VOL-291 : PON simulator refactoring for cluster integration

- Added ponsim build target in Makefile
- Added new option to vcore to select comm type with ponsim
- Modified all proto files to include destination go package


- Clean up based on review comments
- Properly close GRPC connections in ponsim_olt adapter
- Added voltha namespace to some k8s templates

Change-Id: I2f349fa7b3550a8a8cc8fc676cc896f33fbb9372
diff --git a/ponsim/v2/core/ponsim_onu.go b/ponsim/v2/core/ponsim_onu.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f58d473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ponsim/v2/core/ponsim_onu.go
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+package core
+import (
+	"context"
+	"crypto/tls"
+	"github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty"
+	"github.com/google/gopacket"
+	"github.com/google/uuid"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha/ponsim/v2/common"
+	"github.com/opencord/voltha/protos/go/ponsim"
+	"github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc"
+	"google.golang.org/grpc/credentials"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+// TODO: Cleanup GRPC security config
+// TODO: Pass-in the certificate information as a structure parameter
+PonSimOnuDevice is the structure responsible for the handling of an ONU device
+type PonSimOnuDevice struct {
+	PonSimDevice
+	ParentAddress string
+	ParentPort    int32
+	AssignedPort  int32
+	Conn          *grpc.ClientConn
+	oltClient ponsim.PonSimCommonClient
+	stream    ponsim.PonSimCommon_ProcessDataClient
+	monitor   chan PonSimDeviceState
+	state     PonSimDeviceState
+NewPonSimOnuDevice instantiates a new ONU device structure
+func NewPonSimOnuDevice(device PonSimDevice) *PonSimOnuDevice {
+	onu := &PonSimOnuDevice{PonSimDevice: device}
+	return onu
+forwardToOLT defines a INGRESS function to forward a packet to the parent OLT
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) forwardToOLT() func(int, gopacket.Packet) {
+	return func(port int, frame gopacket.Packet) {
+		ipAddress := common.GetInterfaceIP(o.InternalIf)
+		incoming := &ponsim.IncomingData{
+			Id:      "INGRESS.ONU." + ipAddress,
+			Address: ipAddress,
+			Port:    int32(port),
+			Payload: frame.Data(),
+		}
+		common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"device":    o,
+			"port":      port,
+			"frame":     frame,
+			"frameDump": frame.Dump(),
+			"incoming":  incoming,
+		}).Debug("Forwarding to OLT")
+		// Forward packet to OLT
+		if err := o.stream.Send(incoming); err != nil {
+			common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+				"device":    o,
+				"port":      port,
+				"frameDump": frame.Dump(),
+				"incoming":  incoming,
+			}).Fatal("A problem occurred while forwarding to OLT")
+		}
+	}
+forwardToWAN defines a EGRESS function to forward a packet to the world
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) forwardToWAN() func(int, gopacket.Packet) {
+	return func(port int, frame gopacket.Packet) {
+		var err error
+		common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"device": o,
+			"port":   port,
+			"frame":  frame,
+		}).Debug("Forwarding packet to world")
+		if err = o.ingressHandler.WritePacketData(frame.Data()); err != nil {
+			common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+				"device": o,
+				"port":   port,
+				"frame":  frame,
+			}).Fatal("Problem while forwarding packet to world")
+		} else {
+			common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+				"device": o,
+				"port":   port,
+				"frame":  frame,
+			}).Debug("Forwarded packet to world")
+		}
+	}
+Start performs setup operations for an ONU device
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) Start(ctx context.Context) {
+	// Initialize the parent
+	o.PonSimDevice.Start(ctx)
+	// Setup flow behaviours
+	// ONU -> OLT
+	o.AddLink(1, 0, o.forwardToOLT())
+	// ONU -> World
+	o.AddLink(2, 0, o.forwardToWAN())
+	go o.MonitorConnection(ctx)
+Stop performs cleanup operations for an ONU device
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) Stop(ctx context.Context) {
+	common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+		"device": o,
+	}).Debug("Stopping ONU")
+	o.RemoveLink(1, 0)
+	o.RemoveLink(2, 0)
+	o.PonSimDevice.Stop(ctx)
+Listen waits for incoming INGRESS data on the external interface
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) Listen(ctx context.Context) {
+	var reply *empty.Empty
+	var err error
+	if o.oltClient = ponsim.NewPonSimCommonClient(o.Conn); o.oltClient == nil {
+		common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"device": o,
+		}).Fatal("Problem establishing client connection to OLT")
+		panic("Problem establishing client connection to OLT")
+	}
+	// Establish GRPC connection with OLT
+	if o.stream, err = o.oltClient.ProcessData(ctx); err != nil {
+		common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"device": o,
+			"error":  err.Error(),
+		}).Fatal("Problem establishing stream")
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	defer o.ingressHandler.Close()
+	packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(o.ingressHandler, o.ingressHandler.LinkType())
+	common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+		"device":    o,
+		"interface": o.ExternalIf,
+	}).Debug("Listening to incoming ONU data")
+	for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
+		common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"device": o,
+			"packet": packet,
