Update the Netconf custom rpc as follows:
1) Create a message/field YANG reference.  This is used to keep the
XML tags in the same order as the fields appear in the YANG schema.
This applies only for custom RPCs (one of Netconf twist)
2) Annotate the proto RPCs with custom annotations which are used
when constructing an XML response

Change-Id: I07a8a3f2a44b7081c78e00dab05734a7c6b0a358
diff --git a/netconf/grpc_client/grpc_client.py b/netconf/grpc_client/grpc_client.py
index 9dd7f87..341f180 100644
--- a/netconf/grpc_client/grpc_client.py
+++ b/netconf/grpc_client/grpc_client.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 from google.protobuf import descriptor
 import base64
 import math
+import collections
 _INT64_TYPES = frozenset([descriptor.FieldDescriptor.CPPTYPE_INT64,
@@ -304,15 +305,72 @@
             response = yield func(self, params, metadata)
-            log.info('rpc-result', service=service, method=method,
-                     response=response)
+            # Get the XML tag to use in the response
+            xml_tag = mapper.get_xml_tag(service, method)
-            returnValue(response)
+            # Get the XML list item name used in the response
+            list_item_name = mapper.get_list_items_name(service, method)
+            # Get the YANG defined fields (and their order) for that service
+            # and method
+            fields = mapper.get_fields_from_yang_defs(service, method)
+            # TODO: This needs to be investigated further since the Netconf
+            # Client shows a formatting error in the code below is uncommented.
+            # Check if this represents a List and whether the field name is
+            # items.  In the response (a dictionary), if a list named 'items'
+            # is returned then 'items' can either:
+            # 1) represent a list of items being returned where 'items' is just
+            # a name to represent a list. In this case, this name will be
+            # discarded
+            # 2) represent the actual field name as defined in the proto
+            # definitions.  If this is the case then we need to preserve the
+            # name
+            # list_item_name = ''
+            # if len(fields) == 1:
+            #     if fields[0]['name'] == 'items':
+            #         list_item_name = 'items'
+            # Rearrange the dictionary response as specified by the YANG
+            # definitions
+            rearranged_response = self.rearrange_dict(mapper, response, fields)
+            log.info('rpc-result', service=service, method=method,
+                     response=response,
+                     rearranged_response=rearranged_response, xml_tag=xml_tag,
+                     list_item_name=list_item_name, fields=fields)
+            returnValue((rearranged_response, (xml_tag, list_item_name)))
         except Exception, e:
             log.exception('rpc-failure', service=service, method=method,
                           params=params, e=e)
+    def rearrange_dict(self, mapper, orig_dict, fields):
+        log.debug('rearranging-dict', fields=fields)
+        result = collections.OrderedDict()
+        if len(orig_dict) == 0 or not fields:
+            return result
+        for f in fields:
+            if orig_dict.has_key(f['name']):
+                if f['type_ref']:
+                    # Get the fields for that type
+                    sub_fields = mapper.get_fields_from_type_name(f['module'],
+                                                                  f['type'])
+                    if f['repeated']:
+                        result[f['name']] = []
+                        for d in orig_dict[f['name']]:
+                            result[f['name']].append(self.rearrange_dict(
+                                mapper, d, sub_fields))
+                    else:
+                        result[f['name']] = self.rearrange_dict(mapper,
+                                                                orig_dict[
+                                                                    f['name']],
+                                                                sub_fields)
+                else:
+                    result[f['name']] = orig_dict[f['name']]
+        return result
     def invoke(self, stub, method_name, request, metadata, retry=1):