Flow decomposition and miscellenous improvements


The biggest addition is an initial flow decomposition
implementation that splits flows and flow groups
defined over the logical device into per physical
device flows, based on a very crude and heuristic
approach. We expect this part to be much improved
later on, both in term of genericness as well as

The flow decomposition is triggered by any flow
or group mods applied to a logical device, and it
consequently touches up the affected device tables.
This uses the POST_UPDATE (post-commit) mechanism
of core.

There is also an initial arhcitecture diagram added
under docs.

Additional improvements:

* Implemented metadata passing across the gRPC
  link, both in Voltha and in Chameleon. This paves
  the road to pass query args as metadata, and also
  to pass HTTP header fields back and forth across
  the gRPC API. This is alrady used to pass in depth
  for GET /api/v1/local, and it will be used to
  allow working with transactions and specific config
* Improved automatic reload and reconnect of chameleon
  after Voltha is restarted.
* Improved error handling in gRPC hanlers, especially
  for the "resource not found (404)", and bad argument
  (400) type errors. This makes gRPC Rendezvous errors
  a bit cleaner, and also allows Chameleon to map these
  errors into 404/400 codes.
* Better error logging in generic errors in gRPC handlers.
* Many new test-cases
* Initial skeleton and first many steps implemented for
  the automated testing for the cold PON activation
* Convenience functions for working with flows (exemplified
  by the test-cases)
* Fixed bug in config engine that dropped changes that
  were made in a POST_* callback, such as the ones used
  to propagae the logical flow tables into the device
  tables. The fix was to defer the callbacks till the
  initial changes are complete and then execute all
  callbacks in sequence.
* Adapter proxy with well defined API that can be
  used by the adapters to communicate back to Core.
* Extended simulated_olt and simulated_onu adapters to
  both demonstrate discovery-style and provisioned
  activation style use cases.
* Adapter-, device-, and logical device agents to provide
  the active business logic associated with these
* Fixed 64-bit value passing across the stack. There was
  an issue due to inconsistent use of two JSON<-->Proto
  librarier, one of which did not adhere to the Google
  specs which recommend passing 64-bit integer values as
* Annotation added for all gRPC methods.

All Voltha test-cases are passing.

Change-Id: Id949e8d1b76276741471bedf9901ac33bfad9ec6
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/interface.py b/voltha/adapters/interface.py
index 60eec7d..feec225 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/interface.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/interface.py
@@ -17,19 +17,7 @@
 Interface definition for Voltha Adapters
-import structlog
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
 from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.interface import implementer
-from voltha.protos import third_party
-from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Device, Port
-from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import ofp_port
-from voltha.protos.voltha_pb2 import DeviceGroup, LogicalDevice
-from voltha.registry import registry
-log = structlog.get_logger()
 class IAdapterInterface(Interface):
@@ -111,14 +99,22 @@
     # ...
-class IAdapterProxy(Interface):
+class IAdapterAgent(Interface):
     This object is passed in to the __init__ function of each adapter,
     and can be used by the adapter implementation to initiate async calls
     toward Voltha's CORE via the APIs defined here.
-    def create_device(device):
+    def get_device(selfdevice_id):
+        # TODO add doc
+        """"""
+    def add_device(device):
+        # TODO add doc
+        """"""
+    def update_device(device):
         # TODO add doc
@@ -134,122 +130,13 @@
         # TODO add doc
+    def child_device_detected(parent_device_id,
+                              child_device_type,
+                              child_device_address_kw):
+        # TODO add doc
+        """"""
     # TODO work in progress
-class AdapterProxy(object):
-    """
-    Gate-keeper between CORE and device adapters.
-    On one side it interacts with Core's internal model and update/dispatch
-    mechanisms.
-    On the other side, it interacts with the adapters standard interface as
-    defined in
-    """
-    def __init__(self, adapter_name, adapter_cls):
-        self.adapter_name = adapter_name
-        self.adapter_cls = adapter_cls
-        self.core = registry('core')
-        self.adapter = None
-        self.adapter_node_proxy = None
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def start(self):
-        log.debug('starting')
-        config = self._get_adapter_config()  # this may be None
-        adapter = self.adapter_cls(self, config)
-        yield adapter.start()
-        self.adapter = adapter
-        self.adapter_node_proxy = self._update_adapter_node()
-        self._update_device_types()
-        log.info('started')
-        returnValue(self)
-    @inlineCallbacks
-    def stop(self):
-        log.debug('stopping')
-        if self.adapter is not None:
-            yield self.adapter.stop()
-            self.adapter = None
-        log.info('stopped')
-    def _get_adapter_config(self):
-        """
-        Opportunistically load persisted adapter configuration.
-        Return None if no configuration exists yet.
-        """
-        proxy = self.core.get_proxy('/')
-        try:
-            config = proxy.get('/adapters/' + self.adapter_name)
-            return config
-        except KeyError:
-            return None
-    def _update_adapter_node(self):
-        """
-        Creates or updates the adapter node object based on self
-        description from the adapter.
-        """
-        adapter_desc = self.adapter.adapter_descriptor()
-        assert adapter_desc.id == self.adapter_name
-        path = self._make_up_to_date(
-            '/adapters', self.adapter_name, adapter_desc)
-        return self.core.get_proxy(path)
-    def _update_device_types(self):
-        """
-        Make sure device types are registered in Core
-        """
-        device_types = self.adapter.device_types()
-        for device_type in device_types.items:
-            key = device_type.id
-            self._make_up_to_date('/device_types', key, device_type)
-    def _make_up_to_date(self, container_path, key, data):
-        full_path = container_path + '/' + str(key)
-        root_proxy = self.core.get_proxy('/')
-        try:
-            root_proxy.get(full_path)
-            root_proxy.update(full_path, data)
-        except KeyError:
-            root_proxy.add(container_path, data)
-        return full_path
-    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adapter-Facing Service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    def create_device(self, device):
-        assert isinstance(device, Device)
-        self._make_up_to_date('/devices', device.id, device)
-        # TODO for now, just map everything into a single device group
-        # which we create if it does not yet exist
-        dg = DeviceGroup(id='1')
-        self._make_up_to_date('/device_groups', dg.id, dg)
-        # add device to device group
-        # TODO how to do that?
-    def create_logical_device(self, logical_device):
-        assert isinstance(logical_device, LogicalDevice)
-        self._make_up_to_date('/logical_devices',
-                              logical_device.id, logical_device)
-        # TODO link logical device to root device and back...
-    def add_port(self, device_id, port):
-        assert isinstance(port, Port)
-        self._make_up_to_date('/devices/{}/ports'.format(device_id),
-                              port.id, port)
-    def add_logical_port(self, logical_device_id, port):
-        assert isinstance(port, ofp_port)
-        self._make_up_to_date(
-            '/logical_devices/{}/ports'.format(logical_device_id),
-            port.port_no, port)