert isinstance(request, VEnetConfig), \
+                'Instance is not of VEnet'
             #assert device.admin_state == AdminState.DISABLED, \
                 #'Device to delete cannot be ' \
                 #'in admin state \'{}\''.format(device.admin_state)
+            v_enet_ref_by_gemport = next(
+                (gemport for gemport in self.root.get('/gemports')
+                 if gemport.itf_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert v_enet_ref_by_gemport is None, \
+                'The VEnet -- \'{}\' is referenced by Gemport'.format(
+                    request.name)
             path = '/v_enets/{}'.format(request.name)
             log.debug('removing-venet', name=request.name)
             return Empty()
-        except AssertionError:
-            context.set_details(
-                'Instance is not of venet')
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            context.set_details(e.message)
             return Empty()
@@ -739,6 +749,257 @@
             return Empty()
+    def get_all_traffic_descriptor_profile_data(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        items = self.root.get('/traffic_descriptor_profiles')
+        return AllTrafficDescriptorProfileData(
+            traffic_descriptor_profiles=items)
+    def create_traffic_descriptor_profile(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)
+            assert self.validate_interface(request, context)
+            log.debug('creating-traffic-descriptor-profile', name=request.name)
+            self.root.add('/traffic_descriptor_profiles', request)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Cannot create traffic descriptor profile \'{}\''.format(
+                    request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+        except ValueError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Duplicated traffic descriptor profile \'{}\' \
+                cannot be created'.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+    def update_traffic_descriptor_profile(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        if '/' in request.name:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Malformed name \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return TrafficDescriptorProfileData()
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)
+            assert self.validate_interface(request, context)
+            path = '/traffic_descriptor_profiles/{}'.format(request.name)
+            log.debug('updating-traffic-descriptor-profile',
+                      name=request.name)
+            self.root.update(path, request, strict=True)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'traffic descriptor profile \'{}\' not found'.format(
+                    request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+    def delete_traffic_descriptor_profile(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        if '/' in request.name:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Malformed name \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, TrafficDescriptorProfileData), \
+                'Instance is not of Traffic Descriptor Profile Data'
+            tdp_ref_by_tcont = next(
+                (tcont for tcont in self.root.get('/tconts') if
+                 tcont.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert tdp_ref_by_tcont is None, \
+                'The Traffic Descriptor Profile -- \'{}\' is referenced \
+                by TCont'.format(request.name)
+            path = '/traffic_descriptor_profiles/{}'.format(request.name)
+            log.debug('removing-traffic-descriptor-profile',
+                      name=request.name)
+            self.root.remove(path)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            context.set_details(e.message)
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'traffic descriptor profile \'{}\' not found'.format(
+                    request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+    def get_all_tconts_config_data(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        items = self.root.get('/tconts')
+        return AllTcontsConfigData(tconts_config=items)
+    def create_tcont(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, TcontsConfigData)
+            assert self.validate_interface(request, context)
+            '''
+            @TODO: Allocation of Alloc-ID
+            '''
+            log.debug('creating-tcont', name=request.name)
+            self.root.add('/tconts', request)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Cannot create tcont \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+        except ValueError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Duplicated tcont \'{}\' cannot be created'.format(
+                    request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+    def update_tcont(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        if '/' in request.name:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Malformed name \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return TcontsConfigData()
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, TcontsConfigData)
+            assert self.validate_interface(request, context)
+            path = '/tconts/{}'.format(request.name)
+            log.debug('updating-tcont', name=request.name)
