VOL-237 Added information on configuring the location of the cord
directory as required by the installer creator.

Change-Id: I3c1b413919e23ff5cce3b6af1926d7c34cccc593
diff --git a/install/BuildingTheInstaller.md b/install/BuildingTheInstaller.md
index 25f92fd..f8779d3 100755
--- a/install/BuildingTheInstaller.md
+++ b/install/BuildingTheInstaller.md
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@
 cp ~/cord/incubator/voltha/install/ansible/ansible.cfg ~/.ansible.cfg
+Also please change the value of the `cord_home` variable in the `install/ansible/group_vars/all` to refer to the location of your cord directory. This is usually in your home directory but it can be anywhere so the installer can't guess at it.
 Also destroy any running voltha VM by first ensuring your config file `settings.vagrant.yaml` is set as specified above then peforming the following: