VOL-669: OpenOLT - flow mgr

Change-Id: Ia5a21bcb2394136f1f1189d344e4e15afd9e4245
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py b/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py
index df16728..a0bc2f2 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 import threading
 import grpc
 import collections
-import time
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, Dot1Q
@@ -27,26 +26,17 @@
 from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Port, Device
 from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, AdminState, ConnectStatus
 from voltha.protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalDevice
-from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPPS_LIVE, OFPPF_FIBER, OFPPS_LINK_DOWN, \
+from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPPS_LIVE, OFPPF_FIBER, \
-    OFPC_FLOW_STATS, ofp_switch_features, ofp_desc, ofp_port, \
+    OFPC_FLOW_STATS, ofp_switch_features, ofp_port
 from voltha.protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalPort, LogicalDevice
 from voltha.core.logical_device_agent import mac_str_to_tuple
 from voltha.registry import registry
 from voltha.adapters.openolt.protos import openolt_pb2_grpc, openolt_pb2
-from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
 import voltha.core.flow_decomposer as fd
 import openolt_platform as platform
-# FIXME - see also BRDCM_DEFAULT_VLAN in broadcom_onu.py
+from openolt_flow_mgr import OpenOltFlowMgr
 OnuKey = collections.namedtuple('OnuKey', ['intf_id', 'onu_id'])
 OnuRec = collections.namedtuple('OnuRec', ['serial_number', 'state'])
@@ -85,9 +75,13 @@
     def process_indications(self):
         self.channel_ready_future.result() # blocks till gRPC connection is complete
         self.stub = openolt_pb2_grpc.OpenoltStub(self.channel)
+        self.flow_mgr = OpenOltFlowMgr(self.log, self.stub)
         self.indications = self.stub.EnableIndication(openolt_pb2.Empty())
         while True:
             # get the next indication from olt
             ind = next(self.indications)
@@ -453,311 +447,27 @@
     def update_flow_table(self, flows):
         device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
         self.log.debug('update flow table')
+        in_port = None
         for flow in flows:
-            self.log.info('flow-details', device_id=self.device_id, flow=flow)
-            classifier_info = dict()
-            action_info = dict()
             is_down_stream = None
-            _in_port = None
-            try:
-                _in_port = fd.get_in_port(flow)
-                assert _in_port is not None
-                # Right now there is only one NNI port. Get the NNI PORT and compare
-                # with IN_PUT port number. Need to find better way.
-                ports = self.adapter_agent.get_ports(device.id, Port.ETHERNET_NNI)
+            in_port = fd.get_in_port(flow)
+            assert in_port is not None
+            # Right now there is only one NNI port. Get the NNI PORT and compare
+            # with IN_PUT port number. Need to find better way.
+            ports = self.adapter_agent.get_ports(device.id, Port.ETHERNET_NNI)
-                for port in ports:
-                    if (port.port_no == _in_port):
-                        self.log.info('downstream-flow')
-                        is_down_stream = True
-                        break
-                if is_down_stream is None:
-                    is_down_stream = False
-                    self.log.info('upstream-flow')
+            for port in ports:
+                if (port.port_no == in_port):
+                    self.log.info('downstream-flow')
+                    is_down_stream = True
+                    break
+            if is_down_stream is None:
+                is_down_stream = False
+                self.log.info('upstream-flow')
-                for field in fd.get_ofb_fields(flow):
-                    if field.type == fd.ETH_TYPE:
-                        classifier_info['eth_type'] = field.eth_type
-                        self.log.info('field-type-eth-type',
-                                eth_type=classifier_info['eth_type'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.IP_PROTO:
-                        classifier_info['ip_proto'] = field.ip_proto
-                        self.log.info('field-type-ip-proto',
-                                ip_proto=classifier_info['ip_proto'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.IN_PORT:
-                        classifier_info['in_port'] = field.port
-                        self.log.info('field-type-in-port',
-                                in_port=classifier_info['in_port'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.VLAN_VID:
-                        classifier_info['vlan_vid'] = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
-                        self.log.info('field-type-vlan-vid',
-                                vlan=classifier_info['vlan_vid'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.VLAN_PCP:
-                        classifier_info['vlan_pcp'] = field.vlan_pcp
-                        self.log.info('field-type-vlan-pcp',
-                                pcp=classifier_info['vlan_pcp'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.UDP_DST:
-                        classifier_info['udp_dst'] = field.udp_dst
-                        self.log.info('field-type-udp-dst',
-                                udp_dst=classifier_info['udp_dst'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.UDP_SRC:
-                        classifier_info['udp_src'] = field.udp_src
-                        self.log.info('field-type-udp-src',
-                                udp_src=classifier_info['udp_src'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.IPV4_DST:
-                        classifier_info['ipv4_dst'] = field.ipv4_dst
-                        self.log.info('field-type-ipv4-dst',
-                                ipv4_dst=classifier_info['ipv4_dst'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.IPV4_SRC:
-                        classifier_info['ipv4_src'] = field.ipv4_src
-                        self.log.info('field-type-ipv4-src',
-                                ipv4_dst=classifier_info['ipv4_src'])
-                    elif field.type == fd.METADATA:
-                        classifier_info['metadata'] = field.table_metadata
-                        self.log.info('field-type-metadata',
-                                metadata=classifier_info['metadata'])
-                    else:
-                        raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
-                            field.type))
-                for action in fd.get_actions(flow):
-                    if action.type == fd.OUTPUT:
-                        action_info['output'] = action.output.port
-                        self.log.info('action-type-output',
-                                output=action_info['output'],
-                                in_port=classifier_info['in_port'])
-                    elif action.type == fd.POP_VLAN:
-                        action_info['pop_vlan'] = True
-                        self.log.info('action-type-pop-vlan', in_port=_in_port)
-                    elif action.type == fd.PUSH_VLAN:
-                        action_info['push_vlan'] = True
-                        action_info['tpid'] = action.push.ethertype
-                        self.log.info('action-type-push-vlan',
-                                push_tpid=action_info['tpid'], in_port=_in_port)
-                        if action.push.ethertype != 0x8100:
-                            self.log.error('unhandled-tpid',
-                                   ethertype=action.push.ethertype)
-                    elif action.type == fd.SET_FIELD:
-                        # action_info['action_type'] = 'set_field'
-                        _field = action.set_field.field.ofb_field
-                        assert (action.set_field.field.oxm_class ==
-                                OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC)
-                        self.log.info('action-type-set-field',
-                                field=_field, in_port=_in_port)
-                        if _field.type == fd.VLAN_VID:
-                            self.log.info('set-field-type-vlan-vid',
-                                    vlan_vid=_field.vlan_vid & 0xfff)
-                            action_info['vlan_vid'] = (_field.vlan_vid & 0xfff)
-                        else:
-                            self.log.error('unsupported-action-set-field-type',
-                                    field_type=_field.type)
-                    else:
-                        self.log.error('unsupported-action-type',
-                                action_type=action.type, in_port=_in_port)
-                # FIXME - Why ignore downstream flows?
-                if is_down_stream is False:
-                    intf_id = platform.intf_id_from_port_num(classifier_info['in_port'])
-                    onu_id = platform.onu_id_from_port_num(classifier_info['in_port'])
-                    self.divide_and_add_flow(intf_id, onu_id, classifier_info, action_info)
-                #else:
-                #    self.log.info('ignore downstream flow', flow=flow,
-                #            classifier_info=classifier_info,
-                #            action_info=action_info)
-            except Exception as e:
-                self.log.exception('failed-to-install-flow', e=e, flow=flow)
-    # FIXME - No need for divide_and_add_flow if
-    # both upstream and downstream flows
-    # are acted upon (not just upstream flows).
-    def divide_and_add_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action):
-        if 'ip_proto' in classifier:
-            if classifier['ip_proto'] == 17:
-                self.log.debug('dhcp flow add')
-                self.add_dhcp_trap(intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action)
-            elif classifier['ip_proto'] == 2:
-                self.log.info('igmp flow add ignored')
-            else:
-                self.log.info("Invalid-Classifier-to-handle", classifier=classifier,
-                        action=action)
-        elif 'eth_type' in classifier:
-            if classifier['eth_type'] == 0x888e:
-                self.log.info('eapol flow add')
-                self.add_eapol_flow(intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action)
-        elif 'push_vlan' in action:
-            self.add_data_flow(intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action)
-        else:
-            self.log.info('Invalid-flow-type-to-handle', classifier=classifier,
-                    action=action)
-    def add_data_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action):
-        downlink_classifier = dict(uplink_classifier)
-        downlink_action = dict(uplink_action)
-        uplink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
-        downlink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'double_tag'
-        downlink_classifier['vlan_vid'] = uplink_action['vlan_vid']
-        downlink_classifier['metadata'] = uplink_classifier['vlan_vid']
-        del downlink_action['push_vlan']
-        downlink_action['pop_vlan'] = True
-        # To-Do right now only one GEM port is supported, so below method
-        # will take care of handling all the p bits.
