VOL-1665: BBSim Radius Authentication Test Case

BBSim specific Test Case for Radius Authentication
Consists of verifying that all 16 ONUs have authenticated
- Restart Onos AAA application whcih is know to return exception
  upon executing aaa-users command
- Address comments from review

Change-Id: I5f7fb231067f77a1f2e52ecde7328f702b333fd1
diff --git a/tests/atests/robot/voltha_automated_test_suite.robot b/tests/atests/robot/voltha_automated_test_suite.robot
index 10a9f34..afb9672 100755
--- a/tests/atests/robot/voltha_automated_test_suite.robot
+++ b/tests/atests/robot/voltha_automated_test_suite.robot
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 ${ONU_TYPE}             ${EMPTY}
 ${OLT_HOST_IP}          ${EMPTY}
 ${ONU_COUNT}            ${EMPTY}
-${ADAPTER}              ${EMPTY}
+${SIMTYPE}              ${EMPTY}
 ${RETRY_TIMEOUT_60}     60s
 ${RETRY_INTERVAL_2}     2s
 ${PROCEED_TIMEOUT_180}  180s
@@ -89,16 +89,15 @@
 Radius Authentication
     [Documentation]     Radius Authentication
-    ...                 This test attempts to perform a Radius Authentication from the RG
-    ...                 It uses the wpa_supplicant app to authenticate using EAPOL.
+    ...                 This test attempts to perform a Radius Authentication from the RG in the case
+    ...                 of the 'ponsim' simtype. It uses the wpa_supplicant app to authenticate using EAPOL.
     ...                 We then verify the generated log file confirming all the authentication steps
-    [Tags]              ponsim
+    ...                 In the case where the simtype is 'bbsim' we simply verify that all ONUs have
+    ...                 authenticated. We do this by executing the 'aaa-users command on onos
     A Set Log Dirs      ${ROOT_DIR}    ${VOLTHA_DIR}    ${LOG_DIR}
-    Execute Authentication On RG
-    Verify Authentication Should Have Started
-    Verify Authentication Should Have Completed
-    Verify Authentication Should Have Disconnected
-    Verify Authentication Should Have Terminated    
+    A Configure         ${ONU_COUNT}
+    Run Keyword If      '${SIMTYPE}' == 'ponsim'      Ponsim Authentication Steps
+    ...  ELSE IF        '${SIMTYPE}' == 'bbsim'       BBSim Authentication Verification Step
 Dhcp IP Address Assignment on RG
     [Documentation]     DHCP assigned IP Address
@@ -141,19 +140,21 @@
     [Documentation]     Start Voltha infrastructure to run test(s). This includes starting all 
     ...                 Kubernetes Pods and start collection of logs. PonsimV2 has now been
     ...                 containerized and does not need to be managed separately
-    ...                 Initialize working DIRs as well as Adapter specific variables
+    ...                 Initialize working DIRs as well as Simtype specific variables. We also 
+    ...                 setup Freeradius and restart AAA app in onos in preparation for 
+    ...                 authentication test case
     ${ROOT_DIR}  ${VOLTHA_DIR}  ${LOG_DIR}  Dir Init    ${LOG_DIR}
     Set Suite Variable  ${ROOT_DIR}
     Set Suite Variable  ${VOLTHA_DIR}
     Set Suite Variable  ${LOG_DIR}   
     V Set Log Dirs      ${ROOT_DIR}    ${VOLTHA_DIR}    ${LOG_DIR}
-    ${OLT_TYPE}  ${ONU_TYPE}    ${OLT_HOST_IP}  ${ONU_COUNT}  Adapter Init  ${ADAPTER}
+    ${OLT_TYPE}  ${ONU_TYPE}    ${OLT_HOST_IP}  ${ONU_COUNT}  Simtype Init  ${SIMTYPE}
     Set Suite Variable  ${OLT_TYPE}
     Set Suite Variable  ${ONU_TYPE}
     Set Suite Variable  ${OLT_HOST_IP}
     Set Suite Variable  ${ONU_COUNT}
     Stop Voltha
-    Start All Pods      ${ADAPTER}
+    Start All Pods      ${SIMTYPE}
     Sleep    60
     ${pod_status}       Run    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
     Log To Console      \n${pod_status}\n
@@ -162,10 +163,26 @@
     Discover Freeradius Ip Addr
     Prepare Current Freeradius Ip
     Alter Freeradius Ip In Onos AAA Application Configuration
+    Deactivate Aaa App In Onos
+    Sleep   5
+    Activate Aaa App In Onos
 Stop Voltha
     [Documentation]     Stop Voltha infrastructure. This includes clearing all installation milestones
     ...                 files and stopping all Kubernetes pods
     Collect Pod Logs
-    Stop All Pods       ${ADAPTER}
-    Reset Kube Adm      ${ADAPTER}
+    Stop All Pods       ${SIMTYPE}
+    Reset Kube Adm      ${SIMTYPE}
+Ponsim Authentication Steps
+    [Documentation]     List of steps required to run manual Authentication from RG
+    Execute Authentication On RG
+    Authentication Should Have Started
+    Authentication Should Have Completed
+    Authentication Should Have Disconnected
+    Authentication Should Have Terminated
+BBSim Authentication Verification Step
+    [Documentation]     List of steps to verify that all BBSim ONUs have successfully authenticated
+    Should Have All Onus Authenticated
\ No newline at end of file