VOL-1060: Test Case: DHCP

Delivery of DHCP Test Case

Add missing Firewall call in Robot
Calling dhclient directly and not via bash
Therefore Lib fix is unnecessary
Logging to file dhcp assignment response
Other minor changes in Robot
Common Retry Timeout and Interval in "Wait Until Keyword Succeeds" moved to variables
Removed DHCP deactivate from Test Case

Change-Id: If9902e2b3606ac14af2c2f8ece34db074b373c50
diff --git a/tests/atests/common/preprovisioning.py b/tests/atests/common/preprovisioning.py
index affa991..a7f8a7f 100755
--- a/tests/atests/common/preprovisioning.py
+++ b/tests/atests/common/preprovisioning.py
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
     def check_olt_fields_before_enabling(self):
         statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, self.__oltType, 'voltha_devices_before_enable.log')
         assert statusLines, 'No Olt listed under devices'
-        self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines)
+        self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines, '|')
         self.__oltDeviceId = self.__fields[1].strip()
         logging.debug("OLT device id = %s" % self.__oltDeviceId)
         adminState = self.__fields[3].strip()
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
     def check_olt_fields_after_enabling(self):
         statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, self.__oltType, 'voltha_devices_after_enable.log')
         assert statusLines, 'No Olt listed under devices'
-        self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines)
+        self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(statusLines, '|')
         assert self.check_states(self.__oltType), 'States of %s does match expected' % self.__oltType
         hostPort = self.__fields[11].strip()
         assert hostPort, 'hostPort field is empty'
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
         lenLines = len(lines)
         assert lenLines == 1, 'Fixed single onu does not match, ONU Count was %d' % lenLines
         for line in lines:
-            self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(line)
+            self.__fields = testCaseUtils.parse_fields(line, '|')
             assert (self.check_states(self.__onuType) is True), 'States of %s does match expected' % self.__onuType
     def enable(self):