VOL-184 ONU software upgrade based on OpenOMCI framework

    ** Implement OMCI download software procedure with two state machine:
    1. Software OMCI downloading state machine
    2. Activate software image state machine, which includes OMCI software download and OMCI software activation
    3. Add OMCI message/frames for Start/End/DownloadSection/ActiveImage/CommitImage

    ** Change OMCI_CC.send to support:
    1. Send OMCI messages without waiting for response (Download Section)
    2. Add timeout handler to support retry max 3 times on timeout
    3. Add a clock(reactor) in contructor to support automation test with robotframwork
       RobotFramework use global reactor to loop run all test cases.
       It will conflict with the reactor in VOLTHA classes.
       The solution is to assign a reactor when create VOLTHA classes so that they will share
       the same reactor and make RobotFramework works.
       If reactor is not assigned VOLTHA classes will use default global reactor.
       So it is back-compitable and won't have impact on other code

    ** OMCI download/activate task are exclusive True to avoid blocking by OMCI PM/Alarm STM/tasks

    ** Log is detailed for debug at current stage; and will improve after functions are fully verified

    ** Add test cases based on RobotFramework
    1. Test cases for Software download
    2. Mock Adapter/Mock ONU are used in the test cases

    ** Implement relative commands:

Change-Id: I1796fd694f312378facbcd441bfc15ee7c093d91
diff --git a/voltha/extensions/omci/me_frame.py b/voltha/extensions/omci/me_frame.py
index 71cab33..cf1cf3e 100644
--- a/voltha/extensions/omci/me_frame.py
+++ b/voltha/extensions/omci/me_frame.py
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
         if not 0 <= entity_id <= 0xFFFF:
             raise ValueError('entity_id should be 0..65535')
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger()
         self._class = entity_class
         self._entity_id = entity_id
         self.data = data
@@ -371,4 +372,104 @@
                 entity_class=getattr(self.entity_class, 'class_id'),
                 entity_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id'),
-            ))
\ No newline at end of file
+            ))
+    def start_software_download(self, image_size, window_size):
+        """
+        Create Start Software Download message
+        :return: (OmciFrame) OMCI Frame
+        """
+        self.log.debug("--> start_software_download")
+        self._check_operation(OP.StartSoftwareDownload)
+        return OmciFrame(
+	            transaction_id=None,
+	            message_type=OmciStartSoftwareDownload.message_id,
+	            omci_message=OmciStartSoftwareDownload(
+	                entity_class=getattr(self.entity_class, 'class_id'),
+	                entity_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id'),
+	                window_size=window_size,
+	                image_size=image_size,
+	                instance_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id')
+	           ))
+    def end_software_download(self, crc32, image_size):
+        """
+        Create End Software Download message
+        :return: (OmciFrame) OMCI Frame
+        """
+        self._check_operation(OP.EndSoftwareDownload)
+        return OmciFrame(
+	            transaction_id=None,
+	            message_type=OmciEndSoftwareDownload.message_id,
+	            omci_message=OmciEndSoftwareDownload(
+	                entity_class=getattr(self.entity_class, 'class_id'),
+	                entity_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id'),
+	                crc32=crc32,
+	                image_size=image_size,
+	                instance_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id')
+	           ))
+    def download_section(self, is_last_section, section_number, data):
+        """
+        Create Download Section message
+        :is_last_section: (bool) indicate the last section in the window
+        :section_num    : (int)  current section number
+        :data           : (byte) data to be sent in the section
+        :return: (OmciFrame) OMCI Frame
+        """
+        self.log.debug("--> download_section: ", section_number=section_number)
+        self._check_operation(OP.DownloadSection)
+        if is_last_section:
+            return OmciFrame(
+                    transaction_id=None,
+                    message_type=OmciDownloadSectionLast.message_id,
+                    omci_message=OmciDownloadSectionLast(
+                        entity_class=getattr(self.entity_class, 'class_id'),
+                        entity_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id'),
+                        section_number=section_number,
+                        data=data
+                   ))
+        else:
+            return OmciFrame(
+                    transaction_id=None,
+                    message_type=OmciDownloadSection.message_id,
+                    omci_message=OmciDownloadSection(
+                        entity_class=getattr(self.entity_class, 'class_id'),
+                        entity_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id'),
+                        section_number=section_number,
+                        data=data
+                   ))
+    def activate_image(self, activate_flag=0):
+        """
+        Activate Image message
+        :activate_flag: 00	Activate image unconditionally
+                        01	Activate image only if no POTS/VoIP calls are in progress
+                        10	Activate image only if no emergency call is in progress
+        :return: (OmciFrame) OMCI Frame
+        """
+        self.log.debug("--> activate_image", entity=self.entity_id, flag=activate_flag)
+        return OmciFrame(
+                transaction_id=None,
+                message_type=OmciActivateImage.message_id,
+                omci_message=OmciActivateImage(
+                    entity_class=getattr(self.entity_class, 'class_id'),
+                    entity_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id'),
+                    activate_flag=activate_flag
+               ))
+    def commit_image(self):
+        """
+        Commit Image message
+        :return: (OmciFrame) OMCI Frame
+        """
+        self.log.debug("--> commit_image", entity=self.entity_id)
+        return OmciFrame(
+                transaction_id=None,
+                message_type=OmciCommitImage.message_id,
+                omci_message=OmciCommitImage(
+                    entity_class=getattr(self.entity_class, 'class_id'),
+                    entity_id=getattr(self, 'entity_id'),
+               ))