experiments with converting yang to protobuf with limited types

Change-Id: Icae31cbd779ff6f1efb6b5259e749436a7ee9bbf
diff --git a/experiments/plugin/protobuf.py b/experiments/plugin/protobuf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..433ae30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/plugin/protobuf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""pyang plugin to convert a yang schema to a protobuf schema
+   - very basic support for leaf, leaf-list, containers, list
+from pyang import plugin, statements, error
+from pyang.util import unique_prefixes
+# Register the Protobuf plugin
+def pyang_plugin_init():
+    plugin.register_plugin(ProtobufPlugin())
+class Protobuf():
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.tree = {}
+        self.containers = []
+        self.ylist = []
+        self.messages = []
+        self.enums = []
+        self.headers = []
+        self.services = []
+        self.rpcs = []
+    def set_headers(self, module_name):
+        self.headers.append('syntax = "proto3";')
+        self.headers.append('package {};'.format(module_name))
+    def _print_container(self, container, out, level=0):
+        spaces = '    ' * level
+        out.append(''.join([spaces, 'message {} '.format(container.name)]))
+        out.append(''.join('{\n'))
+        for idx, l in enumerate(container.leafs):
+            leafspaces = ''.join([spaces, '    '])
+            out.append(''.join([leafspaces, '{}{} {} = {} ;\n'.format(
+                'repeated ' if l.leaf_list else '',
+                l.type,
+                l.name,
+                idx + 1)]))
+        for inner in container.containers:
+            self._print_container(inner, out, level + 1)
+        out.append(''.join([spaces, '}\n']))
+    def _print_list(self, ylist, out):
+        out.append('message {} '.format(ylist.name))
+        out.append('{\n')
+        for idx, l in enumerate(ylist.leafs):
+            leafspaces = '    '
+            out.append(''.join([leafspaces, '{}{} {} = {} ;\n'.format(
+                'repeated ' if l.leaf_list else '',
+                l.type,
+                l.name,
+                idx + 1)]))
+        out.append('}\n')
+    def print_proto(self):
+        out = []
+        for h in self.headers:
+            out.append('{}\n'.format(h))
+        out.append('\n')
+        for m in self.messages:
+            out.append('{}\n'.format(m))
+        out.append('\n')
+        for l in self.ylist:
+            self._print_list(l, out)
+        out.append('\n')
+        for c in self.containers:
+            self._print_container(c, out)
+        out.append('\n')
+        return out
+class YangContainer():
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.name = None
+        self.containers = []
+        self.enums = []
+        self.leafs = []
+class YangList():
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.name = None
+        self.leafs = []
+class YangLeaf():
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.name = None
+        self.type = None
+        self.leaf_list = False
+        self.description = None
+class ProtobufPlugin(plugin.PyangPlugin):
+    def add_output_format(self, fmts):
+        self.multiple_modules = True
+        fmts['protobuf'] = self
+    def setup_fmt(self, ctx):
+        ctx.implicit_errors = False
+    def emit(self, ctx, modules, fd):
+        """Main control function.
+        """
+        self.real_prefix = unique_prefixes(ctx)
+        for m in modules:
+            proto = Protobuf()
+            proto.set_headers(m.i_modulename)
+            self.process_children(m, proto, None)
+            out = proto.print_proto()
+            for i in out:
+                fd.write(i)
+    def process_children(self, node, parent, pmod):
+        """Process all children of `node`, except "rpc" and "notification".
+        """
+        for ch in node.i_children:
+            if ch.keyword in ["rpc", "notification"]: continue
+            if ch.keyword in ["choice", "case"]:
+                self.process_children(ch, parent, pmod)
+                continue
+            if ch.i_module.i_modulename == pmod:
+                nmod = pmod
+                nodename = ch.arg
+                print pmod, nodename
+            else:
+                nmod = ch.i_module.i_modulename
+                nodename = "%s:%s" % (nmod, ch.arg)
+            ndata = [ch.keyword]
+            if ch.keyword == "container":
+                print ch.keyword
+                c = YangContainer()
+                c.name = ch.arg
+                self.process_children(ch, c, nmod)
+                parent.containers.append(c)
+                # self.process_container(ch, p, nmod)
+            elif ch.keyword == "list":
+                l = YangList()
+                l.name = ch.arg
+                self.process_children(ch, l, nmod)
+                parent.ylist.append(l)
+            elif ch.keyword in ["leaf", "leaf-list"]:
+                self.process_leaf(ch, parent, ch.keyword == "leaf-list")
+    def process_leaf(self, node, parent, leaf_list=False):
+        # Leaf have specific sub statements
+        leaf = YangLeaf()
+        leaf.name = node.arg
+        leaf.type = self.get_protobuf_type(node.search_one("type"))
+        # leaf.type = self.base_type(node.search_one("type"))
+        leaf.description = node.search_one("description")
+        leaf.leaf_list = leaf_list
+        parent.leafs.append(leaf)
+    def get_protobuf_type(self, type):
+        protobuf_types_map = dict(
+            binary='Any',
+            bits='bytes',
+            boolean='bool',
+            decimal64='sint64',
+            empty='string',
+            int8='int32',
+            int16='int32',
+            int32='int32',
+            int64='int64',
+            string='string',
+            uint8='uint32',
+            uint16='uint32',
+            uint32='uint32',
+            uint64='uint64',
+            union='OneOf',
+            enumeration='enum'
+        )
+        type = self.base_type(type)
+        if protobuf_types_map[type]:
+            return protobuf_types_map[type]
+        else:
+            return type
+    def base_type(self, type):
+        """Return the base type of `type`."""
+        while 1:
+            if type.arg == "leafref":
+                node = type.i_type_spec.i_target_node
+            elif type.i_typedef is None:
+                break
+            else:
+                node = type.i_typedef
+            type = node.search_one("type")
+        if type.arg == "decimal64":
+            return [type.arg, int(type.search_one("fraction-digits").arg)]
+        elif type.arg == "union":
+            return [type.arg,
+                    [self.base_type(x) for x in type.i_type_spec.types]]
+        else:
+            return type.arg