-        # We need to revisit when mulitple gem port per p bits is needed.
-        self.add_hsia_flow(intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action,
-                downlink_classifier, downlink_action, HSIA_FLOW_INDEX)
-    def mk_classifier(self, classifier_info):
-        classifier = openolt_pb2.Classifier()
-        if 'eth_type' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.eth_type = classifier_info['eth_type']
-        if 'ip_proto' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.ip_proto = classifier_info['ip_proto']
-        if 'vlan_vid' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.o_vid = classifier_info['vlan_vid']
-        if 'metadata' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.i_vid = classifier_info['metadata']
-        if 'vlan_pcp' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.o_pbits = classifier_info['vlan_pcp']
-        if 'udp_src' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.src_port = classifier_info['udp_src']
-        if 'udp_dst' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.dst_port = classifier_info['udp_dst']
-        if 'ipv4_dst' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.dst_ip = classifier_info['ipv4_dst']
-        if 'ipv4_src' in classifier_info:
-            classifier.src_ip = classifier_info['ipv4_src']
-        if 'pkt_tag_type' in classifier_info:
-            if classifier_info['pkt_tag_type'] == 'single_tag':
-                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'single_tag'
-            elif classifier_info['pkt_tag_type'] == 'double_tag':
-                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'double_tag'
-            elif classifier_info['pkt_tag_type'] == 'untagged':
-                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'untagged'
-            else:
-                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'none'
-        return classifier
-    def mk_action(self, action_info):
-        action = openolt_pb2.Action()
-	if 'pop_vlan' in action_info:
-	    action.o_vid = action_info['vlan_vid']
-            action.cmd.remove_outer_tag = True
-	elif 'push_vlan' in action_info:
-	    action.o_vid = action_info['vlan_vid']
-            action.cmd.add_outer_tag = True
-	elif 'trap_to_host' in action_info:
-            action.cmd.trap_to_host = True
-	else:
-	    self.log.info('Invalid-action-field')
-	    return
-        return action
-    def add_hsia_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action,
-                downlink_classifier, downlink_action, hsia_id):
-        gemport_id = platform.mk_gemport_id(onu_id)
-        flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, hsia_id)
-        self.log.info('add upstream flow', onu_id=onu_id, classifier=uplink_classifier,
-                action=uplink_action, gemport_id=gemport_id, flow_id=flow_id)
-        flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
-                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=flow_id, flow_type="upstream",
-                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(uplink_classifier),
-                action=self.mk_action(uplink_action))
-        self.stub.FlowAdd(flow)
-        time.sleep(0.1) # FIXME
-        self.log.info('add downstream flow', classifier=downlink_classifier,
-                action=downlink_action, gemport_id=gemport_id, flow_id=flow_id)
-        flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
-                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=flow_id, flow_type="downstream",
-                access_intf_id=intf_id, gemport_id=gemport_id,
-                classifier=self.mk_classifier(downlink_classifier),
-                action=self.mk_action(downlink_action))
-        self.stub.FlowAdd(flow)
-        time.sleep(0.1) # FIXME
-    def add_dhcp_trap(self, intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action):
-        self.log.info('add dhcp trap', classifier=classifier, action=action)
-        action.clear()
-        action['trap_to_host'] = True
-        classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
-        classifier.pop('vlan_vid', None)
-        gemport_id = platform.mk_gemport_id(onu_id)
-        flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, DHCP_FLOW_INDEX)
-        upstream_flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
-                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=flow_id, flow_type="upstream",
-                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(classifier),
-                action=self.mk_action(action))
-        self.stub.FlowAdd(upstream_flow)
-    def add_eapol_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action,
-            uplink_eapol_id=EAPOL_FLOW_INDEX,
-            downlink_eapol_id=EAPOL_DOWNLINK_FLOW_INDEX,
-            vlan_id=DEFAULT_MGMT_VLAN):
-        self.log.info('add eapol flow', classifier=uplink_classifier, action=uplink_action)
-        downlink_classifier = dict(uplink_classifier)
-        downlink_action = dict(uplink_action)
-        gemport_id = platform.mk_gemport_id(onu_id)
-        uplink_flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, uplink_eapol_id)
-        # Add Upstream EAPOL Flow.