+		}).Debug("Received INGRESS packet")
+		o.Forward(ctx, 2, packet)
+	}
+	common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+		"device": o,
+	}).Debug("No more packets to process")
+	if reply, err = o.stream.CloseAndRecv(); err != nil {
+		common.Logger().Fatal("A problem occurred while closing Ingress stream", err.Error())
+	} else {
+		common.Logger().Info("Ingress stream closed", reply)
+	}
+Register sends a registration request to the remote OLT
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) Register(ctx context.Context) error {
+	var err error
+	var rreq *ponsim.RegistrationRequest
+	var rrep *ponsim.RegistrationReply
+	var client ponsim.PonSimOltClient
+	if o.Conn != nil {
+		if client = ponsim.NewPonSimOltClient(o.Conn); client != nil {
+			rreq = &ponsim.RegistrationRequest{
+				Id:      uuid.New().String(),
+				Address: common.GetInterfaceIP(o.InternalIf),
+				Port:    o.Port,
+			}
+			common.Logger().Printf("Request details %+v\n", rreq)
+			// TODO: Loop registration until an OLT becomes available??
+			rrep, err = client.Register(ctx, rreq)
+			if err != nil {
+				common.Logger().Printf("Problem with registration", err.Error())
+			} else {
+				// Save OLT address details
+				o.ParentAddress = rrep.GetParentAddress()
+				o.ParentPort = rrep.GetParentPort()
+				o.AssignedPort = rrep.GetAssignedPort()
+				common.Logger().Printf("Registration details - %+v\n", rrep)
+				o.monitor <- REGISTERED_WITH_OLT
+			}
+		} else {
+			common.Logger().Info("Client is NIL")
+		}
+	}
+	return err
+MonitorConnection verifies the communication with the OLT
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) MonitorConnection(ctx context.Context) {
+	for {
+		if o.state == DISCONNECTED_FROM_PON {
+			// Establish communication with OLT
+			o.Connect(ctx)
+		}
+		if o.state == CONNECTED_TO_PON {
+			// Just stay idle while the ONU-OLT connection is up
+			o.Conn.WaitForStateChange(ctx, o.Conn.GetState())
+			// The ONU-OLT connection was lost... need to cleanup
+			o.Disconnect(ctx)
+		}
+		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+	}
+Connect sets up communication and monitoring with remote OLT
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) Connect(ctx context.Context) {
+	o.monitor = make(chan PonSimDeviceState, 1)
+	// Define a waitgroup to block the current routine until
+	// a CONNECTED state is reached
+	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
+	wg.Add(1)
+	go o.MonitorState(ctx, &wg)
+	o.ConnectToRemoteOlt()
+	// Wait until we establish a connection to the remote PON
+	wg.Wait()
+Disconnect tears down communication and monitoring with remote OLT
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) Disconnect(ctx context.Context) {
+	if o.egressHandler != nil {
+		o.egressHandler.Close()
+		o.egressHandler = nil
+	}
+	if o.Conn != nil {
+		o.Conn.Close()
+		o.Conn = nil
+	}
+	if o.monitor != nil {
+		close(o.monitor)
+		o.monitor = nil
+	}
+MonitorState follows the progress of the OLT connection
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) MonitorState(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
+	// Start a concurrent routine to handle ONU state changes
+	var ok bool
+	for {
+		select {
+		case o.state, ok = <-o.monitor:
+			if ok {
+				common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+					"device": o,
+					"state":  o.state,
+				}).Info("Received monitoring state")
+				switch o.state {
+					// We have successfully connected to the OLT
+					// proceed with registration
+					wg.Done()
+					if err := o.Register(ctx); err != nil {
+						o.Disconnect(ctx)
+					}
+					// Connection to remote OLT was lost... exit
+					common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+						"device": o,
+					}).Warn("Exiting due to disconnection")
+					return
+					// Start listening on network interfaces
+					o.connectNetworkInterfaces()
+					o.monitor <- CONNECTED_IO_INTERFACE
+					// Start listening on local interfaces
+					go o.Listen(ctx)
+				}
+			} else {
+				common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+					"device": o,
+				}).Warn("Monitoring channel has closed")
+				return
+			}
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+				"device": o,
+			}).Warn("Received a cancellation notification")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+ConnectToRemoteOlt establishes GRPC communication with the remote OLT
+func (o *PonSimOnuDevice) ConnectToRemoteOlt() {
+	common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+		"device": o,
+	}).Debug("Connecting to remote device")
+	var err error
+	host := strings.Join([]string{
+		o.ParentAddress,
+		strconv.Itoa(int(o.ParentPort)),
+	}, ":")
+	// TODO: make it secure
+	// GRPC communication needs to be secured
+	ta := credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{
+		//Certificates:       []tls.Certificate{peerCert},
+		//RootCAs:            caCertPool,
+		InsecureSkipVerify: true,
+	})
+	if o.Conn, err = grpc.DialContext(
+		context.Background(), host, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(ta), grpc.WithBlock(),
+	); err != nil {
+		common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"device": o,
+			"error":  err.Error(),
+		}).Error("Problem establishing connection")
+	} else {
+		// We are now connected
+		// time to move on
+		common.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+			"device": o,
+		}).Info("Connected to OLT")
+	}
+	o.monitor <- CONNECTED_TO_PON