+            self.root.update(path, request, strict=True)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'tcont \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+    def delete_tcont(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        if '/' in request.name:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Malformed name \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, TcontsConfigData), \
+                'Instance is not of TCont'
+            tcont_ref_by_gemport = next(
+                (gemport for gemport in self.root.get('/gemports')
+                 if gemport.tcont_ref == request.name), None)
+            assert tcont_ref_by_gemport is None, \
+                'The Tcont -- \'{}\' is referenced by GemPort'.format(
+                    request.name)
+            path = '/tconts/{}'.format(request.name)
+            log.debug('removing-tcont', name=request.name)
+            self.root.remove(path)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            context.set_details(e.message)
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'tcont \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+    def get_all_gemports_config_data(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        items = self.root.get('/gemports')
+        return AllGemportsConfigData(gemports_config=items)
+    def create_gem_port(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, GemportsConfigData)
+            assert self.validate_interface(request, context)
+            '''
+            @TODO: Allocation of Gemport-ID
+            '''
+            log.debug('creating-gemport', name=request.name)
+            self.root.add('/gemports', request)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Cannot create gemport \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+        except ValueError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Duplicated gemport \'{}\' cannot be created'.format(
+                    request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+    def update_gem_port(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        if '/' in request.name:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Malformed name \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return GemportsConfigData()
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, GemportsConfigData)
+            assert self.validate_interface(request, context)
+            path = '/gemports/{}'.format(request.name)
+            log.debug('updating-gemport', name=request.name)
+            self.root.update(path, request, strict=True)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError, e:
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'gemport \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
+    def delete_gem_port(self, request, context):
+        log.info('grpc-request', request=request)
+        if '/' in request.name:
+            context.set_details(
+                'Malformed name \'{}\''.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+        try:
+            assert isinstance(request, GemportsConfigData)
+            path = '/gemports/{}'.format(request.name)
+            log.debug('removing-gemport', name=request.name)
+            self.root.remove(path)
+            return Empty()
+        except AssertionError:
+            context.set_details('Instance is not of gemport')
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+            return Empty()
+        except KeyError:
+            context.set_details(
+                'gemport \'{}\' not found'.format(request.name))
+            context.set_code(StatusCode.NOT_FOUND)
+            return Empty()
     def validate_interface(self, request, context):
             if(isinstance(request, ChannelgroupConfig)):
@@ -886,9 +1147,63 @@
                     assert self.get_ref_data(
                         request, context, "v_ont_anis",
                         venet.data.v_ontani_ref), \
-                        'Reference to ont ani -- \'{}\' not found'\
+                        'Reference to vont ani -- \'{}\' not found'\
                 return True
+            elif(isinstance(request, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)):
+                assert isinstance(request, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)
+                traffic_descriptor = request
+                assert traffic_descriptor.name != '', \
+                    'Traffic Descriptor Profile name is mandatory'
+                assert traffic_descriptor.fixed_bandwidth != '', \
+                    'Fixed bandwidth of Traffic Descriptor is mandatory'
+                assert traffic_descriptor.assured_bandwidth != '', \
+                    'Assured bandwidth of Traffic Descriptor is mandatory'
+                assert traffic_descriptor.maximum_bandwidth != '', \
+                    'Maximum bandwidth of Traffic Descriptor is mandatory'
+                assert 0 <= traffic_descriptor.priority <= 8, \
+                    'Traffic Descriptor Profile priority for or scheduling \
+                    traffic on a TCont must be in range of [1, 8]'
+                return True
+            elif(isinstance(request, TcontsConfigData)):
+                assert isinstance(request, TcontsConfigData)
+                tcont = request
+                assert tcont.name != '', 'TCont name is mandatory'
+                assert tcont.interface_reference != '', \
+                    'TCont must reference a vont ani interface'
+                assert tcont.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref != '', \
+                    'TCont must reference an existing traffic descriptor \
+                    profile'