-        uplink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
-        uplink_classifier['vlan_vid'] = vlan_id
-        uplink_action.clear()
-        uplink_action['trap_to_host'] = True
-        upstream_flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
-                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=uplink_flow_id, flow_type="upstream",
-                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(uplink_classifier),
-                action=self.mk_action(uplink_action))
-        self.stub.FlowAdd(upstream_flow)
-        # Add Downstream EAPOL Flow.
-        downlink_flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, downlink_eapol_id)
-        downlink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
-        downlink_classifier['vlan_vid'] = vlan_id
-        downstream_flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
-                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=downlink_flow_id, flow_type="downstream",
-                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(downlink_classifier),
-                action=self.mk_action(downlink_action))
-        self.stub.FlowAdd(downstream_flow)
+            for flow in flows:
+                try:
+                    self.flow_mgr.add_flow(flow, is_down_stream)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.log.exception('failed-to-install-flow', e=e, flow=flow)
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_flow_mgr.py b/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_flow_mgr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a26c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_flow_mgr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import time
+from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC
+import voltha.core.flow_decomposer as fd
+import openolt_platform as platform
+from voltha.adapters.openolt.protos import openolt_pb2
+# FIXME - see also BRDCM_DEFAULT_VLAN in broadcom_onu.py
+class OpenOltFlowMgr(object):
+    def __init__(self, log, stub):
+        self.log = log
+        self.stub = stub
+    def add_flow(self, flow, is_down_stream):
+        self.log.info('add flow', flow=flow, is_down_stream=is_down_stream)
+        classifier_info = dict()
+        action_info = dict()
+        in_port = fd.get_in_port(flow)
+        assert in_port is not None
+        for field in fd.get_ofb_fields(flow):
+            if field.type == fd.ETH_TYPE:
+                classifier_info['eth_type'] = field.eth_type
+                self.log.info('field-type-eth-type',
+                        eth_type=classifier_info['eth_type'])
+            elif field.type == fd.IP_PROTO:
+                classifier_info['ip_proto'] = field.ip_proto
+                self.log.info('field-type-ip-proto',
+                        ip_proto=classifier_info['ip_proto'])
+            elif field.type == fd.IN_PORT:
+                classifier_info['in_port'] = field.port
+                self.log.info('field-type-in-port',
+                        in_port=classifier_info['in_port'])
+            elif field.type == fd.VLAN_VID:
+                classifier_info['vlan_vid'] = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
+                self.log.info('field-type-vlan-vid',
+                        vlan=classifier_info['vlan_vid'])
+            elif field.type == fd.VLAN_PCP:
+                classifier_info['vlan_pcp'] = field.vlan_pcp
+                self.log.info('field-type-vlan-pcp',
+                        pcp=classifier_info['vlan_pcp'])
+            elif field.type == fd.UDP_DST:
+                classifier_info['udp_dst'] = field.udp_dst
+                self.log.info('field-type-udp-dst',
+                        udp_dst=classifier_info['udp_dst'])
+            elif field.type == fd.UDP_SRC:
+                classifier_info['udp_src'] = field.udp_src
+                self.log.info('field-type-udp-src',
+                        udp_src=classifier_info['udp_src'])
+            elif field.type == fd.IPV4_DST:
+                classifier_info['ipv4_dst'] = field.ipv4_dst
+                self.log.info('field-type-ipv4-dst',
+                        ipv4_dst=classifier_info['ipv4_dst'])
+            elif field.type == fd.IPV4_SRC:
+                classifier_info['ipv4_src'] = field.ipv4_src
+                self.log.info('field-type-ipv4-src',
+                        ipv4_dst=classifier_info['ipv4_src'])
+            elif field.type == fd.METADATA:
+                classifier_info['metadata'] = field.table_metadata
+                self.log.info('field-type-metadata',
+                        metadata=classifier_info['metadata'])
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
+                    field.type))
+        for action in fd.get_actions(flow):
+            if action.type == fd.OUTPUT:
+                action_info['output'] = action.output.port
+                self.log.info('action-type-output',
+                        output=action_info['output'],
+                        in_port=classifier_info['in_port'])
+            elif action.type == fd.POP_VLAN:
+                action_info['pop_vlan'] = True
+                self.log.info('action-type-pop-vlan', in_port=in_port)
+            elif action.type == fd.PUSH_VLAN:
+                action_info['push_vlan'] = True
+                action_info['tpid'] = action.push.ethertype
+                self.log.info('action-type-push-vlan',
+                        push_tpid=action_info['tpid'], in_port=in_port)
+                if action.push.ethertype != 0x8100:
+                    self.log.error('unhandled-tpid',
+                           ethertype=action.push.ethertype)
+            elif action.type == fd.SET_FIELD:
+                # action_info['action_type'] = 'set_field'
+                _field = action.set_field.field.ofb_field
+                assert (action.set_field.field.oxm_class ==
+                        OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC)
+                self.log.info('action-type-set-field',
+                        field=_field, in_port=in_port)
+                if _field.type == fd.VLAN_VID:
+                    self.log.info('set-field-type-vlan-vid',
+                            vlan_vid=_field.vlan_vid & 0xfff)
+                    action_info['vlan_vid'] = (_field.vlan_vid & 0xfff)
+                else:
+                    self.log.error('unsupported-action-set-field-type',
+                            field_type=_field.type)
+            else:
+                self.log.error('unsupported-action-type',
+                        action_type=action.type, in_port=in_port)
+        # FIXME - Why ignore downstream flows?
+        if is_down_stream is False:
+            intf_id = platform.intf_id_from_port_num(classifier_info['in_port'])
+            onu_id = platform.onu_id_from_port_num(classifier_info['in_port'])
+            self.divide_and_add_flow(intf_id, onu_id, classifier_info, action_info)
+        #else:
+        #    self.log.info('ignore downstream flow', flow=flow,
+        #            classifier_info=classifier_info,
+        #            action_info=action_info)
+    # FIXME - No need for divide_and_add_flow if
+    # both upstream and downstream flows
+    # are acted upon (not just upstream flows).
+    def divide_and_add_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action):
+        if 'ip_proto' in classifier:
+            if classifier['ip_proto'] == 17:
+                self.log.debug('dhcp flow add')
+                self.add_dhcp_trap(intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action)
+            elif classifier['ip_proto'] == 2:
+                self.log.info('igmp flow add ignored')
+            else:
+                self.log.info("Invalid-Classifier-to-handle", classifier=classifier,
+                        action=action)
+        elif 'eth_type' in classifier:
+            if classifier['eth_type'] == 0x888e:
+                self.log.info('eapol flow add')
+                self.add_eapol_flow(intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action)
+        elif 'push_vlan' in action:
+            self.add_data_flow(intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action)
+        else:
+            self.log.info('Invalid-flow-type-to-handle', classifier=classifier,
+                    action=action)
+    def add_data_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action):
+        downlink_classifier = dict(uplink_classifier)
+        downlink_action = dict(uplink_action)
+        uplink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
+        downlink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'double_tag'
+        downlink_classifier['vlan_vid'] = uplink_action['vlan_vid']
+        downlink_classifier['metadata'] = uplink_classifier['vlan_vid']
+        del downlink_action['push_vlan']
+        downlink_action['pop_vlan'] = True
+        # To-Do right now only one GEM port is supported, so below method
+        # will take care of handling all the p bits.
+        # We need to revisit when mulitple gem port per p bits is needed.
+        self.add_hsia_flow(intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action,
+                downlink_classifier, downlink_action, HSIA_FLOW_INDEX)
+    def add_hsia_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action,
+                downlink_classifier, downlink_action, hsia_id):
+        gemport_id = platform.mk_gemport_id(onu_id)
+        flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, hsia_id)
+        self.log.info('add upstream flow', onu_id=onu_id, classifier=uplink_classifier,
+                action=uplink_action, gemport_id=gemport_id, flow_id=flow_id)
+        flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
+                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=flow_id, flow_type="upstream",
+                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(uplink_classifier),
+                action=self.mk_action(uplink_action))
+        self.stub.FlowAdd(flow)
+        time.sleep(0.1) # FIXME
+        self.log.info('add downstream flow', classifier=downlink_classifier,
+                action=downlink_action, gemport_id=gemport_id, flow_id=flow_id)
+        flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
+                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=flow_id, flow_type="downstream",
+                access_intf_id=intf_id, gemport_id=gemport_id,
+                classifier=self.mk_classifier(downlink_classifier),
+                action=self.mk_action(downlink_action))
+        self.stub.FlowAdd(flow)
+        time.sleep(0.1) # FIXME
+    def add_dhcp_trap(self, intf_id, onu_id, classifier, action):
+        self.log.info('add dhcp trap', classifier=classifier, action=action)
+        action.clear()
+        action['trap_to_host'] = True
+        classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
+        classifier.pop('vlan_vid', None)
+        gemport_id = platform.mk_gemport_id(onu_id)
+        flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, DHCP_FLOW_INDEX)
+        upstream_flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
+                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=flow_id, flow_type="upstream",
+                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(classifier),
+                action=self.mk_action(action))
+        self.stub.FlowAdd(upstream_flow)
+    def add_eapol_flow(self, intf_id, onu_id, uplink_classifier, uplink_action,
+            uplink_eapol_id=EAPOL_FLOW_INDEX,
+            downlink_eapol_id=EAPOL_DOWNLINK_FLOW_INDEX,
+            vlan_id=DEFAULT_MGMT_VLAN):
+        self.log.info('add eapol flow', classifier=uplink_classifier, action=uplink_action)
+        downlink_classifier = dict(uplink_classifier)
+        downlink_action = dict(uplink_action)
+        gemport_id = platform.mk_gemport_id(onu_id)
+        uplink_flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, uplink_eapol_id)
+        # Add Upstream EAPOL Flow.
+        uplink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
+        uplink_classifier['vlan_vid'] = vlan_id
+        uplink_action.clear()
+        uplink_action['trap_to_host'] = True
+        upstream_flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
+                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=uplink_flow_id, flow_type="upstream",
+                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(uplink_classifier),
+                action=self.mk_action(uplink_action))
+        self.stub.FlowAdd(upstream_flow)
+        # Add Downstream EAPOL Flow.
+        downlink_flow_id = platform.mk_flow_id(intf_id, onu_id, downlink_eapol_id)
+        downlink_classifier['pkt_tag_type'] = 'single_tag'
+        downlink_classifier['vlan_vid'] = vlan_id
+        downstream_flow = openolt_pb2.Flow(
+                onu_id=onu_id, flow_id=downlink_flow_id, flow_type="downstream",
+                gemport_id=gemport_id, classifier=self.mk_classifier(downlink_classifier),
+                action=self.mk_action(downlink_action))
+        self.stub.FlowAdd(downstream_flow)
+    def mk_classifier(self, classifier_info):
+        classifier = openolt_pb2.Classifier()
+        if 'eth_type' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.eth_type = classifier_info['eth_type']
+        if 'ip_proto' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.ip_proto = classifier_info['ip_proto']
+        if 'vlan_vid' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.o_vid = classifier_info['vlan_vid']
+        if 'metadata' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.i_vid = classifier_info['metadata']
+        if 'vlan_pcp' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.o_pbits = classifier_info['vlan_pcp']
+        if 'udp_src' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.src_port = classifier_info['udp_src']
+        if 'udp_dst' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.dst_port = classifier_info['udp_dst']
+        if 'ipv4_dst' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.dst_ip = classifier_info['ipv4_dst']
+        if 'ipv4_src' in classifier_info:
+            classifier.src_ip = classifier_info['ipv4_src']
+        if 'pkt_tag_type' in classifier_info:
+            if classifier_info['pkt_tag_type'] == 'single_tag':
+                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'single_tag'
+            elif classifier_info['pkt_tag_type'] == 'double_tag':
+                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'double_tag'
+            elif classifier_info['pkt_tag_type'] == 'untagged':
+                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'untagged'
+            else:
+                classifier.pkt_tag_type = 'none'
+        return classifier
+    def mk_action(self, action_info):
+        action = openolt_pb2.Action()
+	if 'pop_vlan' in action_info:
+	    action.o_vid = action_info['vlan_vid']
+            action.cmd.remove_outer_tag = True
+	elif 'push_vlan' in action_info:
+	    action.o_vid = action_info['vlan_vid']
+            action.cmd.add_outer_tag = True
+	elif 'trap_to_host' in action_info:
+            action.cmd.trap_to_host = True
+	else:
+	    self.log.info('Invalid-action-field')
+	    return
+        return action