+                assert self.get_ref_data(
+                    request, context, "v_ont_anis",
+                    tcont.interface_reference), \
+                    'Reference to vont ani interface -- \'{}\' not found'\
+                    .format(tcont.interface_reference)
+                assert self.get_ref_data(
+                    request, context, "traffic_descriptor_profiles",
+                    tcont.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref), \
+                    'Reference to traffic descriptor profile -- \'{}\' \
+                    not found'.format(tcont.traffic_descriptor_profile_ref)
+                return True
+            elif(isinstance(request, GemportsConfigData)):
+                assert isinstance(request, GemportsConfigData)
+                gemport = request
+                assert gemport.name != '', 'Gemport name is mandatory'
+                assert gemport.itf_ref != '', \
+                    'Gemport must reference an existing VEnet interface'
+                assert self.get_ref_data(
+                    request, context, "v_enets", gemport.itf_ref), \
+                    'Reference to VEnet interface -- \'{}\' not found'\
+                    .format(gemport.itf_ref)
+                assert 0 <= gemport.traffic_class <= 7, \
+                    'Traffic class value for Gemport \
+                    must be in range of [0, 7]'
+                if gemport.tcont_ref:
+                    assert self.get_ref_data(
+                        request, context, "tconts", gemport.tcont_ref), \
+                        'Reference to tcont -- \'{}\' not found'\
+                        .format(gemport.tcont_ref)
+                return True
                 return False
         except AssertionError, e:
diff --git a/voltha/protos/ponsim.proto b/voltha/protos/ponsim.proto
index 3ea7767..4915dab 100644
--- a/voltha/protos/ponsim.proto
+++ b/voltha/protos/ponsim.proto
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
 import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
 import "openflow_13.proto";
 import "bbf_fiber_base.proto";
+import "bbf_fiber_gemport_body.proto";
+import "bbf_fiber_multicast_distribution_set_body.proto";
+import "bbf_fiber_multicast_gemport_body.proto";
+import "bbf_fiber_tcont_body.proto";
+import "bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body.proto";
 message PonSimDeviceInfo {
     int32 nni_port = 1;
@@ -31,18 +36,30 @@
     repeated PonSimPortMetrics metrics = 2;
-message InterfaceConfig
-     oneof interface_type
-     {
-        bbf_fiber.ChannelgroupConfig        channel_group_config         = 1;
-        bbf_fiber.ChannelpartitionConfig    channel_partition_config     = 2;
-        bbf_fiber.ChannelpairConfig         channel_pair_config          = 3;
-        bbf_fiber.ChannelterminationConfig  channel_termination_config   = 4;
-        bbf_fiber.OntaniConfig              ont_ani_config               = 5;
-        bbf_fiber.VOntaniConfig             vont_ani_config              = 6;
-        bbf_fiber.VEnetConfig               venet_config                 = 7;
-     }
+message TcontInterfaceConfig {
+    bbf_fiber.TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+        traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data = 1;
+    bbf_fiber.TcontsConfigData tconts_config_data = 2;
+message InterfaceConfig {
+    oneof interface_type {
+        bbf_fiber.ChannelgroupConfig channel_group_config = 1;
+        bbf_fiber.ChannelpartitionConfig channel_partition_config = 2;
+        bbf_fiber.ChannelpairConfig channel_pair_config = 3;
+        bbf_fiber.ChannelterminationConfig channel_termination_config = 4;
+        bbf_fiber.OntaniConfig ont_ani_config = 5;
+        bbf_fiber.VOntaniConfig vont_ani_config = 6;
+        bbf_fiber.VEnetConfig venet_config = 7;
+        bbf_fiber.TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+            traffic_descriptor_profile_config_data = 8;
+        bbf_fiber.TcontsConfigData tconts_config_data = 9;
+        bbf_fiber.GemportsConfigData gemports_config_data = 10;
+        bbf_fiber.MulticastGemportsConfigData
+            multicast_gemports_config_data = 11;
+        bbf_fiber.MulticastDistributionSetData
+            multicast_distribution_set_data = 12;
+    }
 service PonSim {
@@ -58,8 +75,8 @@
-service XPonSim
+service XPonSim {
     rpc CreateInterface(InterfaceConfig)
         returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
@@ -68,4 +85,40 @@
     rpc RemoveInterface(InterfaceConfig)
         returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc CreateTcont(TcontInterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc UpdateTcont(TcontInterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc RemoveTcont(TcontInterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc CreateGemport(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc UpdateGemport(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc RemoveGemport(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc CreateMulticastGemport(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc UpdateMulticastGemport(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc RemoveMulticastGemport(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc CreateMulticastDistributionSet(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc UpdateMulticastDistributionSet(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}
+    rpc RemoveMulticastDistributionSet(InterfaceConfig)
+        returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {}